Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 869: Confrontation at the Ball

Chapter 869: Confrontation at the Ball
What a coincidence, she came out just as I arrived at the door?
Angel was just lamenting the "coincidence" of their chance encounter, when she found Georgina walking straight towards her across the hall with a very clear purpose.

The Duchess's outfit was slightly different from the last time Angel saw her, but it was still a black evening gown. The bold design and cut perfectly outlined her figure, which was kept in peak condition due to her extraordinary characteristics. The hem below her hips gradually changed from fabric to flowing tassels, exposing her smooth skin and perfectly muscled legs to the sight of others from time to time.

"Christine, I didn't expect you to come. I thought you would refuse the invitation..."

Georgina quickly came to stand beside Angel and said with an undisguised joyful tone, and took her arm. Her height, which was a few centimeters taller than Angel, combined with her strong movements, made Angel, who still had a confused expression, look even more petite and cute, attracting the attention of many guests who stopped at the door.

But when they discovered that the other party was Georgina Augustus, these puzzled looks quickly turned away, as if they were already used to this kind of thing.

I have a feeling that after today, there will be more rumors about me that are inconsistent with the facts... This Duchess is not really like what Hvin Rambis said, that she is more interested in women than men. But I didn't show much charm in front of her, not even half of what I showed when I teased Klein...

Angel muttered as he was half-forced into the foyer and arrived at the ballroom on the first floor of Duke Negan's mansion.

The first and second floors here are connected. The first floor is paved with stone slabs carved with gorgeous patterns. Large candlesticks overhead are burning with a large number of fragrant candles, as bright as gas chandeliers. In the corner, a band that is resident in the Duke's Mansion is playing melodious music. In front of the ballroom is a wide staircase and a platform above, surrounded by corridors on both sides. Guests who do not want to dance with others can stop in front of the railing and look down at the dance below, or go through the doors on the other side of the corridor to independent lounges, tidy up their clothes and appearance, and take a rest.

Behind the double doors next to the central platform on the second floor is a long corridor with stone carvings of all the ancestors of the Negan family. The end of the corridor leads to another hall. There are no noisy dancers and no impetuous and charming atmosphere. Instead, there are long tables with a variety of hot and cold food and drinks for guests to fill their stomachs or talk about something really important.

Led by Georgina, Angel entered the ballroom directly without even showing his invitation. The two walked around the guests who were already dancing to the music, and walked up the fan-shaped stairs to the second-floor platform, where they met the organizer of the ball, young Duke Negan.

"Ms. Georgina, I'm glad you can come to the ball I'm hosting. This event will surely be more glorious because of your presence."

This tall, black-haired man in his prime, with a slightly tired look between his eyebrows, exchanged a few polite words with the Duchess, then turned his gaze to Angel. His dark grey and blue eyes were full of surprise. It was obvious that he could not remember the identity of this young lady who was dressed conservatively but had infinite appeal.

"Who is this?"

"She is Christine Theresa, a close business partner of mine and an interesting young person. I brought her here to broaden her horizons."

Georgina answered calmly, inadvertently revealing the aura of a demigod "Arbitrator", while Angel beside her tilted his head slightly, huddled in Georgina's arms, seemingly succumbing to the power of the person next to him, but secretly revealing a look longing for freedom.

The pair of purple eyes that seemed to be able to speak not only made little Duke Negan stunned, but even the guests walking in the corridor on the second floor were staring wide-eyed. They wished they could personally step forward and rebuke Georgina Augustus for her tyranny and rescue the young lady who was like a little lamb.

"Miss Christine, have a great night at the dance, and feel free to come to me if you need anything."

In the end, the little duke did not do anything out of line, but only made certain hints.

It seems that if "charm" is limited to the "pleasure" level, even if you deliberately act like a girl that is not in line with your age and is more likely to touch men, it will have limited effect on these powerful and determined men...

Angel had never met the previous Duke of Negan, Pallas Negan, and had only had indirect contact with him during the assassination of the noble by the "Apostle of Desire". His impression of the surname "Negan" only remained in various news in newspapers, such as titles such as "the largest land noble", "leader of the conservatives", and "brother of the current prime minister".

Therefore, when Tirion Negan, who inherited his father's title and wealth and became the new Duke Negan, appeared, Angel was still a little surprised at his age.

He looked like he was less than 30 years old, but he had already become one of the most powerful people in the kingdom...Arrodes said that he still leaned towards the Conservative Party and shared the same political views as Georgina. Perhaps he needed the advice of his father's old friends, so even though he had all kinds of thoughts, he did not do anything that was not in line with his status...

Looking at the little Duke Negan, whose eyes were burning with passion because of his appearance but who remained restrained because of Georgina's presence, Angel greeted him respectfully. Then, under the guidance of Georgina, he left the front of the stage and strolled to the corridors on both sides to the sound of cheerful country music. He leaned against the railing and looked at the dancing guests below.

