How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 109 The Organization Needs You to Destroy the Marriage

Chapter 109 The Organization Needs You to Destroy the Marriage
Ten miles outside Linyuan City.

A place called Huangji Town is remote and clean, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Above the Drum Tower, the red-clothed swordsman thinks over the railing.

The dark clouds in the west had just floated over the stream, and the setting sun had already set behind the pavilion. The mountain rain was about to come, and the wind was rustling all over the building.

Zhu Huan'an looked back and saw a figure lingering in the building, it was Murong Jingyan who was adjusting his breath with his eyes closed.

Wisp after wisp of white mist evaporated from the top of the skull, Murong Jing's face was calm, as if she was falling asleep while sitting up.

"Fortunately, it has been continued with the Heavenly Sealed Door, otherwise there will be serious troubles in the future."

Zhu Huan'an let out a breath, turned to the light rain outside the building, and frowned slightly:
"Speaking of which, why did you want to kill the young master of Lianchi Tiangong?"

"Although this Qu Yong is only in the form of a strange beast, it is also the powerful ancestor blood of the form of a different beast. Its heavenly strength is by no means ordinary."

"And, who else?"

Tap with your finger.

I am afraid that all of this will be known after Murong Jingyan wakes up.

The Murong Jingyan at this moment is also at a critical moment, the dusty altar in his mind has been illuminated by the celestial light, and the sound of the middle way of the light gate faintly visible in the midair is overwhelming, which makes people fascinated.

Murong Jingyan's eyelids twitched, because although there was a Buddha's light at the gate that day, accompanied by the sound of the Great Dao, for some reason, it made him restless inside, not only couldn't calm down, but even had problems with visualization.

what happened.

According to what the master said, after seeing the door of heaven, you only need to open your heart, and then everything will be in accordance with the will of heaven.

For ordinary monks, this may be the easiest ray of immortality in this life.

The Taoist voice was noisy, making Murong Jingyan even more disturbed, and just as the Lingtai Palace became more and more blurred, a voice reached Murong Jingyan's ears in time.

"Hold your heart and guard your God."

"You are the blood of the sixth emperor, you must not listen to the way of the five emperors, you must go out of your own way."

"Others will open the gate of heaven, but you will close it!"

The voice was ethereal and heavy, but Murong Jingyan could still recognize that it was the voice of the little yellow duck.

Exhaling softly, Murong Jingyan changed from trying to force herself to obey to strongly resisting, the Tianmen in the sky paused, and then trembled violently.

The warm fairy light gradually receded and faded, and the Lingtai seemed to be shrouded in layers of dark clouds.

Murong Jingyan tried her best to maintain the stability of the Lingtai Palace. After the celestial light completely receded, the Lingtai was completely dark, and the Dao voice in the Tianmen also stopped abruptly.

Just when Murong Jingyan thought everything was about to end, the sudden change occurred.

That day the gate expanded suddenly, but this time it was the violent black-purple airflow that surged, and these airflows carried a chaotic atmosphere, instantly flooding the entire palace.

"What is this?" Murong Jingyan was startled.

The little yellow duck's voice continued:

"Don't panic."

"how do you feel."

Murong Jingyan pondered for a moment: "It's much better than before, but what is this?"

"This is."

The little yellow duck hesitated to speak: "It doesn't matter what it is, since you are not sick, this is where your fairy fate comes from."

"Just open your mind."

After hearing the little yellow duck's words, Murong Jingyan was no longer distracted, but in the time it took for a stick of incense, all these black and purple airflows were poured into the palace.

With the sound of a bell, the door of the main hall opened slowly.

The heavenly gate in the middle of the sky had already been closed, and the corner of the eaves of the palace was illuminated by moonlight. Murong Jingyan wanted to look into the palace intently, but she could only see dim lights.


Accompanied by a whoop, Murong Jingyan woke up suddenly.

The drizzle drifted into the building with the cold wind, splashing in front of him, and the coldness lightened.

Raising her slender wrist, brushing up her sweaty temple hair, Murong Jingyan looked at the white curtains floating around

"What about Senior Brother?"

Looking around, there was a letter beside the case:
'I haven't woken up for a long time, I'll buy you some food'

Brushing the pen and ink, the ink is not dry, it should have left just now.

