Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 860 Dawn

Chapter 860 Dawn

After looking around, Angel carefully passed through the full-length mirror that was like a decorative mirror on the deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge, left the mirror world and returned to reality.

It's not that she doesn't trust the "mysterious queen" with whom she has worked many times, but when Anne invited her through a letter, she did not mention that Bernadette and her "Dawn" would be present, which inevitably made people feel confused.

Fortunately, the divination results indicated that there was no danger, and she did not find any other ambushes around, so she stepped onto the wooden deck that was painted pure black and looked dull under the fiery clouds shrouded by the setting sun due to the time difference.

It was deserted as usual, with many cannons placed cluttered on both sides of the ship, some even facing inward, aiming at the mast.

Of course, once they are needed, Annie, the owner of the ghost ship, will immediately maneuver all the artillery to the outside and launch an artillery attack containing the power of order that can tear apart all defenses.

But what about Annie?

Glancing around, Angel didn't spot the dark-haired girl who came to the deck to greet her every time she arrived.


She called out softly. On this ghost ship, any movement could not escape the other party's surveillance, so there was no need to call out loudly and attract the attention of the other ship nearby.

But after waiting for a while, Angel still did not find any trace of Anne. Instead, from the "Dawn" not far away, which was decorated with many gold foils and reminded Angel of the outer wall of the Eternal Sun Church, several eyes looked over here.

This... I am not disguised today, and I will soon be recognized as the "Golden Queen". If I continue to stand here, I will become a joke among pirates... Angel muttered, and was about to hide in the cabin, but he found a strange-looking creature flying from the Dawn, quickly crossing the not-so-wide gap and landing on the black deck.

Its upper body is that of a fairly muscular adult man, wrapped in a single garment made of white cloth, while its lower body has turned into a whirlwind that holds up its body. Overall, it is slightly taller than a human, but looks light and fluttery.

This reminded Angel of some mythical creature from a fairy tale, but of course, not a fairy tale from this world.

This should be some kind of spiritual creature that can be summoned through a contract and can change its appearance at the will of the user... Could it be that Emperor Roselle taught his daughter this? Her mixed style that is different from this world may also come from that time traveler... Angel thought about it until the half man lifted by the whirlwind bowed respectfully and said in a voice with airflow:
"The Queen of Mystery asks you to go to the captain's room of the Dawn. Miss Anne is also there."

No wonder the two ships were so close. It turned out that Annie was on the Dawn, and she couldn't be too far away from her original body... Angel nodded:

"Lead the way."

At the same time, the "Rose Necklace" that she had hung around her neck in the mirror world emitted a deep blue light, and the power of the "Sea Singer"'s soul mastery condensed into a whirlwind, lifting her up, and flew a distance with the contracted creature that took off again, and landed on the luxurious deck of the "Dawn".

The teak deck is carved with light patterns, which gives it a three-dimensional effect under the sun, combining beauty with anti-slip function. The sides of the ship and the main mast at human height are wrapped in golden skin, supplemented by textures composed of various mysterious symbols, making the entire deck both luxurious in a secular sense and intimidating in a mystical sense.

This is not counting the large-caliber artillery scattered all over the three decks. Although Angel did not see many sailors left behind, she had seen the unmanned "Dawn" rushing towards the "Divine Evil" Sua, and knew that this ship should have similar capabilities to the "Future", which can be independently controlled by the captain at critical moments, and the required crew can be maintained at an extremely low level so as not to affect her captain's performance in battle.

Perhaps, the design and construction of the "Future" was guided by the "Mysterious Queen", the eldest daughter of Emperor Roselle, who is knowledgeable and has the knowledge of a time traveler?

Assessing the ship's combat capability in his mind, Angel followed the contracted creature floating in front of him and led the way, walked past the main mast wrapped in gold foil, walked up the stairs along a soft red carpet, and headed towards the captain's room at the rear of the deck.

Along the way, several gazes, some hidden and some direct, came from different positions, only staying for a moment on the "Golden Queen" invited by the captain, and then politely looked away.

There aren’t many of them, but they are all extraordinary ones, and they are all the best in the middle sequence. Fortunately, there is no real demigod, otherwise the “Mysterious Queen” would have surpassed the “King of the Five Seas” to become the true Pirate King…

The strange creature with a human upper body and a whirlwind lower body brought Angel to a heavy wooden door. It turned into invisible wind and passed through the gap. After a moment, the door was pushed open from the inside, and the sound of the wind brought a low, respectful voice into her ears:

"Please come in."

This is too much of a ritual. Not to mention that almost everything on the Redhead Lady is “self-service”, even Anne doesn’t have this kind of aristocratic experience… It is worthy of being the oldest king of the sea. I heard that only Nast’s Black Emperor has a similar pomp…

Angel felt a little sour inside, but he quickly calmed down and walked into the captain's room, and the door slowly closed behind him.

