How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 114 We Are Destiny Friends!

Chapter 114 We Are Destiny Friends!
"I, Wei Hong!"

This confession can be said to be full of spirit, echoing in the dilapidated corner of the villa.

The long sword moved slightly, and Chen Xiangling, who had been pampered since childhood, narrowed one eye, which was full of doubt and contempt.

Wei Hong?

Never heard of this name!

Unlike Chen Xiangling, Murong Jingyan's heart skipped a beat instantly.

This, this bald head is Wei Hong?

Murong Jingyan had envisioned several situations in which she would meet Wei Hong, but she never expected it to be like this.

He's standing up for me?

Taking the wrong medicine?

I saw Chen Xiangling on the opposite side snorted coldly, and her long sword with water ripples did not retreat but advanced.

"What do you care about, what kind of guts did you eat, and you actually talk to my aunt and me like this?"

Where is this place?
It's Fengqi Mountain!

It's her Chen family's dojo, how can she allow others to show off her power in front of her?As long as she is not afraid of revealing her identity, the guards outside can rush in and take everyone here with a single order.

Seeing 'Murong's' mouth dirty, Wei Hong was even more annoyed, he raised his hand and said:


"Could it be that you came here to disrupt the situation!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Murong Jingyan and Chen Xiangling were stunned, and Gan Rong, who had been observing secretly, finally noticed the clue.

Although the green-robed woman turned her back to him, the vague sense of familiarity was unmistakable, and Gan Rong's intuition was almost unmistakable, let alone misidentifying the wrong person.

It's the swallows!
As for the other two
His gaze directly crossed the bald head and looked at the woman in purple on the opposite side, but he didn't know it. When he saw the special soft sword, his eyes immediately widened.

"Thousand, Thousand King Sword!?"

Continuing to look into the eyes of the woman, Gan Rong had no time to worry, and immediately rushed out from the side hall.


The three people in the field turned their heads to look at Qian Rong, only to see Qian Rong flying over to block Chen Xiangling. After confirming the Qianwang Sword, his eyes changed, and he immediately waved his sleeves and said:
"How can there be any noise in Master Chen's territory?"

"It's all gone!"

Murong Jingyan's eyes lit up when she saw that the person who came was Gan Rong, she was about to take a half step forward but found that Gan Rong gave her a veiled look, so she immediately turned around and said something in the ear of the purple-clothed woman.

Murong Jingyan sensed the meaning of this look, and immediately stopped Wei Hong when he was still about to go forward, and coughed lightly:
"This son, this son."

"I think it's really a misunderstanding, let's move on."

Seeing the 'Tianxian Valley female cultivator' behind him speak, Wei Hong's face softened a little, and he watched Qian Rong and Chen Xiangling whisper and leave together.

He didn't give me face like this, it seems that he didn't come to help me, but to oppose me sincerely.

If you have time to spare, you have to argue with him and give him a good look.

Turning around, Wei Hong regained his composure and said softly:

"Looking at the girl's clothes, she must be from the Tianxian Valley."

"You're not surprised, are you?"

Murong Jingyan was covering her face with gauze at the moment, only her eyes were exposed, her face could not be seen clearly in the dimly lit courtyard, after quietly performing the [-]% lust seal, one thing was confirmed.

This guy is indeed the wrong person.

He also regarded me as a person from Tianxian Valley?

Even so, there is no need to be so flattering, besides, why did you declare your family name, how many people outside know you besides me.
"It's okay, it's okay."

Murong Jingyan saw Qian Rong's back disappearing around the corner, and immediately prepared to follow.

"Young Master Lao has rescued the siege, let's meet again by fate!"

Wei Hong watched Murong Jingyan run away from him with a pure face, smelling the fragrance of his body scattered in the wind, he couldn't help raising his sleeves, feeling a little dazed.

"Are all the people in Tianxian Valley like this?"

"Oh, I still want to ask her about Miss Chen's affairs."


The villa, a secluded side room.

Gan Rong stuffed a few taels of silver into the villa, sent him away, walked into it, and closed the door behind his back.

"I said Xiang Ling, did you sneak out again??"

"The key is that you just run away. What are you doing here in this den of thieves?"

There was only one kerosene lamp in the room, and Chen Xiangling was sitting at the table. She had torn off the cloth covering her face, and put the Qianwang Sword on the table.

This is a pretty face, with an oval face and willow-leaf eyebrows. Even in the purple night clothes, it is still difficult to conceal the quiet and bookish atmosphere.

"Oh, you care about me?"

"However, this den of thieves is appropriate."

Chen Xiangling rolled her eyes and raised her head indifferently: "It's you."

"I heard people say that your eldest son has an unclear relationship with a woman from the Nine Provinces League. Why did you come to Fengqi Mountain this time?"

"You still have illusions about Miss Ben?"

