Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 867: The Insidious "Audience"

Chapter 867: The Insidious "Audience"

According to the abilities of "hypnosis" and "suggestion" that Angel learned from Audrey, Hvin Rambis, a Sequence 4 "Manipulator", should never directly enter the sea of ​​consciousness of a Beyonder one Sequence higher than him and say something that could easily cause resistance, such as "Let's talk about the next mission."

He should first soften the target's psychological defenses through a peaceful conversation with friendly content, then find an opportunity to dive into the sea of ​​consciousness and sneak into the other party's "island" on the sea, looking for some nodes that can change the target's attitude without endangering the other party's safety. At the same time, he should modify these key points through language and extraordinary abilities to achieve the purpose of suggestion and hypnosis.

Otherwise, even if it was a Beyonder of the same sequence, as long as the hypnosis involved something that the target valued extremely, or directly endangered his life, the target would subconsciously resist. As for this kind of "abnormality", a demigod with divinity would almost immediately notice it and get rid of the hypnotic state.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Hvin Rambis, "Christine Theresa" was just a "joyful" witch who escaped from Intis to Loen. She might have accumulated a lot of wealth and even owned one or two decent magical items, but it was impossible for her to resist the hypnosis of a "spectator" demigod.

He can even create turbulent waves in the ocean of consciousness, causing the opponent to be infected with a mental plague in an instant, losing control, going crazy, or directly issuing a "suicide" order. Although this will cause the opponent to resist, the gap between the two sequences can prevent any accidents from happening.

So, when Hvin Rambis was walking on the beach as if he was the master here, Angel, who was floating above his own island of consciousness and whose figure only he could see, almost laughed out loud.

At the same time, in reality, she followed the instructions, found a single sofa and sat down, and asked with some doubt:
"Professor Rambis? I met you here a month ago, but just now...some things I can't remember, as if I saw a yellowed photo, with some memories, but also like reading someone else's story..."

Her tone was confused and painful, but it was not entirely fake. Instead, it showed her true feelings after her memory was modified and the truth was concealed by the "fantasy angel" Adam.

This performance was very effective. Rambis, with a kind expression and calm eyes, sighed softly and said slowly:

"It's not important. Do you remember what I said last time?"

Angel nodded, and his expression quickly returned to normal:
"Remember, you told me to boldly follow my heart, postpone the preparations for my wedding with Dwayne Dantes, and look for my true love among women of noble status... I tried to convey this idea to Audrey, but she didn't seem to accept it."

There was distress in her words, and she didn't seem to care about her relationship with her fiancé. Instead, she was extremely frustrated because she couldn't get close to Audrey Hall.

"This is normal. Audrey has a very traditional personality due to her family's education. She won't do anything unconventional. Besides, she has another mission arranged by me. You don't need to get too close to her. Just maintain a normal friendship."

Hewen chuckled and turned his head to look in the direction of the hall where the psychology salon was being held.

Just now during Angel's "surveillance", he praised the "intelligence" that Audrey deliberately released for the Psychological Alchemy Society, and provided a complete Sequence 5 "Dream Walker" potion formula as a reward for her contribution this month.

Of course, Audrey still needs to complete a task to obtain the ingredients for the potion, and this important task is: in the autumn social event that will begin in September, she needs to respond positively to the advances of several adult and unmarried princes, and express her desire to settle down in front of Earl Hall.

There is no doubt that the purpose of this "mission" is to make Audrey accept the pursuit of a prince and get married at the right time, so that the relationship between Earl Hall's family and the royal family will be closer.

This is undoubtedly contrary to Audrey's current thinking, and will cause Earl Hall, who is also the spokesperson for the New Party and the Church of the Goddess of Evernight among the nobles, to be suspected by his colleagues, creating a rift between the three major churches.

Fortunately, Audrey was also blessed by Mr. Fool, so she should not be affected by this hint... Angel pondered, and further confirmed his guess that the person standing behind Hvin Rambis was a member of the royal family.

But he actually thought that Audrey, one of the original members of the Tarot Club, was a traditional person who would not stray from tradition... When everyone was pulled into the gray fog, she was the most excited one...

Angel kept smiling above his island of consciousness and asked his real body to question:
“But what should I do next?”

"You have had contact with Duchess Georgina Augustus before?"

