Chapter 108

Suddenly there was a loud thunder, which made everyone unable to bear to look up.

I saw that the red sun had been obscured by melancholy dark clouds, followed by a drop of raindrops on the grass, followed by countless jade beads.

Murong Jingyan raised her head and looked at the familiar figure in front of her.


"How did you come."

The black knife lay horizontally, the drizzle was splashed, and the slender green grass hung down.

Not far away, the breeze swirls on the water surface, gathering pieces of fallen flowers, dancing lightly, but it is full of spring.

Zhu Huan'an turned her head slowly, her face was calm and her tone was even colder:

"You are usually cautious, and you have used the star-moving ring twice in a row. Presumably you are facing a life-and-death crisis."

"As your senior brother"

After a pause, Zhu Huanan said softly:

"Of course I should take you back."

Murong Jingyan nodded slightly and didn't say much.

It turned out that in the end, the one who was reliable was actually his elder brother, and it seemed that he was not in vain for letting him take some small advantages in money and things.

Not far away, Qu Yuan's lips trembled, he clutched his severed hand vigorously, his face was as pale as paper.

"Frozen, what are you doing in a daze!"

"Take them!"

Following his order, several Tian Feng rushed towards Zhu Huan'an, but more people stood still, as if they were afraid of something.

"Ah! Hands!"

"Don't step on my hand!!!"

Qu Yuan's eyes were about to burst, and he rushed over to try to retrieve his severed hand, but in the next instant, several figures flew across.

The red-clothed swordsman in front of him raised his knife on the spot, and a raging and winding tongue of flame forced several heaven-sealed masters back. His face was as gloomy as water, and he looked even more terrifying in the rain.

"You guys have to think about it."

"If you continue to shoot, what will happen."

At this moment someone finally recognized Zhu Huan'an, and hurried to Qu Yuan's side and said:

"Master Yuan, this person is Zhu Huan'an from the Abandoned Sword Villa!"

"Who?" Qu Yuan managed to retrieve his severed hand, and at the moment he was a little delirious.

"Do you still remember the person who came to Falling Immortal Pond to break through the Heaven Sealed Door a year ago, that Zhu Huan'an who killed the century-old demon king in Nine Gods Cave!"

Hearing this, the rest of the people also showed fearful expressions.

Abandoned Sword Villa is a well-known sect in Zhongzhou. When Zhu Huan'an left, the palace lord personally sent him off.

The Palace Master once said that the direct disciples of the Abandoned Sword Villa are more precious than those sons of the emperor.

If he is reckless, I am afraid that the old monster who has lived for more than 2000 years and is famous for protecting the calf may take action himself.

"Zhu Huan'an?"

Qu Yuan gritted his teeth, stood up and looked at the two in the rain, his eyes flickering.

"Hey, give me the cat's body, and I'll let you go."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan immediately showed a puzzled expression, and asked:

"What are you talking about, I don't understand what you mean."

Qu Yuan was furious immediately: "Don't pretend to be stupid, you will know what I'm talking about after you kill Qu Yong."

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an lightly raised the black knife, and everyone present felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and Qu Yuan also quickly shut his mouth, thinking to himself why the elder hadn't arrived yet.

Murong Jingyan raised her hand to stop Zhu Huan'an, and said solemnly:
"Since you all saw that Qu Yong's body was found, you should understand that I was not the only one who killed him."

"As for the cat's corpse you're talking about, I really don't know. If you have the time, you might as well go find the real culprit."

Hearing this, Qu Yuan and the others immediately whispered to each other.

Indeed, there were traces of Taoism beside Qu Yong's body, and the body was also beheaded by a sharp weapon. The woman in front of him who was suspected to be a disciple of Abandoned Sword Villa had no weapons, and her tone seemed to be true.

Could it be that he was really taken away by another person?

Qu Yuan swallowed his saliva and gave others a look.

Let's wait for the elders to come to talk about everything.

"Okay, since Brother Zhu is the guarantor, let's ask for it first."

"It's just my young master Lianchi Tiangong's life. Naturally, there is still an explanation. I may visit the Abandoned Sword Villa in the future."

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an put away the black knife noncommittally, without even looking at Qu Yuan.

If it wasn't for the consideration that Murong Jingyan is sick and in urgent need of recuperation, he wouldn't be bothered to talk nonsense with these guys, unless the Mistress of Lianchi Heavenly Palace lost his mind, he would never dare to attack him.

"Let's go."

Zhu Huan'an turned around, then bent over.

"?" Murong Jing tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face.

"Come up, I'll carry you."

Murong Jingyan blinked when she heard Zhu Huan'an's words, back?
Masters, do you want to recite?

Seeing Murong Jing's hesitation, Zhu Huan'an asked:

"Why, with your current pace, do you plan to walk for another ten days and a half?"

Raising her eyebrows, Murong Jingyan didn't show any pretense, she just jumped on it.

"Okay, then I will not be polite, brother."

"After you go back, pay me a hundred taels of gold for saving my life."

"It's easy to talk, drive!"



