How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 117 You, are you here too?

Chapter 117 You, are you here too?

After looking at it for a while, he put the handkerchief back into the distance, then lay flat on the wooden chair, and put his feet on the table.

Murong Jingyan exhaled comfortably, then threw the bamboo hat aside, stretched out her hand and yawned.

The little yellow duck also jumped out at the right time, and wobbled three times on the desk.

"This dead tiger's supernatural powers are really dizzy, my lord, my lord."

Murong Jingyan flicked her foot on purpose, and laughed out loud as she watched the duck fall down with a plop:
"Why didn't you sleep?"

The little yellow duck simply lay down on the desk, pouted its tail and said, "It's not you."

"It's really courageous of you to take such a risk."

"This seat has told you that even though it has been sealed forever, you have been imprisoned too much by using this supernatural power at present. Don't even call it a semi-sage. Even a six-level seal of the sky can easily keep you here."

Smiling, Murong Jingyan was noncommittal: "I won't wait until that step, but if I hear the wind, I will go straight away."

The little yellow duck is still worried:
"Based on your cultivation, you can't get out of the Fengqi Mountain's boundary even if you cast Star Shift, and you can't even get in touch with the Nine Spring Stones you left outside."

Murong Jingyan yawned again, put her arms around her and said, "Don't worry."

"I have given a Nine Spring Stone to Qian Rong. He will not leave Fengqi Mountain until the marriage recruitment meeting is over. At that time, I only need to teleport to his side to escape."

"Besides, with him here, the Nine Spring Stone is considered safe."

Hearing this, the little yellow duck didn't ask any more questions. Seeing this, Murong Jingyan withdrew her legs, stretched her waist and prepared to go to sleep well.

Time to experience that emperor's bed.


Just when Murong Jingyan was about to move her feet, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Then a voice came, it was Yuan Guanshi:
"Miss, are you asleep?"

Murong Jingyan immediately put on the bamboo hat on the table, and hooked the veil hastily.

Why is the manager haunted? It's just a matter of looking for someone all over the house in the middle of the night, but you still want to disturb me at such a late hour. Why, is it because I'm afraid that I will run away again?
Or, what's the matter?

Seeing that Murong Jingyan didn't reply, Guanshi Yuan outside the door also looked at Shen Fengchen apologetically.

"Miss has never liked to talk, and I don't know if she is awake or asleep, or else."

Shen Feng raised his eyes, looked at the bright candles in the room, and said softly:
"Tomorrow, I may leave Fengqi Mountain."

"Since the lights are on inside, it must be still asleep, let me try."

Then he stepped forward a few steps to the door, and gently knocked on the door:

"Xiang Ling, it's me."

"Do you still remember that I once took you to pick peaches in the flat peach tree that lived forever in the world?"

Seeing that there was still no response from inside, and the candle had not been extinguished, Shen Fengchen knocked on the door again.

"If you don't make a sound, then I will come in."

"There are some things that I need to tell you."

As he spoke, regardless of Steward Yuan's raising of his sleeves, Shen Feng decisively pushed open the door.

The room is quiet, with dim moonlight accompanied by sparks, like water waves floating on the wooden boards, and in front of the wooden table in the middle of the hall, there is a figure sitting upright.

Dressed in green clothes like cold bamboo, wearing a bamboo hat and light veil to cover his face, he felt alienated before he even uttered a word.

Seeing this, Shen Feng stopped in his tracks, while Yuan Guanshi retreated wisely.

Mr. Shen in front of him has quite a background, and he and the old lady are old acquaintances, the young lady didn't object, so she just let it go.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan's eyes are watching her nose, her nose is watching her heart, and her main focus is to be tight-fitting.

Damn, can you come in just by knocking on the door? Are you a little self-conscious!
However, under the roof, Murong Jingyan was not sure who would come to visit in the middle of the night. If she was someone who was very important to Chen Xiangling, if she refused rashly, it might cause suspicion.

It's only the first night!

However, why does the sound sound so familiar?

As the footsteps got closer and closer, Murong Jingyan kept her head lowered to remain mysterious, while Shen Fengchen also kept his eyes fixed, and sat down on his own when he came close.

He glanced at Murong Jingyan's Thousand Kings Sword, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Xiang Ling, do you still remember me?"

Murong Jingyan rolled her eyes, imitating Chen Xiangling's tone and said:
"Naturally remember."

"How about you, how are you doing now?"

Hearing this voice, Shen Fengchen was slightly taken aback, and his eyes suddenly flickered.

what, kind of like
But soon he returned to normal, blaming himself for being absent-minded recently, rubbed his thigh, and muttered:
"It's okay, it's just that I was deceived by someone more than a month ago and lost a treasure."

Smiling, Shen Fengchen patted his knees:

"But it doesn't matter, I got some from the family later, and it can be regarded as making up for it."

"What about you, I heard that you went to Tianxian Valley alone to practice hard for seven years, how come you haven't changed your habit of reticence."

Rolling her eyes, Murong Jingyan continued to ask:

"Did you go home on purpose?"

Shen Feng exhaled from the tip of his nose, frowned slightly, took out a kettle while talking, conjured up two cups and said:

"No, I came directly to Fengqi Mountain."

Murong Jingyan became anxious immediately.

No wonder Chen Xiangling doesn't talk to you, shit!After chatting for a long time, I still don't know how to report my family name, how can I be like that so-and-so! ?
While pouring water into the cup, Shen Fengchen said softly:

"When I came to Fengqi Mountain today, Mr. Chen and you must think that I am here to participate in a marriage recruitment conference."

"that's the truth."

"However. You can rest assured that if you don't petition for this marriage, I have my own choice. More often than not, I just drop by to visit Chen's residence, just like I did when I was a child."

Speaking of this, he stretched out his fingertips and pushed a glass of water over.

"This water is also obtained by chance. It tastes sweet and has a floral fragrance. It is three points similar to the water from the Peach Immortal Pond we drank. You might as well try it."

After listening to Shen Fengchen's words, Murong Jingyan understood a little bit.

It turned out to be Chen Xiangling's playmate, who came here at the order of the family, but you don't want to marry?


After taking the water glass, Murong Jingyan and Shen Fengchen clinked glasses together, then put them to their mouths and imitated Shen Fengchen's manner and drank it down in one gulp.



As soon as he took it in, Murong Jingyan sensed something was wrong, this taste, this taste is not! ?

Spouting the 'tea', Murong Jingyan couldn't help coughing, and immediately stretched out her long sleeves with her slender hands, reaching for the blue silk on the table to wipe her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to drinking"

Although she couldn't see clearly through the thick curtain, Murong Jingyan definitely knew that this person must have been sprayed with bathwater by herself.

Wait for my bath water?
How could it be with him?
Murong Jingyan, who had a bad premonition, suddenly felt that her wrist was firmly clamped, and then a calm tone sounded slowly:

"Red ring and bracelet."

"It's really you."

As for Murong Jingyan, she immediately pushed aside the tufts of her bamboo hat, and her ethereal eyes widened even further.

In front of him was a tall man in a blue robe with split eyebrows, water stains on his face, and an inexplicable sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Isn't it Shen Fengshen? ?

"you you"

"Are you here too?"

 I have something to do tomorrow, so I am saving my manuscripts, and I will update two chapters on time tomorrow!
  love you~
(End of this chapter)

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