How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 113 Which Onion Are You?

Chapter 113 Which Onion Are You?

As soon as she set foot in the villa, Murong Jingyan was stunned.

Good guy.

Why are there so many people in this courtyard? ?

A rough look at the stone platform in the distance alone, plus the scattered heroes, there are at least 40 to [-] people.

No wonder on the way up the mountain Murong Jingyan saw a lot of monks flying away from a distance, presumably they were the guardians of these people.

This Yanzhou Jiedushi has a big face.

Twisting her waist, Murong Jingyan didn't intend to walk over at all, and ran directly along the wall into the shadows with her feet, and disappeared.

Wei Hong in the pavilion stretched his neck, quite puzzled.

"Brother Wei, what's wrong with you?"

Surprised, Wei Hong coughed lightly, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, let's continue drinking tea."

Murong Jingyan walked slowly in the villa, at this moment it was getting dark, but no one noticed her.

"After being promoted to Tianfeng, not only the strength will be more refined, but the Zhou Tian Chong furnace is inexhaustible, the most rare thing is"

Touching her chin, Murong Jingyan showed a smug smile:
"The supernatural power of the little yellow duck is compatible with my pupils, but anyone who meets my eyes will be affected by the seal of lust."

"But it still can't be used indiscriminately."

"It would be terrible if I met a sweeping monk who looked at me displeased one day."

Hearing the words, the little yellow duck poked its head out. At this moment, its wings were faintly covered with a layer of silver streaks, and there was a vertical line connecting its pupils. It looked rather strange.

"Boy, if you want to fully display the seal of lust, you still have to rely on yourself, don't be too crazy."

"Besides, although the supernatural power of the Tiger of Nine Springs is useful, don't flaunt it in front of people with real skills, otherwise"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan nodded, speaking of it, the civet cat's supernatural powers are really too sharp, no wonder the little yellow duck said that he could not kill Qu Yong by fighting hard, even Shen Fengchen was surprised.

Shaking the fingertips, wisps of white mist intertwined, and finally condensed into a crystal that Murong Jingyan held in her hand.

This Ming Xing seal is really like a tiger with wings for the current self.

The supernatural power contained in it is called:

Shifting stars.

This kind of crystal in his hand is called Jiuquan Stone, and it can maintain five pieces in the first level of Tianfeng. As long as he activates his supernatural powers, he can shuttle to a certain place where Jiuquan Stone is kept.

Qu Yong relied on this supernatural power to search for himself in Longji Mountain.

It's just that this supernatural power is not without drawbacks.

It can only be used up to three times a day, and a Jiuquan Stone will dissipate immediately after use. If you want to mark it again, you must condense another one. For the time being, only five coordinates can be left at most.

Moreover, this stone is only transformed by spiritual energy. If it is not well hidden, even a mouse can chew it off.

Apart from the shifting stars, what makes Murong Jingyan most happy is the second supernatural power.

Step on the virtual soldiers.

After the concentrated qi and blood erupt, you can step through the void and teleport to several feet. If you use this trick to pass through the enemy, the twisted void will split the opponent with weapons.

When fighting against Qu Yong, he and Shen Fengchen were attacked by this move, and they were wounded almost defenselessly.

Fortunately, Qu Yong is not experienced, otherwise, it is possible to directly cut his throat with one blow.

"However, this trick will test the consumption of energy and blood. After using it once, it will not be able to be used again for more than ten minutes, and the human soul is one."

Murong Jingyan cast a disgusted glance at the twitching little yellow duck:

"You can't do it, little dog."

The little yellow duck suddenly panicked and was about to fight Murong Jingyan, but was pushed down by a hand.

Throwing out two duck feathers, Murong Jingyan shouted: "Stop playing, the business is important."

"I have to find Qian Rong first. After all, I can't even recognize people now. It's not a long-term solution to pretend to be a member of the Tianxian Valley Gate. We still have to plan before we talk about it."

"It took me a month to come here to Fengqi Mountain, and I almost ran out of the coils I got from Li Fuduo. If I don't find Qian Rong, I really can't solve the problem."

While Murong Jingyan was going from house to house, there was also a figure sneaking around the walls of Yandu Mansion on the top of Fengqi Mountain.

Chen Xiangling's face was covered with a black veil, only revealing a pair of bright eyes.

She had already taken off her ethereal green robe and put on a dark purple corset, holding a wooden stick tightly in her little hand.

"With the Shenmu branch, Yuan Guanshi's spiritual sense can't find me."

With that said, Chen Xiangling took out a piece of talisman paper covered with silver threads from her bosom, and started rambling to the moon. Soon the talisman paper shone brightly, and her figure also turned into a faint blue smoke.

"Hmph, no one wants to make decisions about my marriage, not even my father."

