Chapter 106 - Infiltrating You Guo ([-] in [-])


Until the moon has climbed to the mid-heaven.

Ji Guoyansheng left Forging Dao Village.

In the yard, there was only an empty wooden box left.

After Ji Guoyansheng left.

"That... what?" Xiao Tie, who was hiding in the room, timidly poked his head out cautiously, looking in the direction of the yard.


for a long time.

Inside the brightly lit castle town.

The street lamps on the side of the road were on, emitting warm light towards the surroundings. On both sides of the street were stone buildings with a western style.

Bang, Bang.

"It's near here..."

Ji Guoyansheng carried the puppet wrapped in snake-patterned feathers on his shoulders, and he looked left and right casually while walking on the street.

The puppet's joints collided slightly with the ups and downs of his walking movements, making a clicking sound.

He didn't care about the suspicious eyes of passers-by.


The tip of the nose moved slightly.

He directly entrusted Shi Tou's family to the Ghost Killing Squad, not completely trusting them.

Ji Guoyansheng firmly believed that since hundreds of years ago there were people like himself in the Ghost Killing Team who only cared about being strong and abandoned everything else, then there must be people like him now.

So, he made a new flute and left it to them.

The flute contains his blood.

"Beep! Beep!"

A Ford car with lights on blew its horn from the street and ran past, immediately attracting Ji Guoyansheng's attention.

It is very close to Tokyo, and naturally it is more developed than the mountains.

He remembered, after the last fight with Gang Hachiro.

It took a long time to repair the arm that was cut in half by the red knife.

And the arm that he dropped seems to have been intercepted by other people, and the blood is being stored somewhere.

As a ghost, especially Ji Guoyansheng, one of the former masters, has the ability to perceive the location of this blood.

Ji Guoyansheng searched and walked along the street for a while.


Suddenly, he stopped.

Turning his head, he looked to the other side, at the end of the dark alley.

—that was a wall.

But in his perception.

That is a house.


at the same time.

In the Zhu family.

The second floor.


Yushiro, who was walking steadily while holding a dinner plate with a teapot on it, suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the gate.

He frowned and his eyes became serious.

After a moment of hesitation,

Yushiro let go of his hands, and the plate in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, and the hot tea spilled all over the floor.


"Master Zhu Shi!!" He yelled hastily, strode forward, and ran towards the stairs:

"Oh no!!"

When running to the stairs.

His wet feet slipped suddenly, making a screeching sound, his center of gravity suddenly became unstable, and he fell to the ground.

boom! !

"Cough!!" Yushiro looked anxious, and before he could get up in time, he quickly rolled down the stairs.


He landed heavily on the last step of the stairs.

"A ghost broke through my blindfold..." Shaking his head, baring his teeth, he subconsciously held on to the handle of the stairs, trying to stand up.


A huge shadow has enveloped him.

Yushiro's body froze immediately, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, his stiff neck slowly lifted up, and he looked forward.

The cold night wind blows on the face of the silk - the door of the house has been opened at some time.

And standing in front of Yushiro.

It was Ji Guoyansheng who was expressionless and carrying the doll.


Yushiro's pupils shrank suddenly, his eye sockets dilated and trembled, his hand holding the handrail of the stairs became harder and harder, and he swallowed nervously.

It's the...winding one.

hurry up...

——Miss Zhu Shi...

- run!

The sound of the wooden door being pushed open sounded from the other side.

A suspicious Zhu Shi's voice came:
"Yushirou, what's wrong?" Her voice was soft, her upper body leaned out of the door:
"I heard a loud commotion..."

The plate she held in her hand was put down, and it contained a cloudy white sediment—it was something she extracted and cultivated from Tanjuro's blood.

In an instant.

Yu Shilang, Ji Guoyan Sheng, Zhu Shi.

The three looked at each other.



Butterfly House.



Tanjuro grabbed the shurikens that had been buried in the wooden wall, and recovered them one by one.

The sharpened part of the shuriken is slightly purple—the wisteria flower is extracted from it, which has a paralyzing effect on ghosts.

In addition, the entire ninja prosthetic hand is made of the material [orangutan scarlet sand iron] used to make the sun wheel knife, which can barely replace the role of the sun wheel knife.

"As compensation for cutting off my gorgeous hair."

"Answer me a few questions, how?"

