How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 121 Huh, what is this?

Chapter 121 Huh, what is this? (replenish large chapter)

The wind spreads the flower letter, and the rain washes the spring dust.

Murong Jingyan is kneeling in front of the desk at this moment, staring at the 'Duotianlou' and 'Murong's' in front of her eyes, she feels her heart beating like a drum.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, these case files are all empty with seals, but when you open them, they are all wordless.

Or the little yellow duck said:

"Most of these classics are under some kind of restriction. Without special means or blood, you can't see the contents."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan also gave up her thoughts, but her heart was still beating non-stop.

At present, the biggest threat to Duotianlou comes from the Department of Health and Dao, one of the three divisions. After all, Duotianlou robs them of their luck and ruins their sub-altar, which is equivalent to throwing their bowl and smashing the pot.

But if we really talk about the scale, Duotianlou's more than ten years of experience is far inferior to sects like the Kyushu League. Therefore, apart from the Wei Dao Division's suppression, the imperial court has not spent much energy now.

If it is said that the Yanzhou Jiedu envoy is investigating Duotianlou, or even aware of the collusion between Wu Mingcang and Duotianlou, Murong Jingyan will not have too much trouble.

However, half of the books on this table are written with Murong.

Then it is not so simple.

"Xishan Murong's"

While whispering, Murong Jingyan fell into deep thought.

"At the beginning, senior brother also mentioned this Xishan Murong family, could it be that this is really my origin?"

"If that's the case, then Mr. Chen has been able to investigate so far, has he already figured out the context of Duotianlou?"

Murong Jingyan was terrified in thought, and glanced to the other side.

Picking up the "Duotianlou, Roster", squinting and said:
"I don't know how many names are recorded in this roster, whether even mine is on it."

"Besides, the appearance of such things in Yandu Mansion already indicates that something bad is going to happen."

"Is there a ghost?"

Putting down the roster, Murong Jingyan looked away, and had a terrifying thought.

"Could it be that some guardian envoys have rebelled against the imperial court?"

After thinking for a while, Murong Jingyan looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around the small temple, she moved between two low bookshelves, and took out the token of Duotianlou.

With the connection of mind, the token of Duotianlou emitted a burst of glare, and then Murong Jingyan's consciousness sank into it.

The world of light and shadow is intertwined, gray, as if he can't feel his own existence.

An old voice sounded:


"What happened?"

Murong Jingyan immediately bowed her hands, like last time, Duotian Master did not turn into a fog man, only heard his voice.

"Grandfather, Jingyan has something important to report."

Then, Murong Jingyan reported what she had done in recent days, but she was a little prevaricated when talking about the way to get out of trouble, and only explained all the classics in Chen Cang's case.

"Jingyan thinks that Chen Cang, the envoy of Yanzhou Jiedu, knows our building quite well."

"Perhaps, it has become a big threat."

When Murong Jingyan finished telling what she had seen, what she got in exchange was nothing but emptiness.

It was not until a long time later that Duotian Master said quietly:

"This matter is of great importance."

"You don't need to worry about it. Since you are going to Yandu Mansion this time, everything will be based on your own safety."

"Wei Hong, can you see it?"

Murong Jingyan nodded: "I've seen it, but he didn't recognize me."

The voice of the landlord is with a smile:

"Hehe. Letting the Brahma Holy Land be used by the old man back then was to allow them to resume teaching."

"Nowadays, once these bereaved dogs gain power, they will be regarded as the elders of my building in vain. They should not cut off their arms at will, and chill the hearts of other righteous men."

"If you find an opportunity, teach him a lesson."

Murong Jingyan responded, seeing that the landlord's consciousness seemed to be blurred, he still couldn't help asking:

"Then Chen Cang found the Murong family of Xishan, but...will it implicate you and me?"

Hearing these words, the surrounding mist rippled slightly, and Murong Jingyan felt as if she was being watched.

