How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 107 Are you worthy?

Chapter 107 Are you worthy?
The sound echoed in the cave, and the gravel moved faintly.

Murong Jingyan sighed softly when she heard the sound, her slender eyelashes moved, and her eyes revealed thinking.

In the past few days, he was unable to make his way due to the unhealed poisonous injury and the backlash from the Yixing Ring.

It is urgent to visualize and meditate as soon as possible, otherwise you may miss the heavenly seal in this life.

So after leaving Longji Mountain, I immediately found this place to retreat.

As Qu Yong is a proud man, there must be an ever-burning lamp lit for him in Lianchi Tiangong, and Murong Jingyan expected that his death would attract pursuit.

For this reason, Murong Jingyan sent orders through the Duotian Token immediately, and ordered the people from Duotianlou to rush to help, but it was a pity that she was a step too late.
Standing up on her knees, Murong Jingyan raised her finger to the second acupoint on her shoulder, temporarily sealing her spiritual altar.

Seeing the momentum, the little yellow duck jumped onto Murong Jingyan's shoulder and said worriedly:
"Now that your blood is unstable, let's not accept it first, and after you open the altar, you will accept the magic seal of that dead tiger, then..."

After waving his hands, Murong Jingyan let out a breath:

"at this point."

"If you want to be kind, you're going to kill yourself. Let's adapt to the situation later, cough cough"

outside the cave.

More than a dozen monks scattered, all of them were wearing bamboo hats and thick brocade robes from Lianchi Tiangong. The leader was a burly old man with white hair and beard, and he was an old man with dark eyes.

"Elder, why don't we just rush in?"

Elder Lianchi Tiangong narrowed his eyes and said calmly:
"What's the rush, the Palace Master has orders to bring this person back to the sect alive."

"Besides, he didn't escape very far. Presumably he was injured, and he will be unable to fly today."

Da da da,

Accompanied by the sound of rustling footsteps, a figure slowly walked out of the cave, and the pale mask looked even more ghostly under the noon sun.

Following Ziyi's appearance, the surrounding masters of Lianchi Tiangong all took a step forward.

"It's you, a madman, who harmed me, the young master of Lianchi Tiangong?"

Hearing this questioning, Murong Jingyan just looked up at the sky and frowned to make sure that it was still after noon.

It's only an hour or two away. But it's noon

"Natural selection, if you want to seize people's opportunities, don't be afraid of losing your life."

Murong Jingyan opened her mouth and scanned her surroundings.

Right now, these people are all heaven-sealed, and the old man at the head is even more imposing. Just standing there is more oppressive than Qu Yong, who is one with human and soul.

In order to search for himself, many people were dispatched.

"Ha ha."

Elder Lianchi Tiangong sneered, he saw at a glance that Murong Jingyan's qi and blood were floating, he must be in a state of serious injuries, and he was not in a hurry right now.

"Don't you know where this is?"

"This is the Falling Immortal Pond."

"In the territory of my Lianchi Tiangong, the young master who killed my Lianchi Tiangong still has a right or wrong with the old man?"

Murong Jingyan did not refute, but nodded, raised her sleeves and said:

"Yes, but so what."

"Since I have the guts to kill Qu Yong, and I have the guts not to leave, aren't you curious about my identity?"

The white-haired old man narrowed his eyes. The reason why he didn't act rashly was because the young master was cautious by nature, and there were traces of a great battle in the place where he fell.

In this way, why Qu Yong did this, and which monk could kill him, are all intriguing.

After thinking for a while, he sneered and said:
"Hehe, I'd better wait for you to return to my Lianchi Tiangong to say these words."

"Kill my sect young master, even if you are the prince, you should give an explanation!"

Before the words finished, Murong Jingyan had already fled. Seeing this, the old man let out a yell, and suddenly a pair of light and shadow wings rose from his back, flying into the air and chasing after him.

Seeing this, the rest of the Tianfeng cultivators immediately followed suit.

After the people had finished walking, another figure appeared from the cave, Murong Jingyan exhaled slowly, and immediately fled in the opposite direction.

At noon, using the Star Casting Art really had a great effect. After the brief appearance just now, Murong Jingyan condensed the avatar. After throwing out his identity, the other party fell into suspicion, and the real body took the opportunity to retreat quietly to the dark cave.

"I hope they don't chase too fast."

