Chapter 121 - [Hidden] Purgatory Qianshou Lang


at the same time.

Forging knife village.

Tie Qiao's house.

Tie Qiaozhou worked tirelessly for a long time. After walking with the village head and forging brothers Shitou's knife, he finally returned to the knife forging village and came to his own backyard after a long absence.

"...I'm exhausted." He loosened his shoulders, rubbed the back of his neck with his hands, and muttered complainingly:

"It's true for the village chief, but he has to wait so long to come back. Everyone is worried to death."

As he spoke, he sighed deeply, thinking about the intensive events that had happened in the past month, raised his head, and sighed:
"This is a rare vacation..."

Just as Tie Qiao looked up at the sky, his consciousness gradually relaxed.

He glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and always felt that there seemed to be something missing in the yard.

After hesitating for a while, Tie Qiao lowered his head.

— What is missing?
Looking towards the empty own yard.

His brows were slowly furrowed, and the doubts on his face became more intense.



"Where is my big box—?!"

Tie Qiao stared and opened his hands, looking around in the empty yard:

"Who! Who is it!!"

His miserable and horrified cries echoed in the sky above Forge Knife Village.

Tie Qiao was screaming, with a sad expression on his face, and fell to his knees with a plop, hysterical:
"There are thieves in the village——!"

His son Xiao Tie poked his head out on the second floor with cold sweat on his face.

He saw with his own eyes how that figure took away his ancestral doll.

Also came twice.


As if thinking of something, Xiao Tie stared at his father's sad back kneeling on the ground, he swallowed worriedly, and slowly withdrew his gaze.



Natian Spider Mountain.

"Why." Inosuke hung alone under the tree, with his head down, lost in thought.

What he experienced today was a little unimaginable for him.

Simply put, it is.

- meet a match - initiate a challenge - get tied up.

The above process was repeated several times.

His eyes gradually deepened.

Suddenly, a thought that made Inosuke sink into depression was born in his mind.

"" He stared at the empty ground in front of him, and started talking to himself:

"Is it too weak?"

In the blue wild boar eyes, the emotion called [fighting spirit] gradually withered.

Originally thought that being the king in the mountains was already the strongest, but I didn't expect that there are powerful guys from the outside world everywhere.

On this mountain, almost all creatures were stronger than him and had never been seen before.

In the end, it's just sitting in the well and watching the sky.

In front of him, the [eldest sister] who was staying here has long since disappeared, as if she had already fled.

Just when Inosuke lowered his head and thought.

A miserable scream came from the other side.

It was followed by the sound of intensive footsteps constantly hitting the ground.

Inosuke's drooping head was attracted by the sound, and he slowly turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

In the blue eyes, the red light gradually approached.


The evil spirit with the body of a spider has a human head, his complexion is pale, and the white traces of tiredness on his face have faded away, revealing his original face.

what happens!

Why are you so tired? !
Da da da! !

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" He shouted miserably.

His scarlet eyes were full of horror at the moment.

--its not right!Shouldn't it be time for us to eat!
——Why did that ghost hunter chase after us? !
next moment.

The bright red streaked across the dark forest and passed across his neck.

"Puff ho!" The spider ghost choked suddenly, his eyes popped out, his head rolled down unwillingly, and began to turn into ashes.



Tanjuro weighed his feet on the ground, he slowly exhaled a puff of white steam, and shook the ashes from the red wedge knife.

He turned his head and looked at the ghost that turned into ashes.


Cherry pink light overflowed from his body and hit Tanjuro's chest.

"Well, it's the last one."

Tanjuro felt the resurrection in his body and the number of paper dolls.

Winding up, tired, brought only two revivals.

And after slaughtering the ghosts of Natian Spider Mountain, they got another one.

Three resurrections, roughly the same vitality as a half-day dog.

There are not many paper figurines, except for the three provided by Lie, he did not get any paper figurines from other ghosts.

Tanjuro nodded slightly as he glanced at the wedge ball in his hand that had turned red from casting Bazhilei.

With a large number of paper figurines as the base, Ba Zhilei's proficiency is getting higher and higher.

Even if it's not a thunderstorm, Tanjuro has a high degree of confidence that he will be able to summon the thunder.

Just when he put the knife back into its sheath and was about to turn around and leave.


A hoarse and rough shout came from behind:

"Uncle Red Knife over there!!"


Tanjuro's footsteps froze when he was called to a stop.

