Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 88 "Magic Pocket Watch"

Chapter 88 "Magic Pocket Watch"

"This is a magical item formed by the combination of the Sequence 7 'magician' extraordinary characteristic of the 'Seer' pathway, and a 'God of Steam and Machinery' church-made pocket watch. Its appearance, um, is an ordinary watch. pocket watch..."

"Due to inheriting the extraordinary characteristics of the 'magician', it and its carrier will have a certain degree of interference in divination, which greatly increases the failure rate of divination directed at them. In addition, it has three extraordinary abilities from the 'magician' , you must have seen it.”

"The first one is 'flame jumping', you can specify the flames within tens of meters around you as the landing point to flash, candlelight or spiritual flames are fine; the second is 'paper man substitute', cut out the paper mannequin in advance and Carry it with you, you can use it to take damage once instead of yourself, and let the paper doll take your place, and with the flame jump, you can achieve the elusive effect like Tomac, but the number of times you use it is related to your spirituality, about three to four times."

"The last ability is called 'Damage Transfer'. It transfers the wound on the body to another location through contact. A wound can only be transferred once. It can be used on yourself or other people, but it cannot transfer a person's wound. Neither to another person nor to other objects."

"The method of activating this magical item is very simple. You just need to press the crown, and you will have these three extraordinary abilities for the next 10 minutes. Once the time is up, the effect will disappear. The next [-] hours negative effects."

"Once the use time is over, the hour hand of the pocket watch will count down from '12'. Before the countdown ends, the user will fall into a state of 'fear of fire', which is the same as 'flame jumping', even if it is just a candle. Will be afraid, and this state cannot be relieved by staying away from the pocket watch. Within these twelve hours, the interference of divination will also disappear, and the success rate of divination for the wearer is very high."

"The specific degree of fear of fire? I can't judge, do you need to help me test it?"

Amidst the "clang" sound of the wheels of the steam train rolling over the junction of the rails, Angel played with the pocket watch in his hand, recalling what Carvey said on the platform.

Although she had guessed the general function of the pocket watch based on the effect of Tomac using this magical item, she did not expect that it turned out to be a powerful item that could be used at will within a time limit.

Negative effects also have a time limit, and according to Carvey, the scope of fear of "fire" may be wider.But within 10 minutes after pressing the crown, the user will obtain the essence of the "magician" ability. When a Sequence 8 Beyonder uses a pocket watch, it can completely compete with a Sequence 7 Beyonder.

Angel was hesitant to take out such a magical item for Kawei, a member of the "Mechanical Heart", to appraise it.

After all, the pocket watch came from Tomac, the defector from "Mechanical Heart", and Tomac used the Extraordinary characteristics stolen from the warehouse of "Mechanical Heart" to "combine" this pocket watch. According to the official practice of Extraordinary, Card It is reasonable for Wei to recover the stolen goods.

So this time, she held the pocket watch by herself and asked Kawei to identify it "from a distance".

Fortunately, Kavey, who has left the "Mechanical Heart" team in Enmat Port, did not make any surprises, and even agreed to Angel's "free" request, which once made her suspect that Kavey was trying to stabilize her , Turn back and send a telegram to the "Mechanical Heart" to bring in a team of high-pressure steam riflemen to retrieve the stolen items.

This suspicion was not lifted until she boarded the steam train to Storn and Tingen, and the train left Enmathamn station.

At this time, the sunlight reflected by this brass pocket watch was as charming as the light of gold to Angel. There were quite a few passengers, and she was worried that "sunshine" was also a kind of fire, so she finally resisted the urge.

Let's try it secretly after nightfall...

Angel put the pocket watch on the watch chain bought from the souvenir shop at the station, imitating Klein to tie the watch chain on his left wrist for easy use at any time, and then eagerly planned the "trial" plan.

By the way, I have to give it a name, this is my first real "trophy"...

Angier ran through some rude names such as "Tomatz's Regret" and "Kavi's Envy" in his mind, and finally decided to call it "Magic Pocket Watch".

Well, it matches its extraordinary ability.


The steam train was the same as when it came. It first passed the city of Storn in the northwest of Enmat Port, and then returned to Tingen City. When Angel got off the train with his suitcase, it was already sunny at noon.

"Ah, the fresh air, it's so nice..."

Although Tingen City has also caught up with the wave of industrialization and built many factories, they are basically located on the outskirts of the city and do not discharge exhaust gas to the urban area. Moreover, there are two rivers passing by near the urban area, and the vegetation along the coast is dense. Compared with Enmat Port, which is located by the sea but has serious industrial pollution, it is several grades better.

Angel greedily took a few breaths of the long-lost fresh air, and silently apologized to Ms. Daly who had invited him.

"Sorry, Ms. Daly, even if it's just for the air quality here, I'd rather stay in Tingen..."

"Hey, be careful—"

A teenager who hurried past didn't seem to pay attention to the road, and accidentally bumped into Angel who was carrying a suitcase. The latter reacted the moment he was about to make physical contact, and flexibly avoided it sideways, while covering it with his free hand. Clothes pockets prevented a stealthy pickpocketing.

"It's just that law and order are not very good, we Nighthawks and the police still have to work hard..."

Looking at the young man who failed to steal and fled in a hurry, she wanted to take out the police badge to hold him down, but she felt that the theft was unsuccessful, and even if he was escorted to the police station, there would not be too much punishment, so she finally let the boy go. bit rookie.


Returning to No. 6 Narcissus Street in a hired carriage, Angel subconsciously wanted to check the secret mark on the crack of the door, but remembered that he hadn't been home for several days. A note in the door.

I can't help but be too suspicious...

Taking out the key to open the door, Angel put the suitcase by the door, sat directly on the sofa by the oriel window, stretched his body and stretched his waist, and only then did he feel that his whole body was truly relaxed.

It's better at home... Even if the suite of "Silver Bullet Detective Agency" is clean and well-equipped, it is far inferior to the house on Narcissus Street.

She squinted her eyes and curled up in the warm sunshine, intending to sleep for a while before the Tarot session started, but when she glanced at the coffee table, she found an envelope on it.

Envelopes... the last time I saw envelopes at home, was the last time...

Angel felt his heart beat half a beat slower.

She swallowed her saliva, and stretched out her hand cautiously, as if to grasp a bomb.

The envelope was made of yellowed low-quality paper, without stamps, so it should have been placed directly on the table.

Angel tore open the seal, and poured out a piece of letter paper with two lines written briefly on it.

"Miss Granger, I'm Trommy, due to the unfortunate death of my father, I need to ask for leave next week, sorry!"


She could hear herself sighing in relief.

I almost thought it was Mrs. Sharon who had returned to her soul...

Tromi said he was going to take time off "next week", which was supposed to be last Friday, after I left Tingen early in the morning, and was actually taking time off for this week...

Her father died of illness, but she never seemed to hear her mention it before. Could it be a sudden and serious illness?
There were too few clues, and Angel gave up after a little analysis, but she still carefully put away the envelope, and decided to give her a salary increase as a comfort after seeing the bereaved female worker next week.

After being frightened by this envelope, she had no intention of continuing to rest. Instead, as usual, she went to various restaurants with special tastes on Narcissus Street and Iron Cross Street to look for food.

When passing by No. 2 Narcissus Street, she deliberately moved closer to look at the window, and found that the Moretti family was not there.

Also, it's Monday after all...

When Klein comes back at night, I'll greet him again.

(End of this chapter)

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