How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 106 Follow Me

Chapter 106 Follow Me
Qu Yong rotated the dagger in his hand once and held it again.

He tiptoed, and rushed straight towards the two of them with afterimages. At this moment, he jumped up to the posture of a beast, and the god-level Zhou in the kung fu was finally fully released.

With the addition of burning ancestral blood, even if confronted head-on with Shen Fengchen's great sword, he is confident that he will have the upper hand.

Avoiding the heavy red streamer, Qu Yong sneered:
"This method is powerful, but unfortunately it is still too slow in front of me!"

Shen Fengshen stepped forward, the big sword blocked Qu Yong like a shield wall, the two went back and forth several times, Shen Fengshen was obviously at a disadvantage, but his expression was always calm.

As the future young secretary of the Fulong Division, he has many restraining means to save his life, and even killed Qu Yong easily.

But the door of the sky is precisely to force myself to stand under the dangerous wall.

At this moment, Shen Fengchen didn't have any superfluous thoughts, even if it was an unfair battle, even if the opponent was not easy, if he couldn't win with his own ability, he would rather die.

Spit out a mouthful of blood, Shen Feng shouted angrily and knocked Qu Yong back, but he didn't move at all.

Although Xie Yuan Dan can protect the heart veins, it needs to meditate to get rid of the toxins completely. Qu Yong's poison itself is strong, and Shen Feng's heart is depressed and his chest is tight under such a big battle.

Seeing Shen Feng and Shen's blue robe fluttering, even if he was seriously injured, he would not take half a step back, Qu Yong joked:
"You have to be brave in this situation, I want to see how long your unicorn blood can burn!"

The swords collided, but no matter how fast Qu Yong's dagger was, Shen Fengshen just stood in place and took all the swords to block, Ming Wang would not retreat if he didn't move.

Qu Yong's murderous intent became even stronger, seeing this situation, a sense of war rose in his heart abnormally, his way of attack became more and more tricky, and he wanted to make Shen Feng's legs move back.

call out!
Suddenly, he stopped what he was doing and took two steps back, looking at his palm.

Just now, a tricky red light moved across, piercing his hand holding the knife through a big bloody nail hole.

The color was gloomy, Qu Yong looked around, and soon found Murong Jingyan not far away, looking at this side with his hands clasped together.

"Don't forget business!"

A voice sounded in Qu Yong's mind, Qu Yong frowned and looked at Shen Fengchen, who was standing with a horizontal sword in front of him, with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Murong Jingyan in the distance.


"We can't delay the business, it doesn't matter whether Shen Fengchen lives or dies, this woman must die!"

He turned the direction, caught a glimpse of Shen Fengshen's unintentional pursuit from the corner of his eye, and thought that his heart and lungs should be paralyzed by his own toxin, and it was already the end of his battle.

When did this woman run over there, she had such a fun fight with Shen Fengchen that she didn't even notice it.

Regardless, if you continue to consume your ancestral blood, you will have to reach the threshold, and by then you will hurt your roots.

That's right, looking forward and backward is not now, just kill her now! !


No more hesitation, Qu Yong's body was like thunder, moving like a shadow, the strength of Tianfeng Sanguan was fully revealed, and he stabbed straight in the direction of Murong Jingyan!

"Hahahahaha, leave your magic seal to me!!!"

With a wild smile, Qu Yong stabbed Murong Jingyan into the heart under Shen Fengchen's gaze!
But the expected eruption of blood did not appear, Qu Yong's pupils shrank slightly, and the smell of death made all the pores of his body tighten subconsciously.

I saw the woman in front of me turned into the afterimage of flowers, and what was floating in front of her was a red crabapple flower slowly blooming.

That crabapple is so coquettish, but in Qu Yong's eyes, it is like the flowers of Fengdu, urging people to die.

"Quick, use that"

Before Qu Yong opened his mouth to escape, the crabapple had already bloomed, emitting a splendid light.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! !

There was thunder on the ground, and Qu Yong's figure raised his head and retreated. With the mournful wailing, half of his body was bloody and bloody, and the hand holding the knife was blown away.

A person slowly walked out behind Shen Fengchen's tall body, Murong Jingyan raised her hand, and said silently:

"Just now!"

Ling Yin Shen Ling wrapped around Shen Fengchen's waist, and threw him out suddenly, the long sword drew a perfect arc under the starry sky
Accompanied by a muffled sound, Qu Yong's remnant body fell to his knees, and the scorched head also rolled down to the distance.

Shen Fengchen let out a breath slowly, confirming that Qu Yong was dead, he dissipated his blood and walked back quickly. At this moment, Murong Jingyan was also half-kneeling on the ground, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Murong Jingyan understood that the improvement of the two of them would not last long, especially since she had already used the Star Shifting Ring twice, if she followed the rules, unless she crushed the holy blood and let the little yellow duck take action, it would be impossible to win.

This is really the case, how can it be called a bloody battle.

The fake body carrying Ming Haitang is one of the three methods that Murong Jingyan learned from Qijian Villa, the holy word method "Casting Star Jue", it is most effective when it is performed in the sun or when the moon is bright.

