How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 123 Can I Communicate With You 1 Time

Chapter 123 Can I Talk to You
"This, where is this??"

The red candle fell, the high platform shook, and there was a muffled sound in the wedding hall.

Murong Jingyan descended from the sky, and at this moment fell on her back, looking at her surroundings blankly
In the eyes, there are all the pillars with the Chinese character "囍", the chairs of the grand masters tied with red flowers, and the most important thing is a hanging statue of a real fairy with a kind smile in front of him, making the atmosphere even more strange.

Wait a minute, what about dry capacity?
Why no one.


At this moment, Murong Jingyan suddenly noticed something.

Looking down, he was startled, there was a person under his buttocks, and he was sitting on his neck impartially.

"I wipe!?"

Murong Jingyan hurriedly stood up and was about to reach out to help, but she was stunned when she saw this person clearly.

This, this person is not Gan Rong, blue clothes, big sword, this is not
"Shen Fengchen?"

Shen Feng rubbed his neck heavily, being caught off guard by someone sitting on his head like this, he couldn't help but feel dazed, his face also subconsciously turned gloomy, and he wanted to get up to speak.

Even in Yandu Mansion, no matter who has the guts, he will
this sound is
He raised his head immediately, his eyes changed instantly, and he took two steps back suddenly as if seeing a ghost.

The person standing in front of him was none other than the person he had thought in his heart just now, the stunning and predestined person.

In particular, Murong Jingyan's concerned eyes at this moment are even more soft and soft, which is confusing.

Swallowing, Shen Feng's eyes quietly moved to the portrait of the Immortal King above his head.

So smart.
It was Murong Jingyan who spoke first, stepped forward and asked, "Young Master Shen?"

"How did you appear here..."

Shen Fengchen came back to his senses, he was a little puzzled when he heard the words, especially when he looked around, he didn't find the figure of Jiedushi Chen.

Compared with yourself, what is your appearance like Chen Xiangling?
But after thinking about it, Shen Feng thought that this should be questioning how he returned to the house, so he was speechless for a moment.

After all, I once said that I would not participate in the conference. Now that I appear in Yandu Mansion, I am afraid that Xiangling will feel that I have broken my promise.

"That night, after listening to your words, I felt quite enlightened." Shen Feng said with serious eyes, and spoke slowly.

"So I decided this time, let go of the shackles, and follow my own mind."

"So, here I am."


Shen Feng hesitated to speak, because he had already noticed that Murong Jingyan's expression was weird, and he didn't seem to understand why.

"No, I'm asking you."

"Did you see anyone else?"

Murong Jingyan gestured, and the face of a certain two-character Tianjiao appeared in her mind, shouldn't Gan Rong find a safe place to wait for herself in Fengqi Mountain, where is this?

Why did I spread to Shen Feng and Shen? ?

Seeing Shen Feng shaking his head, Murong Jingyan hurriedly asked: "Then where is this???"

Shen Feng's gaze shifted, then he raised his head to look at the hanging statue of the Immortal King, but the soft tone made Murong Jingyan's face turn pale.

"This place is the wedding hall in your house, come to Japan"

"You're going to get married here."



I'm still in Yandu Prefecture? ? ?

Murong Jingyan's eyes flickered, although she vaguely guessed it, her heart was still shaken after hearing what Shen Fengchen said.

The heroes from all over the world have already arrived at Yandu Mansion, and the sky has been dark for a moment just now, how could such a different-phase Murong Jingyan not have associations.

The Jiedushi has returned!

At the same time, Chen Xiangling's room was empty.

The Jiedu envoy Chen Cang stood beside the table silently, brushing the scabbard of the Thousand Kings Sword with his hand, and glanced at Guanshi Yuan who was at the side.

Steward Yuan immediately cupped his hands, sweating on his brow, and said:
"Impossible, miss has been in the wing room these days, how could she suddenly disappear."

"Could it be that he went elsewhere??"

Just when Chen Cang withdrew his eyes and was about to use his magical powers, a report came from outside:

"Some of the servants seem to have bumped into the young lady who went to the wedding hall and was chatting with Mr. Shen."

Hearing this, Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment, he put down his hands and quickly left the wing room, and returned to the direction of Xitang.

"this girl"


In the Xitang, Murong Jingyan couldn't care less about asking this question, since she didn't send it out, it only explained one thing.

That's why it's so unreliable! ! ! ! !

