Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 868 The Way to Death

Chapter 868 The Way to Death
When night fell, the academic salon at Stephen Hampres's house came to an end, and carriages carrying guests left in various directions.

The carriage that Angel and Audrey were riding in was among them. It returned to the North District along the main road and approached the Rune Charity Student Fund on Pacefield Street. However, when passing the road in front of St. Samuel's Church, it stopped for a moment because of a carriage traveling in the opposite direction that broke down and caused congestion.

Of course, this was an "accident" that Angel had deliberately created. She used invisible silk threads to tie up the axles of the carriage, blocking the road and creating a suitable reason for her carriage to stop next to the church.

Not even the "manipulator" Hvin Rambis dared to approach the Church of Night where a saint was in charge, let alone use the sea of ​​subconsciousness that everyone united to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two.

"So, he gave you a ridiculous order, too?"

Audrey leaned back on the soft car seat and asked in a low voice. Her eyebrows, which were the same color as her hair, were furrowed, and her emerald green eyes, like gemstones, showed disbelief.

"Yes, I'm afraid he had this idea more than a month ago, so he hinted to me to continue to get to know more nobles in the upper class, including female nobles..." Angel replied with a chuckle, and then changed the subject, "I 'eavesdropped' on your conversation. He asked you to show your affection to the prince who was pursuing you in order to determine your marriage partner as soon as possible, make you a princess, or even go further?"

"That's what he meant," Audrey said with a hint of anger on her face when she talked about being "hypnotized." "Dad once told me to try not to get too close to any prince until I really grow up and understand the weight of any choice I make in this matter... After I became a spectator and understood his intentions better, I realized that this would cause misunderstandings from other princes and would also cause Dad's allies or enemies to misjudge the situation..."

"I don't plan to get married so early, let alone hastily choose a prince and decide my life for the next few decades... But Hvin Rambis's 'mission' this time is obviously intentional. Could it be that a prince asked him to use such a despicable method to gain an advantage?"

As she spoke, she shook her head and denied her guess:
"Probably not. Hwin didn't specify which prince he wanted me to contact. His real purpose might not be to get me married, but to bridge the rift between the new party represented by dad and the conservative party in the royal family... No, this is contrary to his previous attitude. He hopes to tie dad to the chariot of those nobles who are seeking war to release domestic pressure, so as to cause division within the new party, create a gap between the Goddess Church represented by dad and Storm and Steam, and weaken the influence of the union of the three major churches!"

Audrey, who was no longer as innocent as when she first joined the Tarot Club, quickly came to a conclusion, her face becoming increasingly gloomy.

Looking at Audrey's changing expression, Angel held her hand, patted the back of her hand soothingly, and said:

"Don't worry. Herwin Rambis also asked me to find out Duchess Georgina Augustus' attitude towards the war. This means that there are huge disagreements within the royal family. Herwin's faction does not have an absolute advantage. The influence of other nobles, the military, and the church must also be considered. He dare not push you or Earl Hall too hard, lest he drive you to the other side.

"Even if he wants to match you with a certain prince, this process will take at least half a year. You can pretend to cooperate first and see your father's attitude. I will ask Georgina about her views on other factions and then decide how to deal with Hvin Rambis."


Audrey's eyes widened slightly, and she immediately understood what Angel meant. The look of doubt on her face calmed down, and she even smiled.

This is what it feels like to have the support and protection of powerful companions!

She regained her usual lively tone and said:

"Fortunately, Hvin Rambis has already told me the formula for the next sequence of potions. My efforts over the past month to deceive him using half-true and half-false information have paid off..."

As she spoke, she recited the potion ingredients and promotion ritual of the "Dream Walker" that she had learned from the other party:
“Main materials: the complete brain of an adult Psychic Dragon, or the heart of a Dream Catcher plus a crystal of Psychic Phantom.

"Ritual: Sign a contract with the bird demon with a human head from the spirit world, hold one of its tail feathers, and take the potion when you are extremely happy or angry."

Based on his own experience of holding the "Promotion Ceremony" many times, Angel quickly grasped the key points of the "Dream Walker" ceremony.

"When you take the potion, you will most likely fall into a deep dream caused by the power within your Beyonder characteristics. The tail feathers of the harpy can help you stay awake to a certain extent, preventing you from getting stuck in it and eventually losing control... Then you can try to pray to Mr. Fool and get his blessing to replace the rare creatures you need to look for in the depths of the spirit world."

She looked out the window at the road that was quickly cleared as the carriage blocking the road was cleared and started moving again, and quickly recounted her thoughts on the ceremony.

“Do you have to trouble Mr. Fool for something like this? I originally wanted to get help with materials and rituals from Hwin…”

Audrey muttered to herself, then she remembered that every time she came into contact with Hvin Rambis, she had prayed for corresponding blessings from that being in advance, and had enjoyed "privileges" countless times, and she smiled shyly.

And according to what the "Queen" said just now, Hvin Rambis might not live to see the day of her promotion...


