How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 116 Miss is in the mansion at the moment

Chapter 116 Miss is in the mansion at the moment
The night wind is cold, and the cold wave is foggy.

The fallen leaves in the villa swirled lightly, and fell into the hall from the window lattice one by one, blowing the weak candle flames into a blur.

Murong Jingyan patted off the residual leaves on her shoulders, wrapped a Jiuquan Stone in a silk scarf, and handed it to Qian Rong.

"This object cannot be stored as a magic weapon. You must carry it with you within seven days, and take it for it."

"Remember never to knock it, touch it."

Gan Rong took the silk scarf and weighed it in his hands, although he didn't know what it was, but hearing Murong Jingyan's tone, it probably had something to do with the so-called escape method, he patted his chest and said:
"How difficult is this."

"Leave it to me, don't worry about it."

With a light cough, Murong Jingyan turned to look at Chen Xiangling, and urged again:

"Miss Chen, there is no need to worry, you can leave when you find a suitable opportunity, by the way, do you still have the clothes from Tianxian Valley?"

Chen Xiangling, who was scribbling something at his desk, immediately smiled like a flower when he heard the words, and took out two sets of green robes from the magic treasure storage, and shook them in front of his eyes:
"Naturally there is."

"There is one more set, give it to you, Ayan, after wearing it, it will be even more difficult for the servants in the mansion to tell us apart."

After receiving a set of green robes, Murong Jingyan nodded secretly in her heart, this way she is indeed invulnerable.

As long as people don't see their faces, and they don't talk much and don't go out, it's probably feasible.

Big deal. Run away.

"Very good, when you change into these clothes, when you come here, the guards of the Chen family thought I was a member of the Heavenly Immortal Valley who came looking for you, so you can use my identity to leave with Qian Rong."

At this moment, a soft cry came from outside the hall. It turned out that Ye Xiao had returned to the villa and landed on the window lattice.

Gan Rong touched Ye Xiao's round head, then turned to face Murong Jingyan: "You're done."


Murong Jingyan let out a long breath, and raised her hand to take a rough map of Yandu Mansion from Chen Xiangling, which marked the location of her wing and many places where she should not go.

"It's getting late, so I'll go first."

After saying that, the void behind Murong Jingyan twisted, and then a door of light and shadow slowly emerged, halfway split open.

Before leaving, Murong Jingyan still worriedly shouted to Gan Rong:

"That stone must be...!"

Before Qian Rong and Chen Xiangling could be surprised, Murong Jingyan's body was submerged in it, and as the light and shadow disappeared in an instant, only half of the fallen leaf remained and slowly fell to the ground.

Gan Rong waved his hands, confirming that Murong Jingyan disappeared out of thin air with his hands on his hips:

"Well, this guy seems to have a new chance."

"It's just that this trick looks familiar."

"By the way. What did she say just now?"

And Chen Xiangling also came up, wondering:

"It's so powerful, what kind of Taoism is this, it looks even more powerful than my migration talisman."


On the top of Fengqi Mountain, Yandu Mansion.

Stab it!


Pfft! ! !
Murong Jingyan rubbed her buttocks and slowly got up, looked up at the door of light and shadow that was closing rapidly on the towering wall, opened her mouth slightly but couldn't utter a word.

"Dead Owl. Gruff."

"Throwing stones on the wall on purpose, right?"

Simply twisting her waist, Murong Jingyan took out Chen Xiangling's simple map from her sleeve.

After a cursory glance, Murong Jingyan put back on the bamboo hat unhurriedly, covered her face with a light veil, and then took out the Thousand Kings Sword.

He raised his finger and pointed in the direction.

"Left right. Left, um."

After wearing the Ten Thousand Sword, Murong Jingyan walked towards Yandu Mansion.


Before walking up a wooden step, Murong Jing's face was startled by a sudden cry.

Turning her head to look, there was actually a little maid standing in the corridor. After seeing Murong Jingyan, she covered her mouth with one hand, with an expression of disbelief.

"Miss is here!!!"

Following her yelling, soon the lights in the courtyard flickered, countless servants and even guards swarmed over, some figures even flashed like streams of light, and fell in front of Murong Jingyan in the blink of an eye.

It was an old servant with a goatee. After seeing Murong Jing's face, his expression softened a little, and he immediately took two steps forward:
"Miss, where have you been?"

"The old slave thought you were again."

