Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 872 Coming one after another

Chapter 872 Coming one after another

The one who shouted was not the man who fell to the ground, but Audrey who followed Angel back into the room.

Starting from "Hypnotist", the extraordinary people in the audience path will gain a considerable improvement in physical fitness. When they are physically attacked, they can instinctively create a layer of scales on their body surface. According to Audrey's experiments, even ordinary weapons cannot penetrate this layer of scales. She has not tried pistol bullets, but it should not work either.

Therefore, the "Dream Walkers" with higher sequences must also have relevant enhancements, which can resist damage from swords and guns, and ordinary punches and kicks will naturally have no effect.

But Miss "Queen" actually killed him with just one punch?
She subconsciously put herself in the shoes of the "Dream Walker" lying on the ground, and felt a little sorry for the "audience" who had just fought with her.

If Christine used this kind of power to control me, I would probably be powerless to fight back... She muttered to herself, and suddenly realized that the man on the ground was still breathing slowly, and his chest was constantly rising and falling. He was not "dead" as she thought.

"He was just hit in the heart and fell into a coma. Killing someone in the Duke's mansion, no matter what the reason, will definitely be strictly investigated."

Angel said casually, looking around, then picked up a mirror from the dressing table in the lounge, stroked the surface, and prepared to perform magic mirror channeling.

She did not use her eyes instead of the mirror to communicate with spirits directly, naturally in order to prevent being discovered in subsequent investigations that she used abilities higher than those of the "Joy" witch, which would lead to her identity being exposed.

Audrey turned around to close and lock the door to prevent anyone from accidentally breaking in. Then she returned to Angel's side and looked curiously at the mirror with ripples on the surface and a pitch-black interior.

After a moment, the blurry figure of the man in a top hat appeared in the mirror. He had an indifferent expression and dull eyes, like a dead body.

Would a living person appear dead if he were communicated with by a spirit?... Could he really be dead?
Audrey glanced at the man lying on the ground and found that his breathing was steady and his face was still rosy, so she felt relieved.

Angel didn't pay attention to Audrey squatting beside him with a curious look on her face, and asked the first question:
"who are you?"

"Raven Dion, Lieutenant Colonel of MI9, responsible for protecting the security of Duke Negan's residence."

Ah? He is the guard of this mansion? Is this all a misunderstanding?
Before Angel could think about it, Raven in the mirror continued:

"But I am also responsible for collecting information about Duke Negan's exchanges with other nobles and parliamentarians, and reporting regularly to Major General Korg, the deputy director of MI9 who is in charge of this matter."

The target of spiritual communication is often very honest, and will even take the initiative to reveal details that the questioner has not noticed. Therefore, Angel was not too surprised by the identity of this "dream walker" who had a dual mission. He just raised his head, looked at Audrey, and then continued to ask:

"What was your purpose in stalking and attacking Audrey Hall?"

Raven Dion immediately replied in a somewhat illusory tone:
“She had a brief contact with Georgina Augustus, who then went to the restaurant to talk with Earl Hall and Duke Negan. I wanted to get some details of the conversation from her, so I followed her to the empty lounge.

"But before I could find an opportunity, Audrey Hall was about to leave, and she bumped into me hiding by the door, causing my 'psychological invisibility' to be broken. In order to prevent her from mentioning this to the Duke, I had no choice but to take action against her. I planned to subdue her first, and then perform deep hypnosis to eliminate the impact of this incident."

"I didn't expect that she was also a 'spectator' and hypnotized you in return?"

Angel asked back with a chuckle, his tone tinged with sarcasm.

This was a "Dream Walker" who had fallen into the hands of a Beyonder of the same path who was one sequence lower than her. Even though the other party had the help of magical items such as the "Lucky Hairpin" and the "Star Ring Forehead Ornament", weren't those all bought with her money...

Raven Dion's expression in the mirror became stiff, and after a moment he nodded, admitting his mistake.

It seems that things have become clear. The "spy" of MI9 is ​​the Beyonder guard of Duke Negan on the surface, but he is secretly doing intelligence gathering work. It was pure bad luck that he was bumped into by Audrey this time, but in terms of the result, it was a "lucky" development. It's hard to say whether the effect of the hairpin made of the "Disaster Priest" feature is good or bad...

Angel thought about it and suddenly thought of a question. Before Raven's figure faded, he asked:
"Do you know the Psychological Alchemy Society?"

She instinctively suspected that such a high-sequence "audience" had some connection with the secret organization where Hvin Rambis belonged, and this question did not seem abrupt when asked by her, who had a certain understanding of the world of mysticism.

"Yes, MI9 has conducted relevant investigations, but they hid it very well and we didn't get any clues."

If he answered that he didn't know, I might suspect that he had been "hypnotized" and forgotten everything, but this answer was quite standard... Angel frowned, watching the figure of Raven Dion in the mirror fade away, and the mirror returned to normal.

