How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 122 The Immortal King Appears!

Chapter 122 The Immortal King Appears! (updated)
In the leisure time in the afternoon, the heroes in the mountainside villa retreated early, raised their aura to the highest level, and prepared for the upcoming marriage recruitment conference.

Just now.

The top of Fengqi Mountain was suddenly dark, and with the muffled thunder, a gray-brown light came from the east, and fell on the courtyard of the villa in the blink of an eye.

When the scattered electric light faded away, a serious middle-aged man in an official robe with a long bun stood on the stone platform.

The gate of the villa was pushed open immediately, and the guards flooded in and filled the villa in an instant, shouting to the officials on the high platform:

"Congratulations, my lord, to return to the mountain!"

This movement obviously alarmed the elites who were retreating, and the doors of the temple were opened one after another.

Seeing this battle, the young friar, who was usually idle and wild, or arrogant, was a little at a loss. After all, this important court minister, Mr. Chen, was the legendary Yanzhou Tiger.

With only one person present, the cultivation world in Yanzhou did not dare to act arbitrarily for many years.

Jiedu made Chen Cang glance around, ignoring the young people in front of him, and asked lightly:
"How many more days?"

"Return to the adults, tomorrow will be."

"it is good."

Chen Cang waved his long sleeves and announced directly: "There is no need for tomorrow, start today."

After saying that, he suddenly noticed something, and his eyes shifted to the side.

Cui Weijing who was noticed hurriedly raised his hand, it can be seen that Jiedushi Chen Cang stepped out and disappeared in place, leaving his hair slightly moving.


Cui Wei looked back in astonishment, only to see that not far behind him, Shen Feng and Chen Zheng were slowly walking out of the hall.

Seeing Chen Cang appearing in front of him, Shen Fengchen also bowed slightly, bowing and saying:
"I met Mr. Chen."

Chen Cang nodded expressionlessly, seemingly asking but not asking:
"Why did my nephew appear here?"

Before Shen Feng could say anything, Chen Cang didn't seem interested, but turned slightly sideways and said indifferently:
"Forget it, it's your parents' intention after all."

Shen Feng sighed deeply, took the initiative to take half a step forward, and said softly: "No."

"This time it's my own wish."

Hearing that Chen Cang's ancient well was quiet, he turned his head to look at Shen Fengchen: "Oh?"

"You want to marry Xiang Ling?"

Shen Fengchen didn't respond, but his eyes had already told his answer.

Only then did Chen Cang show surprise and a faint smile:
"I didn't expect that kid back then to be taller than Ben Du now, so he's so courageous, huh?"

Suddenly, Chen Cang noticed Shen Feng's pendant, he hesitated to speak.

Looking back, Chen Cang's face became calm again:

"Since everyone is here, let's go to the house."

Afterwards, countless black-gold mist floated from Chen Cang's body, and these mist enveloped every personal guard and monk in the villa, except Cui Weijing and others, and Wei Hong and Gan Rong who were observing in the palace were also found.

In the next moment, countless streamers rose from the villa, and flew towards the top of Fengqi Mountain in the form of a golden crow fluttering its wings.

The huge villa suddenly changed from bustling to deserted.

In Yandu Mansion, Steward Yuan, who heard the news, had been waiting in front of the mansion early on. When he saw Chen Cang bringing a group of talented people to the mansion, he immediately greeted him.

"Master, you are back."

Jiedushi Chen Cang looked intently, glanced at the crowd behind him and said: "Let them disperse and settle down first, and find a time to set up a stage to start the fight."

Guanshi Yuan swallowed, but still tentatively asked with his spiritual sense:
"Master, I heard that His Majesty is not."

Before he finished speaking, Guanshi Yuan shut his mouth knowingly, because the master in front of him glanced over, his calmness was terrifying.

"Is Xiangling in the boudoir?"

"Naturally, do you want the old slave to pass it on?"

"No need, the governor will go in person later."

After finishing speaking, Chen Cang turned his head to look at Shen Fengchen in the crowd, and beckoned him to follow him.

The crowd was taken away one by one by the servants of Yandu Mansion, but there was only one person who didn't leave and stood where he was, his face was pale, and he was spinning around in a state of desperation.

Gan Rong looked at Jiedushi's back, and finally had no choice but to leave with a guard, complaining endlessly in his heart.

That day, after seeing off Chen Xiangling, he wandered to the rockery by the river to check his box.

In the end, I don't know who killed Qiandao, and cleaned up all the weeds by the river overnight. After he lay on the ground and groped for a long time to no avail, his heart suddenly felt ashamed.

Little Murong's stone is gone!

He inquired many ways for six consecutive days, but he could not find the whereabouts of the box. Now that the Yanzhou Jiedu Envoy has returned, something really bad happened.

Worried about Murong Jingyan's safety, he was supposed to withdraw from the meeting halfway due to illness, but he who stayed in the villa still followed.

"She can't run away without this stone."

"If the Jiedu envoy finds out that she assisted Chen Xiangling in escaping, I'm afraid her cultivation will be forfeited."

"Fortunately, it is a personal transmission of the Abandoned Sword Villa, so I think it should be able to escape the catastrophe, but I am afraid that I will be questioned in the Abandoned Sword Villa."

Just when Gan Rong was thinking wildly, Jiedushi came to the main hall with Shen Fengchen.

"here is"

When Shen Feng stepped into the main hall, he immediately showed surprise and looked around.

