How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 115 You are a great man

Chapter 115 You are a great man

Seeing Chen Xiangling looking over, Gan Rong frowned.

He immediately got up and came to Murong Jingyan's side, leaned into his ear and whispered:
"Hey, don't just talk about it."

"You don't know that if this Yandu Mansion wants to arrest people, then it's..."

Feeling itching in her ears, Murong Jingyan hurriedly moved away, eyes full of disgust and said:

"There's nothing to say about it, there's no need to whisper."

After patting her ears continuously, Murong Jingyan said eloquently:
"In the final analysis, as long as the conference is not allowed to take place."

Chen Xiangling shook his head:
"It's easy for you to say. Seven days later, there will be a family recruitment meeting. At that time, Dad will definitely return to the residence and preside over the family recruitment meeting in person."

"As long as you don't make a decree from Emperor Yan, no one can be shaken."

Gan Rong also added in due course:
"Furthermore, Fengqi Mountain is at least five days away from the nearest Liufen Heaven and Earth Formation, but when Yandu Mansion finds out that Miss is missing tomorrow, it only takes half a day to turn Yanzhou upside down."

"No matter what, you can't escape."

Hearing that Murong Jingyan turned the star-moving ring slightly, her tone was faint:
"That's right, but if it's early tomorrow morning, Yandu Mansion hasn't noticed that you disappeared."


"Until the general meeting is held seven days later, they may not be able to notice it."

Looking up at Qian Rong and Chen Xiangling who were full of confusion, Murong Jingyan smiled:

"Think about it, when the conference is held, it turns out that there is no bride at all."

"How will this wedding ceremony go on?"

Chen Xiangling narrowed his eyes and asked:
"What do you mean by that?"

"If I'm not in the mansion for half a day, even if it's only for a moment, the maid will be able to notice it."

Murong Jingyan smiled and raised her hand:

"It's okay, I have a plan, if it works, you can leave tonight."

Hearing this, Chen Xiangling's eyes lit up immediately, and his ass got out of the bench: "Quickly, tell me in detail."

Gan Rong also stretched his neck, waiting for Murong Jingyan's wonderful advice.

Cough cough, Murong Jingyan also leaned his head against it, the three of them stared wide-eyed, and what Murong Jingyan said next was even more important, it could be called earth-shattering.

"Simple, I will marry you."

Gan Rong pushed Murong Jingyan's head back, and let out a sigh:

"Talk to you."

"What do you say West?"

Chen Xiangling also burst out laughing, shook his finger and said:

"Sister, have you never seen the world? You really dare to say anything."

Murong Jingyan's reaction was not surprising when she saw the two, but they probably misunderstood something.

With a chuckle, Murong Jingyan raised her hand, slowly took off the veil on her ears, and said at the same time:
"No, this is a clever plan."

"And I'm not really marrying you, but just giving Miss a break to escape."

After Murong Jingyan took off the veil, the room became much quieter.

Gan Rong, who was still sneering just now, suddenly fell silent, silently looked away and coughed lightly.

Isn't it just that she is extremely beautiful, but it's a pity that although a person is beautiful, he has no brains.

Chen Xiangling, who was not far away, had her beautiful eyes widened, unable to recover for a long time.

Since she was born, she has been known as the beauty of ice and snow. Even if she went to the Tianxian Valley, which is famous for its beauty, she is still regarded as a fairy. She has never seen anyone who can overwhelm her. It can be said that she is the white moonlight in many people's hearts.

But today, she seems
I understand, there is a truth behind the moon.

Murong Jingyan is still talking eloquently:

"I'm not joking. Since I dare to say that, I naturally have my own way of escape."

"It's just that this plan wants to be completed."

"Need some help and confirmation?"

Having said that, Murong Jingyan noticed that Chen Xiangling was staring at her, so she happened to say with a smile:

"Miss Chen, what do you think of that?"


Suddenly, Chen Xiangling stretched out both hands and tightly grasped Murong Jingyan's hand, and said softly while rubbing:

"What you said is true, then I really count on you."

Murong Jingyan blushed slightly, patted the back of Chen Xiangling's hand and said:

"Oh, of course it's true, but there are some things I need to ask clearly."

"it is good!"

"Just ask, ask quickly."

In a short while, Murong Jingyan already had a clear understanding of Yandu Mansion.

Close your eyes comfortably and say:

"So that's why, miss, you don't like to talk, and you have been practicing in Tianxian Valley for many years."