Yusui Tianyuanhuan gently brushed his hair with his fingers, and the gem headdress reflected the moonlight. He was leaning against the wall at the moment, watching Tanjuro beside him:

"It's a ninja."

Tanjuro squatted on the ground, glanced at him, and then continued to put the shuriken into the card slot of the ninjutsu hand:

He didn't lie.


--I see.

——Everything is explained.

Usui Tengen's gaze stayed on Tanjuro's expressionless face.

From the first time I saw this guy, that weak look.

Probably, it's the same as myself.

I want to break the concept that I was instilled in since I was a child, but my heart is very confused, and I finally fell into a completely decadent feeling.

He understands very well.

After encountering a ghost, I had the idea of ​​wanting to atone for my sins and felt refreshed.

—He also understands.

Usui Tengen thought about meeting several times, and Tanjuro's complexion became better and better.

In his opinion, this is a sign that Tanjuro has stepped out of the past.


I haven't seen this guy's expression other than this stern face.

—Has the ninja's cruel training made him numb?

In his mind, Yu Sui Tianyuan couldn't help but think of his younger brother.

How much he had hoped that his younger brother could understand his thoughts and break the bondage with him, so that he would no longer be such a twisted person.

It's a pity that his younger brother has completely turned into a killer without ego.

Think about this.

Usui couldn't help but sympathize with Tanjuro.



Tanjuro was holding the shuriken, he felt the eyes of Usui Tengen beside him, and turned his head with some doubts.

At this time.

Yu Sui Tianyuan frowned even harder, his expression was gloomy, and he asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

"Which family's ninja are you from?"

He originally thought that the Yusui family was already the last ninja family that was numb and cruel.

Ninjas, this kind of existence that distorts people's way of life and destroys the common sense of the world, should have disappeared long ago.

In the past, Yusui Tianyuan thought about whether he should take action himself to completely wipe out the Yusui family.

Thinking about it, he also cited a few surviving ninja tribes he guessed:
"Koga-ryu? The Mochizuki family?"

At this time, Tanjuro stuck all the shurikens into the slots, stood up, and walked past Usui Tengen.

He gave an answer that the other party had never thought of.

"Miss Wei."

After speaking, he walked away quickly.


"—Mingliu Wei?"

Usui Tengen stared at Tanjuro walking past him in a daze, he repeated the other's words, and gradually became puzzled with a gloomy expression on his face.

Until watching Tanjuro slowly walk out of the end of his field of vision.

He just blinked his eyes, scratched his head in puzzlement, his eyes were full of thoughts:

"...Where does Ashina come from?"

He was raised as the last ninja since he was a child, and he memorized all other ninja genres early on.

But——he had never heard of Wei Mingliu.

Just when he was full of doubts in his heart and was about to catch up and ask in detail.


A figure with yellow hair, straightened his waist, passed Yusui Tianyuan, and walked from the first floor of the butterfly house to the courtyard.

It's my wife Shanyi.

There was still a big snot bubble hanging from the tip of his nose, and the corners of his eyes were red, as if he had just cried.


Yu Sui Tianyuan opened his mouth slightly, looking in surprise at my wife Shanyi who walked steadily into the courtyard, drew out the wooden knife and started training.

From start to finish.

My wife Shanyi closed her eyes.

Even at this moment, when he was waving the wooden knife to practice the sword form, he looked as if he was asleep.

"...what a weirdo."

After sighing, Usui Tengen hurriedly chased in the direction Tanjuro left.



The next day.

in the courtyard.

The Shitou brothers and the Zaomen family's children have mixed together, fighting each other for training.

The strength of both sides has improved significantly.

In a short period of time, Ichiro was able to easily defeat four or five third-level swordsmen at one time.

If you train harder...

Perhaps, at this moment, he already has the strength of Zhu.

under the eaves.

Tanjuro was sitting when he received a letter from Ubuyashiki.

Although he knew that Luo Ji was hiding in Huajie.

But Tanjuro didn't know exactly where in Hana Street.

Site survey is required.


He opened the envelope and glanced at the contents.

At this time.

"Karma!" Ganghachiro yelled, attracting the attention of other people in the courtyard, he yelled:
"My lord, send an order!"

"Shito no Ichiro! Tokito Ichiro!"

The two who were called by their names wiped the sweat from their heads, and looked at the crow standing on the roof suspiciously.

"Judgment by the pillars! The two already have the strength to pass the final selection!"