Then, Master Duotian opened his mouth, but he didn't answer the question, instead he asked about Murong Jingyan.

"Did you remember something?"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan was stunned.

What does it mean.

As the mist surged, a blurry figure slowly emerged, and Lord Duotian floated towards him, hanging in front of Murong Jingyan.

"Jing Yan, what did you remember?"

Seeing Murong Jingyan's bewildered expression, the phantom of Master Duotian sighed, looked to one side and said:

"When you were five years old, you suffered from hysteria."

"You wake up at this time, and sometimes you sleep forever. Some people say that it is because the blood in your body is sealed, and you lose your soul and soul. That's why."

Murong Jingyan blinked, hearing the words suddenly thought of herself.

It seems that my mother once said that I had a high fever since I was born, and I didn't even go to kindergarten. If they didn't go to the Capital Hospital, they would have died of illness.

However, the disease was finally cured by experts, and since then, like a child prodigy, he has made his way in the examination room, ranking first every year.

After graduating from university, I opened my own writing company, but it failed to manage well, and I died from alcohol allergies.

Murong Jing's face did not change when she came back to her senses. Since there was such a thing in her predecessor, it meant that she could ask questions openly without being afraid of revealing anything.

"Grandfather, about this Xishan Murong family"

"Please also explain clearly."

Murong Jingyan has always been puzzled. According to the scattered memories of her predecessor, she only has this grandfather as her relative, and she never has any impression of parents.

Yuan didn't care too much, if it's gone, it'll be gone, and it can save some worry, after all, it's a little scary to ask other people's parents, but now Murong Jingyan can't help but feel curious.

Master Duotian was silent, and finally his mist slowly dissipated, leaving only one sentence.

"It's something here, why don't you go to Xishan."

Then the light and shadow flickered, Murong Jingyan returned to the cool little temple, opened her mouth and let out a breath of cold air.


Murong Jingyan walked to the case, and stuffed the wordless letter into her sleeve, in case anyone would suspect that she didn't know the restrictions on it after seeing the letter and not responding.

Then, as Yuan Guanshi said, he returned to the wing room the same way.

"Tell me, where is this West Mountain?"

"Forget it, I'll ask Gan Rong again when I'm running away."

Lowering the bamboo hat, the servants and guards along the road stopped to salute, Murong Jingyan quickened her pace and returned to the wing, before she breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he could rest, a loud and clear cry sounded.

Then a fluffy night owl landed on the window sill, after Murong Jingyan recognized that it was Qianrong's letter bird, she quickly stepped forward and raised her hand to stop the guards outside the window who came to catch the bird.

"It's okay, it's my secret letter from Tianxian Valley."

Hearing this, the guards bowed and retreated immediately, and Murong Jingyan also removed the letter from Ye Xiao's feet in a grand manner.

As his eyes swept away, Murong Jing's beautiful brows suddenly frowned, and he casually leaned against the wooden wall.

"Shen Fengchen participated in the marriage recruitment meeting?"

Murong Jingyan looked up at the ceiling and said to herself:
"He keeps saying that he has his own choice, so don't worry."

"It took me a long time."

"I still chose to marry Chen Xiangling."

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan didn't take this matter to heart, after all there are no brides in this marriage recruitment conference, where would he go to marry a wife.

But having said that, for a woman like Chen Xiangling who has a good personality and family background, and knows each other at a young age, everyone is a man, so it is not difficult for Shen Feng to understand.

After kneading the letter paper, burn it to ashes with the light of the divine finger.

Murong Jingyan looked out the window again at the scene of the red sun and clouds driving away the white mist, and began to think about her next path.

Should he go back to Abandoned Sword Villa first as promised, or go to the so-called West Mountain to dispel the doubts and confusion in his heart, as Duotian Master said.


At the same time, on the mountainside.

"Prune the flowers and plants in the yard clean, don't dirty the eyes of all heroes."

A shout broke the cleanliness of the villa.

