Demon Slayer: Tanjuro Kamado returns from Sekiro

Chapter 122 That guy is definitely not Teacher Beimingyu! !

Chapter 122 - That guy is definitely not Teacher Beimingyu! ! (two in one)

In the yard where the hermits posted the mission.

Hasty-looking yins were walking back and forth, shouting and communicating.

"Hey! Butterfly House is short of manpower again!"

"I come--!"

"How about the mission over there, Master Shuizhu?"

"There is a risk of Shangxian ghosts. It is recommended to send more people to send a letter to Mr. Zaomen."

"Yan Zhu's mission, location Ji Yi, let's go!"


Groups of Yinmen in black uniforms walked out of the courtyard, walked past Senjurou, and headed down the mountain.

"This is Yin..." Senshouro turned his head and looked at the backs of the Yins who were gradually going away.

——The speed of sorting out intelligence and information is so fast.

This is the logistics force of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Can I... can do it too?

He withdrew his gaze, lowered his head, straightened his clothes, and walked towards the yard.

Then he looked into the yard timidly.

Qianshoulang leaned on the threshold, looked into the door nervously, and raised his cowardly voice as much as possible:

But before his voice sounded in the crowd for a moment, it was covered by the buzzing crowd.

"The Butterfly House still needs two people!"

"How come no one wants to pick up the safest Butterfly House!?"

The hermits were busily staggering around in the yard, and there was a lot of chatter about the missions, it seemed that no one heard Senjurou's weak voice at all.


Seeing that no one heard him, Qianshoulang drooped his brows and sighed helplessly.

He clenched his fist to encourage himself.

——Everyone is very busy, so I didn’t notice myself, so there’s nothing I can do about it.

At this time.


"Oh! It's a child of the purgatory family." A passing Yin stopped, and he subconsciously glanced at Qianshourou's bright hair color:
"What's the matter?" He was thoughtful, then pointed to a group of hidden people who had already gone out:

"Are you looking for Lord Yanzhu?"

"The Yin who followed Lord Yan Zhu just went out, maybe it's still too late to catch up now."

"No, it's not." Seeing someone stop in front of him, Qianshou Lang quickly shook his head and waved his hands:

"Excuse me, is the logistics office of Join Yin here?"

He lowered his head, grabbed the hem of his clothes with his hands, closed his eyes tightly, and tried his best:
"I want a hidden player."


The name froze for a moment.

He remembered that Lord Yanzhu's second son was probably only 12 years old.

—Aren’t you going to become a swordsman?

He looked at Qianshourou with some doubts, scratched the back of his head in confusion, but nodded:

"That's it."

Turning his head, he shouted in the direction not far behind:


"Come here!"

Yin put his hand to his mouth and shouted loudly: "You are in charge of recruiting team members today!"

Senshouro raised his head, followed Yin's gaze, and looked forward.

"Oh! Here it comes—!"

Already wearing a hidden uniform, Shadai, whose face was covered by black gauze, shouted excitedly, and she raised her hands and waved them.

Da da da!
And squeezed a few people away, and ran towards this side in small steps.

After seeing the general appearance of the visitor, Qianjulang was in a daze.


——That person's age seems to be similar to his own.

It turns out that there are people like me who have already joined Yin?
Senshouro thought this way in his heart, and a little yearning for the life of the hidden organization was born in the future.

In an unfamiliar environment, people with the same personality or ideas often make people feel much more relaxed.

"Hello! Are you the one who wants to join Yin?"

Shadai said hello to the senior, turned her head and nodded to Senjurou, she smiled and said very cheerfully:

"People are noisy here, come with me here."



logistics office.

Senshouro looked at the room curiously, and sat down.

Sadai stood in front of him.


She is holding a small board in her hand, on which is the "roster" used to record members:
"—Please tell me your name, age, and why you want to join Yin."

Recalling how flustered I was when I was asked by my seniors when I first joined Yin.


Have you been intimidated by this strict atmosphere!
Shadai looked at Qianjurou with faint complacency in his eyes.

Get flustered and tense~
It's okay, it's okay~ Every newcomer will go through this period...

hum hum
To her surprise.

"I understand." Qianshou Lang nodded, took a little deep breath, and said calmly:
"My name is Purgatory Chijuro, and I am 12 years old."

"The reason for joining Yin is..."

Senjuro smiled, and he answered casually:
"Want to help others."