Seeing the deserted courtyard filled with bread men in the blink of an eye, Murong Jingyan couldn't help swallowing.

Not to mention this group of imposing guards, just the old man in front of him, judging by the way he appeared, I am afraid he should be a super master of the six levels of heaven.

Is this the background of Jiedushi's mansion?

Suppressing the thought of running away immediately, Murong Jingyan lowered her head and couldn't even see her eyebrows clearly.

Under the watchful eyes of all the people in the courtyard, the lady in front of her didn't answer Yuan Guanshi's words, but slowly turned sideways and slightly raised a hand.

Soon, the maid who spoke first would feel sorry and rush forward to take it.

At the moment of touching, she saw the "Miss" in front of her nod her head slightly, and only said two words lightly:
"Go back to the room."

The servant girl turned her gaze to Steward Yuan in the yard, and after seeing Steward Yuan nodded, she raised her sleeves and said softly, "Miss, please."

Under the guidance of the little maid, Murong Jingyan walked slowly with her chest in her chest, followed unhurriedly, and soon disappeared in the darkness of the corridor.

Yuan Guanshi stood with his hands up, stroked the long beard on his chin, and gave a look behind him.

Immediately the servants and guards dispersed, and the courtyard became clear again.

"Blame me for worrying too much."

"It seems that Miss has practiced in Tianxian Valley for many years, and she is already a mature girl."

Chen Xiangling's room.

"Miss, we are here."

"It's even smaller."

After waving his hands, Murong Jingyan stepped into the room first, leaving only one sentence before walking in.

"close the door."

The room was pitch black, Murong Jingyan raised her finger to light the candles on the table, suddenly the light was bright, the tongue of flame stretched into the air like a thread, and even lit the bronze candles on the wall.

Surprise appeared in Murong Jingyan's eyes, and then she paced around the huge wing room, seeing that she couldn't stop being amazed in her eyes.

Is this the wing room?

This one room is almost as big as my Quanwang Mansion in Cuicheng. Not only is there a bright and broad file office, a square dining table, but even a place for bathing and changing clothes is connected to the clear spring outside.

Not to mention a place to sleep.
Murong Jingyan stood in front of the three-foot-long carved couch that could accommodate more than ten people, propped her chin and fell into deep thought.

"Even King Zhou in ancient times didn't have this scale."

Looking back, the moonlight seeping through the two huge folding windows made it even more empty. Murong Jingyan couldn't help feeling:
"Although the room is big, it is furnished with cold furnishings. It's no wonder Chen Xiangling doesn't want to live here."


Murong Jingyan glanced around leisurely, but unexpectedly saw something through the candlelight.

There seemed to be an object on the empty desk.

Going forward to pick it up, it turned out to be a piece of azure blue silk. This silk is smooth and smooth, and you can feel extraordinary with just a light touch.

He leaned to the tip of his nose and sniffed, and could vaguely smell some feminine fragrance.

"Chen Xiangling's silk, she left it here?"

After turning the silk silk over, Murong Jingyan was slightly taken aback, only to see that there was a crabapple flower slowly blooming embroidered on the silk silk.

And in the lower right corner, there are also two small characters engraved.

Murong Jingyan took a closer look and murmured:


"Master Shen, why are you here?"

Inside the Yandu mansion, Guanshi Yuan was walking through the mansion in a blue dress, and asked with a smile.

Shen Fengchen carried the big sword on his back, smiled slightly when he heard the words, and replied politely:
"My family heard that Mr. Chen is doing this wedding invitation, so they asked me to drop by and visit. Dare I ask whether Uncle Chen is in the mansion."

Steward Yuan showed a meaningful smile, just nodded and said:

"It will take three to five days for the master to return from the imperial court. Mr. Shen is exhausted, so why don't you stay in the mansion first."

"After seven days, the meeting for recruiting relatives will start, and we can watch from the sidelines together."

"Thinking about it, seeing these heroes fighting each other will be beneficial to Mr. Shen."

Shen Feng hummed, wanted to say something but hesitated, and finally stopped and thought:
"Xiang Ling."

"Can you go back home?"

Guanshi Yuan also stopped, and said with a smile: "Miss returned to the mansion this morning, and is currently in the mansion."

Hearing the words, Shen Feng raised his head and exhaled:

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Xiang Ling for more than ten years, but I still miss her."

"If she hasn't slept yet, can you allow me to meet her face to face?"

(End of this chapter)

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