The room was very spacious, and seemed to be formed by some force that was inconsistent with its appearance. The interior was divided into areas with different functions by bookshelves and partitions. The largest part was occupied by a long table and several high-backed chairs. Various oil paintings were hung on the walls. Portrait sculptures and classical vases were placed in the corners and next to the wooden pillars. There was even a fully armored figure standing with a sword in his hand, which restored the aristocratic style of Intis a hundred years ago as much as possible within the limited space.

Of course, Angel, who already had a certain ability to distinguish, realized that these decorations were not from famous artists and were not expensive, so this could not be called luxury, but just a lifestyle habit.

A habit of Russell Gustave when he was still alive.

She returned her gaze to the reception area reserved for tables and chairs, looking at the two figures who were already sitting there.

One of them was Anne Gustave, the main body of the Queen Anne's Revenge. She was still wearing the plain long dress that seemed to have merged with her, revealing her bare feet. Due to her height, she could only let her toes lightly touch the floor while sitting on a high-backed chair. Her fair skin formed a sharp contrast with the brown floor. The other person, Angel, was also very familiar. She took off her hat indoors, revealing her chestnut hair that reached her waist. She wore a lace cuffed shirt that showed off her figure, and beige trousers and soft-soled shoes for indoor use.

They both looked at Angel who was looking around just now.

What's wrong? I just want to take a look at the captain's room of the former royal family member, and plan to decorate a similar one for myself in the future... Angel muttered, his expression unchanged, and he found an empty seat at the long table and sat down, as if he was back home.

After all, everyone present was an acquaintance, so there was no need for excessive courtesy. However, Angel's promotion to "Immortal" was her greatest confidence in being on an equal footing with the "Mysterious Queen".

"You've been promoted again?"

Anne's gaze lingered on Angel for a moment, and she suddenly spoke.

"Yes, I am already the 'ageless' witch."

Angel knew that this matter could not be hidden from the arbitrator who could see the "position" of the Beyonder, so he answered honestly.

"I'm curious, how did you solve the problem of the promotion ceremony? From what I know, it will take a long time, at least not a few years."

Bernadette asked in an exploratory tone, with curiosity in her blue eyes, like a scholar seeking knowledge.

If it weren't for her age, she would look just like the mother of the Hermit Lady Cattleya. They looked like this when they talked about knowledge they were interested in... Angel smiled and replied:
"With the help of the mysterious power within me, I was able to bypass the ritual using a trick."

"Is it this power?"

Anne took over the conversation and turned her palms up, with two curled up "Time Worms" and a "Disaster" spell placed on top of them on her palms.

Without waiting for Angel to nod, she continued as if to confirm:
"If three of these missiles are used together, they should be able to kill me completely. Even if there is only one, it can severely damage the hull and prevent me from leaving the spirit world for a while."

This...she admitted it? Doesn't that mean that three of the talismans I strengthened with the power of "City of Disaster" at Sequence 4 can kill a fully-powered angel?

The most terrifying thing is that this power is based on the "Time Worm", engraved on the talisman, and can be used by others.

Fortunately, the Time Worm is very rare, otherwise I would be scared of this power, and it might even lead to active attacks from some angels... Angel took a deep breath and nodded.

"It is this power, but I still don't understand what it is. Am I controlling it, or is it controlling me..."

Apart from knowing about the "City of Disaster" and the "Source", the confusion Angel expressed was completely real.

"There are many gifts whose purpose is difficult to discern at first, but in the end, the provider hidden behind the scenes will always appear and ask for compensation..." Bernadette commented with a sigh, "But the fact that you are protected by the 'Night' at least shows that this power is not contaminated by the underground or the starry sky, and avoids the worst situation."

Underground or starry sky...Arrodes said that the "Chaos Sea", one of the "source substances", was considered the source of underground pollution. What about the starry sky? Which "source substance" did it correspond to?
After thinking for a moment, Angel chuckled and responded:
"At least it's helping me for now."

Anne nodded and did not dwell on this question any more. She picked out two "Time Worms", handed them to Angel, and asked her to make them into two other talismans.

I always feel that she asked for it for Bernadette. Does a ghost ship need this kind of spell? She should no longer have the intention to commit suicide... Angel muttered and agreed without hesitation. This was what she took the initiative to ask when she was repaying Anne.

Then, she looked at Bernadette and asked:

"This matter can be communicated in a letter, so it shouldn't be the main reason for inviting me here, right?"

From their attitudes and expressions, she could tell that the "Mysterious Queen" was the dominant party in this meeting, and Annie was just cooperating with Emperor Roselle's eldest daughter.

"Yes, now is the main point of today." Bernadette, who was wearing a white shirt instead of a coat as usual, looked a little thin. She put her hands on the table, leaned forward, and said seriously, "Anne and I have been traveling around the world recently, looking for his mausoleum."

Mausoleum... Angel sat up straight, and immediately recalled the knowledge that Mr. Fool had taught everyone, as well as the nine mausoleums required for the Black Emperor's deification ceremony.

And Roselle was assassinated during the process of being promoted to the "Black Emperor"!
As if not noticing Angel's actions, Bernadette continued:
"Annie has personally confirmed that one of the mausoleums is a fake."

(End of this chapter)

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