Senjuro, who was born in a master of kendo, has received an excellent education since he was a child, and etiquette is not a problem.

When answering other people's questions, you can't forget to smile and look directly.

——Be sure to look directly at each other with fiery eyes!To make others feel respected!
This is what my elder brother taught me.



Shadai blinked his eyes, not noticing that the recording pen in his hand had dropped to the ground.

So smooth!
The same age as myself!

When Shadai heard the fluent answer from the child who was a head shorter than herself, she was shocked.

Recalling how humiliated I was when I answered.

She took half a step back and looked at Qianshourou warily.

It's my complete defeat!

She grabbed the clothes on her chest with a heart-wrenching look.

After Senjuro finished speaking, he did not forget to look at Shadai who was in a daze, and asked curiously:

"What about you, senior? Why did you choose to join Yin?"

He looked up:

"Is it also to help everyone?"

"Me?" Shadai was stunned for a moment, since she joined Yin, she has been asking around where there is a tall and thin monk surnamed [Beimingyu].

But no one has ever taken the initiative to ask himself about this matter.

No, no one will ask the examiner when they join the team to ask questions!

"...I'm not like you."

"I joined Yin for myself."

Shadai's active mood sank slightly.

In such a comparison, I suddenly seemed so selfish.


The hands that clenched his chest became more intense.



"... Afterwards, I collected information and finally came to the Demon Killing Squad, but I still couldn't find him... That's it."

Shadai and Senshouro sat on the stone bench at the entrance of the logistics office.

Senjuro put his hands on the hakama, and his waist was straight, in a very standard sitting posture - in stark contrast to Sayo who sat casually beside him.

Listening to Shayo's word-for-word recollection and explanation, Senjuro nodded suddenly:
"I see."

He turned around:
"It's okay, senior."

"It's not selfishness, it's guilt."

"Guilty?" Sha Dai tilted his head in doubt.

"Yes, because I failed to explain clearly in time, I caused an irreparable misunderstanding, and I failed to apologize properly."

Senshouro talked about his feelings, and he recalled his father who knelt down in front of his mother's bed and cried bitterly:

"That's why I feel so guilty."

"Before you have time, you must explain clearly."

It seemed that he had sensed Shadai's depressed mood.

"Don't worry, senior—it's never too late for this kind of thing."

He turned his head slowly, smiled and drooped his brows, and looked at Sha Dai beside him:

"Keep what you believe in and tell that person."

"While the process may be difficult...but—"

For some reason, it seemed that his father was no longer decadent and had regained his strength in his mind.

The corners of Senshouro's mouth could not help but rise, and he said softly and casually:

"—he will surely forgive you and recover himself."

"After all, it was Sha Dai who said, such a brave and kind person."

After finishing speaking, Chishouro smiled apologetically:

"Sorry, senior, I'm sorry, I called you by your name abruptly."

Shadai looked at Senjurou's smiling face, she opened her mouth for a moment and didn't know what to say, faltering and choking on the spot.

After choking for a long time, he could only purse his lips hard.

He grabbed the clothes on his chest.

this kid!
Sadai lowered his head and closed his eyes tightly.

——There is no doubt that it is an angel!


Senjuro seemed to remember something, he turned his head, looked at Shadai, and asked friendlyly:

"Senior, is it convenient to tell me the name of that monk?"

The crimson flame-colored golden hair swayed slightly, and in the sunlight falling from the top of the wall, Shadai's eyes were a little dazed, and the boy smiled:

"Maybe, I can also help with some small favors within my ability."

Come back to your senses.

"In terms of name..."

Shadai raised her head, she fell into memory, her eyes lowered:

"Everyone calls him teacher, and I only know a surname."

She turned her head to look at Qianshourou, and said the man's last name:
"It's the surname [Beiming Islet]."

"I only heard from the servants that the teacher seemed to be rescued by the lord, the others..."

"Even whether he is in the Ghost Killing Squad or not is just my speculation."

Sadai's eyes gradually dimmed.

For so long, there is no news.

The teacher is already thin and weak, and only eats a little every day. If he is still working in the ghost killing team——

Her face grew paler.

—Could it be that the teacher has died at the mouth of a ghost...!
Shadai was taken aback by his own thoughts, stretched out his hands slightly to cover his mouth in disbelief, his expression gradually became frightened.


"...The Isle of Sorrows?"

Senshouro's expression suddenly became a little strange, he was stunned for a moment, and confirmed again as if he couldn't believe it:
"—a monk whose surname is Beimingyu?"

