Demon Slayer: Tanjuro Kamado returns from Sekiro

Chapter 105 You Are Really a Ninja

Chapter 105 - You are indeed a ninja (two in one)


Butterfly House.

The second floor.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki sat on a chair beside him, and the hakama was cut open by a knife, revealing the injured part.

Butterfly was holding the bandage, smiling, and re-bandaged the wound for him very hard.


The white bandage was tightly tightened.


Tomioka Yoshiyuki looked keenly at Butterfly Shinobu's subconsciously hidden arm, and he opened his mouth slightly:

"Just now... what were you doing?"

Maybe it was because of the previous transparency training that worked, or maybe it was because of something else.

He felt—his perception seemed to be sharper.


Butterfly Ninja's face froze when she heard Tomioka Yoshiyuki's words, and she slowly turned her head away:
"Do people who make mistakes choose to blame others first?"

His eyes were erratic, as if he was looking for some reason to refute, Die Die Ren suddenly raised his head and looked at him:

"Where did Tomioka-san go all day yesterday?"

"It's the third time I violated the doctor's orders."

Waiting for Tomioka Yoshiyuki to answer.

She raised one finger, and with the other hand, she held the potion that had been prepared on the table:
"Come on, drink this."

The light green potion was poured back into the teacup, and it seemed that some ingredients had been added, causing it to steam.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki's eyes moved to the weird-looking liquid in front of him, and he hesitated slightly:
"What's in it...?"

Butterfly smiled gloomyly, her eyelashes curled up, and forcefully stuffed the potion into Yoshioka Tomioka's hand:
"Don't ask so many questions, just drink."




Seeing Yoshiyuki Tomioka leaning back on the chair and falling into a drowsy sleep, Butterfly shrugged and fell silent.

She rolled up her sleeves and looked at the pinholes on her fair arms.

——This is the trace of injection of wisteria poison.

——Before, it was all small doses, experimental, to test whether the wisteria flower poison could adapt to the human body.

At least before meeting that ghost, he won't die suddenly.

——Today is the real sense, the first wisteria flower poison she will inject.


She needs continuous injections of wisteria poison for 2-3 years, until every inch of her skin, internal organs, and blood vessels flowing through her fingertips contain a high concentration of wisteria poison.

In the end, as a poison that can kill Shangxian, he died with the guy who killed his sister.

Think about this.

Butterfly Ninja moved his eyes away from his arms and looked at the drawer, his palms clenched slightly, trembling and pinching so hard that they turned white.

When she reached out tremblingly to open the drawer and took out the needle to continue the injection.

Behind Tomioka Yoshiyuki's position, there was a soft sound suddenly.

She was startled and looked back quickly.

I see.

Yoshiyuki Tomioka, who was sleeping soundly, tilted his head in a daze, and the wooden box bento fell from his hand weakly and fell to the ground.

The lid of the bento box that fell to the ground was knocked open, revealing the food inside.

——It is carefully cooked, sliced, and sprinkled on the rice with ginger tsukudani.

Butterfly endured a slight daze. She stood up, walked towards Tomioka Yoshiyuki in two steps, squatted down, and picked up the bento on the ground.

Staring at the bento in her hand, her eyes trembled slightly.

Stretch out your hand, twist a piece, wrap it with rice grains, and put it in your mouth.

"…elder sister."

In the room where only Butterfly Ninja was awake, a slightly trembling voice came faintly.

There was a bit of crying at the end of the voice.

Everyone in Butterfly House knows that Butterfly Shinobu's favorite side dish is ginger tsukudou.

But what they don't know is.

Ginger Tsukudani is the favorite of Butterfly Ninja’s sister——

——No, they are the parents of the two sisters, the best side dishes.


After a period of time.

Butterfly kept her face sullen, and she walked out of the room with an angry look.

What deserves attention is that there are no new pinholes on her arm.

On the other side, Yin who had been waiting for a long time near Butterfly Ninja's office carefully poked their heads out from the corner.

They didn't dare to look into the office where the door was not closed until Die Ren walked away in the corridor.

——The sleeping Yoshiyuki Tomioka was tied tightly to the chair with bandages, his skin turned pale, but he himself seemed to be unaware and continued to sleep.

On the table, there is a clean bento wooden box.


at the same time.


"Ah, so it is."

Aoizhi's voice gradually softened, she sat beside Tanjuro, she put her hand on her cheek, and after listening to the explanation, she nodded suddenly:

"It's related to the ghost thing."

In his hand, he picked up the hairpin that fell on the ground.

