Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 864 Chapter Should

Chapter 864 Response
Normally, the response range of a Sequence 3 Honorable Name would not exceed the size of Backlund and the surrounding area. To use the area of ​​the sea as an example, it would be the area of ​​Blue Mountain Island where Bayam was. If it was farther away, the target of the Honorable Name would not be able to hear and respond.

But for witches who can freely enter and exit the "mirror world", there is an exception: when chanting the honorable name, building an altar, constructing a ritual, and using a mirror that has a mystical connection with the witch as the center of the ritual, the response range of the honorable name can be expanded to almost the entire world.

This is a trick that takes advantage of the fact that the speed of information and power transmission in the "mirror world" is much faster than that in the real world. Naturally, if Angel wants to respond, he has to enter another world.

But not many people knew her honorable name, only a few people like Klein, Elaine, Sherman, and even Triss didn't know it. These people all had the means to communicate through messengers, and would not use the honorable name that might not be conveyed to her in an emergency.

Therefore, Angel guessed that the person chanting the honorific name was most likely testing the effect of the "granting" ritual, such as making a talisman with a higher level of power.

That can only be Sherman... I'll go to the mirror world and respond to her later.

While thinking, Angel followed up Bernadette's question about the "honorable name" and asked:

"If we want to prepare for the Sequence 2 'Anchor', how many people do we need to chant my name and spread my name?"

"There is no exact number. It depends on the situation when each Angel is promoted," Bernadette replied, glancing at Anne beside her. "For example, Sister Anne's body is a ship. As long as her self-awareness remains clear, she does not need additional anchors. But according to the data we have investigated, for Beyonders like you and me who have been promoted normally, in order to stabilize our own state at Sequence 2 and avoid being affected by the spirit left in the Beyonder characteristics, at least thousands of anchors are needed."

So many... Angel frowned slightly.

If there are about a hundred people, she can also let Elaine and Sherman guide their subordinates to spread the word to a certain extent. Especially for the sailors and pirates living on the sea, there are many people who believe in any kind of spirit. It is not difficult to let them recite the name of the "Golden Queen" in their spare time.

But Bernadette's answer was beyond her expectations.

“Of course, if the number of ‘Anchors’ is not enough, there are other ways.” Seeing her expression change, Bernadette added, “There are many lesser-known angels in the Orthodox Church, and no one knows about the Sequence 2 Beyonders of certain secret sects. But this does not prevent them from using the power of the gods to fight against the deeper madness of Beyonder characteristics.”

"The power of the gods?" Angel repeated subconsciously, and then understood what the other party meant. "Add a paragraph referring to the gods in the honorific name?"

"Yes, such as Night and The Fool... Normally, the Orthodox Church would assign different patron angels and saints to different churches, allowing them to share the believers that originally belonged to the gods. But even if they don't do that, as long as the gods allow, adding relevant descriptions to your honorific name can also serve as a partial 'anchor'... Of course, this has hidden dangers, but for most angels, this sequence is already the end, so there is no need to think too much about it."

Bernadette replied in a tone that showed little respect for gods and angels.

This is similar to the process of digesting potions, acting, and using high-status individuals to replace a large number of ordinary people during the ritual... But compared to the Orthodox Church, which has a complete set of methods, how do the angels in those secret organizations, or angels like Pales Zoroast who have disappeared for a thousand years, maintain their good condition... Angel pondered, and began to consider whether to choose "Eve Goddess" or "The Fool" after he was promoted to Sequence 2.

Fortunately, this problem was too far away, and she still had enough time to think about it and evaluate it.

After a few more pleasantries, Anne used a drop of her own blood to replenish the power of the mark on Angel's palm, and the small gathering of three women with very different ages ended in the gradually darkening sky.

Angel went straight into the "mirror world", and the soft voice that had been echoing in her ears immediately became clear. At the same time, in the boundless virtual world beside her, a gray passage pointing to the distance flickered slightly, which was clearly different from the other "mirror passages" around her.

She could feel that the end of the passage was the special "magic mirror" left for Sherman. It was a mirror that Angel had located and had a certain mystical connection with her. Therefore, it could transmit the honorable name to her ears across thousands of kilometers, rather than being limited to a limited area.

According to Angel's previous experiments, as long as she touched this "channel", she could establish a connection with the prayers in the distance and make some simple responses, such as showing her extraordinary abilities near the mirror, or "granting" some power to help the other party make talismans, complete divination, or even create limited "disasters."

But at this time, the end of the "passageway" closer to her did not stay beside her, but turned a sharp angle, pointing directly below the "mirror world", merging into a road with alternating red and black colors, and disappearing into the deep and hazy distance.