I saw that this hall was decorated with lights and festoons, filled with festive colors everywhere, bright candles in the hall, and the portrait of the Immortal King hanging high, which symbolized auspiciousness and well-being, was exactly the wedding hall that was arranged.

Chen Cang walked slowly to the portrait of the Immortal King, and asked leisurely:
"Feng Shen, what do you think of this official's marriage?"

Shen Fengchen came back to his senses, cupped his hands and said:
"Uncle Chen has his own reasons for his actions, why should others judge him?"

Chen Cang nodded slightly, turned around to look at Shen Fengchen, with an expression of appreciation in his eyes:

"Although you are from the Shen family, I haven't seen anything that makes me uncomfortable in you."

"If you win the championship, Xiang Ling is also willing."

"Then I will fulfill you."

Hearing this, Shen Fengchen couldn't help showing a smile, with his talent, supplemented by the Shen family's immortal magic art "Tuo Hai Fu Long Gong", not to mention this place, even the world's arrogance, he would never pay attention to it .

"So, thank you uncle."

With a smile, Chen Cang reminded:
"Don't say it too early, I just glanced at it, and you are not the only one in the crowd with a fairy-like figure."

"in addition."

Chen Cang stroked his beard, frowned and said, "As I said, you are from the Shen family, and I still need to ask what Xiang Ling wants."

"If she minds, then you don't need to waste your energy."

Hearing these words, Shen Feng nodded deeply, knowing it in his heart.

Originally coming to Fengqi Mountain was ordered by his family, and he didn't intend to participate in this marriage recruitment conference at all. Apart from his own reluctance, he felt that Chen Xiangling would also mind having an affair with the Shen family.

But now
He changed his mind, but he didn't know what Xiang Ling wanted.

"Well, nephew, sit down for a while, and I will go to Xiang Ling."

After speaking, Chen Cang raised his feet and walked out. In his own mansion, he had never cast a spell, and his steps were brisk and orderly.

At this moment, Chen Xiangling's room.

Murong Jingyan, who was meditating, was disturbed by a burst of footsteps, and then she leaned on the window to look out.

I don't know when I saw it, I saw some young monks came to the courtyard at some time, and they should be those talented people under the villa.

"what's the situation?"

"Is the meeting about to start?"

Murong Jingyan quickly closed the window, turned her head and took off the Qianwang Sword, put it on the table, and muttered to herself while putting it on:
"What the hell is this Gan Rong doing these days? Chen Xiangling didn't send a letter even after he left, and now he found out after someone killed me right in front of my eyes."

"Should not"

"Has the Yanzhou Jiedu envoy come back too?"

Thinking of this Murong Jingyan, she hurriedly tore off her veil and attire, put away her bamboo hat, and tried to make herself completely different from the Chen Xiangling she had pretended recently.

"Qian Rong should be in the villa."

"The plan is going well."

"When I pass it on, escape and ascend to heaven, this matter will be done."

Putting on a purple dress, Murong Jingyan's head was tilted back, her long black hair was scattered freely, looking from afar and close up, she was chic and coquettish, she didn't have the feeling of Xiaojiabiyu in Tianxian Valley at all.

"Ha ha.."

Glancing at the bronze mirror on the hanging rail, Murong Jingyan smiled: "This is me."

With the shaking of the slender fingertips, a special breath penetrated into the void, and a looming door of light also emerged from behind Murong Jingyan.

Looking at the wing room for the last time, Murong Jingyan raised her hand and yawned, then walked in:

"Finally able to go back and sleep well."


Yandu Mansion, Xitang.

Shen Fengchen stood alone under the candlestick, a lonely figure with a long sword on his back.

Looking across the neatly stacked red hijabs, his eyes showed a hint of nervousness and apprehension, which was an emotion he had never felt before.

"Xiang Ling."

"Will she agree?"

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his head to look at the portrait above his head. In the portrait, the immortal king of all ages had kind eyebrows and kind eyes, with a look of compassion for the world.

There is a folklore that the Immortal King of All Ages has a noble status and is one of the leaders of the heavenly court, but before he became an immortal, he was a private school teacher, and there are also sayings that he is a good matchmaker.

If the Xitang worships him, it means that the golden boy and the jade girl will ascend to the right, and the future generations will be blessed, and they will also be the most manifested immortals.

Hesitating slightly, Shen Feng saw that there was no one in the hall, coughed lightly and took half a step back, kneeling slowly on the futon below.

He clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, chanting words:

"The Immortal King is above, Feng Chensu doesn't believe in fate, but there is one thing to ask for."

"Today, I like a woman. If it is a good match, I will ask the fairy king to show up and help us."

"Feng Chen, worship!"

As he spoke, he propped his hands on the ground, and began to kowtow three times reverently.

When Shen Feng worshiped the immortals, he didn't notice that the food box in his arms was buzzing and trembling, like a breeze rising in the wedding hall.

After the three kowtows were over, Shen Fengchen also slowly opened his eyes. He was just about to get up when he was hit hard suddenly, and his whole body was crushed to the ground.

Without waiting for him to attack, once the familiar voice sounded from the top of his head:
"This, where is this?"

 Wow, it's too late, I'm sorry everyone, but I still do what I promised, try to update as early as possible tomorrow, today is really late, sorry sorry

  In addition, I would like to thank Susu's online dating partners for the monthly tickets and rewards, and thank you bosses! ! !

  I will update more!
(End of this chapter)

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