Late at night, in the master bedroom on the third floor of 160 Böklund Street.

The full-length mirror that was hung in the most conspicuous place and had always been kept spotless suddenly became dim, and even the moonlight shining into the room from the window could not leave a trace.

Almost instantly, a figure wearing a silk nightgown with perfect waist and hip curves appeared next to the mirror. As soon as she appeared, she looked around, her eyes swept over Enuni, the personal servant standing by the door, and Raphael, the guard hiding in the shadow of the room, and finally stopped on the only big bed in the room.

There lay Dwayne Dantès, who was sleeping. After confirming that the environment was safe, "Angel" with a slightly dull expression completely walked out of the mirror. At the same time, Angel, who was hiding in the mirror world, "overlapped" with her and came into reality.

This temporary "man in the mirror" is almost identical to Angel in appearance, except that his emotions are not rich enough and his movements are a bit stiff. Moreover, through the power transmitted by her from the mirror, he can use most of the abilities that belong to his original body, and his combat power is even slightly higher than that of a Sequence 4 demigod.

Compared to hiding in the mirror and observing silently, or directly crawling out of the mirror, this "reconnaissance" method is undoubtedly safer and more effective.

At this time, Klein also climbed out of bed and looked at her with a hint of resentment that his sweet dream had been disturbed. He was instantly comforted by her smile and her approaching body.

"what's up?"

He knew that Angel must have important business to come here in the middle of the night, so he put away his ambiguous thoughts and asked doubtfully.

Angel sat at the head of the bed and told Klein everything that happened after he met Hvin Rambis in the evening, including the fact that he asked her to find a way to get close to Georgina Augustus, and the "difficulties" that Audrey also encountered.

"I remember that guy hypnotized you last time, telling you to distance yourself from me and Dwayne Dantes and try to get to know more young nobles..."

After listening to Angel's narration, Klein frowned and asked back. The resentment in his heart for being involved in Baron Syndras's slander case and almost being regarded as a murderer resurfaced at this time, and his attitude towards the culprit Hvin Rambis became more and more unhappy.

To use the words of his previous life, he had already found a way to die... Miss Justice happened to be looking for the Beyonder characteristics of Sequence 5. If he sold her the characteristics of Sequence 4, would she buy them in advance... Klein had strange thoughts in his mind, and after a moment he asked:

"You agreed?"

"I pretended to agree. After all, I was pretending that I was under the influence of 'hypnosis' at that time, so I couldn't refuse..." Angel chuckled, feeling a little happy about Klein's sudden serious expression. "Of course, this state can't last too long. Audrey can't drag it out, otherwise it will probably arouse Hwin's suspicion. Maybe we can only find a way to solve the source of the problem."

"Is there another demigod watching him, such as the president of the Psychological Alchemy Society, or other reviewers?" Klein asked calmly.

It seems that he has already been planning how to deal with this "manipulator"... Angel muttered and shook his head:

"Probably not. Otherwise, he would have discovered my true strength... When he entered my island of consciousness, he was completely careless, just like he was dealing with a mid-sequence Beyonder. He didn't realize that I was in disguise. He was too arrogant..."

"Then we should formulate a plan to deal with him as soon as possible, and make sure that the battle is resolved without leaking any information... I suspect that the Psychological Alchemy Society is likely related to that angel... During the battle, we may need Ms. Arianna's help."

Klein analyzed it carefully, speaking slowly and weighing each word carefully.

That angel... couldn't it be Adam, the leader of the "Twilight Hermits" and also the real leader of the "Psychological Alchemy Society"?
Angel was startled, and his hand involuntarily touched the secret holy emblem on his wrist, muttering:

"Or, can we seek the help of Mr. Fool? Will he agree to help us in this matter of actively provoking the other party?"

"Will do."

Klein raised the corners of his mouth and answered confidently.


On Sunday night, Angel took his family's more luxurious carriage to Queens and came to Duke Negan's mansion.

In the vast and luxurious garden, luxurious carriages with various coats of arms stopped briefly at the gate of the villa to let the nobles and wealthy businessmen on board get off, and then quickly left to make room for the following vehicles. Angel got off the carriage with the help of the maid, and glanced at the guests around her, but found that she didn't recognize most of them.

They are all real nobles whom she cannot normally come into contact with.

Well, I finally recognized a few familiar faces... That's Count Wolfe's wife, Jialiya. Last time I attended a dinner at her house, the Countess showed off the necklace worth 20,000 pounds with an impressive attitude. But now she lowered her head like a defeated rooster... or hen. Could it be because her necklace was not even a fraction of the price of other noble ladies' jewelry?
Angel complained in his heart, but he also felt a little relieved because no one knew him.

At least he wouldn't have to face the embarrassment of the Countess, who was inferior to others in everything.

Thinking of this, she was about to walk through the door and enter the ballroom, but suddenly she found a lady in a black evening dress walking out of the door.

The latter saw Angel, raised his eyebrows slightly, and strode over.

That was her "target" tonight, Georgina Augustus!
(End of this chapter)

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