Although I haven't seen the existence of ghosts with my own eyes.

However, during the time Kuizhi was in Butterfly House, he also witnessed many people who suffered heavy casualties being carried back one by one.

Especially after the final selection the day before yesterday.

——There are so many such young children, are they already going to face such a thing?

She looked at her children, Hanako, Mao, and Liutai, their immature eyes were still full of innocence and curiosity.

But the injured children I saw these days were about the same age as Tanjiro and Takeo.


Kui Zhi's downcast eyes flickered slightly.

— Cruel injustice.

"That's right." Tanjuro breathed a sigh of relief, and after explaining, he slowly came back to his senses and set his sights on the letter in front of him.

— Later, when writing a letter.

—Let's not let the children see it.

He thought to himself.

At this time.

"Hey! Hey!" Shigeru still looked excited, he looked at Aoizhi and Tanjuro, pointed at the letter and shouted:

"Dad! Mom!"

"That flower street, can we go too?"

——Sounds like it must be some fun place!
In a pleading tone:

"We haven't been out for so long!"

"Everyone is getting bored!"

As he said that, he pointed to Zhuxiong who was standing beside him: "Brother Zhuxiong also often said that it would be great if he could go down the mountain to have a look."


The mother, who was still immersed in sadness just now, was shocked.

Kui Zhi suddenly raised her head, her eyes quickly looked at Mao, the corners of her brows were slightly frowned, and her tone was longer than usual:

"Hey!" Mao, who was still vivid just now, shrank his head in fright. He glanced at his mother as if fleeing, and then quickly hid behind Zhuxiong.

"...Mom." She only dared to show her head and quietly looked towards this side.

Zhuxiong, who was forced to stand in front of Mao, felt like he was facing a big enemy, his face tightened, and he looked at Mao behind him in disbelief:
"...Why are you hiding from me!"

"Hahaha!" Hanako sitting on the bunk smiled happily.

Tanjuro smiled, and he looked away.

After looking up at the direction upstairs, he didn't care anymore.

At this time.

Gang Hachiro flew in from the window, he flapped his wings, and landed on the desk, looking around:


He glanced at the letter, then looked up at Tanjuro at the table, and yelled:

"Tanjuro! Tanjuro!"

"The knifesmith from Forge Village is here to visit!"

"Now waiting in the courtyard!"


in the courtyard.

"Master Village Chief, you don't have to come in person."

"It's just a delivery of knives, just let me do this kind of thing."

Tie Qiao was looking at the village head helplessly, he was wiping the sweat from his forehead in a hurry.

The village head is the backbone of Forging Sword Village today, if something happens to him...

Thinking about it, Tie Qiao broke into a cold sweat from fright.

Although he claims to be the next generation head of Forging Sword Village, in fact, the level of forging swords is far behind, and he is not qualified at all.

"Hmph." The village chief was sitting by the courtyard, on a futon under the roof, with arms folded, turned his head, ignoring Tie Qiao's anxiety:
"Tieqiao, you are still too young."

"The sword forged by the swordsmith must be handed over to the swordsman himself. Have you forgotten?"


These words were like a thunderbolt falling from the sky, hitting Tieqiao directly:

"Ah?!" He yelled in disbelief, looking at the village head in shock:

"village head…"

Before you...

They are all swords that the swordsman personally came to the village to pick up...

Tie Qiao stood in the courtyard, his expression gradually becoming messy.

under the eaves.

Beside the village head, there was no sword or any knives.

Instead—an object that looked like an arm sleeve was placed.



tread, tread.

After handing the letter to Ganghachiro, Tanjuro hurried to the courtyard.

Before he arrived, he heard Tie Qiao shouting from a distance:
"Mr. Stove Gate!"

Tie Qiao stood there, raising his hands and waving, the fire mask on his face was crooked:

"Here here!"


After several people sat opposite each other.

The three of them looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

At last.

"Village chief..." Tanjuro looked at the village chief's hesitant look, and asked tentatively:
"This time, is my Sun Wheel Knife ready?"

"Ah." The village chief turned his head slightly, stretched out his calloused old hand, and gently scratched the fire man's mask on his face:
"This is..."

The eyes behind the mask were erratic, and he sighed deeply:

"Feel sorry."

The village head lowered his head, he sighed helplessly:

"I want to imitate the sun wheel sword like your saber, Mr. Zaomen, old man..."

After hesitating for a while, he finally said frankly:

"No idea at all."

Tie Qiao watched the village head from the side, but he didn't speak.

The village head has always been like this.

