Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 89 The Anomaly in the Fog

Chapter 89 The Anomaly in the Fog
Above the mysterious gray mist, in the magnificent temple.

Three clusters of crimson light suddenly appeared beside the long bronze table surrounding 22 high-backed chairs. They gradually formed illusory figures, and then became clear.

The "Fool" Klein Moretti, who had already prepared for the meeting, looked at the three members of the Tarot Society one by one. Miss Justice still maintained her curiosity and excitement about everything, and Mr. Hanged Man seemed to be still interested in the meeting venue. Full of fear for this gray fog space, his movements were the smallest and most cautious.

Miss Queen...

The color in the depths of her aura has become more pure, is it a promotion?
But her state seemed to be a bit wrong. Although the queen's face could not be seen clearly under the hazy effect exerted by the gray mist, her body curled up slightly, and she seemed to be trembling a little. Did something happen before she was pulled into the gray mist?
Klein frowned slightly, a little curious, but because of the majesty of "The Fool", it was not easy to ask questions directly.

Fortunately, the careful Miss Justice quickly discovered the abnormality of the companion beside her.

"Miss Queen, what's the matter with you?"

The Hanged Man also moved his gaze over, and then quickly glanced at the Fool, as if guessing the reason for the queen's abnormality.

"...No, I'm fine, well, I accidentally fell asleep before the meeting, and I was a little dizzy just now."

The abnormality of the queen's body disappeared quickly. She straightened up again, took a deep breath, and apologized to all the participants.

"I've delayed everyone's time, I'm sorry, Mister Fool, Miss Justice, Mister Hanged Man, let's get started."


Echoing the congratulations and praises of Justice and the Hanged Man for the Fool's "successful performance of ritual magic", Angel still felt his head turned into a paste, groggy, and almost vomited.

If he vomited in the meeting place of the Tarot Society, the life of an Extraordinary would be over...

Suppressing the discomfort in her body, she recalled the moment when she was surrounded by crimson and entered the gray mist space.

A memory suddenly appeared in her mind.

A memory that doesn't belong to her, but "should belong to her".

Saying goodbye to Daly who is psychic, and returning to the room to test the spirituality that has grown after being promoted to Sequence 8 "Instigator".

When you wake up, talk to Clement who is healed.

Go visit Rupert Norman, still recovering.

Accompany Daly who is off work to a restaurant recommended by her.

Greet the Nighthawks team of Backlund who came a step late, and meet Lolotta and Borgia again.

On the street at night, I ran into a middle-aged priest in a simple white robe and had a brief conversation with him.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that her memory of a whole day in Enmat Harbor had disappeared out of thin air.

Before she came to the gray mist and the "Tarot Club" site, she didn't even notice the strange situation that yesterday was Saturday and today is Monday, as if since birth, a week in her life has only six days .

Even when she got here, the memory in her mind came back to life, but she still couldn't remember the specific details, which restaurant she went to with Daly, why the Backlund team was late, and what did the priest say?
The more Angel thought about it, the worse her headache was. She turned her gaze to Mr. Fool at the head of the long table, hesitating whether to ask this mysterious existence for help.

At this moment, the Fool finished reading the new page of Emperor Roselle's diary provided by Miss Justice, raised his gaze, and swept across the crowd.


By the way... the diary, the two-page diary that I accidentally owed last time has been paid off, and there is nothing new to gain from this trip to Enmat Port. In the short term, there may only be two existing pages left on hand. when……

After thinking for a moment, she gave up asking the Fool, and instead asked the other two members for help during the communication time.

"Do you know of any extraordinary ability that can tamper with or hide other people's memories?"

"Tampering memory?"

Zheng Zheng seemed to be frightened by Angel's thoughts, she gasped, and couldn't answer for a while.

The Hanged Man asked calmly, "Did you need to do this to someone, or did you or your friend get manipulated like this?"

Look, when you ask for help at the Tarot Society, you will encounter such a situation. If you talk too much, you will expose yourself, and if you talk too little, you will not be able to let others answer their doubts...

Angel thought with some embarrassment.

She thinks that the Hanged Man probably already knows her current identity, after all, she made the false testimony under his introduction; and Mister Fool who held the "Tarot Club" should know herself very well; Justice knows herself well At least, but at least he knew that he was located near Tingen, and he was a Beyonder of the "Assassin" path.

But she still tries to avoid revealing her current situation or whereabouts in the conversation.

"A commission from a friend."

she answered vaguely.

"As far as I know, Extraordinary people of the 'spectator' path can do this."

The Hanged Man didn't continue to ask, but started to answer her question.

Miss Justice, who has become an audience, is also refreshed and listens carefully.

"But to reach the level of directly modifying memory, none of the 'spectator' path Extraordinary I have come into contact with can do it. It may be necessary to reach the level of demigod, that is, the level of Sequence 4."

Sequence 4!

Angel felt a chill in his heart.

When did he provoke such a powerful Extraordinary?The other party wants to crush me, a Beyonder who has just become a Sequence 8, which should be no different from killing a chicken. Why do you want to tamper with your memory and make yourself forget a day's experience?

Or, is there any "mistake" in the memory in my mind that has been tampered with but not discovered, and not resolved by this mysterious gray fog space?
Of course, she didn't fully believe what the Hanged Man said. It wasn't that the other party would lie, but that the Hanged Man's thinking or knowledge might be somewhat insufficient. Maybe some kind of mid-sequence ability could achieve a similar effect?
Comforting herself, she nodded to the Hanged Man: "Thank you for your answer, I will find another way."

After finishing this topic, Justice couldn't wait to ask: "Where can I find the Psychic Alchemists? Or the potion formula of 'Mind Reader'?"

"Mind Reader", I remember it is Sequence 8 of the audience path?Is Miss Justice ready to be promoted so soon?
Angel looked at the Hanged Man, she knew that he was the most likely to answer this question.

"I don't recommend that you look for them so early to find clues to the next sequence of potions. Your focus should be on how to digest the existing potions. Besides, as I said last time, I don't know where they are .”

Justice hung his head in disappointment.

"I just want to prepare in advance...Now I don't feel irritable or have hallucinations or auditory hallucinations. This shows that my digestion of the potion and the role of the 'audience' are on the right track? I want When can I be considered for a promotion?"

"If you don't know the 'acting method', the general experience is to wait at least three years in Sequence 9. When your spirituality is exhausted and you have a splitting headache, if you can still stay awake without hearing ravings or hallucinations, then Can be considered for promotion."

"Now we," said the Hanged Man, and glanced sideways at the Fool, "we have already understood the 'acting method' and the true meaning of potions. I don't think it will take so long."

If you don't know how to act, you need to spend at least three years in Sequence 9...

Angel thought of Old Neil who had been in Sequence 9 "Secret Peeper" until he retired, and Cole Granger who had been promoted to Sequence 7 in less than two years.

Is this what "acting" means?
"Maybe it won't take that long," she added, considering her words. "Maybe a year, maybe half a year. As long as you act strictly, you should be promoted soon."

Justice and the Hanged Man looked at Miss Queen who spoke surprisingly.

They suddenly remembered that this Extraordinary of the "Assassin" pathway seemed to have an understanding of the "acting method" before participating in the Tarot Club.

Could it be that she has been promoted quickly through acting, so she came to the current conclusion?
The few people stopped talking, but looked at Mister Fool at the head of the long table, seeing that he had no additions or reminders, they moved on to the next topic.

"Do you know the 'Aurora Society'?"

Angel asked mysteriously.

(End of this chapter)

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