Gan Rong smiled awkwardly and stood leaning against the wall with her chest hugged.

Different from other people who came to the blind date meeting, although Chen Xiangling lived in seclusion in Tianxian Valley, Gan Rong met her early because of a chance meeting.

Just like Murong Jingyan and Shen Fengchen, when he went to the Falling Immortal Pond alone a year ago to see the Heavenly Sealed Door, he and Chen Xiangling killed the century-old demon king in a hunting ground together.

Therefore, the two can be regarded as life-and-death friends, but one is the leading force in the cultivation world, and the other is the daughter of the mainstay of the imperial court, so naturally they can only part ways.

"Nonsense, do you think I look like I lack a woman?"

"I am."


While Gan Rong was speaking, the wooden door was suddenly opened, and a green robe walked in, closing the door behind his backhand.

Murong Jingyan scanned the room, seeing that Ziyi was sitting and standing dryly, doubts flashed in her heart.

Ignoring Chen Xiangling's vigilant eyes, Murong Jingyan walked to Qianrong's side, and glanced at Chen Xiangling:

"What's the situation?"

Gan Rong sighed, stepped forward with two palms outstretched, and slapped the table hard:

"Xiao Mu, it's just in time for you to come."

"Isn't life here?"

After half a stick of incense, Murong Jingyan and Chen Xiangling sat facing each other, while Gan Rong stood by the window, the room was quiet.

Murong Jingyan's eyes moved, and she looked at the beautiful girl in front of her again.


"It's Miss Chen's family?"

Chen Xiangling curled her lips: "Why, doesn't it look like it?"

Murong Jingyan pinched her cheeks and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Miss Chen's family to want to escape the marriage. It's really surprising, but how did you get here?"

"The outside is full of young men who are like wolves and tigers."

Chen Xiangling's face darkened, and he said bitterly: "I'm going back to Qishan today, how do I know that you are all arranged in this broken mountain villa?"

"You have to know how much effort Miss Ben wasted in order to escape, I"

Halfway through the conversation, she suddenly looked at the 'woman' who was wearing a green robe and a light veil beside her and was listening seriously, and said with a frown, "Say it."

"As a woman, what are you doing here?"

Murong Jingyan froze when she heard the words.


To be misunderstood by a man is fine, but to be misunderstood by a green girl, this feeling is simply indescribable, which made Murong Jingyan feel the seriousness of the matter.

With this face, I, Murong Jingyan, will be alone for the rest of my life.

"And" Chen Xiangling looked up and down:

"Return to my appearance in Tianxian Valley?"

"What do you want?"

At this moment, Gan Rong came up and clapped his hands on Murong Jingyan's shoulder, and said instead: "It's all from our own people."

"This is my adopted sister, A Yan."

"Xiang Ling, you have found us when you meet us, because"

"We're here to help you."

Chen Xiangling blinked, and asked back, "Help me?"


Gan Rong clapped his hands together, put his fingers together and said towards the sky: "I first heard that your father is going to hold this wedding ceremony, although I don't know what it means, but what is the relationship between us?"

"That was a close friend!"

"Since we are close friends by fate, I naturally understand you better than others. Is that what you want with your carefree nature? No, absolutely not."

"Not to mention"

Speaking of this, Gan Rong lowered his voice, lowered his body and lay down on the table:
"Those people outside the door have ulterior motives, especially the one with red eyebrows, his name is Cui Weijing!"

"For the sake of friendship, Ganmou secretly told you that this person is especially narrow-minded, if you are unfortunate enough to marry such a person"

"Then it will be completely ruined!"

Murong Jingyan looked at Chen Xiangling's serious expression, and heard Qianrong's demon whispering in her ears, took a deep breath without interrupting.

This is dry.
Is he taking the opportunity to avenge himself in the public office?

Chen Xiangling was obviously substituted by Gan Rong's tone, and hurriedly asked: "Then what should I do?"

"I only have one travel talisman, how can I escape now?"

Gan Rong smiled, blinked at Murong Jingyan, and said with a smile: "Xiang Ling, don't panic."

"You escaped in such a disorderly way, how far can you escape in one night? When the Yandu Mansion finds you missing tomorrow morning, it won't take two sticks of incense to catch you back."

Pulling a bench and sitting down, Gan Rong continued to brainwash:

"If you want to be unable to get married, there is more than one way to escape."

"We came here to help you as a staff officer."

Chen Xiangling sighed when he heard this, with a lonely expression on his face:
"Forget it, no one can violate my father's will"

"It seems."

Just when Chen Xiangling was in a low mood, suddenly there was a crisp sound of slapping the table, which attracted the two of them to look.

Seeing Murong Jingyan turned sideways, a sly light flashed in those smart eyes at this moment:

"It's not impossible to escape."

 There were so many monthly tickets suddenly yesterday, I was flattered, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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