At the same time, her spirit felt a little trembling, and she sensed someone approaching quickly in the corridor, so she raised her head and looked at Audrey and said:

"I'll stay here. You go inform Earl Hall and tell him Raven Dion's answer. He will convey it to Duke Negan and let them worry about this spy."

Before Audrey could answer, the door was pushed open forcefully, and the elegant yet powerful figure of Georgina Augustus appeared outside the door. The padlock that was locked from the inside had no effect, as if it had been unlocked by itself by some force.

“No need. If we don’t know about a fight between several Beyonders here, Tirion Negan will probably have to pass his title to his ten-year-old son in less than half a year.”

The Duchess said jokingly, striding into the lounge, looking at the "Dream Walker" Raven lying motionless on the ground, and snorted softly, obviously knowing him.

It was indeed her. Even from a distance, one could sense her undisguised majesty... Angel stood up and looked back in surprise, his eyes revealing the joy of having found a backer, but then he carefully hid his thoughts and lowered his head. "What's going on?"

Georgina turned to look at Angel and asked.

Angel glanced at Audrey, who was standing aside and had lost all the momentum she had in fighting the "Dream Walker" and had turned back into a weak aristocratic girl. He told Georgina in chronological order about the tracking Audrey had encountered, the battles she had fought, and the experience of communicating with Georgina through his magic mirror after the three of them separated.

She did not hide anything because Duke Negan would certainly investigate everything afterwards, and hiding anything would only arouse suspicion.

Moreover, she had not used any extraordinary powers beyond the Witch of Pleasure from the very beginning, and her communication with Audrey was limited to a normal relationship between the two of them, without exposing the existence of the Tarot Club.

As for the magical items on Audrey's body, they were all "purchased with public funds" and reported to Earl Hall, so no one could find any fault with them.

So Georgina just listened quietly to Angel's narration, asking some details from time to time, and her expression remained calm. She was not surprised that this "spy" tried to find out about her conversation with Duke Negan and Earl Hall.

"In fact, we have long discovered that he has been collecting intelligence and handed it over to MI9," Georgina sighed after a moment, her eyes once again resting on the still unconscious Raven Dion. "In fact, most of the Beyonder guards sent by MI9 are responsible for this mission. Everyone knows it and generally won't let them get involved in important matters... But it is still stupid to attack Earl Hall's daughter. We will deal with the rest."

"deal with?"

Audrey asked back in confusion.

"Let MI9 take him back, demote him, transfer him away from his post, or simply send him to the southern continent..." Georgina looked at Audrey with interest. "Or, do you hope to get some substantial compensation?"

"No need, Ms. Georgina, I was not harmed in this incident."

Audrey replied with an easy smile.

"That's it, then. I will tell Earl Hall about this. He should be proud of your behavior tonight." Georgina's lips curled up slightly, and her tone became more formal. "Also, I take back my previous evaluation of you. You are already able to use this power skillfully."


"Isn't it true that Ms. Georgina's words were not meant to imply something?"

In the luxurious carriage belonging to Audrey, the girl, with blushing cheeks and still a little excited, looked at Angel and asked.

"I think she was just complimenting you."

Angel did not give a perfunctory answer, but answered the other party seriously.

Tonight, Miss Justice of the Tarot Club deserves this compliment!

Hearing the praise from Angel, Audrey couldn't hide her smile.

If the carriage hadn't been so narrow, she would have stood up, lifted her skirt and danced a solo, just like she usually did at home.

After the little incident at Duke Negan's mansion, Angel and Audrey left the ball together, but Angel did not take his own carriage. Instead, he went with Audrey and took her car to take her back to Queens to avoid any accidents on the road.

Audrey also took the opportunity to drive her personal maid to Angel's carriage at the back, creating some time alone with the "Queen".

Of course, the two did not talk too much about tonight's episode, so as not to inadvertently reveal the existence of the Tarot Club, or talk about things that should not appear in their mouths.

"I hope Dad won't let Duke Negan punish the 'Dream Walker' too harshly. After all, the whole incident was just an accident..."

After the excitement wore off, Audrey started to worry about Raven Dion, who had regained consciousness but was captured on the spot by Duke Negan's other guards.

"Accident? I don't think so. His 'frenzy' almost made you lose control. This is something that official Beyonders should try their best to avoid. Moreover..."

Angel shook his head and was about to further analyze the motives of the "audience" when he suddenly noticed a figure beside Audrey.

He seemed to "jump" directly into Angel's sight, wearing a black jacket and trousers, a top hat tucked under his armpit, an eye-catching red bow tie on his chest, and his light blue eyes quietly looking at the other two people in the car.

He is a member of the jury of the "Psychological Alchemy Society" and the "manipulator" Hvin Rambis!

(End of this chapter)

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