If he didn't forge a knife that forced him to go further, he would never be satisfied. For this reason, he often forced himself to immerse himself in the knife forging room for several nights.

Just when Tanjuro nodded and wanted to comfort the village chief.

"But!" He suddenly raised his head, his tone became full of air, and seemed to be faintly proud.


The village chief took out the iron object that looked like an armband from behind, placed it among the few people, and said confidently:
"The other thing you asked for, the old man forged it one by one!"

"All the extremely high-purity orangutan scarlet iron is used, including the iron rope used for hooking and pulling, the shuriken!"

"The axes, spears, and ribs that follow up the drawings will be delivered to you soon."

"Guaranteed to be exactly the same as on the drawing!"

"How." He said so much almost in one breath, then retracted his eyes, folded his arms, and blew air from the mouth of the fire man's mask faintly.


Tanjuro looked at the "Ninja Prosthetic Hand" in front of him.

This is the object that he later provided the blueprint to the village chief to try to restore.

Of course, it is different from the original ninja hand.

——The current Tanjurou has both hands after all.

He didn't want to lose his left arm again.

Relying on the understanding of the ninja prosthetic hand, it was transformed into drawings, and finally turned into this "arm sleeve" that only needs to be put on the arm to achieve the same effect.

It looks like... the Hidden Blade from Assassin's Creed.

"It's exactly the same as I imagined." He nodded and thanked the complacent village chief: "Thank you."

Then, he picked up the prosthetic hand and slowly put it on his left hand.

Tanjuro lowered his head and looked at the small shuriken stuck in the slot of the car as he felt a touch that was not familiar to him before.

Pull the mechanism slightly with your fingers, and then slam it towards the wooden wall on the other side of the courtyard!
Whoosh whoosh!
With the sound of breaking through the air.

Chi Chi Chi!
The three sharp shurikens suddenly sank into the wooden wall.


Yu Sui Tianyuan was passing by the courtyard.

He stared blankly at the shuriken flying past his face.

A few strands of white hair fell in mid-air.


With his mouth open, the apple with a bite in his hand fell to the ground in shock and rolled around twice.

He turned his head slowly, and his eyes met Tanjuro's apologetic face.

Usui Tengen maintained the movement of opening his mouth to bite the apple, his eyes fixed on Tanjuro wearing the prosthetic hand.

——My previous sixth sense was right!
--This guy!


He took a bite of the apple in the void.

——It’s a ninja!



The time has come to night.

Afraid that Tieqiao would run into ghosts when he returned to the village at night, and worried about the safety of the village chief, he chose to stay overnight in Butterfly House.

Set off again during the day the next day.


at the same time.

Forging knife village.

It is late at night.

The lights of the seemingly hut have been turned off, and even the sound of forging the knife embryo has gradually weakened.


A swordsman wearing a serpentine feather weaving, wearing ancient clogs from the Warring States period, appeared at the end of the road.


Ji Guoyansheng, who hadn't shown up for a long time, was scanning the surroundings with his remaining two eyes:

"Slack off..."

Ji Guoyansheng spoke to himself in a lengthy tone.

He just followed a few traces, and came from the old site to the new site with ease.

How can this not make him lament slack.

After parting with Shi Tou's family last time, he still doesn't know the meaning of his existence.

It is certainly right to teach one's offspring and continue one's "existence".


Ji Guoyan Sheng kept thinking in his mind.

Suddenly, he turned his eyes.

A small cloud of dust and mist rose from the spot, and he turned into an afterimage and left here.


Tie Qiao's house.



Ji Guoyansheng turned his back to the moon, and he landed in the yard.

Slowly raised his head and looked at the wooden box standing in front of him.

There was a familiar aura coming from the vicinity continuously, as if shouting to attract him.

He just wanted to draw the knife, but after thinking about it for a moment, he let go of the idea of ​​pulling out the sheath.

Instead, reach out and look forward.


Open the door of the wooden box, and let the clear and pale moonlight shine into the dark wooden box.

next moment.

Yuan Yi Zero Style whose appearance is exactly the same as [Ji Guo Yuan Yi].

Appeared in front of Ji Guoyansheng.

--This is!
Yuanyi's appearance was reflected in his golden eyes, his pupils shrank, he stretched out his hand unconsciously, and tremblingly touched the puppet's earring.

Whispering to himself:

"... Yuanyi."

"While I didn't know..."

"You to the end." Ji Guoyansheng's eyebrows trembled, and his breathing gradually became short of breath:

"How many traces are left, in this world."

(End of this chapter)

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