I saw that the servants in the dilapidated villa, who had always been at ease, were doing their own cleaning, especially after the shopkeeper learned that Mr. Shen, who was coming that day, was the son of the prime minister, he worked hard to maintain the appearance of the villa.

While the servants were working in full swing, two figures, one tall and one short, stood under the courtyard wall not far away.

"Where did you get the migration talisman?"

Chen Xiangling took a piece of talisman paper, with doubts in his eyes, while Gan Rong on the opposite side stood with his hands behind his back and his face relaxed:
"Just a piece of talisman paper, how difficult is it for me?"

With a snort, Chen Xiangling shook the talisman paper, and said with a thoughtful look: "Don't slap your face swollen and look fat, dry face."

"Say, where did it come from?"

Impatiently, he waved his hand: "It's a bet."

"My excellent gambling skills, not to mention this talisman, even winning Cui Weijing's pants is not a problem."

Chen Xiangling curled her lips and clicked her tongue: "vulgar."

"Okay, it's not too late, Miss Ben will go first."

"You remember not to take it?"

Chen Xiangling took a step forward, grabbed the kit bag Gan Rong was carrying, and immediately asked, "Where's the stone?"

Gan Rong chuckled, raised his eyebrows and said:
"Don't worry, I won't miss this stone even if I don't see it."

"Hurry up and go, don't let go of my life-threatening friendship."

After hammering Qianrong's chest, Chen Xiangling took half a step back, looked at him and said, "You are really not ashamed."

"I don't know why Ayan is with you."

"Remember not to lose the stone, I quite like her."

Rolling his eyes, Gan Rong didn't answer, but waved his hand as farewell.

Just when Chen Xiangling was about to leave Fengqi Mountain, Shen Fengchen also happened to return to his side hall.

But it was different from when he came here, two silver earrings were hung on his earlobe, shining in the sun, not only did not violate the harmony, on the contrary, he was a bit more dignified in Ba Zhong.


Before approaching, Shen Fengshen suddenly saw a person standing at his door, who looked like a servant.


The boy was startled by the sudden words, he immediately turned around and looked at the tall young man in front of him, swallowed and bowed:

"Mr. Shen, the youngest one is a boy from this villa. He dared to visit because he wanted to ask Mr. Shen. But something was missing."

"What's missing?" Shen Fengchen looked puzzled, he glanced at the servant and was about to open the door and go in.

"and many more!"

The boy hurriedly opened his mouth, and handed out something with respectful hands:
"I found this when I was cleaning the weeds by the lake this morning. It has a good texture, so it must be high-quality wood, and there is a sunken character engraved on the bottom."

"So I thought it was something lost by Mr. Shen, so I came here to inquire."

Shen Feng frowned slightly.

In the boy's palm was a square box, simple and dark, took it and looked at the bottom, it really belonged to him.


Nodding to the boy, Shen Fengchen turned around and entered the wing room, he was puzzled after closing the door.

"Isn't this square box left on the table? How could it appear outside?"

But Shen Fengchen didn't care too much, this wooden box was not a valuable thing to him, it was just a tool for storing this earring.

Thinking of Shen Fengchen opening it casually, he was stunned.

He slowly stretched out his hand, took out a crystal clear stone, and put it in front of his eyes.

"what is this?"


Egret Hengjiang, six days later in a blink of an eye.

Zhongzhou, Dayan Imperial City.

The land of the king's resting place, more than three thousand miles away, Zijin City, countless auspicious beasts fly with the king's breath, the clouds disperse, and the sun shines.

A golden bridge stretches across the void, connecting Zhoushan Mountain and Langfang Palace.

Walking on it is like a banished fairy.

And the most honorable place of Dayan is above tens of thousands of people. If you look up in the Forbidden City, you can see where the Emperor Dayan is.

The majestic giant hall hangs in the sky, the sky steps hang down, the red sun is the back, the Phoenix Pavilion and the Dragon Tower are connected to the Han Dynasty, and Yushu Qiongzhi is used as tobacco, townships and radiances.

