How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 104 The king also wants a chance

Chapter 104 The king also wants a chance

Laughing at himself, Murong Jingyan stretched out his hand to pick off the strange spirit insect.

Then the opponent shouted:
"Young master, unfortunately I thought you were very simple."

Shen Fengchen pulled out the giant sword, ignored the tall ape in front of him, and smiled: "Why?"

"Ms. Murong also wants to take advantage of me."

"But it's okay, I won't hold grudges because of this, after all, there is no fool in this world who can live forever."

Murong Jingyan walked down the hill and threw away the blue spirit worm casually, presumably it was because of this thing that Brother Song Shui chased him.

Since he stopped the monster, there was no reason to let it go.

The monstrous monkey had a premonition that something was wrong, and out of fear of Renxiu, it didn't make a move, but chose to continue running away, but as soon as it took a step sideways, Shen Fengshen's figure flashed before its eyes again.

Raising the generous long sword, Shen Fengshen looked calmly:
"The physical body has reached the three barriers of the heavenly seal, why do you want to run?"

"Fight with me, it stands to reason that you still have a five-point chance of surviving."

Hearing Shen Fengchen's words, the monstrous monkey roared up to the sky, it could understand human speech when it was a mortal monkey, so it naturally knew the meaning of what Shen Fengchen said.

Turning around, seeing Murong Jingyan getting closer, and Shen Fengchen in front of him who was ready to go, the monster monkey's hair stood on end in an instant, and a terrifying aura erupted.

It is different from those brainless monsters who only know how to kill. It will judge the situation and understand that it cannot escape.

With a roar, it suddenly turned around and rushed towards Murong Jingyan, deciding to fight to the death.

The roar was everywhere, and on the hill not far away, a white robe was looking down intently.

"Shen Fengchen and this Murong master and servant joined together, are they fighting a monster?"

"Hiss, speaking of Longji Mountain, when did such a powerful monkey appear?"

"I hope it can be useful, so that if I save Shen Fengchen and kill that woman, he won't say anything."

The raccoon cat beside him raised its head and chest, and also stared at the battlefield below:
"Stop wishful thinking, this monkey is as cowardly as you, we are always ready!"

"Nonsense, when did I lose my mind?"

After finishing the words, Qu Yong sighed, feeling his heart beating slightly:

"However. Do you really want to attack the Shen family? They are..."

Cihuamao squinted over, wishing he could slap himself twice.

Why was he moved out of the mountain by this thing in the first place? It's like the reincarnation of an immortal.

"You only have one chance, so you can think about it."

"The talent of this woman below is much higher than yours. If you miss this time, you will be found by her in time, and you will not know how you will die when the time comes."

Hearing this, Qu Yong took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

After a stick of incense.

Murong Jingyan knelt on one knee and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Not far away from it, the monster monkey's huge body collapsed to the ground, its head was severed by a blunt instrument, and the fur on its body was covered with scorched holes.

Shen Fengchen walked over slowly, his cheek was cut open, and the clean blue robe was covered with blades of grass, obviously he was not unharmed after a big battle.

"Are you all right?"

Murong Jingyan shook her head, the monster monkey struck him with a dying blow, and the steel-like tail directly slammed into him, inadvertently feeling that all internal organs had shifted their positions.

Xiba'er, is Laozi's waist broken?

"Ha ha ha ha."

"What can I do."

When you are away from home, you must be hard-spoken if you are not stubborn. Showing weakness is an opportunity for people to take advantage of.

After Murong Jingyan finished speaking, she showed a faint smile, took advantage of the situation and sat on the grass, and twisted her back with her hands.

Fortunately, the break is not complete.

Seeing this, Shen Feng shook his head secretly, patted his robe and sat opposite Murong Jingyan, frowned and sighed.

"It's a pity, this monster has no will to die, and it has no chance with the two of us working together."

"Therefore, the Heaven Sealed Door has not yet been seen."

Murong Jingyan hissed secretly, after returning the cultivation base of the Star Shifting Ring, her body seemed to be emptied, and a wave of tiredness subconsciously hit her.

Replied casually: "Yes, what are you going to do next?"

"Go to another place to find another monster?"

Shen Feng shook his head deeply: "I'm afraid that the monsters on the edge of the holy ruins are not satisfactory. Unless you go deeper, it will be futile to find them."

Murong Jingyan nodded in agreement. The strength that Shen Fengshen showed just now can be described as terrifying. Although his great sword is not fast, it restrains the apes so that life is worse than death, giving people a feeling of turning decay into magic and invincibility .

And the Taoism that is used casually is terrifyingly powerful, definitely the Taoism with the initials of the holy word.

