How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 120 A Letter from the Master

Chapter 120 A Letter from the Master ([-] in [-])

"I'm here to teach you, you madman."

"You madman."


As Wei Hong's words fell to the ground, there was a gasp in the whole villa.

So brave.

All the monks present looked at each other in blank dismay, with shock and excitement in their eyes.

Most of them come from extraordinary backgrounds and are proud and arrogant. If they dare to come to this meeting for recruiting relatives, they will not feel that they are weaker than anyone else. Naturally, they are quite dissatisfied with Shen Fengshen's rebellious words just now.

But even as a cultivator, as long as he is not a wandering sage with nothing to worry about, he still needs to remember to maintain awe of officials at all times.

Not to mention, Shen Fengchen's identity is quite special.

If it is said that the institution most feared by the comprehension world in the Dayan Dynasty, it must be the Fulong Division, the head of the three divisions, and Fulong Division Siming is the left minister of the dynasty, Shen Hu.

No matter who Shen Zuocheng is, as his most talented son, Shen Fengchen naturally has high hopes.

Therefore, no one would really offend the Shen family, even Cui Weijing, the holy son of the Kyushu League, had to admit that he was downcast before the Kyushu League had an affair with the imperial court.

But some people dared to speak out, calling Shen Fengchen a madman.

Shen Fengchen smiled instead of anger, narrowing his eyes and saying:
"Blue Lantern School?"

"If you don't make a song, it's enough. It's a blockbuster."

Raising his hand to hold the weapon behind him, he suddenly swung his sword at the ground, a fierce azure blue sword wind swept across the inner courtyard, and Shen Fengchen's beast-like eyes locked on Wei Hong.

Being stared at like this, Wei Hong suddenly felt bad.

There is a special feature of the Brahma Holy Land inheritance technique, that is, it can establish a circle in the body since childhood, and its perception of everything in the world is several times stronger than that of ordinary monks.

A strong, never-before-seen sense of crisis made him feel trembling inside, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, Wei Hong raised his hand.

Shen Fengchen was taken aback for a moment, and restrained his breath a little.

And Wei Hong took a few steps forward leisurely, looked at Shen Fengchen and asked:
"Who the hell are you?"

Shen Fengchen's face was gloomy, and he didn't answer the words, but the person next to him reminded:
"Hero Wei."

"This is the son of Prime Minister Zuo, Shen Fengchen."

Hearing this, Wei Hong's face changed, the son of the prime minister?

In recent years, he practiced in seclusion, asked less about foreign affairs, and devoted himself to accumulating energy for the restoration of the Brahma Holy Land, but even so, he had heard about the deeds of the left prime minister, and his methods were so tough that it can be said to be shocking.

Prime Minister on the left, doesn't that mean Fulong Division?
Thinking of the gloom in Wei Hong's eyes, as the son of Brahma Holy Land, he naturally knows some secrets, Fulong Division is also hated by him, no less than the Kyushu League!

But he is not really stupid, and now he has not established power in the Duotian Building, let alone making enemies outside.

At that moment, Wei Hong nodded lightly, and said with his hands behind his back:

"Oh, so it's the son of Prime Minister Zuo."

"That's just a misunderstanding, you are not some kind of fanatic."

After finishing speaking, Wei Hong groaned, and did not forget to add:
"By the way, my name is Wei Hong."

When the words fell, Wei Hong turned around gracefully, leaving a crowd with their mouths slightly open for some reason.

This, this is leaving?

The corner of Gan Rong's mouth twitched in secret: "This guy, really can bend and stretch, but"

Chen Xiangling also stepped forward and laughed:
"I humiliated Shen Fengchen, and you still want to leave? Your friend will suffer a lot~"

Sure enough, at the moment when Chen Xiangling's words fell, a burst of blue flames suddenly burst out in the courtyard, and as the unicorn roared, even the guards outside the village looked back.

Wei Hong couldn't react in time, and his whole body flew out in the wind like a kite with a broken string, directly crashing into a beam.

Fortunately, Wei Hong was protected by a layer of Buddha's light, but he coughed up a mouthful of blood and shouted:
"I said it was a misunderstanding."

"Sneak attack?"

Shen Feng put away the big sword, only looked in the direction of Cui Weijing, said nothing, and walked towards a deserted palace with a cold snort.

In the past, even if he didn't kill the provocateur, he would have to humiliate him, but Shen Fengchen didn't have this intention tonight.

The room was deserted, Shen Fengchen sat down, his face was hidden in the backlight, but his eyes were already calm.

After a long time, he seemed to have thought of something, took out a small jade box from his sleeve, and gently opened it.

Inside the box was a silver earring.

After looking at it for a long time, Shen Feng took out the earring and put it in the palm of his hand.

"Not accepting fate does not mean blindly resisting everything."

"It's about staying true to one's heart regardless of the vicissitudes of life."

Holding the earrings tightly, Shen Fengshen raised his eyes, and there was a light of thought in his eyes:
"Xiang Ling is right. I don't want to get married because that's what they want me to do."

"But if this is also my heart."

"Just accept it."