"Ah! Mmm!" Shadai withdrew his face pale, she was stunned for a moment, then nodded in affirmation quickly, and stretched out her hand to gesture:

"That's right, tall and thin..."

After hearing the words [Sorrowful Islet] [Monk] [Gao], Qianshou Lang nodded directly.

In the Ghost Killing Squad, there is one person who perfectly fits these characteristics!

——Yanzhu · Beimingyu Xingming.

He ignored [thin].


Senjuro stood up at once, looked down at Shadai:


He nodded firmly and firmly:
"I know that person."

half an hour.


Sha Dai was stunned, she blinked her eyes, tilted her head in doubt, and her tone became more serious:


The boy stood up and blocked the sunlight in his eyes. He was clearly in the shadows, but his determined expression was extremely dazzling.

Shadai.exe has stopped running.



After a while.

Purgatory door.

"Zhu... Teacher has become Zhu..."

Shadai lowered his head, his trembling eyes were full of surprise:
"...and the strongest pillar."

Thinking back to the blurry back that stood in front of him and kept waving his fists.

Her eyes were gradually covered with a layer of mist.

"sorry Sorry…"

Shadai sobbed softly, leaning against the wall.

At this time, Shadai suddenly became excited,
"Hey! Senjuro, is it all right?"

Representative Sha became flustered. She was a little at a loss arranging her hair, looking around anxiously:

"Are we really going directly to Teacher Beimingyu's house like this?"

Although I usually look forward to it.

But it really came to this moment suddenly, and it was not as exciting as imagined.

On the contrary, I was extremely disturbed and entangled in my heart.

——If Teacher Beimingyu doesn't accept his apology...

——And what if, the teacher doesn't really care anymore...

——Or, forget about us at all...!
"…what to do."

Shadai anxiously walked back and forth on the spot, keeping his eyes on the ground.

in front of her.

"Karma! Karma!"

The crow fluttered its wings slowly and landed on the eaves of the door plaque of Purgatory's house. It lowered its head and looked at Qianshoulang:
"Master Yanzhu is at home and has not gone out on missions, so you can visit!"


"Thank you, please run some errands."

After Senjuro expressed his gratitude to the crow, he turned around with a smile and turned to Shadai:

"Look, the crows say it's all right."

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

——Great, Mr. Beimingyu is at home.

Born in Purgatory, he has a particularly keen mind, and he can clearly perceive the fragility of the girl in front of him at this moment.

"lets go."


In the town.

Mourning Islet Residence.


The white cat stretched comfortably, arched its body, and stuck out its tongue.

Just when it was comfortable and ready to find a place to lie down and sleep.


A hollow blowing sound came from the yard, and the white cat jumped up in fright, meowing in shock, and its hair exploded all over:

"Meow!" it yelled, venting its dissatisfaction.

As if aware of the white cat's discomfort, the unpleasant sound of blowing stopped for a while.


"Beep!!" It sounded again, as if unwilling.

This time, it was no longer the fried fur of a white cat or a cat.

In the house next door, there was a burst of old curses:
"Bastard Sorrow! Stop blowing your broken shakuhachi!!"

The courtyard door was swung open, and the white-haired old woman stood angrily at the door, holding a broom in her hand.

With some cloudy eyes, he looked at Beimingyu who was standing in the middle of the courtyard with tears in his eyes.

"Amitabha..." Bei Mingyu recited the Buddha's name silently.

He is holding a shakuhachi, ready to blow.

"Bring me the shakuhachi!"

The old woman yelled, and rushed forward waving the broom in her hand.

Seeing that something was wrong, Beimingyu hurriedly avoided it, and tried to save the cat at home from suffering.

——His muscular body turned around, and he rushed from the house to the street in an instant.


Shadai and Qianshoulang who just arrived near Beimingyu's house.

and saw—


Waving the broom, the old woman shouted angrily, chasing after Beimingyu.

"Nanwu..." Beimingyu had tears in the corners of his eyes, clasped his hands together, tightly protected his shakuhachi, and ran forward.

Sha Dai stared blankly at the two passing by him.

Trembling, she stretched out her hand and tugged at the corner of Qianshourou's clothes beside her:

"... Senjuro."

Her tone was trembling, she was faintly emotionally broken, she frowned tightly, turned her head in disbelief and shouted:

"That guy is definitely not Teacher Beimingyu——!"

(End of this chapter)

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