The light and shadow projected can be faked, Murong Jingyan felt that this technique seemed to be foolish, but it might have a miraculous effect, but she did not expect to use it today, to cover up the dark flower that carried all the last heavenly energy and blood. Begonia is really a match made in heaven.

Qu Yong's body skills are weird, it is wishful thinking to hit him with this ultimate move, the fault is that he is red-eyed.

But the supernatural power that the little yellow duck displayed in the dark is the most important thing, making Qu Yong and even the raccoon cat's inner murderous thoughts infinitely magnified, and there are no other considerations in his mind.

"Are you all right?"

Shen Feng patted Murong Jingyan's back, and a burst of blue true energy poured in, making Murong Jingyan a little better.

"The medicinal properties of the Jieyuan Pill are still there, and it's not caused by toxins. Is it because of your secret method?"

"Speaking of which, you should also have the appearance of a fairy and a demon."

Hearing that Murong Jingyan raised her hand, she frowned and asked back, "Did you see it?"

Hearing this, Shen Feng nodded solemnly:
"I see, the Door of Sealing is just around the corner."

"Then let's hurry up, the opportunity is fleeting."

"But your injury."

"It's all right." Murong Jingyan forced herself to stand up: "Let's break through the sky first."

Taking a deep breath, Shen Fengchen waved the big sword and it automatically flew back into his hand, and with his palm caressing, the big sword was suspended in the air.

As an earth lock, he was able to walk against the air, and Murong Jingyan guessed blindly that this was either an extremely high and profound Taoism, or the great sword itself was some kind of top-grade spiritual treasure.

"Come with me."

Shen Fengchen spoke softly, and stretched out a hand:

"Qu Yong is dead, Lianchi Tiangong will naturally pursue it. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. I can take you to a safe place."

Murong Jingyan paused, then suddenly turned her head, stroked her long dark cloud-like hair casually, and smiled slightly:
"No need, son."

"I have my way."

Shen Feng was stunned.

Through Miss Murong's eyes, he seems to see the stars in the night sky, and the clouds are moving, but it looks like the moon is moving.

How clear this is, as if it can hold the whole world.


He lowered his proud head and stepped on the great sword:
"Mountains and rivers are not important, the most important thing is meeting confidantes. After we break through the heavens, we will meet again by fate."

"Murong Jingyan."

"I hope to have a good chat with you next time we meet."

After that, he stopped entanglement, the long sword flew into the air, turned into a blue streamer and went away.

Looking up to watch Shen Fengshen leave, the corner of Murong Jingyan's mouth couldn't stop the blood from overflowing, and she supported her knees to prevent herself from falling to the ground.

"Who is it?"

"I didn't say my name before I left."

The little yellow duck has jumped out of Murong Jingyan's robe, looking at Murong Jingyan's appearance full of worry:

"You're okay, I see that your internal organs have been displaced by the qi and blood of the heavens, and the poison has not been cured, why don't we take care of it first, or you will really do it"

After waving his hands, Murong Jingyan walked towards Qu Yong's body.

"Just now I was engrossed in seeing if Qu Yong was in the trap. At the moment of winning or losing, I saw the door of heaven."

"It will take several days to break through the door of the heavenly seal. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. The guy in blue just now is not a simple person. He should be a son of a rich family like Qian Rong."

"How can you talk to each other if you don't know the details, besides... wow!"

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Murong Jingyan found the remnant of the raccoon cat next to Qu Yong's corpse, and said in a deep voice:
"Besides, our purpose and this are secrets that should not be known."

Putting the civet cat's body into the sword abandonment order, Murong Jingyan stumbled towards the distant mountain.

That solitary figure looked small in the starry night plain, but he breathed out like a star in every step. His face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, but the firmness in his eyes never wavered.

The little yellow duck raised his head and followed that gaze into the distance.

The journey has just begun.

Three days later.

Thirty miles away from Longji Mountain, there is a cave by a pool.

Murong Jingyan sat cross-legged, her face was bluish, and her brows were tightly wrinkled.

After a day of hard trekking, I finally left Longji Mountain and found this place for retreat.

The gate of the Heaven Sealed Door is not too difficult. When facing life and death, it seems that a heavenly gate has been opened above the altar, and the fairy voice of the Taoist Buddha can be heard from inside.

As long as you hold your breath and focus on the Immortal Terrace, the Immortal Terrace will echo with the Heavenly Gate, and a ray of light that touches the sky will shine on the Lingtai like the morning glow, making the dusty palace shine brightly.

Because of the delay on the first day, Murong Jingyan still needs a day to fully open the gate of heaven, which is the most critical time.

But at this critical moment, Murong Jingyan slowly opened her eyes.

He noticed that more than a dozen undisguised powerful auras came to the edge of the pool, and they were gathering to surround them.

A majestic voice sounded:

"Kill me, the young master of Lianchi Tiangong, the ends of the earth, you have nowhere to hide."

"Come out, rat."

 Goodnight everybody!I will start writing the letter I promised earlier, Jiumi!

(End of this chapter)

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