How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 127 It seems that I have heard the name of the senior sister somewhere

Chapter 127 It seems that I have heard the name of the senior sister somewhere

After this farewell, winter goes to spring.

It just happened to be sunny after the rain, and the dew moistened the flowers, which were beautiful and red, and the long mountain peaks turned into a world of blooming flowers.

Murong Jingyan took off her purple cloak on purpose.

After changing back to the white sleeves and red sleeves of the Abandoned Sword Villa, he tied his hair into a ponytail, and then walked towards the gate of the mountain.

The scorpion head and jade neck look neat and refreshing.

Now that the Heaven Seal has been achieved, it's time to officially start.

At the mountain gate, there was also a figure who had been waiting for a long time.

This person has a simple face, a serious expression, and is very square. Fangzheng literally means his face.

Under the arched door of the huge animal bone tower, Chen Sanshi closed his eyes tightly and made a formula with one hand, even if he was ordered to pick him up, he still maintained the posture of cultivation and never slacked off.

Ever since he knew that the new junior sister was in the form of a fairy and demon, Chen Sanshi stopped thinking about being a direct disciple, and began to focus on releasing the long-accumulated cultivation base, and now he is at the peak of the three levels of Tianfeng.

After all, he understands better than anyone else that there are no more places for him in the Abandoned Sword Villa in the Qianlong list competition.

Different from other senior brothers, as the grandson of an elder, he has been influenced by Qijian Villa since he was a child, and everything is based on the interests of the sect.

Since there is no way to compete for the potential dragon list, then do your job with peace of mind, and help Junior Brother Zhu and Junior Sister Murong guard the villa in the future.



Chen Sanshi opened his eyes and turned his head suspiciously.

Beside him, a beautiful woman with hair tied in a hairpin smiled and patted him on the shoulder:

"Senior Brother Sanshi, are you waiting for someone?"

Chen Sanshi did not reply, but asked a slightly serious question:
"Junior Sister Leng Yuan, it's time for the inner sect to teach, why did you come to the mountain gate?"

Leng Yuan covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Senior brother is really good at joking, I am naturally here with the consent of the elders."

"Oh? Are you going down the mountain?"

"Do not."

Leng Yuan stepped forward, raised her head and said:

"I'll pick you up for my brother."

Chen Sanshi frowned. When the suzerain gave him this task, he said that he only needed to lead Junior Sister Murong to the main peak Dou Motai as soon as possible, and if anyone asked about it, don't bother.

"Brother, don't worry."

Leng Yuan smiled slightly and passed Chen Sanshi forward:

"Senior brother has been waiting in front of the mountain gate for three days without success. The third elder worried that it would affect his cultivation, so he asked Leng Yuan to replace him."

"Don't worry, it's our new junior sister who will meet you, so Leng Yuan can take care of these trivial matters."

Hearing this, Chen Sanshi frowned.

Indeed, I am now accumulating strength to hit the third pass of the Heavenly Seal all the time. Logically speaking, I should retreat. It is not surprising that Master is worried about this.

"If you see Junior Sister Murong, you just need to lead her to the Demon Fighting Stage on the main peak, understand?"

Leng Yuan paused in her heart when she heard this, but she still nodded gently:

"Brother, don't worry."

"Leng Yuan will naturally take good care of Junior Sister Murong."

Looking at the back of Chen Sanshi leaving, Leng Yuan showed a smile, and with the change in her eyes, those tenderness suddenly turned into a faint indifference.

"Junior Sister Murong?"

"Ha ha."

That day when Zhu Huan'an abandoned her, Leng Yuan's intuition sensed that something was wrong, and she launched an investigation and found some clues.

Senior Brother Zhu acted swiftly and vigorously, but it took several months to go down the mountain and break through the sky. Although the time of his return coincided with his birthday, there was a mix of fish and dragons, but there was another person walking with the senior brother from a distance.

It is said that it was a woman.

It's just that when she got this piece of information, this mysterious 'woman' had already left the mountain, and Leng Yuan couldn't help but suspect that Zhu Huan'an's subsequent departure and return had something to do with this mysterious person.

After all, Senior Brother Zhu had no reason to ask him for a fur coat all of a sudden.

Since she was going down the mountain, she would definitely come back. She heard that a junior sister mentioned that Chen Sanshi, a senior brother with a lot of experience in the inner sect, suddenly stood at the foot of the mountain gate for many days. She knew that what she had been waiting for was finally here.