Standing up, Shen Feng walked towards the door and smiled slightly:
"Perhaps getting married to you is the first thing I do with them."


Wei Hong's wing.


Wei Hong was lying on the bed, holding his waist and rubbing it non-stop, chanting words:
"Young master, why didn't you tell me his identity earlier."

It was Gan Rong who was standing next to him at the moment, and Gan Rong handed over the pill casually, and snorted and said, "I thought you knew."

"Why can't you recognize this, Brother Wei?"

Wei Hong turned over, but fortunately his ancestral blood was the Heavenly Gang Xuan Turtle, which was born to protect his body from being invulnerable to all kinds of magic, and it was difficult to break the magic weapon, but even so, he was caught off guard and suffered a serious injury.

The lumbar spine protruded.

Seeing Wei Hong's decrepit appearance, he couldn't help but touch his kit, making sure that the Jiuquan Stone was still there before he felt relieved.

It seems that Xiaomu can only rely on it.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open again, and several figures walked in.

"Brother Wei, are you okay?"

The elegant scholar who looked like a scholar came in and asked with concern, but Gan Rong's eyes turned cold in an instant, and he passed the crowd to look at the red-browed monk who stepped in afterward.

It was Cui Weijing, the holy son of the Kyushu League.

Cui Weijing didn't seem surprised to see Qian Rong here, he looked at Wei Hong who was pretending to be relaxed on the bed, and then at Qian Rong, then turned his head slightly and backed away.

Gan Rong sneered, and Dang even followed.

The two came to the deserted alley one after the other, Cui Weijing stopped and looked back at Qian Rong:

"Gan Rong, you are not ambiguous with that Nine Dragon Head daughter."

"Why do you still come to this meeting for recruiting relatives? You really want to fight me to the end with such lingering ghosts?"

Gan Rong didn't stop, but walked past Cui Weijing unhurriedly, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Who am I in love with, and what does it have to do with you?"

"Could it be that I haven't looked for you for some days, are you jealous of her?"

Cui Weijing couldn't help laughing, clasped his ears and said: "You said that."

"I'm too embarrassed to listen."

Seeing that there was no smile on Qianrong's face, Cui Weijing showed his cards and said, "Let's get down to business, Shen Fengchen is here, what do you think?"

Gan Rong is leaning against the wall, if outsiders see it, they will probably think it is a pair of close friends.

"What are you doing?"

With a grin, Gan Rong teased:
"But there is one thing that Mr. Shen said is correct. If someone loses to him here, I am afraid that their status will not be guaranteed after returning to the sect."

Hearing this, Cui Weijing was not angry, and said with a smirk:

"This Chen Xiangling, even if he is not married to me, the holy son of the Nine Provinces League, he must never marry this or that surnamed Shen."

"You are the dog Wu Mingcang picked up, shouldn't you understand better?"

Ganrong's face turned cold, while Cui Weijing's mouth was smiling, the two remained silent, and the temperature in the alley dropped a lot.

Finally, Gan Rong turned around, walked out of the alley slowly, waved his hands and said:
"Some holy sons are not even as good as dogs."

After walking far away, Gan Rong came to the lake in the village, raised his hand to support the rockery and sighed.

"Damn it, why did Shen Fengchen come here?"

"Isn't this marriage recruitment conference only for the cultivation world? The Shen family is really domineering."

Stretching out his hand to touch the Jiuquan Stone on his waist, he thought about it. As a Jiedu envoy, Chen Cang governed several states, and he could be regarded as a well water for the realm of self-cultivation within the territory.

But if the Shen family and the Yandu Mansion were to become in-laws, it would be tantamount to introducing another evil dragon to Yanzhou.

This evil dragon is not what he was worried about before. Cui Weijing, the strongest Zhongzhou Division in the League, is the Fulong Division.

At that time, unless the leader of the alliance moves, the Kyushu League will be hindered everywhere in Yanzhou.

Fortunately, there is Xiaomu making troubles in this meeting, I'm afraid it won't be able to go on, otherwise there will be wolves in front and tigers in back, and they all want to get a foot in Yanzhou.

Thinking of this Gan Rong smiled slightly, Cui Wei was startled because although his talent was a little weaker than his own, it was also a genuine divine beast, but it was still obviously inferior to Shen Fengshen.

As for the Qi and blood that Shen Fengshen casually shot just now, Gan Rong calculated that even if he did it himself, he would not dare to underestimate it.

"It's really quite capable, but it's a pity that this meeting can't be held, otherwise I will sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and I must see Cui Weijing's embarrassed appearance."

Putting his mind away, Gan Rong was going to go back and write a letter for Ye Xiao to bring to Murong Jingyan.

But when he turned around, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a house with lights on, it was the house that Shen Fengchen had entered before.

With a thought, Gan Rong walked over, looked through the window lattice but found that there was no one inside.

"He's not in now?"

As soon as his eyes rolled, Gan Rong immediately opened the door carefully and entered, and started to wander around the house.

It's a pity that Shen Fengchen didn't seem to stay for long, there was nothing in the house, Gan Rong looked around to no avail and was about to leave, but at this moment he caught a glimpse of something.


Picking up an exquisite small square box on the table, Gan Rong opened it but found it was empty.

