Chapter 112

Among the Kyushu states in the Central Plains, Zhongzhou is honored as the head of Kyushu states because of the Dayan royal family sitting in the town and having a long history.

And Yanzhou is a land of heavenly treasures second only to Zhongzhou.

It has a vast territory and a large number of outstanding people. It is even more dynamic than Zhongzhou to a certain extent.

This land seems to carry the fate of heaven and earth. In the past thousand years, there have been countless famous and powerful people who have left behind countless legends and poems.

But no matter how amazingly talented and brilliant people are, there are taboos that cannot be offended in this pure land of cultivation.

That is.
Fengqi Mountain.

The mountain towers sideways, and the highest point reaches Wanren. The perennial fire maple is brilliant and never fades. It looks like an ancient phoenix wanting to fly high, hence the name.

There is a mansion on the top of Huangding Mountain. It is quiet and deep, but it is hard to hide the awe.

At this moment, two figures suddenly descended from the sky. They wore green robes and covered their faces with light veils, escorting a beautiful figure to slowly land in front of the mansion.

The guards in front of the mansion, who were originally imposing, stepped forward one after another when they saw this, and immediately raised their hands and bowed when they saw the person coming:
"See Miss!!!"

The slender figure in Weizhong was also wearing a green robe, but he was wearing a bamboo hat. He kept silent and just looked up at the plaque.

【Yandu Prefecture】

"The two immortal masters have to work, my master has not returned yet, please come inside first."

The lead guard was not surprised to see that the lady in the mouth hadn't replied, so he said to the two escorts.

After all, my young lady has been taciturn and unsmiling since she was a child, even if the master's words are ignored, they, the old people in the mansion, have long been used to it.

The two women who came from Yukong are the masters of Tianxian Valley, but they smiled and waved their hands when they heard the words, and one of them said to the green robe:

"A Ling, you have completed your studies, you should be obedient when you return home, do you understand?"


Chen Xiangling still didn't speak, but walked straight towards Yandu Mansion.

Seeing her back without turning her head, the two masters of Tianxian Valley looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, then bowed their hands to the guards and flew away.

And the leading guard hurriedly followed Chen Xiangling. Before the master came back, the lady must take care of it.

After all, she has a lot of criminal records.


There are still seven days before the start of the marriage recruitment conference.

At dusk, Fengqi Mountain is halfway up.

There is an ancient and long-standing villa overlooking the boundless Huofeng and the vast beauty that stretches to the sky. There was even a legend that a swordsman left a poem with a pen during Emperor Wu's reign, and there was a legend that he killed the incomparable devil here.

It's a pity that the past is like smoke, and now it has long been reduced to a post house opened by ordinary people, for people to rest their feet.

But recently, the owner of this place is overjoyed. Many people have come to the villa that was depressed in the past years, and even the guest rooms are not enough to live in.

It's just strange that the Yandu Mansion on the top of the mountain actually sent its own soldiers down the mountain to investigate one by one outside the village, which seemed to be a big move.

"Shopkeeper, these people are not simple."

Hearing what the little one said, the shopkeeper immediately picked up the abacus and hit him on the head, cursing:

"I'm not a dog's eye. I'm afraid that the people who come here are all outstanding figures in the cultivation world. You guys have given me all the ruthlessness in the past. Our little bit of cultivation is bullshit."

"If you continue to do this business honestly, you don't need to open this black shop."

As the shopkeeper said, the people who come to the villa are all ordinary people.

It is no exaggeration to say that when the Qianlong list opens two years later, almost half of the people here will be famous all over the world.

In a wing room deep in the villa, a certain figure was leaning against the window and looking out secretly.

The dim light penetrated through the creases and printed on his mottled white temples, Qian Rong looked quietly and said to himself:
"Unlucky, this guy really came."

Where he was peeping, many heroes were sitting around a stone platform in the courtyard, the sun was setting and the curtain was drawn, they were drinking and laughing.

Although they are gathering talents, one of them quietly sits in a high position.

The man's red eyebrows were drawn into his temples, and his eye sockets were naturally darkened. He looked a little evil, but his laughter was very hearty.

"Brother Cui, I didn't expect you to actually come. I thought the Kyushu League would not participate in this so-called marriage."

"Oh, yes, Brother Cui is here in person, I don't think I have any chance."

The red-browed man took a sip of wine when he heard the words, and said heartily:

"What are you talking about? We are here to get married. It doesn't matter if we succeed or fail. Don't say such depressing words."

"Drink and drink!"

