Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 865: Past "Gifts"

Chapter 865: Past "Gifts"

After a more detailed explanation from the "Man in the Mirror", Angel finally understood the relationship between "praying to oneself" and "granting strength".

Simply put, ever since Bansi learned how to draw the first spell and gained power by praying to herself to make the "Disaster" spell, her source of power has always been the gift of the "City of Disaster". The power bestowed by this "source" is slightly different depending on the drawing method, but they are all manifestations of the higher-level power of "witch" and "hunter".

During the production process, she felt that her spirituality was quickly depleted simply because of the consumption of communicating with the "source".

"So, I thought I was praying to 'myself' for strength, but I was actually praying to you in the mirror?"

Angel suddenly realized what was going on and looked at the "person in the mirror" with half surprise and half caution.

The latter still maintained that girlish smile, quickly dispelling Angel's hostility, and replied in the same voice as hers:
"Yes, I said before that when you were promoted to 'Witch', a corresponding mirror person should have appeared in the mirror world, but because of my existence, she was strangled in the initial stage...

"Since then, I have existed in the special mirror world of the City of Disaster, waiting for you to advance to Sequence 3 and meet you in person. Before that, I can also leverage a bit of power here to provide you with some help. For example, I can respond to your prayers to myself and allow the spell to carry a higher-level power. Or, when you die, I can use the Mirror Man to replace your fate and allow you to be immortal."

No wonder I was able to "resurrect" after dying at Sequence 7, and left a piece of mirror fragment in the coffin. I died again in the heavy fog at Sequence 6, and entered the "City of Disaster" and saw the "Witch" and "Red Priest" cards. It turned out that she used the ability of "Man in the Mirror" to cause this...

Angel was thinking, and suddenly remembered the "Angel Granger" he saw on the street when he first entered here. His face was covered with black lines and he seemed to be out of control. He immediately asked back:
"I lost control and died last December because of the heavy smog and the forced promotion of 'pain'. I met another Angel here... Is that you?"

Although she didn't want to associate the "Angel" with red eyes like a beast with the "Man in the Mirror" in front of her whose smile could melt the ice, but what if...

"Of course not. That was just the 'person in the mirror' who replaced your fate. She was created by the power of a higher level. After bearing your fate, she returned here and had a brief encounter with you who was about to return to the real world... Originally, you should have slept for a longer time and appeared after everyone believed you were dead. That way, you could have performed a certain degree of 'pre-acting'. However, in order to let you read the 'blasphemous card' and learn the subsequent potion formula, I accelerated the process."

The man in the mirror raised his eyebrows and answered softly. Seeing Angel's expression change, he added:

"She doesn't have true sanity. She is essentially the same as your 'mirror double'. You don't have to worry about her thoughts or attitude."

No wonder the two "deaths" had different processes. It seemed that in the "True Creator" descent in Tingen, it was my mirror figure who was carried into the tomb in a coffin, and I was taken out of the coffin by Ms. Arianna after waking up and returned to the Quiet Church in Wintershire. The time of the great haze was because I consumed too much spiritual energy by reading the "blasphemous card" and woke up early, so I was not buried again... Well, if I had woken up a few days later, maybe Klein would have taken me to Disi Bay...

Thinking of the time when he woke up and pretended to be asleep and heard Klein's confession, Angel couldn't help but smile faintly.

But in a flash, she thought of another question:
"During the great smog, in order to prevent the spread of the disease-laden smog, I chose to take the Beyonder characteristic of 'Pain' and was promoted to Sequence 5 without the help of rituals or auxiliary materials... But why, after death and resurrection, did I turn back into a Sequence 6 'Pleasure' witch and expel the Beyonder characteristic that had never been contaminated?"

This "death" reminded Angel of the situation of Cole Granger at the moment when she "traveled through time". The latter also died due to loss of control, expelling the extraordinary characteristics of the "witch", and returned to Sequence 9, which gave Angel the opportunity to be promoted again.

The only difference is that the "witch" characteristic has been contaminated.

"In the supernatural world, there are some methods that can help people eliminate extraordinary characteristics and lower their own sequence, such as giving birth to offspring with extra characteristics, or using the purification ability of the 'No Darkness' to gradually eliminate extraordinary characteristics from high to low... But your situation does not belong to this, because you did not really become a 'Pain' witch at that time."

"The man in the mirror," Angel replied in a light, almost teasing tone.

But these words sounded like thunder in Angel's ears, almost stopping her thoughts. After a moment, she took a deep breath and asked back:
“You mean, I only ‘accommodated’ the characteristics of Sequence 5 and gained the corresponding abilities, but I didn’t actually advance to the level of a ‘painful’ witch?”

"Yes, you are still wearing the sapphire ring from Trischik. It is a magical item made by the 'Original Witch' before she fell into a deep sleep at the end of the Fourth Epoch. There are five of them in total, and they can make the wearer qualified to become a 'Vessel of God'...