After gesturing for the size, Gan Rong reached out and took out the Jiuquan Stone from the kit, and put it in after seeing that the size was the same.

"That's right, I'm afraid that the stone will be shaken off when I put it on my waist."

"It's better to put it in the box for peace of mind."

"Oh, the surname is Shen, I will lend you something first."

After finishing speaking, Gan Rong quickly left Shen Feng's wing room, humming a little song, and walked along the small lake towards his side hall.

But Qianrong stopped halfway, and looked at the square box in his hand.

"No, this thing can't be stored as a magic weapon. I can't hold it in my hand for several days in a row."


"I also have to prevent that Cui dog from entering my wing as a thief."

Looking left and right, Gan Rong walked to the rockery again, and seeing no one, he put the box into one of the holes, and then covered it with grass.

After clapping his hands, Gan Rong showed a smug smile.

"Tsk, that's it."

"You don't have to worry about falling or touching it, let alone worry about it being stolen. You can only pick it up after seven days."

"Hehe, it's really a clever plan."

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Gan Rong rubbed his hands in the lake, and then quickly left the lakeside.


Yandu Prefecture.

The early morning mountain mist permeates in, and the room is full of indistinguishable black and white vignettes, like a dream.

A slender figure was resting against the window lattice.

Eyelashes moved slightly, Murong Jingyan slowly opened her long and narrow eyes, and looked up at the scenery of falling leaves outside the house.

"It's already dawn?"

Stretching, Murong Jingyan rubbed her eyes and slowly got up from the bench.

He still couldn't get used to that big bed.

On the contrary, it was the hard wooden stool that made him feel more at ease and sleep more deeply.

Open the folding window, the grass is green and gray after the new rain in the empty mountain, and the mountain wind pushes the sound of falling leaves into the house. The coldness makes Murong Jingyan shudder unavoidably, but she takes another step forward.

Perhaps people who are already lonely will actually enjoy this atmosphere.

Just when Murong Jingyan stood silently, a voice suddenly sounded:
"Miss, the master has sent a letter."

Murong Jingyan tilted her head, there was actually a person standing not far from the window, but she had never noticed it.

It seems to have appeared out of thin air, and it seems to have been waiting here all the time.

After touching her cheek and confirming that her veil had not been taken off, Murong Jingyan slightly nodded:
"Steward Yuan."

Guanshi Yuan smiled slightly, raised his sleeves and beckoned: "Miss, if you want to read it now, you can come to the study with this old servant."

After a moment of silence, Murong Jingyan finally pushed open the door and walked out. The master she was talking about was naturally Yanzhou Jiedushi, Chen Cang.

For the letter of father and daughter, Guanshi Yuan came in person, so there is no reason not to go.

Under Yuan Guanshi's guidance, Murong Jingyan walked for half a stick of incense, and finally came to a Taoist temple-like building.

After passing through the burning wood cauldron in the small courtyard, Murong Jingyan walked into the small temple, the curtains were slightly lowered, and there were fallen leaves and dry bamboos in front of the couch.

It looked like it hadn't been cleaned for a long time.

"Miss, the letter is on the case in the back room."

Steward Yuan made a slight bow: "This is a forbidden area in the mansion. Except for the master and miss, even old slaves are not allowed to stay for a long time. If the miss has finished reading, just go back the same way."

After saying that, Guanshi Yuan took a few steps back, his figure became increasingly dim and finally disappeared.

Surprised by Guanshi Yuan's supernatural powers, Murong Jingyan couldn't help guessing that this unattractive old man with a goatee, screaming at each other, might be underestimated by Tianfeng Liuguan
Perhaps, it was a semi-saint start.

Lifting the opening curtain and walking in, Murong Jingyan saw more than ten rows of bookcases, all of which were scattered with some ancient books and secrets.

Just looking at the degree of fragmentation, one can tell that the owner of this place must be flipping through it frequently, and even the copybooks are randomly placed on the wooden case.

After looking around and walking forward, Murong Jingyan saw from a distance that there was indeed a letter on the case, but the letter paper was yellow and there was no envelope.

Just put it there so grandiosely, as if it just finished writing.

As they got closer, Murong Jingyan frowned slightly, this letter
Why are there no words?
Just when Murong Jingyan bent down to pick up the envelope, her eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of the bamboo label on the scroll next to the letter, and Dang even was attracted to her eyes.

"Xishan Murong family?"

Picking up the copybook first, before flipping through it casually, Murong Jingyan saw a booklet on the table, she let go of the copybook, and the copybook fell to the ground.

Made a crisp sound.

There is a line of words written in flat script on this booklet:

"The Tower of Heaven, The Roster"

Bending down, Murong Jingyan quickly glanced at the remaining chaotic books and documents on the wooden case, her heart felt like a beating drum, and fine cold sweat oozes from her forehead.


Everything on this table is only about two things.

"Murong's House of Duotianlou."

 There is another update, it will be reissued tomorrow, something was delayed on the way back today, so I will put together a chapter first, or it will be too late!sorry sorry
  In addition, ask for votes and votes for family members!This month, let's buy a thousand monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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