Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 871 Victory in the first battle?

Chapter 871 Victory in the first battle?


This was an attack capability that even an "audience" that had been promoted to Sequence 6 only had one. Although a similar "deterrence" could be effective on more people, its effect was limited to making people panic or feel fear from the bottom of their hearts, so that they would obey orders obediently, but it could not really harm the other party.

Moreover, as the sequence improved, Audrey could feel that this extraordinary ability became even more powerful. Perhaps at the demigod stage, "frenzy" could truly become a "storm" that was powerful enough to tear apart other people's hearts and destroy their mental bodies.

As her eyes turned into vertical pupils similar to those of a dragon, her golden eyes reflected the figure of the man in the top hat in front of her. The latter's head suddenly tilted back and his body froze for a second.

His eyes suddenly turned golden, and vertical pupils appeared as well. Then he lost some of his sanity, and was filled with madness that surged from deep within his heart.

This "audience member" of unknown origin also used "Frenzy" at almost the same time!
Four glances crossed in the air. Audrey was just feeling secretly delighted because she had taken action in advance and gained an advantage. Then came a strong fluctuation on the mental level, and countless crazy thoughts emerged in her mind.

Roar, be angry, and tear everything around you apart!
Another "Audrey" with red eyes and bulging veins on her forehead roared in her mind, while in reality, her exposed skin was glowing with golden light, and scales grew out from under her skin, like an inhuman monster.

No, Audrey, you can't turn into a monster here, it will kill everyone at the party, calm down... This is just practice, yes, practice!

She had practiced making scales on her body countless times in her bedroom. At this moment, she used this feeling to quickly calm herself, allowing her spirit that was on the verge of losing control to slowly calm down. The scales on her body faded away piece by piece, and she returned to her smooth and white skin.

The madness in her eyes also subsided, the vertical pupils faded, the gold turned into green, and reason returned to her mind.

What good luck... Even the risk of losing control when I took the potion to advance was solved by Susie. This time, the opponent should have used "Frenzy" in a hurry and did not make any further follow-up attacks... She sighed in her mind, focused her eyes and looked in front of her, only to find that the "audience" man who had become crazy like her just now had disappeared without a trace, and the door next to her was still half open, with no signs of entry or exit.

“Psychological invisibility” again?
Audrey subconsciously wanted to imitate the other party and enter the same state, but from the brief contact just now, she had already discovered that the other party's sequence was higher than hers, so she could launch a counterattack in a hurry, causing both parties to fall into "frenzy", but they did not reach the stage of demigod. Otherwise, with just this attack, Audrey would never be able to find herself again from the madness.

Sequence 5 "Dream Walker"? Will my "Psychological Invisibility" be useful against Beyonders with higher sequences than me...

After confirming the other party's sequence, Audrey's courage quickly faded. She glanced at the half-open door beside her and knew that her best option at the moment was to leave here and go back to the ballroom or restaurant along the corridor. As long as she joined the crowd, this "Dream Walker" would not dare to do anything to a noble like her. In addition, there must be Beyonders secretly guarding the Duke's Mansion. If she caused any commotion, they would pay attention to this place and lend a hand...

No, before that, I will be hypnotized and forget everything, and even leave more hidden dangers!
Audrey gritted her teeth and transformed into a purple gemstone earring. The "lie" hanging on her earlobe flashed a bright yellow light, and a circle of flames of the same color surged out from her side, spreading rapidly in a ring shape, sweeping across the entire lounge in an instant, and went out with a puff before landing on the mural, the sofa or the flammable curtains.

But in addition to these flammable materials that were almost ignited, there was a flame in the corner of the room that had not been extinguished by Audrey's thoughts. It floated in the air strangely, and its area continued to expand, as if it was burning a transparent object.

Then, this "inconsistency" broke the "blind spot" in Audrey's mind, allowing the man in black clothes and a top hat who had just disappeared to reappear in her sight.

The latter was slapping the flames on his coat with his hands, and his somewhat resentful gaze immediately stopped at Audrey...

Hell, she went into "psychological invisibility" too!
The man was startled and snuffed out the not-so-strong flame on his coat. His figure became blurred as he stopped moving, first his head and neck, then his torso, and finally his limbs became transparent, and he almost disappeared in the real world.

He is about to become a true "dream walker", step into dreams that can be found everywhere, and with the help of the connection between different dreams, he can achieve a "flash" in the real world and leave here quickly.

But in the next second, the figure that was about to fade away was hit by bright stars that appeared out of thin air one after another. They condensed instantly and formed a huge transparent amber, which completely covered the figure of the "Dream Walker" and blocked any means for him to leave through reality or dreams.

This is the "Starlight Cage" that comes with Audrey's "Star Ring Pendant"!
The expression of the man enveloped by the amber froze, and his limbs stopped all movement, which reminded Audrey of the animals and plants she had seen in the museum that were trapped in amber and had not decayed after thousands of years.

The "cage" can only last for a few seconds, what should I do...

She came out of the effects of "psychological invisibility" and it took her only a moment to decide what to do next.

This was the first time in her life that she experienced the feeling of her thinking speed speeding up and her blood boiling in the fierce battle and in imminent danger.