This is, Dayan Imperial Palace.

With the sound of the bell, countless officials and officials walked out of the Dayan Palace, and there were countless heavenly horses and chariots parked beside the Golden Bridge, and the auspicious beasts listened to the side to welcome these nobles who were going to court.

In this Forbidden City, apart from the emperor, even the great sage is not allowed to use supernatural powers, nor is he allowed to fly in the air to provoke the emperor's prestige.

Among the crowd, there was a very special minister wearing a second-rank town robe.

He has black hair in a bun and looks middle-aged, but he has a pair of sharp and clear eyes like a boy.

The rest seemed reluctant to come near him.

"Hey, why is this Mr. Chen doing this? Knowing that this move will anger the Holy Master Longyan, and offend many families who admire his young daughter of the Chen family, he still insists on going his own way."

"Exactly. Originally, the eldest son of my Liao family was extremely talented and good-natured. He wanted to marry the Chen family a long time ago. I didn't expect him, Chen Cang, to hold a marriage-raising conference suddenly to flirt with the cultivation world?"

"Hehe. If Prime Minister Zuo hadn't spoken out to persuade him, Mr. Chen might be punished for coming to court this time."

The surrounding ministers were discussing with their spiritual sense, while Chen Cang, the Jiedu envoy of Yanzhou, completely ignored the alienation of others, and walked towards his chariot on his own.

Just as he was about to log in, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a person not far away.

The man was not wearing an official uniform, but was wearing a cloak. His beard and hair were all white but his face was fair. It seemed that the years had not left too many traces on his body.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Cang walked over.

It's getting close, and as a second-rank official, Yanzhou Jiedu envoy, he even took the initiative to bow:

Hearing this, the white-haired man turned around, saw Chen Cang and smiled slightly, and said, "Master Chen?"

He raised his hand to support Chen Cang, nodded and said:
"Now that you have achieved success and fame, this old man can't afford to be your teacher anymore."

Chen Cang shook his head:

"A teacher for a day, a teacher for life."

"Cang Shaoshi was fortunate to be taught by the teacher in the Dayan Academy, knowing that he can live and live, and he can see his true self, which will benefit him infinitely."

The white-haired man in front of him noticed many gazes, raised his sleeves and said:
"Since that's the case, why not go with the old man."

"Alright." Chen Cang agreed firmly, making a gesture of invitation.

After the two people's chariot flew away, the ministers who hadn't left looked at each other in blank dismay, and did not discuss any more in tacit agreement.

After all, with the qualifications of this white-haired man, even Emperor Yan needs to salute and say hello when he leaves the palace.

Among the three departments of Dayan, the Department of Wei Dao came from Outer Heaven, and the Department of Fulong changed with the dynasties. The Xing Department was the longest established since the founding of the country by the first ancestor.

And that white-haired man is none other than Master Xing, Commander-in-Chief:

Hanshi real person.

On the fairy chariot, Jiedu envoy Chen Cang sat side by side with Immortal Han Shi, and the two of them were silent all the way.

Only after a long time, Master Han Shi turned his head, frowned and asked:
"Chen Cang, more than ten years have passed since that incident. Now you are highly regarded by the Holy One, and you are some of my best disciples."

"Still can't forget the past?"

Chen Cang lowered his eyebrows, his eyes had unclear emotions: "Teacher, I still remember that person asked you."

"Why do you look old, teacher?"

"I remember when you said that before the body of a monk grows old, his heart is old. If his heart is not old, his body will be immortal."

Speaking of this, he raised his hands and laughed at himself: "Now, Tuer seems to be old."

Suddenly closing his eyes, he asked as if whispering:

"You can calculate the secrets of the sky, and you can know whether this Duotian building is good or bad."

 There is another big chapter!maybe a little later

  Ask for a monthly ticket, babies~~
(End of this chapter)

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