Stepping on the Xiaguang step, Murong Jingyan's footsteps were like flying, but her complexion turned pale after a while.

Suppressing the Lingtai here, urging Qi and blood to run wildly, and enduring the toxin residue, it is more uncomfortable than killing yourself.

In the end, she was really unable to continue to use Taoism, so Murong Jingyan had no choice but to disperse the Xiaguang steps, and began to stagger on the grass.

"Where to go!"

Following the sound of shouting above her head, Murong Jingyan turned her head slightly and saw that the white-haired old man had already killed him.

"Your young master is not a good bird, it's endless, right?"

"Okay, let's fight!"

Murong Jingyan's eyes were hardened, and he crushed the last half of the purple holy blood, and the situation changed in an instant, and the turbulent black mist blocked the elder Lianchi Tiangong in midair.

The voice of the little yellow duck also came from the ear: "You go first! This old man is a monk of the upper three levels, and the power of half a piece of holy blood is only enough to hold him back."

Nodding her head, Murong Jingyan had already hit the bottom of her cards at this moment, so she could only turn around and continue running.

If you give yourself another day, wait until the heavenly gate of the Lingtai is opened, break through the door of the heavenly seal, and drink the water of Wangxian, why can't you worry about escaping.

Or give it another hour, the reinforcements should be arriving soon.
Cannot be captured.

Now he and Lianchi Tiangong have already had a murderous feud, and Naqu Yong is pregnant with a six-sealed beast, Lianchi Tiangong probably knows about this matter, if they find out the little yellow duck...
Just as the elder of Lianchi Tiangong was dragged back, the rest of the Tianfeng monks had already turned back.

"Don't worry about the old man, hurry up and chase after him!"

These Tianfeng cultivators immediately nodded in response. They were all the elites of Lianchi Tiangong. They were ordered to go out after Qu Yong's death, and the soldiers split up to find Qu Yong's body.

In other words, he was ordered to find a dead cat.

If it can be brought back, it will be a great achievement, and it may be accepted as a personal disciple by the palace lord.

Murong Jingyan sensed the pursuers behind her, and in desperation had no choice but to try to activate the star-moving ring for the third time, but to her desperation, the star-moving ring didn't respond.

"What's going on, at such a critical time."

"Brother, give me some strength."

But contrary to expectations, the Star Shifting Ring seemed to be silent, no matter how much Murong Jingyan urged it, there was no cultivation level poured into it. In fact, this body could hardly bear Zhu Huan'an's blood energy at this moment.

Could it be that I borrowed it twice in a row, brother thinks I am too dependent on this item.
Sighing, Murong Jingyan stopped slowly.

In just a few breaths, the pursuers of Lianchi Tiangong rushed up and surrounded him.

"Why don't you run away?"

Seeing that Murong Jingyan was no longer running, someone in the crowd teased that this person looked somewhat similar to Qu Yong, and walked forward slowly with a long sword in his hand.

When he got close, he raised his sword and smiled, and said softly: "Speaking of which, Qu Yuan would also like to thank you for killing my elder brother."

Murong Jingyan let out a breath, and said lightly:

"In that case, why don't you thank Dade for letting me go?"

Qu Yuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed loudly: "You really have a heart, you can still joke about this situation."

"Be obedient and go back with me. If you really have some background, even if you want to be the palace lord, you won't take your life."

"at most."

"It's to leave something behind."

As he said that, he showed a wicked smile, and reached out to take off Murong Jingyan's mask.

"Speaking of which, you have a nice voice, let me see what it looks like."

Just when Qu Yuan's hand was about to touch the mask
The sky and the earth suddenly dimmed.

Then half of the forearm spun and flew in the air, and the golden tail flames swallowed and burned up the blood.

A scream broke the calm, Qu Yuan took a few steps back clutching his severed hand, while the rest of the masters stepped forward together, because they didn't see what happened at all.

There is already one more person in the field.

It was a tall red shirt, fluttering in the wind of the grassland, his long orange-red hair was like a forest of fiery maples, which couldn't hide those golden tiger eyes dancing with golden flames.

"Keep someone?"

Zhu Huan'an's wrist trembled, and the blood from the tip of the knife flew out, dyeing the white robes of more than a dozen people around him red.

"It depends on you."

 There are some things today, the update will be a little later!sorry~~~
  Brother Zhu is back, with a clean face and a heavenly seal, starting the next stage!

(End of this chapter)

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