"As long as I wear a green robe and a veil, and cover my eyebrows a bit, I won't be noticed by the servants."

Behind him, Chen Xiangling was holding Murong Jingyan's shoulders. Hearing these words, she said in a soft voice:

"And Ayan, your figure is almost the same as mine, and even your voice is calm, as long as you hide in the wing room and don't run around, just slip away before Dad returns home."

Murong Jingyan nodded: "Yes, that's the truth."

Not far from the two of them, Gan Rong watched all this with dull eyes.

Chen Xiangling. When did you take the initiative?

After fighting side by side in the Falling Immortal Pond back then, Chen Xiangling was indifferent to his repeated overtures, but now it's fine to just talk between them, but he actually helps someone squeeze their shoulders?
and also
He looked at Murong Jingyan who was enjoying with his eyes closed.

This Duotianlou person is too capable, not only able, but also hardworking, and he actually wants to go deep into the Yandu Mansion. If this is discovered, what will happen.
It seems that foster father's choice to cooperate with Duotianlou is not a bad move.

Murong Jingyan patted Chen Xiangling's hand to signal that he could stop, and then slowly got up, only to see his fingers lightly, and a diamond-shaped crystal appeared in his hand.

"The question now is."

"If you want to enter Yandu Mansion unknowingly, you need to use this spar."

"The two of you have a way to quietly send it into Yandu Mansion."

Hearing this, Gan Rong smiled: "This is simple."

He opened half of the window, and after he blew his whistle, a black shadow swooped in after a while, and it was a night owl that landed on his forearm.

Bringing Ye Xiao in, Gan Rong said with a smile:

"This night owl is a spirit beast I have raised since I was a child. It is extremely spiritual, and the avoiding character pattern engraved by my righteous father can evade divine consciousness. It should not be difficult for it to throw your thing into it."

"Very good!" Murong Jingyan was quite satisfied.

And Chen Xiangling also stepped forward, and handed over half of the stick and his Thousand Kings Sword.

"This half of the sacred wood branch can also evade divine consciousness. If you carry it with you, you won't be afraid of being noticed."

"In addition, the Thousand Kings Sword should be worn on the left waist. With it, no one will doubt you."

"When you leave, remember to put it in the wing room, otherwise the magic weapon imprint will attract the masters of Yandu Mansion to hunt down and kill you"

After accepting the two treasures, Murong Jingyan walked to the window, tied the Jiuquan Stone to Ye Xiao's feet and let it fly, and at the same time instructed:


"I will immediately use Taoism to replace you, after I leave"

"Gan Rong will find a way to send Ms. Chen away. As long as she enters the Liufen Heaven and Earth Formation and goes to another state to hide for a while, the marriage recruitment conference will naturally be over. If you want to call again, I am afraid that you will not have such a thought in the face of Mr. Chen. .”

Gan Rong nodded in response, then patted Murong Jingyan on the shoulder, with admiration in his eyes, he said with emotion: "Although you have lied to me many times, I still have to say it."


"A great man."

Slapping Qian Rong's hand away, Murong Jingyan rolled her eyes and said in a low voice:

"It's just business, that's right."

"I'm not the only one who came to help you this time, do you know?"

Gan Rong glanced back at Chen Xiangling, and also responded in a low voice:

"Of course I know. Is there someone who claims to be the young master? You guys are right, haha."

"Why didn't he come to see me?"

Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows: "You have already met."

"No, who is it?"

"That bald head."

"What!!?" Gan Rong exclaimed, coughing twice as if sensing something was wrong, and put his palm next to his mouth:

"That big fool is?"

Cursing her lips, Murong Jingyan raised her eyes to Qian Rong: "So you can only rely on me this time."

"After the matter is completed, I want your adoptive father Wu Mingcang to write a letter himself."

"It means that the forces in Yanzhou will only support me with all their strength in the future."

Hearing these words, Gan Rong's eyes flickered, and just about to say something, Murong Jingyan's next words made him hurriedly say yes.

"Otherwise, I'll stay in Chen Xiangling's wing and write Qianrong to come here."


At night, in front of the gate of Yandu Mansion.

"Who is coming?"

A figure slowly emerged from the twilight, with sword-shaped brows parted at the temples, hair like a sea of ​​long hair, and wearing a straight blue robe.

"Son of the Left Prime Minister, Shen Feng Shen."

"I'm here to pay a visit to Chen Jiedu envoy."

(End of this chapter)

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