Well, maybe this is also due to the "lie" amplifying the emotions... She gathered her thoughts and came to the front of the man wrapped in amber.


Staring closely at the "Dream Walker" whose eyes gradually brightened and the amber beside him slowly faded, Audrey's eyes once again turned into golden vertical pupils, and she took the initiative to continue the battle.


"There are at least four who can be confirmed to be Extraordinary Persons, not including those 'senior Extraordinary Persons' with higher sequences who can hide their intentions and behaviors very well..." Angel held a champagne glass and leaned against the corridor on the second floor of the ballroom. With the help of his naked eyes and the ubiquitous mirrors, he carefully observed all the guests, monitoring them from all angles without blind spots, fulfilling his dream of being an "audience".

Huhu, call Audrey over later and ask her to observe these people carefully to see if it was me or she who found more Beyonders... She just entered a lounge and has not come out since then. Out of respect for her, I did not continue to use the "mirror" to track her movements in the room...

Angel, who already felt that this dance party was a bit boring, muttered to himself, took a last sip of champagne, and when he saw that no one was paying attention, he burped without regard for etiquette, then contentedly walked to the entrance of the corridor leading to the restaurant, casually handed the empty glass to a waiter, and went into the empty corridor before attracting the attention of other guests again.

This corridor connected the ballrooms and restaurants on the east and west sides of Duke Negan's mansion, so it was long and quiet. On one side was a series of glass windows, through which one could see the moonlit and somewhat deserted atrium, and on the other side were doors leading to the bathroom and lounge.

There are stone statues placed along the corridor. They are the ancestors of the Negan family, including dukes, prime ministers, speakers of parliament, and military generals.

It’s a pity that Duke Pallas Negan died not long ago, and his statue has not been placed here yet... Well, this corridor is almost full, will they widen it?

Angel paced forward with her mind wandering, her eyes already fixed on another double door at the end. Behind the door was the restaurant of the Duke's Mansion, where a variety of delicious food was prepared for the guests. It was also her next destination.

Besides, Audrey is in the lounge at the end of this corridor, and I can ask her to join us...

At this moment, the half-closed door of the room where Audrey was hiding was suddenly pushed open, and Audrey, wearing a beige court dress, white silk gloves, and a pair of purple gem earrings on her earlobes, walked out quickly, her cheeks slightly flushed, and her emerald green eyes with a hint of gold were filled with both panic and excitement.

She immediately saw Angel walking towards her, her eyes lit up, and she quickly came over and said in a quick but clear tone:
"Christine, there is a strange Beyonder in the room. He is a Sequence 5 of the Audience Pathway. He just tried to attack me. I, I defeated him. What should I do now?"

The more she spoke, the more excited she became. She kept glancing at the door, as if she was worried that the "strange Extraordinary" would suddenly run out.

"Is he dead?"

Angel immediately asked back, then with his eyes flickering, he used the mirror in the room to confirm the situation inside.

A man in a tuxedo and a top hat was walking back and forth in the lounge, turning over the cushions on the sofa and opening the cabinet in the corner, as if looking for something.

"No, I used 'Frenzy' to cause a mental flaw and hypnotized him, making him think that he should get his hat back before continuing to fight. The effect won't last long," Audrey replied, pursing her lips. "I don't know what to do, should I tell my father or go find Duke Negan... He probably doesn't know that I'm a Beyonder yet."

He actually defeated the opponent head-on and hypnotized the "audience" who were higher in sequence than him?
Angel was a little surprised, then smiled with relief.

Since she invited her to help hypnotize the victims parasitized by Amon's clone last time, she discovered that Audrey not only continued to improve in her potion sequence, but her personality was no longer the naive young lady she was when she first joined the Tarot Club, but she possessed the qualities of an excellent Beyonder.

Unexpectedly, she went one step further this time...

"Well done, Audrey," she praised sincerely, and then walked into the lounge with the door wide open, looking at the "Dream Walker" who was anxiously looking for the hat on his head, "Let's see who he is first, and then decide what to do."

Considering the existing security measures in the Duke's Palace, they probably only have a few minutes left.

Therefore, Angel came to the man without any delay, making him look at him in surprise, with a flattering smile:

"Excuse me, beautiful lady, have you seen my hat? I can't find it."

What a powerful move, avoiding the other party's resistance due to the life-threatening order, and using his obsession with finding the hat to keep him in the room. Even if he wakes up after Audrey leaves, he will prioritize escaping rather than tracking her...

Angel admired in his heart, stretched out his slender arm, took the hat off the man's head, and waved it in front of the man:
"Isn't it right here?"

Then, when the other party took the hat with a confused look on his face, as if he was about to wake up from hypnosis, Angel retracted his arm, clenched his fist, and swung a punch at the other party's chest at a speed that left only an afterimage.

That punch, which combined the hunter's "precision" and the assassin's "charged blow" but did not come with any extraordinary power, simply increased speed and strength to the maximum and hit the "Dream Walker" in the chest with a "bang" sound.

The latter's eyes rolled back immediately, and he fell limply to the ground, falling into a baby-like sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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