He turned his head slowly, looking in the direction behind him.

Although he knew there was someone over there, Tanjuro didn't intend to contact him at first.

After all—as long as all the ghosts are killed, the person will be safe.

After concentrating his eyes in the direction of that person for a while.

He froze for a moment.

"That's right! It's me!!" Seeing Tanjuro turning his head, Inosuke jumped up and shouted:

"I yelled!"

Tanjuro looked at him suspiciously.


The boy with the head of a wild boar, Zuihei Inosuke—is a member of the protagonist group in the original work.

Perhaps it was because I, a butterfly, flapped its wings too frequently, and Inosuke, who shouldn't be here, also appeared at this moment.

After thinking briefly in my mind.


Tanjuro walked up to the suspended Inosuke.

"Uncle, you are with those long-haired men with knives just now!"

"My name is Zuhira Inosuke!"

Inosuke's gaze was always on Tanjuro, and he turned his head following Tanjuro's footsteps:

"Where did you come from, are the people there so powerful!"

There was no reply to Inosuke's words.

After observing for a while, Tanjuro drew his knife sharply and cut off the spider thread hanging behind Inosuke.

After catching the fallen Inosuke, Tanjuro remained silent, put it on his shoulder, and started to leave towards the direction of the mountain.

"?" Inosuke looked at himself who was draped over his shoulders like a loincloth, and was stunned for a moment.

Immediately reacting, he twisted his body, whose limbs were still bound:

"Why don't you talk?! Put me down!"

"Are you dumb?"




Zhushi Mansion.

"I checked, it's probably some kind of training puppet."

"Take it back. It will be good for your daily training when I'm not around." Ji Guoyansheng explained in a flat tone.


Shi Tou, father and son were all stunned for a moment.

Not because I want to bring the doll back, but——

"... Uncle Six Eyes, won't you come with us?"

Wuichiro didn't care whether he wanted to take the box away, he turned his head quickly, and looked nervously at Ji Guoyansheng:

"Why?" He asked one after another, "Is it because of the Ghost Killing Squad?"

Stretching out his hand, he pulled Ji Guoyansheng's clothes with some reluctance, and said in a panic:
"Don't worry, everyone in the Demon Slayer Squad is very friendly, Tanjiro, the hidden players..."

"By the way, Sister Shinobi also taught us how to use wisteria flower poison to kill..."

Just halfway through the words, a powerful slap slammed onto Wuichiro's mouth.

His face hurt, and his covered mouth hurt so much that he made a sound:


Ichiro's expression tightened, he covered his younger brother's mouth tightly with his hands, pulled the corners of his mouth forcefully, and smiled at Ji Guoyansheng twice:
"Haha, haha, he was joking."

With a smiling expression, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He glanced at Muichiro quietly.

——Let a ghost go to the Ghost Killing Squad, and send it to death? !

It's really hard to think about it.

Ji Guoyansheng was silent for a while, he groped from his body, took out a good flute again, and stuffed it into the hands of the two brothers:
"Let's go."



Ji Guoyan Sheng folded his arms, stood at the end of the road, and watched the three father and son go away.

Countless people have died by their own hands.

The Ghost Slayer Squad would not welcome him—he, who had served in the Ghost Slaughter Squad, knew this better than anyone else.



Turning around, the serpentine feathers slightly raised.

There is no need for him to return to the Ghost Slayer either.


In front.

tread, tread.

Wei Weilang was carrying a suitcase on his back, and two straps were thoughtfully made on the suitcase, which was pressing firmly on his body at the moment.

Sweat rolled down his forehead, and every step forward was extremely heavy.

"Father..." Muichiro stood aside, shouting with some worry, "Can you move it?"

He clenched his fists and looked left and right.

"I'm here to help!"

Finally, his eyes lit up, and he ran behind his father in small steps.

"Hey!" Helped lift the box from behind.

It doesn't matter if you don't lift it.

As soon as he lifted it, Wei Weilang, who was already struggling, suddenly lost his only balance.

"Hey!" Wei Weilang's face was flushed, he staggered a step, and strode forward to support his body.

Clenched teeth with difficulty squeezed out a voice between the teeth:
"No... I... Lang...!"

"I got it! Dad!" Muichiro nodded, and the strength in his hand became stronger!
The box lifted from the rear is constantly exerting weight!

At last.

With the release of his hand, Wei Lang's expression turned pale suddenly.


Ji Guoyan Sheng just turned around, ready to return to Zhu Shi's mansion.

