How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 103 Miss Murong, I'm Sorry

Chapter 103 Miss Murong, I'm Sorry
The mountain is roaring, smoke and dust are everywhere

A ray of red light rushed out from the hustle and bustle, turned into a flowing light and deftly leaped towards the top of the cliff.

After getting up, the phantom with a height of three floors chased after him. The branches on the cliff were thick, but under its giant palm, they were as fragile as wooden sticks.

The gigantic body of the giant-eyed red ape dexterously avoided the flying red streamer, opened its bloody mouth and let out an angry howl.

Murong Jingyan didn't look back, stepped on the last branch and jumped up the cliff, and landed firmly on the grass.

The moment he looked at the ape demon, Murong Jingyan immediately borrowed his cultivation from the star-moving ring, and used some magic hand's 'Boom' to frighten the monster away in exchange for an opportunity to escape.

That sense of oppression. This monster is too strong, you must not allow it to block you in the narrow corridor!
"Go to the open place first and consume it."

Just as Murong Jingyan ran a few steps, a black shadow in the falling abyss behind him jumped up into the sky, and a full moon had risen in the dark blue sky, making its huge body even more terrifying.

There was a loud noise when it landed on the ground, Murong Jingyan turned her head slightly, and saw the giant ape chasing up with frightening momentum using all four legs together.

Stepping on the Xiaguang step, Murong Jingyan turned her upper body, stretched out her hands and popped out her ten fingers, and ten streamers of light intertwined and flew out in an instant, spinning and winding in the air, blocking the giant ape's steps.

The giant ape, who had seen the power of the streamer, did not dare to procrastinate. He slowed down and raised his long-haired forearm, and took the blow abruptly.

It's just that its huge eyes are gloomy, and a few strands of blood ooze from that long forearm, which is actually broken.

Murong Jingyan also observed this, but she couldn't feel any complacency in her heart, so she continued to run towards the depths of Longji Mountain.

Now that I have borrowed my cultivation base, I can barely be regarded as a heavenly monk, but after the magic hand I used was forcibly taken over by this monster, it just bleeds.

"It seems that it won't be solved for a while, it's this body."

Before she finished speaking, Murong Jingyan suddenly heard a whistling sound, and it was too late to dodge.

Countless stones poured down from the sky rapidly, Murong Jingyan stomped and dodged like flowing clouds, but was still hit in the waist by these cannonball-like stones, his clothes were torn immediately, and a long bloodstain was wiped out on his abdomen.

"It actually??"

Turning his head to look, he saw that the ape was chasing with one hand, and the other big hand was grabbing at the huge boulder on the grassland, making a gesture to throw it over again.

"Can you use tools?"

"No wonder. All the powerful monsters here should be eaten up by this guy."

Wiping the blood on his waist with a wave of his sleeve, Murong Jingyan covered the wound on his waist and continued to escape, looking at a hillside in the distance.

"Just throwing stones is enough to kill me, if I really get hit, what's the deal??"

There was another whistling sound from behind, this time Murong Jing just raised her palm backwards without turning her head, countless flower petals bloomed and danced from the palm of her hand, like a giant net, it exploded when it hit Stonehenge.

The broken stones fell to the ground like meteors, the giant ape shook the burning stones and continued to chase towards Murong.

It was originally a demon king from another place, and the reason why it came to Longji Mountain was because it accidentally awakened some spiritual wisdom, so it gained a lot of strength by devouring monster beasts, and as it ate more and more, the demon blood in its body told it.

If you want to be stronger, you need to eat. People.

One person and one demon chased each other on this vast grassland, the sound of gravel crossing the sky and the rapid passing of light sounded one after another, and the roar echoed repeatedly in the night sky.

The ape's two giant eyes fixedly stared at Murong Jingyan's back and disappeared on the top of a hill. With one kick, it jumped a full five feet away, and climbed to the highest point of the hill with just a few breaths.

Suddenly, it had a bad feeling and lowered its huge head.

I saw a scarlet red crabapple blooming slowly between its huge animal toes.

On the other side of the hill, Murong Jingyan raised her sleeves to cover off the rumbling wind, her eyes were fixed on the center of the smoke and dust.