When the green smoke condensed, Chen Xiangling also slowly opened his eyes, and immediately leaned over to look around.


"This is the half-waisted barren house"

"That's right, the Misalignment Talisman can indeed move ten miles horizontally. Although it hasn't left Fengqi Mountain, it's still enough for this young lady to escape."

After finishing speaking, she chuckled lightly and strode towards the courtyard.

!! ?
Chen Xiangling suddenly turned around and leaned against the wall, his face full of puzzlement.

At that moment just now, she seemed to be in a trance and saw dozens of handsome young men who were either magnificent or handsome in the courtyard.

Immediately Chen Xiangling was holding onto the courtyard wall and was about to turn over, but saw that the mountain outside the villa was full of guards, and turned back immediately after touching the ground with his toes.


"Could it be that Dad found this?"

"Why are you here!!?"

Sensing that something was wrong, Chen Xiangling was like an ant on a hot pot. She worked hard to steal a migration talisman from the sect, and stole her father's treasured sacred tree branch, just to escape relatives.

Why did he get stuck in a man's nest?

Just as Chen Xiangling was walking quickly in the dark, about to find a way out, she turned a corner and stopped suddenly.

Looking up, she saw above her head, a figure in a green robe deftly pawing at the window lattice of the palace beside her.

The two slender legs swayed, and the head sneaked in.

At this time, Murong Jingyan was carefully looking at this palace, and shook her head:

"Where did this dry face hide?"

Withdrawing his gaze, Murong jumped back to the ground, just as he clapped his hands to continue searching, when he turned his head, he saw an unexpected visitor in purple, staring straight at him.

Almost at the same time!

The two ran along the palace towards a place where the other could not see!
It's just a pity that this palace is square.

When they bumped into each other on a narrow road again, the two spoke almost at the same time:
"Who are you!"

"Who are you!"



Murong Jingyan saw that the other party was wearing tight clothes, covering his black face, and deliberately blocking him, so he immediately lowered his shoulders slightly and assumed a fighting posture.

And Chen Xiangling was even more nervous, directly pulled out the saber from his waist, and pointed at it.

The atmosphere was tense for a while.


At the same moment, in the hall next to the two of them.

Gan Rong seemed to have heard something, slowly got up from the chair, and was about to open the door to look.

But just when Qian Rong was about to step out, he quickly withdrew his steps and moved to the back of the door, because he saw a figure walking over.

The visitor had a bald head and looked a little cold.

"Who is this guy?" Gan Rong narrowed his eyes and chose to wait and see.

Wei Hong bid farewell to his tea friend early, since he was a bit puzzled by the woman in green who had just caught a glimpse, but also wanted to find out the whereabouts of Murong Jingyan.

Although he is very dissatisfied with this young master who has a 'fake name', he still needs to cooperate with him for the first mission.

After all, destroying Cui Weijing's marriage is the most important thing, and besides, if he can be selected, that is Tianhu, and the position of the young master is secure.

Wei Hong, who was already nearby, faintly heard some noises, so he heard them.


He poked his head out while propping up a wooden pole, and his brows suddenly opened.

It turned out to be the Tianxian Valley Gatekeeper in green, what is she doing?
Continuing to probe, Wei Hong's eyes suddenly became serious.

On the opposite side of 'Heavenly Immortal', there was a small purple-clothed man holding a long sword, facing each other to the throat, and the atmosphere in the arena was particularly tense.

Wei Hong was puzzled, the purple-clothed man was thinner, and his brows and eyesight were softer, so he should be a woman.
His pupils shrank, and Wei Hong clenched his fists for an instant.

According to what my informant reported, the Murong family that Zhuoxianchi met was in purple clothes, and I had heard that he was a feminine-looking guy.
He is the Murong family! ?

What is he doing!
He hastily offended the sect of Tianxian Valley, didn't he know that was the sect that Miss Chen belonged to? ?
Incompetent bungler!
Just when Murong Jingyan and Chen Xiangling stared wide-eyed and were about to ask questions, they suddenly heard an angry shout from beside them!

Then a figure involuntarily rushed into the middle of the two, or
It was in front of Murong Jingyan.

Wei Hong tilted his head and looked softly:
"Girl, don't worry, I think it's all a misunderstanding."

Then, Wei Hong formed a palm with one hand, and turned to look at Chen Xiangling under the eyes of the two who didn't understand why. His eyes were as sharp as knives, and he deliberately suppressed his voice very dull:
"Aren't you going to retreat quickly?"

Chen Xiangling frowned, and asked like a fool, "Which green onion are you?"

Wei Hong was furious immediately, raised his eyebrows and said:
"I, Wei Hong!"

 Good night everyone, thank you for your monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and rewards! !
(End of this chapter)

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