Walking away from the window sill, Gan Rong showed a look of disgust on his face, and said in a weird way: "Hey, come and drink."

"You can't die if you drink it!"

This red-browed man who was regarded as a thorn in the flesh by Gan Rong was Cui Weijing, the holy son of the Kyushu League.

Although he was slightly suppressed by the up-and-comer Qianrong, Cui Weijing's strength can be said to be one in a million, not to mention that his backstage is very hard, and he wants to replace it.
It's not something that can be done just by talking about it.

Sitting on the chair, Gan Rong took out a kettle casually, just about to unscrew it but stopped.

"Speaking of which, what the hell is this little Murong doing? He wrote to me saying that he got Wang Xianshui, but"

"Where's my fairy water!?"

No matter what, Gan Rong twisted the kettle open and took a big gulp, wiped his mouth and said:

"I must make a good fortune when I see you this time, otherwise I will suffer from being dumb."

"Speaking of which, my dead brother Qu Yong never wrote me a letter."

"Damn it."

Painfully drinking a bottle of fairy water, Gan Rong felt restless again: "Damn it, after all these years, seeing Cui Weijing's appearance as a good, bad guy is still disgusting."

"Xiao Mu, Xiao Mu, why are you still in the future?"

While Gan Rong was pacing back and forth, there was another person in the villa who had been secretly observing Cui Weijing.

There are several leisure pavilions not far from Shitai, not everyone likes to be lively, some heroes are either happy, or want to avoid suspicion of a certain sect, but stay far away.

One of the gazebos is located in the corner. You can see the maple leaf road in front of the gate of the villa, and taste the legendary Nine or Nine Heavenly Steps, which is also a special taste.

"Brother Wei, I didn't expect your Qingdeng faction to send someone here."

"I heard that the Qingdeng faction has kept a low profile these years, but I didn't expect that they also have intentions for the imperial court."

The three Qingxiu sat opposite each other in the gazebo, and one of them, a bald young man with a soft appearance, took a sip of tea, subconsciously pinched his bare knuckles and said:

"Yes, we Qingdeng faction don't like public affairs."

"This time, Master asked me to appreciate the various forms of the world of mortals."

Hearing this, one of the scholars patted his folding fan, and said with a smile: "I don't think Brother Wei's temperament is like that of a person from Pennsylvania, hiss."

Wei Hong chuckled, poured a cup of tea for him, interrupted the next words, coughed lightly:

"Brother Gao, please taste my Pennsylvania brilliance, and you will be full of praise."

While pouring tea, Wei Hong looked at Cui Weijing who was laughing loudly in the distance from the corner of his eye, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Kyushu League.
Grinning the corners of his mouth, he suppressed the mania in his heart, let out a breath, and began to scan the villa with his eyes.

According to the informant, the mouse who stole my young master's position will also come to this marriage recruitment conference. If we can find a way to get rid of him and Cui Weijing together, that would be...
At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure that was arriving late at the gate of the villa.


"This place was set up by the Jiedu Envoy, for the accommodation of heroes who are recruiting relatives, reporting their sects, names and... huh?"

In front of the villa, the guards of the Yandu Mansion held their swords on their horses, and one of them drew the reins and stepped forward, looking down and showing doubts:

"Are you a woman?"

In front of him was a slender figure in green clothes.

I saw a jade hand gently lifting the bamboo hat. This so-called woman hooked the veil, her eyes were watery, and her tone was cold and bitter:
"My lord, I am from the Valley of Immortals, Ayan."

"The lady ordered me to come."

Hearing this, coupled with this attire and the looming snow-white skin, this personal guard who has always been known for being alert shook his head, and inexplicably felt a wave of goodwill and trust.

"in this way.?"

"Okay, you go in, let it go!"

Murong Jingyan kept a bright smile in her eyes, and slightly bowed her body to express her gratitude.

Then, he walked unhurriedly through the road that the guards of Yandu Mansion, who all started from the upper three passes, gave way to.

Letting out a breath, Murong Jingyan wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Fortunately, I was extremely smart, and after finding out that Xiangu was dressed in a green robe and light gauze that day, I took the risk and sneaked in.

Otherwise, with his face, he might be kicked out if he said he was here to get married.

However, it came in anyway~
In the gazebo, Wei Hong had already stood up, watching Murong Jingyan walk into the villa from afar.

"Green robe and light gauze, are you from Tianxian Valley?"

"It is indeed a famous holy place for female cultivators all over the world. It is far away, but it still makes the poor... Fascinating."


Wei Hong supported the railing and looked with his head:
"what is she doing."

 Keep going, there's one more chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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