"Of course, you were not chosen by the Original as a sacrifice, and the goddess's blessing also prevented him from discovering your existence, but the sapphire ring can still enhance your ability after accommodating the 'pain' attribute, allowing you to eliminate the deadly disease that spread to half of the city, saving countless lives."

No wonder I still had the energy to "promote" when I was on the verge of losing control. It turned out that was just an illusion. I just temporarily gained the ability of "disease" and replaced the pathogens in the smog through the amplification of the sapphire ring... And that mysterious woman is indeed the goddess who descended into the body of "Mother of Heaven", but if it is Her, why didn't she solve the smog directly like the "secret" Desperate Lady Panatia, but waited for me to contain the Beyonder characteristics and solve the problem with a method with a low success rate? Thinking of this, the doubts that had existed in Angel's mind for a long time gradually surfaced in her mind, and fermented into a little dissatisfaction with the goddess, but she soon realized the existence of this dark mentality and quickly drove it out of her mind.

According to the agreement between the three major churches, angels on earth cannot enter Backlund at will. The goddess could respond so quickly, so she must have sent the "Mother of Heaven" to this city long ago so that she can descend at any time. This violation of the agreement can only be done secretly. If the smog is directly "hidden", it will be accused by Storm and Steam. It is enough for Him to solve Panatia and bring me the sapphire ring and the "disease" property...

Angel found a reasonable explanation for the goddess's actions in his mind, sighed, stopped thinking about this dangerous question, and continued to ask:
"If the City of Disaster can 'grant' higher-level powers in response to prayers, why did you only make a 'disease' spell for Sherman? She has already been promoted to Sequence 6 and has enough spiritual power to use high-level spells such as 'Disaster'."

"Of course it's because of the material of the talisman. Unless you make it yourself and use an iron sheet soaked in your own blood as the base material, ordinary materials cannot withstand high-level power... When you made advanced talismans that could be used by others, didn't you also use the status of the 'Time Worm' itself?"

"So, Amon's clone is our inexhaustible treasure trove of materials?"

Angel, who was calculating how many "Time Worms" he had left, didn't know what to say for a moment. He felt that the originally hateful and annoying "Blaster" suddenly became of some value.

"I suggest you stop provoking the Time Angel. He should have noticed Backlund's problem and may soon send out his clones to explore again. Although his real body will not enter the city due to the intimidation of other gods, his clones can still gather the strength of Sequence 1 at most. You and everyone you know combined are probably no match for them."

The "man in the mirror" looked serious and reminded him, then changed the subject and continued:
"Of course, if you want to make high-level spells that can be used by others, or if you want to inherit the power of the 'Disaster' witch when you are at Sequence 3, you don't need to look for the base material from 'Thieves', 'Fortune Tellers', etc. You can completely use your own abilities... After becoming a demigod, have you tried to enter the incomplete form of a mythical creature?"

Angel shook his head.

The only time she and Klein entered the tomb of the god of death, Salinger, was when she briefly entered the form of a mythical creature whose hair turned into snakes and automatically spread disaster and death around in order to fight the resurrected god of death. Apart from that, she had no similar experience.

Of course, after being promoted to Sequence 3, she was able to actively make some of her normal hair grow thicker and longer, forming tentacles with eyeballs on the tips, and petrifying the target as if her own eyes were staring at it, but she had never actually tried it.

Because the incomplete form of mythical creatures means a huge disaster to the surrounding environment and innocent people.

"Let's try it here. There are only you and me in the 'City of Disaster', and no innocent people will be harmed."

As if aware of her concerns, the "man in the mirror" looked around the deserted and broken city and smiled encouragingly.


Angel exhaled, stood up straight, and closed his eyes slightly.

Behind her, strands of light golden hair broke free from their restraints and rose up one by one, intertwining and merging with each other, becoming as thick as fingers. The surface was pitch black but without snake scales. Instead, it was slippery and evil. At the end, triangular snake heads grew out, spitting out red letters, or formed black and white eyeballs, staring in different directions.

As she unfolded the form of a mythical creature, the surrounding streets were also affected to a certain extent. The ground turned gray, as if it had accelerated into a hundred years later, forming mottled stones. The clouds surrounding the broken moon in the sky also tended to gather, with thick smoke billowing inside, as if a burning object was about to fall from the sky.

In the "City of Disaster", her "immortal" status alone is enough to trigger a force of natural disaster level!
At this moment, the corners of the "person in the mirror" slightly raised, approached Angel, and whispered:

"Be careful, this is going to hurt a little."

Before he finished speaking, the sharp blades formed by invisible spider silk, enhanced by "precision", accurately cut towards a venomous snake that was spitting out its tongue and shaking its head!

(End of this chapter)

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