I heard it.

There was a dull landing sound on the road behind him.

Accompanying -


It was Ichiro who cried out in shock after being dazed.

Ji Guoyan was taken aback for a moment, and he turned his head quickly.

Ji Guoyansheng's pupils shrank slightly after seeing the only Lang who was pressed under the box and remained motionless.

It turned into an afterimage and ran towards the direction of the father and son.

in situ.

Zhu Shi and Yushiro stood together, the two ghosts looked at each other, and looked hesitantly at Ji Guoyansheng who was running away.



creak... creak...

The wooden wheel trembled slowly, making a fragile and mournful cry, and printed two lines of deep marks on the mud.

Wei Weilang looked directly at the sky, he was lying on a wooden cart with the box.

The two brothers walked in front, pulling the wooden cart together with difficulty.

Ji Guoyansheng stood behind them, watching them until they completely disappeared from his perception.

Only then slowly relieved, turned and left.

One of the previous windings, he has never been tired, but now he feels a little tired.



The next day.

The dawn sun shines through the streets and into the alleys.

Purgatory door.


She is small in stature, with thick black swallow eyebrows drooping slightly, and red flame-like hair tips shining brightly in the sun.

A child in a white kendo suit holds a bamboo broom, smiles on his face, and patiently and slowly cleans the fallen leaves in front of the door.

He is Purgatory Senjuro.

The second son of Purgatory.

Panting slightly, Senjuro raised his head, wiped the sweat from his brow, and looked at the sunlight slowly streaming down from the top of the wall.

Unlike my father and elder brother, I worked hard to practice swordsmanship, but to no avail.

Maybe——I don't have the talent to become a swordsman.

but it does not matter.

Before, when his father was decadent, he did all the chores in the house, including housework, by himself.

With your own strength, you can also help others.

Now, my father is no longer decadent, and my brother's swordsmanship has also improved by leaps and bounds.

The veil in my heart was finally wiped away.

Purgatory Qianjurou watched the sun gradually shine, he couldn't help smiling from the bottom of his heart.

At this time.

A dark red figure passed by the door.

The blown wind stirred his red-flame hair.

"Morning." Tanjuro carried Inosuke on his shoulders, and he passed by Purgatory House, and nodded to Senjurou who was sweeping the floor.

Then, without stopping, he continued to run in the direction of Butterfly House.

Senjuro froze for a moment, he saw Tanjuro's back without stopping and went straight away, and quickly reacted.

raised his hands and shouted:

"Morning...good morning! Mr. Zaomen!!"

far away.

Tanjuro's figure quickly shrank at the end of the street.

The figure carried on its shoulders struggled violently:
"Asshole! Can't you talk!"

Faintly, there was such a voice.

Seeing Tanjuro disappear around the corner, Senjuro slowly withdrew his raised hand.

so good--

His eyes were full of longing.

Although it's not clear.

My father didn't even bother to explain.

But Qianjulang learned from his father's soliloquy while sleeping that it was Mr. Zaomen who untied his knot.

In the world, there are more people suffering more unbearable suffering than themselves.

If you have the ability...

Just as Senjurou was holding the broom, he was dazed looking at the direction in which Tanjuro disappeared.


The sound of the wooden wheel squeezing and panting came from beside him.

Chishouro was taken aback for a moment, and he quickly turned his head to look.

"Cough! Ho!" Muichiro and Ichiro were sweating profusely, their uniforms were soaked, and they kept pushing the wooden cart forward.

Since the Purgatory House is the only way to the Butterfly House, many wounded people can be seen every day.

"It's okay!"

Senshouro looked at the two people pushing the wooden cart, and he looked left and right.

At last.

He looked down at the paper with the word "hidden" written in his hand.


Throw away the broom in your hand.

Senshouro pursed his lips, walked to the back of the wooden cart, supported the wooden board with both hands, and pushed forward vigorously.

creak... creak...

The brothers Shi Tou, whose eyes were already trembling, couldn't think. The three of them pushed the wooden cart together and gradually moved forward on the road.



Near Butterfly House.

"Ha ha!"

The two brothers Shi Tou lay down on the ground like two dead fish, breathing heavily.

Senshouro bent down, he was also panting heavily, but the light of hope in his eyes was extremely strong.


Straighten up.

He turned his head and looked aside.

It was a mansion much smaller than Butterfly House.

It is the place where hidden team members post tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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