Hwin did not answer her question, but leaned forward slightly, his expression becoming more serious, and asked back.

At the same time, the other Herwin on the island of consciousness turned his wrist slightly. The beach and rocks around him did not change, but Angel inexplicably had a desire to talk.

Of course, since he was awake and under the protection of the angel, this desire was very restrained, but Angel still pretended to be thinking, and after a moment he answered seriously:

"She invited me to a mansion in Queens and asked me some questions about why I came to Backlund and my relationship with the 'Witch Cult'... In the end, she felt that I did a good job in cooperating with the military and invited me to become a long-term partner." She concealed the key information about the "Redhead" and the "Golden Queen" and revealed other unimportant information to show that she was indeed hypnotized and had no intention of resisting.

Hvin Rambis nodded with satisfaction and suddenly asked:

"Did she make you sign a contract? A real 'contract'?"

Angel nodded immediately and replied:

"Yes, the content of the contract is..."

Having said this, she frowned and her words became hesitant, as if she was fighting against some power from deep within her heart.

"Okay, no need to continue. I can guess what the contents of the contract are." Hwin seemed to not want Angel to violate the agreement made by a demigod "arbitrator", and immediately stopped her. "What you have to do next is very simple. Attend the dance party hosted by little Duke Negan this weekend. Duchess Georgina will also attend, and if I'm right, she should have invited you."

Indeed, Georgina's invitation was delivered to my house yesterday, and with my current status, I would not be invited by Duke Negan, so I have not responded yet... Angel was stunned, and combined with Hvin Rambis's previous "instructions", he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I want you to attend the ball and get close to Duchess Georgina. This won't be difficult since you've already had contact with her," Hwin formally issued his "instructions," and "compared to the new Duke Negan, this Duchess is an easier 'prey' for you to catch because she is more interested in women than men."

No wonder Duchess Georgina has been unmarried as rumored, no wonder she showed a hint of inexplicable interest in me in addition to psychological oppression during the conversation that midnight, no wonder Hvin Rambis had laid a lot of groundwork during the last "hypnosis"... Angel was surprised, but after connecting many clues, he had a hint of enlightenment.

She pretended to be hypnotized to be more interested in women and said with a smile:

"I also feel that she has some feelings for me, but I have never dared to confirm it... After getting close to her, what else do I need to do?"

"Don't be too eager to reveal your purpose. Just treat it as a normal social interaction," Hvin Rambis instructed softly, then sat up straight and said solemnly, "Find an opportunity to find out her and her 'friends' attitude towards a foreign war."

As expected, in the end, it still comes down to something like what a "spy" would do... Angel sighed inwardly and nodded in agreement without hesitation.

But what puzzled her was that Hvin Rambis was an advisor to the royal family and one of the forces sent by the "Psychological Alchemy Society" to help the royal family. He was directly involved in major affairs such as the smog and population trade. Why did he need the help of a wild "witch" to ask a noble for his opinion on the war?

Unless, the conflict between the faction that Duchess Georgina belonged to and the royal faction behind the great smog was already so obvious that Hvin Rambis had no chance to get close to the demigod and make inquiries in person?

Thinking of the list of nobles that Arrodes had shown that were in the same position as Georgina, another doubt in her heart was answered.

"Very good, you can do this slowly according to your own ideas, but it should not exceed October this year." Herwin was very satisfied with Angel's attitude and lay back on the soft sofa. "After completing this 'task', you can choose to exchange this contribution for what you need, such as help with potions, or some monetary rewards."

Isn't this the same as when he communicated with Audrey? He was clearly using "hypnosis" and "suggestion" to force others, but he acted like he was conducting a fair transaction. Is this his way of maintaining his inner balance, or is it some kind of sequelae of acting... Angel thought about it, his expression became more charming, and he asked with some expectation:
"Can I choose the recipe for the witch's potion?"

"No problem. After I find out Georgina Augustus's attitude, I will prepare the formula for you to advance to Sequence 5."

Hvin Rambis smiled amiably and nodded slightly as if agreeing to the request of a spoiled junior.

But the other Hvin Rambis on Angel's island of consciousness had cold eyes and a somewhat disdainful expression.

He seemed to have no intention of fulfilling this agreement at all.

(End of this chapter)

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