How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 110 He Gave Me This

Chapter 110 He Gave Me This

Murong Jingyan's neck subconsciously leaned forward, the sound of wind and rain in her ears seemed to be quieter.

"I don't know the holy son of the Nine Provinces League, nor the daughter of the Jiedu envoy. How can I destroy it?"


Li Gan grabbed his hand and hurriedly said: "Young master, don't worry, let me introduce you to me."

"The recruitment of relatives was set up by Yanzhou Jiedu envoy Chen Cang for the heroes of the entire cultivation world. With him personally supervising, no force dares to make trouble secretly, and it is not easy for our building to send experts to intervene."

"However, the outstanding people in the meeting are like water, so their eyes are misleading. The young master has a delicate heart, which is the most difficult to be noticed."

"In addition, my Pennsylvania sub-helm is the closest to Yanzhou, and I was assigned to participate in this mission. If I can get the help of the young master"

After waving her hand, Murong Jingyan walked aside and looked over the railing:

"This is not right."

"I don't know anything about Yanzhou affairs, let alone whether I can help, going there rashly will arouse the suspicion of Abandoned Sword Villa."

Hearing this, Li Gan seemed to have made up his mind and followed up:

"Actually, there are other people who went to this conference."

"But Wuming Cang's foster son, Gan Rong, wanted the young master to go by name and surname, saying that he only trusted the young master."

dry capacity?

Murong Jingyan ground her teeth, what the hell is she doing?

I sent more than a dozen bottles of bath water, but still can't stop his mouth? ? ?
"in addition."

Li Gan stepped forward and said in a dark voice: "The young master has another reason for going here."

"Wei Hong."

"Does the young master know this person?"

Murong Jingyan was stunned, who is Wei Hong?

Should I know?
Seeing that Murong Jingyan didn't reply, Li Gan continued, "Young Master, it's okay if you don't know."

"After all, Wei Hong is his changed name. If another name is mentioned, the young master will know."

"The Holy Son of the Brahma Heaven, the Daoist Son."

Murong Jingyan turned around, her puzzled eyes revealing her thoughts.

Brahma Holy Land?

I once heard Duotian Master himself say that more than ten years ago, the Kyushu League destroyed an ancient sect comparable to the Abandoned Sword Villa, which seemed to be called Brahma Holy Land.

"Go ahead." Murong Jingyan said.

Li Gan coughed lightly, spread his palms and said, "After the destruction of the Brahma Holy Land, Dao Wangzi changed his name and hid in the Qingdeng Sect, the number one sect in Pennsylvania, and is now a direct disciple of the Qingdeng Sect."

"He was the one who should have gone to the blind date meeting this time."

"As for the young master, you just need to help him."

Murong Jingyan squinted her eyes, her mind was full of thoughts, and a conjecture she had long ago gradually became clear.

In less than 20 years, Duotianlou can spread across all states and go deep into counties. It is simply a fantasy to say that it is all due to the landlord personally recruiting.

Besides, who said that the people who are in Duotianlou are only doing things for those who are in Duotianlou.

Since the leader of the Nine Provinces League can be recruited as a Dharma protector, most of the masters in the building have their own identities, Brahma Holy Land
"Help, why does this young master mainly help him?"

Murong Jingyan made things difficult on purpose, Li Gan really showed embarrassment.

There is a situation

In the end, Li Gan reported truthfully:
"At the beginning of the uprising in my building, it happened that the sect of the Brahma Holy Land was broken. Seeing this opportunity, the landlord personally helped and absorbed many remaining masters from the Brahma Holy Land, so my building quickly gained a firm foothold."

"In the building, Brahma's vein is indispensable, and it can be said to be the largest branch."

"The young master does not know that you were suffering from a strange disease in the early years and could not awaken your ancestral blood. The Fentian lineage has long regarded yourself as the second under the master, and celebrated in the building after the young master awakened the fairy and demon posture. They dislike you."

Li Gan said in a low tone:

"Wei Hong is said to be very talented. Before the young master turned out to be born, he had been regarded as the future of Duotianlou. Cultivated. This is the first time he has come out of the mountain."

"Not to mention that this matter is not easy to get things done, if he messes it up, Wu Mingcang will lose trust in me, Duotianlou."

"If he's lucky and manages it all by himself, I'm afraid it won't be a good thing for the young master."

Hearing that Murong Jingyan understood, she slowly lowered her head,

It turned out that Duotianlou was able to rise once, because it stood on the huge corpse of the Burning Heaven Holy Land. Grandpa robbed this Brahma Holy Land master to do things for him, which seemed to be a double-edged sword.

If Li Gan's words are true, they have regarded themselves as the masters of Duotianlou.

It's just that the layout of the interior of Duotian Tower seems to be quite subtle in the word "young master".

Ha ha
I'm afraid that Wei Hong is also calling himself the young master.

"Li Fuduo, why did you say these things to me?"

Murong Jingyan turned her head and asked.

Li Gan clasped his fists immediately:

"The small one is different from others, the landlord and I have the grace of rebuilding, so don't forget it."