That is the mirror passage leading to the "City of Disaster"!

Sherman was chanting the name of the "Golden Queen" Angelica Sage, how could it point to other places? And it was extremely dangerous, even Angel didn't fully understand the "source of power"?
We must quickly cut off this connection, otherwise Sherman will likely be affected by this power, which is equivalent to being contaminated by the evil god, and there is no way to save her...

Without giving it time to think, Angel immediately flew down along the passage that gradually changed from gray to red and black, and soon entered the hazy fog. Amid a roar that was close to madness and a constantly flickering light, she passed through the edge of the "mirror world" and appeared above a city surrounded by volcanoes, lava and broken earth.

Here, the boundary between the "mirror world" and the "real world" almost disappears, presenting a state of mutual fusion. Angel can see the doomsday-like scene around him, and can also see passages belonging to the mirror world passing by him. They come from all over the city, but all point to the sky.

The passage activated by Sherman's prayer through the magic mirror connected the sky and the ground under Angel's feet. She quickly lowered her altitude, and soon her feet stepped on the ground and saw the real destination of the passage.

It was connected to a small dressing mirror in the hands of another Angel Granger. "Since you didn't respond, I took it upon myself to accept her prayers."

The "man in the mirror" Angel was not surprised by the arrival of the real body. He just showed a faint smile on the face that Angel was very familiar with, and turned the mirror in his hand towards this side.

In the mirror, Sherman's figure bowing his head in prayer was vaguely visible, and the candle next to him had burned shorter, proving that the person who was praying and repeating the name of the Lord had indeed been waiting for some time.

"But that is a prayer directed to me. How could it be delivered here and be accepted and responded to by you?"

Angel frowned and asked.

When she was promoted to "Immortal", she had basically determined the attitude of her "person in the mirror" and knew that the other party had no desire to replace her and go to the real world for the time being, but this did not mean that the "person in the mirror" posed no threat to her.

Now this practice of accepting prayers beyond oneself is a major hidden danger.

"Because I am also the queen feared by pirates, the nightmare of thousands of ships, the 'Golden Queen' Angelica Thatch," the "Mirror Person" said with a light tone, her mouth curled up and her head tilted slightly, revealing the demeanor of a young girl. "We are the same person, and of course we share all the power. Prayers to the Honorable Name are directed to you who are closer by default, but I can respond at any time, unless you use the Honorable Name to point to the real body more specifically and strip away the attributes of the 'Mirror World'."

As he spoke, "The Man in the Mirror" Angel reached out and unbuttoned the button near his collarbone, pulled open his underwear, revealing his fair chest and the bloody mark on his skin.

It was the exact same "Hunter" mark as the one on Angel.

If I broke a leg in battle, would she become like that... Angel complained in his heart and nodded to accept the other party's explanation.

At the same time, she also thought of using this feature to respond to prayers without having to enter the mirror world herself.

Just let the "person in the mirror" respond for you!
As if he had guessed Angel's thoughts, "The Man in the Mirror" Angel stroked Sherman's figure in the dressing mirror and said:

"As your followers increase in number and their prayers for you become more frequent, I can answer most of your prayers here. Whatever you can do, I can do as well."

Her fingertips flickered with a dim light, and she touched the talisman in front of Sherman through the mirror. The talisman was engraved with symbols and patterns but had not yet exerted any power. In an instant, the light moved to the other end of the mirror, dyeing the thin iron sheet a dark red with an evil connotation.

Angel could sense that it was the power of "disease". With the help of this spell, Sherman could use the power of the "Pain" witch once to make any target within a hundred meters around him fall into the influence of fatal disease.

"Can it only transfer the power of 'Sequence 5'?"

She thought about it and asked.

"Normally, one can only transfer power two levels lower than one's own through 'Bestowal'."

The "man in the mirror" made a slight correction, looked at Sherman on the other side of the mirror and raised his head with surprise, picked up the finished talisman, recited Angel's name devoutly to express his gratitude, and showed the same smile as Angel on his face.

To the "man in the mirror", these are also his subordinates and his believers.

After a moment, Angel realized the key point in the other party's words:

"Yes, but here, we can use the high status of the 'City of Disaster' to make a stronger response. This is also the source of power for you to make those 'Disaster', 'Betrayal' and 'Petrification' spells before..."

The Man in the Mirror said slowly, his eyes sweeping across the abandoned streets beside him.

"Using the status of 'source essence', we can use our prayers to leverage a power higher than our own sequence. At the moment when you are Sequence 3, it means 'disaster'."

(End of this chapter)

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