No, I have to leave now
Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan gritted her teeth, and immediately walked out. Now her veil, sword, and even the clothes of Tianxian Valley are all in the wing room
The most important thing is that this Jiedu envoy is no more than ten years away from the original Quan Wang, he must recognize his daughter!
I can't pretend to be this young lady for a minute! ! !

Seeing that Murong Jingyan turned around and left after hearing Xitang, as if he had made some kind of determination, Shen Fengchen frowned immediately, stepped forward and shouted:

"Xiang Ling!"

Murong Jingyan turned a deaf ear to this, but in the next instant Shen Fengchen quickly stopped in front of him.

Murong Jingyan looked up suspiciously, only to see Shen Feng lowered his head and asked seriously:
"Can I talk to you?"

? ?
"I'm sorry I don't have time, let's try another day!"

Murong Jingyan hurriedly stretched out her hand to push him away, and hurried towards the door, feeling helpless and anxious at the moment.

This man surnamed Shen looks very mature, but he is in a daze, hasn't he realized that he is a fake! ?
What are you talking about, talking, now he just wants to get out of this place quickly.

It's just that when Murong Jingyan walked out of the lobby quickly, she stopped immediately after turning a corner.

In the corridor at the end of the field of vision, two figures are walking towards this side.

One of them, Murong Jingyan, saw it from a distance and recognized it as Guanshi Yuan. At this moment, Guanshi Yuan was following respectfully.
Extraordinary status.

In front of the Xitang, several servants and guards who passed by also looked around, Murong Jingyan quickly turned her head and raised her sleeves, and retreated into the Xitang at almost the same speed.


Shen Fengchen didn't expect Murong Jingyan to come back, and he also showed doubts.

To his surprise, 'Xiang Ling' noticed his gaze and walked over slowly.

As they got closer, 'she' looked apologetic, and raised her hand to straighten Lan Shan who had just been messed up, with a faint tone:

"Young Master Shen."

"I just made a loud noise in front of you, didn't you get frightened?"

Shen Fengchen was not used to it, immediately raised his hand to grab Murong Jingyan's wrist, and asked in a low voice:
"Xiang Ling, what are you doing?"

As the two looked at each other, a purple streamer flashed in Murong Jingyan's eyes, Shen Fengshen let go of his hand like an electric shock, closed his eyes and took half a step back.

When she opened her eyes again, Murong Jingyan had already turned to the side, and walked straight to the portrait of the Immortal King.

Touching his heart, Shen Fengchen vaguely felt that there was something different, but he couldn't tell.

"Shen Feng Shen"

The cold voice was like drizzle, Shen Fengshen put away his doubts and turned his head to look.

Seeing the purple shirt fluttering under the portrait, the slender hand took something casually, Murong Jingyan turned her head slightly and looked back.

"Can you do me a favor?"

Outside the wedding hall, Jiedu made Chen Cang approach more and more, and Yuan Guanshi kept talking beside him.

"My lord, after returning from cultivating immortals, Miss, she has indeed never ventured outside again."

"I never asked about marriage."

"Except for a trip to the study, I never went out again."

Hearing this, Chen Cang sneered, and squinted, "Then how did she get out now? Are you blind?"

Steward Yuan stopped his voice and dared not speak, and sighed inwardly.

The relationship between the father and daughter in Yandu Mansion is delicate. The master visits the states all the year round. Although he has fulfilled his responsibilities as a father to the young lady, he is too strict on weekdays, and many times the young lady is not allowed to leave the mansion.

The only compromise was that the young lady was not left in the Zhongzhou main family, and sent to Dayan Academy for further study like other noble children.

Instead, he brought the young lady to Fengqi Mountain, and sent her to the holy land of female cultivators, Tianxian Valley.

Speaking of Miss, she was even more stubborn. She was angry and didn't talk to the master since she was a child. Over time, she developed a taciturn temperament.

Soon the two came to the wedding hall, and Chen Cang let out a sigh of relief.

Speaking of which, I haven't visited Tianxian Valley for two years. I didn't expect that the goodbye would be such a situation. I don't know what Xiang Ling will think.

If he is as willful as before, he is ready to persuade patiently this time.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang squeezed out a gentle smile and walked towards the threshold.


But as soon as he stepped into the wedding hall, Master Chen suddenly stopped, and even the hand behind him slowly dropped.

"Xiang Ling, what are you doing?"

 By the way, the end of the last chapter has been slightly modified. Those who followed the update within 10 minutes in the middle of the night yesterday can check it out if they are confused.

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  What else can I say, only come on and update!
(End of this chapter)

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