There was a faint sound of thunder coming from the dark clouds overhead, and there was a sudden gust of rain on the edge of the pond, and the raindrops fell on the wide bamboo hat, making a tick-tock sound.

The two of them had nothing to say, they just walked along the water source, and a caravan appeared in front of them after a while.

Zhu Huan'an stopped in his tracks, and Murong Jingyan behind him raised his bamboo hat slightly, and fixed his eyes on it.

The caravan got closer and closer, and the leader was a skinny black-skinned man. When he saw Zhu Huan'an who was carrying someone on his back, he immediately walked up with a smile:

"You two came from the front, what's the matter?"

"Is there any danger ahead?"

Zhu Huan'an didn't say a word, but looked at the only bullock cart in the caravan.

"That bullock cart, do you sell it?"

The man froze for a moment, then shook his head immediately: "The hero is joking, there is only one bullock cart, and we will return it."

Before the words fell, the man suddenly stopped his voice.

"Why can't everything be sold at a price, isn't it boss?"

While speaking, a silver ingot was handed out from behind Zhu Huan'an.

The man took the silver from Murong Jingyan's hand, raised his eyes and met a pair of indifferent eyes behind the mask.

Murong Jingyan's tone was faint.

"Besides, business is all about timing."

"Sometimes you come too late, and you can't do any business"

Quietly accepting Baiyin, the man looked at Zhu Huan'an again, his eyes also changed, he cupped his hands and said:
"Hero, take the bullock cart, this money is enough!"

As he spoke, he called the people from the caravan over:

"I said, why are you walking so slowly? If you delay the master's big business, you will all have your heads on the ground."

Zhu Huan'an glanced at the approaching caravan. These merchants all lowered their heads expressionlessly, and just led the ox cart past without saying a word.

After taking the reins, Zhu Huan'an put Murong Jingyan down, and stepped onto the bullock cart first.

The man saw that Murong Jingyan was injured, so he was going to set up a stool to support him, but he was lightly pressed on his shoulder.

Murong Jingyan spoke softly and reminded:
"Brother, did you just ask if there is any danger ahead?"

"Unfortunately, there are monks hanging around on the road ahead, but I think if you are foot traders like you, you shouldn't be made things difficult."

Then, Murong Jingyan got into the ox cart by herself, and after Zhu Huan'an lightly waved his whip, the ox cart swayed forward.

Holding the whip, Zhu Huan'an kept his eyes fixed:

"With this bullock cart, you can meditate well in the back and break through the door of heaven."

"As for the poison in your body, just ask the elders to remove it for you after returning to the sect."

Murong Jingyan hummed, and then took the posture for visualization.


"Aren't you surprised by those foot traders just now?"

Suddenly, Zhu Huanan asked.

"Why?" Murong Jingyan asked back.

"Although there are many merchants in this holy market, except for the leader, they are all taciturn, and they must have used some secret method to cover up their cultivation."

Smiling, Murong Jingyan took a deep breath, and began to meditate: "Brother, worry more."

"I think they are just some inspirational middle-aged people who take risks in order to make ends meet."


With a swipe of the oxtail, it slowly disappeared into layers of rain.


After half an hour.

As the machete was pulled out and blood splashed all over the place, the hostility all over the thin man's body gradually dissipated, the rainwater on his face was wiped off, and his eyes became clear again.

He raised his head and looked around. The nearby grassland was littered with corpses, all of them were heavenly monks from Lianchi Heavenly Palace.

Kicking away the body of the white-haired elder who died in the four gates of the sky in front of him, the man waved his hand, and a man who looked like a traveling merchant escorted one of them up.

Putting the machete on his neck, the man's eyes were calm, and his mouth showed a mouthful of yellow teeth.

"last chance."

"Tell me, who else among you has seen that woman just now?"

Qu Yuan was scared out of his wits at this moment, he couldn't tell whether it was the rain or something that wet his pants, so he cried and shouted, "It's gone."

"It's gone."

"I am the direct descendant of Lianchi Tiangong! Grandpa, please let me go!!!"

Before he finished speaking, he felt his chest warm, and a machete had already passed through his chest.

When he was dying, he murmured unwillingly: "You guys."

"What is it"


The man glanced at his corpse, and said with a sneer, "I can only blame you for being blind for offending Tai Sui."

Seeing that the monks here are dead, someone immediately stepped forward and asked:

"Li Fuduo, the people have been killed, let's go now."

Hearing that the man nodded, he turned to look in the direction Murong Jingyan left, and said with emotion: "As expected of the young master of my Duotianlou."

"This beating actually has the meaning of the landlord."

Taking a deep breath, Vice Duo Li raised his hand: "Clean up this place, don't cause trouble for the young master."

"The young master should go to Linyuan."

"I am at the helm in Pennsylvania, and there is an urgent order that needs to be planned by the young master."

 Good night everyone~ Tomorrow we will enter the next chapter, let's see Jingyan start to take charge of Duotianlou~

  In addition, thank you for your votes and rewards~

(End of this chapter)

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