As the No. [-] skill of Immortals, Murong Jingyan spent all her time researching and exploring "Dian Shen Shou", and formulated three commonly used moves according to the embryonic form of her own qi and blood.

They are the 'collapse' which is thin and streamlined but extremely powerful, the 'cage' which is continuous into a net and the loose yarns are formed into threads, and the 'boom' which is the most powerful but difficult to hit.

This move is about 'pinching' a mass of materialized crabapple flowers with a little magic hand, and then detonating it instantly, the halo emitted is unbearably hot, enough to steam a void in the pool water in an instant.

Murong Jingyan has never tried the power of this move in Tianfeng Realm, but no matter how strong this monstrous monkey is physically, as long as it is not made of fine steel, it will definitely suffer a big loss!
Sure enough, before the smoke dissipated, he heard the heart-piercing wailing of the ape. Half of its soles had been blown off, and the sticky flesh and bones looked terrible.

The corner of Murong Jingyan's mouth showed a smile, although it was only half of the foot, it was enough.

The Lingshen silk in his hand rises against the storm, making it difficult for the monster to move, and the next step is to beat the dog in the water
Just when Murong Jingyan was about to lose the fight to the death, the monstrous monkey's eyes changed, it replaced the rotten foot with its thick tail, turned around and ran away.


Murong Jingyan was slightly taken aback by holding the Lingying Shen Ling in her hand, and immediately chased after her.

"Hey, aren't you the demon king, what are you running for!"

Murong Jingyan, who was full of question marks, chased in the direction where the monster monkey was fleeing. This was really unexpected. How could there be such a brazen monster?

If the monster monkey could speak, it would definitely curse. Its huge body was running on the grassland, and its eyes were full of resentment.

Its huge eyes are like two grinding discs, because its eyelids have been cut off long ago.

It was originally a plaything spirit beast of an evil cultivator in Linyuan City. It has suffered countless abuses since its birth. By chance, it opened its spiritual wisdom and fled to the Holy Ruins. Dodge people to repair.

Today, it came to the door. It wanted to make an exception and try the forbidden fruit, but it felt the cunning of people again.

Looking at the injury on the foot, the giant ape put away his thoughts and no longer wanted to fight. It didn't want to lose its life, or be caught and imprisoned in a cage and soaked in poisonous water.

The ape rubbed its canine teeth and whimpered.

Waiting to hide from people and practice, and then change a few more places, one day I can become a sage through demon practice, and I must go to eat up and down that city without leaving a single one!
Apparently the monster monkey is more familiar with the terrain than Murong Jingyan. Murong Jingyan ran up the hill with an anxious face, seeing the monster monkey disappearing into a canyon at the end of his vision in just a moment.

After finally finding the strongest monster in Longji Mountain, it's a good fight!

The battle of life and death!
If not, wouldn't this Longji Mountain come in vain!
Just when Murong Jingyan clenched her fists, suddenly there was a gust of wind howling above her head, and then a blue light leaped across the night like a whistling shooting star, chasing directly in the direction of the monster monkey.

Sensing the danger, the demon monkey stopped abruptly, and then a huge sword fell from the sky, piercing straight into the soil in front of it.

Along with the sword falling to the ground, there was also a blue figure.

Shen Feng looked up at the huge ape demon in front of him, slowly put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and looked at Murong Jingyan on the hill in the distance:
"This demon king has been searching for nothing, so he is hiding here."

"Miss Murong, I'm sorry."

Murong Jingyan was slightly taken aback, because the words of this person were like a whisper because of the distance, she immediately turned her head to look over her shoulder.

I saw a faint blue light flickering on his shoulder, as if some strange spirit insect was transmitting sound for him.

"Wow, you actually followed me."

 Recommend a friend's book: "Master of Ten Thousand Realms, Yue Buqun"

  After Yue Buqun died and was reborn as a young man, he can play different roles in different time and space, and he can also hear the voices of other people, thus gaining some opportunities that he did not know before.After being reborn, he decided not to be a hypocrite!


(End of this chapter)

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