"The Binzhou branch is full of remnants of the Burning Heaven Holy Land, and the leader of the Green Lantern Sect is even the former Great Elder of the Burning Heaven Holy Land. To be honest, when the young master issued the aid order, they turned a deaf ear to it and pretended not to know."

"Fortunately, I got the tip and left the city half a step late."

Hearing this, Murong Jing's face was heavy. It seemed that the situation was more serious than what he had imagined.

Firstly, the power of the Fentian Remnant Party should not be underestimated, even the largest Green Lantern faction in Pennsylvania was completely infiltrated by it, it can be said that it is incompetent.

Secondly, they were really dissatisfied with their young master, and even dared to ignore the call for help.

But who taught that the predecessor was a good-for-nothing, if he hadn't suddenly awakened to the appearance of a fairy, then Wei Hong would have been the default 'young master'.

Rubbing her fingertips, Murong Jingyan closed her eyes.

It is necessary to take charge of Duotianlou, and it is also the first step in my plan to ascend to immortality. I thought it would be logical, but I was too optimistic.

Before that, I lived in Huaizhou for a long time to hide my strength and bide my time. It is reasonable for some people in the building to be convinced and some to be dissatisfied.
It seemed that it was necessary for him to meet Wei Hong for a while.

"Okay, I agree."

Before Li Gan could speak, Murong Jingyan raised her sleeve and pointed aside:
"You should inform the Green Lantern Sect about this matter. This young master will go to Yanzhou alone, and meet Wei Hong directly at the so-called marriage recruitment conference."

"Go back."

Li Gan stopped talking immediately, knelt down on one knee and bid farewell.

The wind and rain were pouring, the mountains were hidden in the churning ink, Murong Jingyan's eyes flickered without knowing what to think.

It was the little yellow duck who yawned and casually comforted:

"What are you worried about? You are a person who has the predestined relationship with the Demon Venerable. How can Wei Hong compare with you."

Smiling slightly, she turned around and retreated back to the pavilion. The purple clothes swayed behind her, leaving water marks all over the floor. Murong Jingyan sat back on the couch and propped her chin with one hand, and lit an oil lamp.

"Those who have power benefit people's hearts and use it for themselves."

"You should be as good at manipulating people as Lord Duotian. In this way, whether it is a loyal person like Li Gan, or those arrogant people in Burning Heaven Holy Land, they can't see each other, but they can be moved by one goal."

"It's not Wei Hong I'm thinking about."

Murong Jingyan took off her mask, her flawless face appeared extraordinarily coquettish under the luxuriant candlelight.

"It's about how to use him to convince Lou Xin."

Suddenly the wooden door was kicked open, and a voice came into the building:

"What are you talking about?"


Murong Jingyan turned her head in astonishment, and saw Zhu Huan'an holding two wooden niches, her long wet hair tightly attached to her body along with her clothes, and a smile on her face.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and get something."

Hastily got up, Murong Jingyan took Zhu Huan'an's two food niches, and said with a smile:
"Senior brother, you have a heart, and you actually bought so many delicious things."

Zhu Huan'an waved his hands and sat on the wooden bench in the room, looked at Murong Jingyan and asked, "You were the one who broke through the heavens just now."

Murong Jingyan was opening the food niche, and her eyes lit up when she saw the roast chicken inside.

What the hell, ever since he went to the Falling Immortal Pond, he didn't even have time to eat two bites of dry food, and he always regretted that there were leftovers in the last meal before leaving Linyuan City.

Picking up a chicken leg, Murong Jingyan gnawed and nodded.

Zhu Huanan raised his legs, smoothed his drenched sleeves, raised his eyebrows and said:
"Where did you get the fetish that broke through the heavens?"

"But the one who killed Qu Yongna?"

Murong Jingyan was stunned for a moment, and finally felt that there was no need to hide this matter, so she nodded immediately:

"Yes, I saw Naqu Yongzheng fighting with one person near Longji Mountain, and I also suffered an unreasonable disaster, so I killed Qu Yong dangerously with one heart, and thus I saw the door of heaven."

"Naqu Yong had a treasure named Wangxianshui, so I took it away."

Nodding his head, Zhu Huan'an didn't suspect anything.

After all, places like the Holy Ruins were inaccessible, and any situation could happen, and it was only normal for monks to intrigue for some chance.

Besides, Murong Jingyan locked Jiuzhong, there is really no reason to trouble Qu Yong, most likely because he was targeted.

Of course, even if Murong Jingyan took the initiative to kill Qu Yong, Zhu Huan'an still wouldn't think there was any problem.

"Who is the other person in your mouth?"

Zhu Huanan asked curiously.

Murong Jingyan came over with the food niche in her arms, wrapped the leftover chicken bones in paper, and shook her head when she heard this: "I don't know him, I never asked his name."


Murong Jingyan sat down, took out a gold medal from her waist and put it on the table.

"He gave me this."

 Keep updating Keep updating!
(End of this chapter)

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