Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 859: Arrangements for the Little Cards

Chapter 859: Arrangements for the Little Cards

Seeing the red-haired Elaine seemed to be obsessed with iced cola, Angel also narrowed his eyes, took a sip of the carbonated drink in his hand, and burped with satisfaction.

Of course, for a young woman, this behavior was not decent, but fortunately everyone in the room was familiar to her, so she simply let herself go.

After briefly enjoying one of the world's first non-alcoholic, non-fermented carbonated beverages, Angel introduced his two "Little Arcana" to each other.

Although Elaine currently only has one "Redhead" and her crew is less than a hundred people, after Angel issued the order, she has ordered three armed cargo ships with similar load capacity as quickly as possible. One of them is even equipped with a steam engine, making it a wind- and steam-powered ship, so that it can take the shortest route to various locations in the sea in the windless area and reduce freight time.

Because of the relationship with Duchess Georgina, the three ships do not need to wait to be unloaded from the slipway, but can be purchased directly ready-made. It is estimated that by October, "Red-haired Elaine" will have a fleet of four ships.

As for herself, if the subsequent plans go smoothly, she should have become a Sequence 5 "Reaper" by then. Although the subordinates of the Pirate King are generally not called Pirate Generals, Angel feels that even without a title, Elaine must be as powerful as other generals.

On the other hand, Sherman, who was responsible for developing power in the East District of Backlund, was successfully promoted to the "Joy" witch last week. This was the last sequence that did not require a promotion ceremony. As long as the previous sequence was digested, the chance of failure in promotion was not high.

Originally, Triss planned to take Sherman's relationship with Viscount Stratford to a new level after she became "Joy" in order to extract the secrets from the captain of the palace guards.

But when Angel learned that the "White Saint" Katarina was hiding behind the seemingly harmless Viscount, she decisively decided to abandon this plan. Otherwise, not only would Sherman's life be in danger, but Triss, who was in charge of this matter, would also fall into the hands of the "immortal" witch.

Although Katarina's attitude was ambiguous and she might not necessarily send Triss, who had defected after the big smog, back to the "Witch Sect", Angel did not dare to take the risk.

Therefore, Sherman was already systematically distancing himself from Viscount Stratford, who had begun to become obsessed with her, and in another week or two, he would be able to "disappear".

"Anyway, you didn't lose anything in this 'mission'. At most, you just lost time. Viscount Stratford might be suspicious and think that a target that was about to be 'attained' suddenly disappeared. Could it be that something unexpected happened..."

Angel said as he looked at Sherman, who had her hands in front of her and whose body was hidden under the cloak after the potion had transformed it to become more attractive to the opposite sex and even the same sex.

"Of course, his investigation will not go too deep. After all, he is under surveillance, and he is afraid that your disappearance is a trap to lure him away from the safe place... As for the military, the royal family, and the 'Witch Cult' behind him, since the cooperation is coming to an end, there will be no complications."

Sherman nodded silently to show that he understood.

She could understand Angel and Triss's arrangement. Since she was still a male and a Sequence 9 "Assassin", there had been many "assassinations" that she had carefully planned and worked on for a long time, but had to give up at the last minute for various reasons. She could just treat this mission as one that was terminated due to an accident.

But the sudden end of something that she had been planning for two months still left her feeling a little at a loss.

After that, Sherman was left with only the East District factory and the training of some extraordinary subordinates, which made him feel a bit uncomfortable, like a busy worker suddenly becoming idle.

As if noticing her change in mood, the "Golden Queen" who was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed and her body hidden in the shadows chuckled and said:

"As for the future arrangements, we have discussed and decided that you will continue to be responsible for developing the subordinate forces of the 'Queen of Pentacles' in the East District. In addition, you will look for clues about the 'Aurora Society' returning to Backlund, such as the underground gatherings they are accustomed to holding, or mysterious figures codenamed 'Mr. So-and-so' or 'Ms. So-and-so'... Also, pay attention to whether there are large-scale cases of missing persons or kidnappings. Report this information to me once a week.

"But don't act on your own. If you find any clues, notify me immediately. The Aurora Society has suffered many setbacks in Backlund. They will definitely be protected by saints when they return this time. They are not something you can handle.

"Finally, regarding your potion digestion problem..."

Having said that, Angel paused for a moment, and as expected, he noticed a slight change in Sherman's expression.

Hum, Triss must have told her the method of digesting "joy", and it was based on her own experience...

After two months of close contact with Viscount Stratford, even if it was just a casual affair, she should have developed some feelings for him. Now that they have lost contact, it will be a problem for her to act "happy" in the future... Well, many witches in Trier should experience pleasure from the same sex and digest potions. Tracy did the same, and maybe Sherman did the same...

Thinking of this, Angel sat up a little straighter and said:
"If you have difficulty with your role, you can also consider another method, such as female and female..."

As soon as she said this, she noticed that Elaine, who was sitting next to her, had a change in expression and her eyes involuntarily glanced to the side.