"Then you plan to go deep into the Holy Ruins?"

"No, the true qi of silence in the deeper depths cannot be tolerated by monks like Earth Lock."

"Then what to do, do you want to give up?"


Shen Fengchen did not answer this question, but remained silent for a long time.

It was so long that Murong Jingyan couldn't pretend anymore, so she lay on her side on the hill to make her old waist a little more comfortable.

Just as the thin clouds covering the moon dissipated, the full moon hung high like a bright mirror, and it looked extremely low tonight. Shen Fengchen looked at it casually, and saw the beautiful scenery under the moon:
"Girl Murong" lying across the grass, her proud and clear appearance, her casual appearance in a bun, coupled with her sad eyebrows and eyes, is a picture of beauty.

Just staring at Murong Jingyan like this, Shen Fengshen didn't know why, but felt that his anxious mood in recent years had calmed down.

It seems that being by his side is enough.

Withdrawing his gaze, Shen Feng frowned tightly, and couldn't help but think of the matter in his heart, about his marriage.

"Miss Murong, may I take the liberty to ask you a question?"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan opened her eyes and smiled: "Damn, they are all our own people, so there is no need to be so ignorant."

"Know everything!"

"Okay, then I will ask."


"Have you thought about finding another good match?"


Before Murong Jingyan could react, Shen Fengchen explained with a serious face:

"I mean, is Miss Murong considering choosing a Taoist partner again?"

Misty Grass, something is up!

Murong Jingyan immediately sat up on the grass, narrowed her long and narrow red phoenix eyes, and said softly:

"I want to ask an answer. I still want to."

"A chance?"

The evening wind blew the fragrance of grass, mixed with the starlight and drifted to the distance, the heavy wind and the blue clothes swayed, the long black hair swayed like falling waves, and a pair of serious pupils were faintly visible.

Murong Jingyan knew something was wrong, she hurriedly wanted to speak first, but she felt a movement in her arms.

It turned out that the little yellow duck had a reaction and was staring at himself anxiously: "It's coming!"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan immediately became vigilant, but found that Shen Fengchen in front of him had slowly stood up, holding the simple big sword in his hand, and calmly said:

"I have planted a spirit Gu on Qu Yong, knowing that he has been waiting for me to leave just now."

After the words fell, a figure slowly walked out from behind the monster monkey's corpse.

Qu Yong held the raccoon slave in his arms, with loose black hair and white robes, his eyes were slightly cold: "I said, my lord, are you really going to plunge into this muddy water?"

"Don't tell me you're in a hurry. After all, Qu Mou is not an ordinary monk, but a missionary young master."

"If it weren't for looking at"

"it is good!"

Before he finished speaking, Shen Fengchen tore off the necklace on his chest, threw it on the grass with a blank face, and chopped it into pieces with a big sword!
"Now that I'm self-destructing my natal card, no one will know what happened here. If you can really kill me, now is the time."

"Otherwise. Hehe."

Murong Jingyan also walked to Shen Fengchen's side, frowning looking at all this:
"Why did you do this?"

Smiling slightly, Shen Fengchen closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "Thanks to you, finally someone dared to kill me."

"This Qu Yong's ancestral blood is close to the appearance of a divine beast, and it is also blessed by the orthodox Taoism of Lianchi Tiangong. Its movement is strange, and it must not be underestimated as a heavenly seal."

"You and I need to use [-]% of our skills to deal with him, otherwise we will die suddenly."

"This is also for me to see the Heaven Sealed Door."

After a pause, Shen Fengshen lifted the long sword, and a blue halo suddenly rose from his body, followed by furious beard and robe flying, this feeling is very familiar to Murong Jingyan.

This is exactly the move that Zhu Huan'an used in the tunnel, the secret method of burning the ancestor's blood!
With a loud moan, dark blue lines emerged on Shen Fengchen's body, like runes engraved on it. Murong Jingyan looked hard through the phantom of the wind, like a roaring unicorn.

Seeing this, Murong Jingyan also took a deep breath, forcefully urged the star shifting ring in his hand to borrow cultivation again, the red halo on his body rose sharply in an instant, the flowers rained every now and then, his aura was comparable to that of Shen Fengchen.

Taking a step forward, Shen Fengchen turned his head slightly and smiled:

"This king also wants to testify with this, and wants a chance."

 Because of the fight, two chapters are released in succession!
  Regarding fighting, I like to delete, delete, delete, and subtract. I just don’t want to have hydrological elements in it. The whole book will also be simplified to fights that advance the plot (such as monsters), and the fighting with people will be determined according to the needs.

(End of this chapter)

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