Folding the letter and falling back into the darkness, Murong Jingyan turned and walked outside the building, patted the balcony with plain hands, letting the rain wet her purple clothes.

The rain was fine, and the self-slender eyelashes were dripping, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of Murong Jingyan's mouth.

This mountain rain came just in time.

It seems to make people look new.

Taking out the ivory bottle and turning it gently on the tip of her slender fingers, Murong Jingyan lowered her eyebrows and said:

"Then Tiger, how did you absorb it?"

The little yellow duck poked its head out, poked its own armpit and said, "It won't be a few days, it knows that it has no strength to recover, so it doesn't resist anymore."

"You have obtained the Seal of Lust from this seat, and you have obtained the Seal of Netherliness from the Tiger of Nine Springs. It is already hard to meet an opponent in the Heavenly Seal."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan raised her eyes, but shook her head.

"There are people out there."

"I wish everyone else felt the same way. That way, I would be the most relaxed."

After finishing speaking, Murong Jingyan pulled out the stopper of the ivory bottle and poured it into the mouth.

As Wang Xianshui gurgled into the mouth, a majestic aura burst out from Murong Jingyan's body.

The people in Huangji Town raised their heads, and saw that the sky near the water pavilion was dark and purple, and it seemed that there was something huge swimming in it, and then a flash of thunder flashed, and the rain became more majestic.

Zhu Huan'an, who was buying roast chicken, also looked up. Seeing this scene with one hand behind his back, he nodded and said:
"I see."

"It must be some secret treasure obtained from Qu Yongna."

When the purple light in the cloud faded away, Murong Jingyan let out a long breath, her eyes became much clearer.

Clenched into fists, the purple clothes move automatically without wind, the qi and blood rushing in the body are like waves, Murong Jingyan feels something in her heart and springs out with a flick of her fingers, a real red thread penetrates the rain curtain, and the lake below suddenly creates a huge wave.

"Is this the seal of heaven?"

Murong Jingyan withdrew her hand, and before she had practiced "Heavenly Central Unabandoned Kungfu", she clearly felt that it was different from performing Taoism in the Earth Locked Realm, which required a flick of the finger after the Heaven Sealed Realm, and the two were as close as clouds and mud Don't.

The power of this magic hand is even more unimaginable when the weekly cycle is established in the future.

"It's still easy to use my own blood, but the borrowed cultivation base is too aggressive. I use it to hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage two hundred."

When Zhou Tian was established and began to refine blood, and then absorbed the so-called Ming Xing Yin, Murong Jingyan felt a little more at ease.

In this way, he can finally be called a master.


Murong Jingyan suddenly noticed something, and with a wave of her sleeves, the white mask covered her cheeks, and said coldly:
"Come out."

As the voice fell to the ground, a figure jumped down from the eaves, it was the skinny man with the machete on his back.

After seeing Murong Jingyan, the man knelt on one knee:

"Li Gan, the left cockpit of Binzhou, plead guilty to the young master."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan turned sideways slightly, and wrote lightly: "What is your crime?"

"The subordinate pretended to be a businessman in order to deceive others, and almost missed the opportunity to rescue the young master. He deserves death."

The long silence made Li Gan panic. Just as he was about to continue speaking, Murong Jingyan said leisurely:
"Why did you come here so rashly?"

Li Gan heaved a sigh of relief, cupped his fists and said:

"Young master, don't worry, the town is full of eyeliners at the helm at the moment. If the guy from the Abandoned Sword Villa returns, he must have a signal, and he won't let him discover the identity of the young master."

Murong Jingyan said coldly:

"That's my elder brother."

"Ah, yes!" Li Gan immediately changed his words. For some reason, facing this young master, he had the illusion of talking to the landlord.

However, the young master is really doing a full set of plays, that's right, if he wasn't so bold and careful, he might have been discovered.

"Did the Lianchi Tiangong clean up?"

The corners of Li Gan's mouth curled up: "No one was left alive."

"If Lianchi Tiangong is entangled, someone will come forward to beat him, and the young master does not need to worry."