Oh, I almost forgot, Elaine is a victim of this kind of role-playing...

Angel chuckled secretly, and regardless of the embarrassment of his other Minor Arcana card, he told Sherman some key points of the role play.

As for which one she will adopt, whether to follow the ideas of her body's original gender or follow the witches' established path, it depends on her own choice.

After finishing this, Angel looked at Elaine, who was in a daze holding an empty glass bottle of Coke in her hand, and snorted to wake her up. Then he said:

"As for you, first of all, the Redhead will continue to trade goods between Bayam and Backlund, transporting the fruits and sugarcane needed by this factory and transporting the purchased industrial products back there... In addition, there should be a smuggling transaction next month. It will still be arms, but the destination is the southern continent."

Elaine listened to her instructions, nodded continuously, and felt relieved. Compared with Sherman, her task was undoubtedly much easier.

But Angel's next words made her expression stiffen:

"Finally, your most important task in the near future is to find 'Lieutenant General of Disease' Tracy and find a way to lure her out."

Angel mentioned this matter in the letter he sent to the other party, and emphasized it again at this time. The purpose was naturally not to get rid of the pirate general who slipped away from her hands, but to lure out the "White Saint" Katarina behind her.

This "ageless" witch is likely still in Backlund, but her whereabouts remain a mystery. She is also tasked with protecting Viscount Stratford, making it difficult for Angel to take action.

Of course, judging from the last time she and Klein sneaked into the Black Death to attack Tracy, Katarina must have some sense of her daughter... no, son's situation, and can arrive as soon as possible to lend a helping hand when the other party is in danger.

This is what Angel needed.

"Ms. Angelica, I have thought carefully about arresting Tracy. It is very difficult given her current level of vigilance," Elaine thought for a moment and replied, "She knows you are behind me, and she can guess that you will not do anything to me... She will definitely not show up on her own initiative and come here to die."

"That's your problem. I just want the result. You can think about how to arrange it. Starting from the result 'Tracy will take the initiative to find you', consider how to eliminate my influence."

Angel said calmly, leaning back and lying back on the soft sofa, like an unscrupulous boss who exploits his subordinates.

Of course, she was not being lazy on purpose, but was worried that her excessive involvement would interfere with Elaine's subsequent promotion ceremony.

This "conspiracy" must be planned by her herself.

"If she comes to me, I need to confirm that you, the Golden Queen and her Queen Anne's Revenge, have no time to take care of my affairs..."

"When you go to the southern continent, Annie and I will go to the Sonia Sea to look for the legendary 'Ghost Empire'."

Angel reminded.

This was certainly not a set arrangement, but Angel could make it "seem real."

"In that case, I have a solution."

Elaine nodded, her body relaxed a little, and her brain worked rapidly, bringing out the characteristics of a "conspirator" to the extreme.


At night, Angel entered the "mirror world" again, quickly left Backlund, which was filled with gray mirror passages, and flew southwest through the endless deep space.

Her destination was the deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge. Although there was no mirror to establish a connection there in advance, and it was almost impossible to locate it in the vast ocean, she had a contract with Anne the "Balancer" and could feel a faint attraction. Even in the mirror world, the power of "order" was like a bright light in the dark night, guiding her direction.

But during this "long journey", Angel still found some differences from the previous ones.

First of all, her ability to control the mirror world is constantly improving. When she was still the Witch of Despair, she could only go to a fixed place such as Bayam, and then look for a ghost ship docked nearby, or go directly to the mirror that has established a connection with her through a special mirror channel, such as the magic mirror placed on the "Red-haired Girl".

Otherwise, she would most likely get lost while searching for the ship at sea.

But after being promoted to "Immortal", everything in the mirror world seemed to become clearer in her eyes, as if a layer of gauze had been lifted. Even the mirror surface that was extremely far away was flickering in her sight. The gray lines extended to the end of her sight. Angel could vaguely feel their destination and did not need to try one by one or use divination to confirm it.

Angel thought of the "person in the mirror" in "City of Disaster" and wondered if these changes were related to her.

Could it be that as my potion digests, her strength is increasing, and eventually, the two of us will become one... Could this be the process of replacing one's body that those "mirror people" in Trier talked about?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Fortunately, I am still in the real world, and she can only hide in the mirror. This is not an imminent problem... Triss's warning today about "Be careful of the man in the mirror" was actually intelligence and information given to her by the "Original Witch", and she directly understood it in the opposite direction, which means that Triss doesn't trust the "Original" very much, and is just borrowing that power...

Thoughts kept emerging in his mind, and with the help of the power of the contract, Angel quickly found the ghost ship docked beside an island in the foggy sea.

To her surprise, there was not only one ship, the Queen Anne's Revenge. There was another ship with three gun decks, black and white colors dotted with luxurious gold, and in the classical Intis style that was almost attached to it.

That is the "Dawn" of the "Mysterious Queen" Bernadette!
(End of this chapter)

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