Of course, this was not a quiet place. Due to Georgina's presence, other guests kept coming over from other places with champagne in their hands to greet the Duchess who rarely appeared in public, but their inquiring eyes repeatedly fell on Angel.

"It's just a friend with whom I have some business cooperation."

Georgina used a bland tone to dismiss other people's curiosity, but succeeded in making the guests' eyes even more weird, and they left with an expression of confusion.

I always feel like I have deepened some of their misunderstandings... And this is completely different from the introduction that Georgina gave to Duke Negan. When she introduced me to Tirion Negan, she used words like "close partner" and "interesting young man"...

Angel thought about it, looked at the Duchess beside him, and finally couldn't help asking:
"Your Excellency the Duke, may I ask why you invited me to a ball of this level?"

She didn't think that the other party really invited her because of his "interest in women".

"Of course it's because I'm interested in you," Georgina said with a smile. She took two glasses of Misty Champagne from the tray of a passing waiter, handed one to Angel, and took a sip herself. "Your behavior in Backlund, the identity hidden under the disguise, and the person behind you... all fascinate me."

The one behind him... Angel nodded as if he understood something and asked back:
"Golden Queen?" The other party's attitude was so obvious that it would be impolite to pretend to be stupid.

"Yes, we hope to have a chance to communicate with her. This is considered one of the reasonable transactions in the 'contract'. The time and place can be decided by her. I think this fully demonstrates our sincerity."

Georgina lowered her voice, letting her words be drowned out by the noisy music and conversation downstairs.

A transparent barrier that seemed to be able to isolate any movement or sound appeared beside the two of them, acting like a diligent guard so that no sound from inside could be transmitted to the outside world.

The ability of the Arbitrator...

Angel asked without comment:

"Does this 'you' refer to the entire royal family, or just your faction? What is their purpose?"

"They want to conduct a series of cooperation with the Golden Queen. This involves the ghost ship she owns and the secret treasure left by the Fourth Epoch Trunsoest Empire. We only need a part of it, and the rest can be given to her... This is a deal that benefits both parties. Just convey it to her."

Why is it so vague? It sounds so perfunctory... "Golden Queen" Angelica Sage muttered, nodded to indicate that she would convey it, and then asked:
"This kind of thing can be delivered through secret letters, why do we have to do it at the ball?"

Are you the type of person who becomes more focused and interested when many people are watching you? Angel swallowed the second half of the sentence.

"This part belongs to my personal interest," Georgina's mouth corners slightly raised, making her round face, which was inherited from the Augustus family, even rounder. "Miss Christine Theresa, would you like to dance with me? I can dance the men's part."

Could it be that the guests were right to be wary of Georgina? But two women dancing together at a formal ball was a bit too advanced for Rune... Angel was about to refuse when he noticed a young woman walking towards him from the end of the corridor. Her long golden hair sparkled like gold under the lights, and her green eyes were as calm as water. It was Audrey Hall, the "Justice".


Angel quickly greeted her and successfully diverted Georgina's attention.

"Ms. Georgina, good evening," Audrey walked over briskly, bowed to the Duchess first, then looked at Angel, stretched out her arms and gave her an intimate hug, "Christine, I didn't expect to meet you here. Let me guess, who is your dance partner tonight?"

"I'm sorry to hear that no gentleman has asked me to dance tonight."

Angel replied with a snort, his tone full of disappointment.

"It's a pity indeed. Don't the gentlemen here have any inconvenience in their legs and feet?" Audrey said with a smile, her eyes sweeping over the men on the second-floor corridor who were chatting with friends over glasses of wine and were more interested in talking than dancing. "If I were a man, I would have rushed here to kiss your fingertips and take you away from Ms. Georgina."

"Unfortunately, here I can only wait for a gentleman's invitation, and I can't be the one to exclusively perform your three dances."

Audrey looked at Angel with regret, and didn't seem to notice that her words had a certain impact on Georgina beside her. The latter smiled, but looked at Audrey with a somewhat cold look and asked:
"Where is Earl Hall? Are you here with him today?"

"Father is in the restaurant at the back. His Excellency Duke Negan also went there just now. They seemed to have something important to discuss."

No wonder I didn't see Audrey after I came in. It turns out she was in the back room before... Angel was thinking, but found that Georgina waved her hand gently, and the "barrier" that made it difficult for secret conversations to be heard within a few meters around her quickly disappeared. Then she looked at her and said softly:

"Then I'll leave you now. You can wait here for the 'gentleman' to invite you to dance, or you can go to the lounge to spend the rest of your time with this righteous lady... As for you,"

She looked at Audrey, her tone slightly colder, but still with the previous sense of authority and a hint of concern.

"This power is hard-earned, so it's best not to show it off casually."

After saying this, the duchess, who was dressed in an evening gown but looked like a warrior in full armor, strode away. Her aura even made the men in the corridor who were watching the three beautiful women talking to make way for her, as if they were avoiding charging cavalry.

"Is she... angry?"

Audrey said cautiously after a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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