"Thank you both for choosing to join the Ghost Killing Squad!"

"Please go to the second floor of the Butterfly House to collect the team uniform!"

"Karma! Above!"



"What?!" Father Weiweilang opened the window on the second floor and looked up at the roof. He pointed to himself in frustration, wondering:

"what about me?"

"Garrah!" Ganghachiro looked down at Weiweilang, and just said "Karrah" without further answer.

Seeing that the crow didn't pay attention to what he said, Wei Lang's expression became even more depressed:


Tanjuro, who was sitting on the first floor, withdrew his gaze, and continued to look at the envelope in front of him.


It's just that Wei Lang didn't practice swordsmanship during this period of time - he spent all day with his wife.

The pillars naturally didn't have time to observe his strength.

To make an exception and be promoted to a team member requires the approval of a majority of votes.

Just when Tanjuro's gaze caught sight of the words "Choose the nearest pillar to go with you" in the letter.


The muscular figure stood in front of Tanjuro, his tall body blocked the sunlight at once, and the words on the letter were immediately shrouded in shadow.

Tanjuro looked up slightly.


Usui Tianyuan smiled triumphantly, he raised his head, the gem was shining brightly in the sun, and looked at Tanjuro confidently, with the corners of his mouth curled up:

"How, new mission?"

He bowed his head:

"Gorgeous, I don't have a task right now."


He smiled confidently, implying Tanjuro inside and outside the words.

——Ubuyashiki also issued a mission to Huajie to the pillars who are in Butterfly House, and they have the right to refuse.

However, they have no reason to refuse.



Tomioka Yoshiyuki, Tanjuro, and Usui Tengen stood at the door of the Butterfly House.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki's face still has red marks from bandages, which are very conspicuous.

A few days ago, after crushing the hand ghost to ashes, he felt much more comfortable inside.

There was a feeling of [I finally passed the final selection].

When standing with other pillars, the uncomfortable feeling is much less.

At this time.

Yu Sui Tianyuan only felt his forehead throbbing.

——Why did you work with Tomioka?

"Hey, you two."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He carried two curved knives on his back and looked at the two beside him.


A well protruded from the forehead, he suddenly stretched out his finger, pointed at Yoshiyuki Tomioka who was expressionless, and Tanjuro who was frowning, and shouted:
"Can you stop putting on a straight face and look like you're in mourning!"

He slapped Tomioka Yoshiyuki's face violently, then rubbed the other's face, trying to correct his expression into a smile:
"Come on! Laugh!"


Tomioka Yoshiyuki turned his head sideways, and gently broke away from Yusui's hand.



He turned towards Yu Sui, showing a smile uglier than crying.


Yu Sui Tianyuan blinked his eyes, let go of his hand, and immediately retreated two steps decisively, and said mercilessly:

"It's too ugly, it's kind of disgusting, you better stop laughing in the future."


Yoshiyuki Tomioka opened his mouth slightly, showing a surprised expression.

Apart from Xiao Ba Nei and Undead Chuan, this was the first time that they were scolded so directly.

He was depressed and devastated.

Two people sideways.

Tanjurou was waving with Ruanyu and his family.



By the time a few people arrived at Yoshiwara Flower Street, it was already evening.

Yoshihara Flower Street.

Although the sky was already dark, the entire town street was brightly lit, and the bustling lights gradually lit up as time went by.

The Flower Street near night has begun to bloom its own brilliance.

The pedestrians who stopped in front of the store were densely packed.

tread, tread.

The attire of the three changed into loose bathrobes.

But it doesn't affect the fight.

Tanjuro squeezed his left arm, the prosthetic hand was still covered, and Wakimaru was only covered by the wide bathrobe.

"Shangxian ghost... hiding in Huajie, which only wakes up at night."

Yu Sui Tianyuan's hair fell down, and all the makeup on his face was removed, revealing that extremely handsome face. He was looking left and right, talking to himself:

"That's really appropriate."

He also suspected Huajie before, but after some investigation, he couldn't find anything.

Tanjuro appeared just when he wanted his wife to infiltrate Hanaichi to conduct an in-depth investigation.

Just when Yu Sui Tianyuan was thinking about how to detect information.

he noticed.

Tanjuro beside him was looking straight in a certain direction.

"Usui." Tanjuro stood on the crowded street, he said softly:

"Use the penetrating world to perceive that direction."

(End of this chapter)

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