Hearing Li Gan's words, Murong Jingyan's heart moved slightly. Although she was so dissatisfied, she was actually quite pleased with the speed of the Pennsylvania branch to help.

After all, it wasn't that they came late, but that Lian Chi Tiangong's nose was too sharp.

Can he deal with the white-haired elder of Lianchi Tiangong without getting hurt? The Li Fuduo in front of him is probably the strongest in the upper three levels, and maybe even the fifth level of Tianfeng?
Moreover, according to the tone, the strength of the Binzhou branch should not be underestimated, and the Lianchi Tiangong can be regarded as a famous sect anyway, so it is not taken seriously at all.

What made Murong Jingyan a little suspicious was that since Li Gan had completed his mission, there was no need for him to be so humble and flattering to him.

I didn't take off the mask either.

Because he is the young master?

It's better to believe in beauty.

Worried that Zhu Huan'an would return at any time, Murong Jingyan patted the railing:

"Li Gan, you found it tonight, it shouldn't be as simple as reporting to this young master."

Li Gan immediately lowered his head again:

"The young master is wise, there is indeed something to report to the young master."


Murong Jingyan leaned against the railing, raised her chin: "Speak."

Li Gan put down his hands, got up slowly and walked a step in front of Murong Jingyan, subconsciously glanced left and right, and said softly:

"Young master, there is an urgent message in the building, from Yanzhou."


Murong Jingyan frowned, and asked back: "Isn't my building in Yanzhou not yet set up a sub-rudder? Could it be that something happened to the Kyushu League?"

Li Gan said seriously: "Exactly, the second leader of the Nine Provinces League wrote a letter in person, and wanted to ask my building to help."


"Tell me in detail."

Murong Jingyan became interested immediately. After all, it was only on Shizun's birthday that he heard that Duotianlou was recruiting the second leader of the Kyushu League. Why did he start asking for help in the blink of an eye?

After thinking about it for a while, Li Gan seemed a little hesitant, and finally made a long story short:
"The young master must have known about the internal struggle for the position of the Holy Son in the Nine Provinces League. It was originally Yanzhou Wu Mingcang who had the upper hand. After all, Qian Rong is the appearance of a fairy and demon, and he has been overwhelming the Nine Provinces League's Holy Son all the year round."

"Not too long ago, Yanzhou Jiedu envoy Chen Cang suddenly announced the public recruitment of relatives. Her daughter is special. As an official daughter, she did not go to Dayan Academy, but instead became a descendant of Tianxian Valley. Now she even wants to marry in the realm of comprehension. "

"This matter is quite strange, and the son of the Kyushu League has announced that he will participate in the recruitment."

Murong Jingyan interrupted Li Gan's words, and asked: "Yanzhou Jiedu envoy, what is his official position?"

Slightly taken aback, Li Gan lowered his voice:

"Jiedu envoys are all officials appointed by the imperial court. Each governs several states, and holds real power on par with princes. Because there is no such official in Zhongzhou, the Yanzhou Jiedu envoy can be called the first Jiedu envoy, with overwhelming power."

"Besides, Jiedu envoys are all saints, and this Yanzhou Jiedu envoy is probably better than Wu Mingcang in terms of cultivation."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan understood:

"If the Holy Son of the Nine Provinces League and the daughter of the Jiedu Envoy are on good terms, with this father-in-law as a backer, it's like planting a big banner in Wu Mingcang's territory."

"At that time, it was hard to say who was the local snake and who was the strong dragon."

Li Gan nodded: "It's exactly this reason, that's why the second leader is anxious like an ant on a hot pot."

"Then why don't you let Gan Rong go on a blind date? Wouldn't he be overjoyed if he succeeds?"

As soon as Murong Jingyan finished speaking, she laughed at herself mockingly:

"Remember, he is stared at by Jiulongtou, so he probably doesn't have the ability."

Murong Jingyan couldn't help but put away her smile and asked, "But why are you telling me these things?"


Li Gan coughed lightly, and said cautiously:
"The owner means"

"I want the young master to destroy this marriage."

 Sorry for the delay today!
  Then sort out the detailed outline of the next article, it will be very interesting haha
  Sorry for the one-day update, I will make it up later!

(End of this chapter)

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