As the daughter of Hong Chen, the god catcher of Yuanzhou and known as the imperial golden cat, she also inherited her father's meticulous logic.

Although it is used in the wrong place.

"Junior Sister Murong, ah Junior Sister Murong, don't blame Senior Sister for wearing small shoes on you, blame yourself."

"You climbed the wrong high branch."

Leng Yuan's eyes were cold, and when she was still thinking about how to deal with this unknown junior sister, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a person walking slowly on the mountain road out of the corner of her eye.


Taking a closer look, under the twilight, he saw a slender figure, black hair tied to the tail, and a white robe trimmed with red trim, which was exactly the costume of the Abandoned Sword Villa.

However, this person is wearing a strange mask, which looks extremely cold.

"This is?"

Leng Yuan didn't dare to confirm, after all, the person who can take care of Senior Brother Zhu is at least in her mind a person who is graceful and more feminine than herself.

Soon, the masked weirdo walked up to him.

"This senior sister, are you waiting for me?"

A soft inquiry immediately dispelled the doubt in Leng Yuan's heart.

This voice was as cool as spring breeze, bathing her soul, and actually dissipated a little of the boredom in her heart, but a natural revulsion arose spontaneously, which belonged to her intuition!
Sure enough, it is absolutely true that it can make me feel this way!

Murong Jingyan stands under the mountain gate, with pear blossoms one after another, fluttering like falling snow, rolling in the clear and soft sky, it is a wonderful sight.

Coupled with the beautiful senior sister in front of her, Murong Jingyan's mood improved by three points.

"Naturally, this is Junior Sister Murong?"

Leng Yuan showed a warm smile, and said, "Follow me."

Murong Jingyan didn't hesitate, Master wrote back and said that when he returned, he would send a disciple from the inner sect to welcome him, and take him to formally enroll in the sect, so that he could get to know his fellow disciples better.

Come to think of it, this is the one in front of you.

Walking one after the other on the path of the outer gate, there are many temples and ancient wooden corridor bridges on both sides, most of the disciples of the outer sect are chopping firewood and crushing stones to compete.

After seeing the two of them, these people stopped what they were doing, bowed and saluted, unable to conceal their inner excitement.

"Senior Sister Leng Yuan. Hiss, I seem to have heard the name of Senior Sister somewhere."

On the way, Murong Jingyan chatted one after another, and he had a good impression of this senior sister Murong Jingyan in front of him. After all, he was good-looking, so he came here specially to pick him up.

But she failed to notice that Leng Yuan's eyes darkened, and she showed an awkward smile:

"Oh, what a coincidence."

I seem to have heard of it?Is she provoking me on purpose?

Although annoyed, Leng Yuan still introduces Murong Jingyan the customs of the Abandoned Sword Villa from time to time, allowing him to have a deeper understanding of the Abandoned Sword Villa.

"My Abandoned Sword Villa doesn't have many disciples, there are less than [-] disciples from the outer sect, and less than [-] disciples from the inner sect plus the brothers and sisters who are closed to death."

Murong Jingyan nodded slightly, if he had gone down the mountain, he probably thought this number was not too small.

But after a trip down the mountain, half of Pennsylvania, which is bitterly cold, has more than [-] cities, and the smaller Linyuan City has a population of over one million. It is hard to imagine how many people there are in Dayan.

What's more, Zhongzhou is rich and full of aura, and there are really not many people in Abandoned Sword Villa.

"By the way, senior sister, are we going to the inner sect now?"

Leng Yuan smiled when she heard the words, pointed to the main peak and said:

"Of course, Junior Sister will follow me."

Half an hour later, the two stepped on the Taoist technique, step by step, and quickly walked out of the outer gate, while an inner lake quietly lay across the road ahead.

Following Leng Yuan's pace, Murong Jingyan walked around the lake, with curiosity in her eyes.

Although the inner lake looks small, about ten miles in length and width, it is far worse than the inner sea outside the mountain gate, but people can't help but look at it carefully.

Just because the lake is calm, smooth as a mirror, and the wind does not wrinkle its face, just like a green gem.

"Sister, this lake"

Hearing Murong Jingyan's question, Leng Yuan, who was walking in front, slowed down and turned her head to look at the lake:
"Junior sister, did you notice the strangeness of this lake?"

"It is rumored that this lake was the reason for choosing the site for the founding ancestor of my Abandoned Sword Villa. I heard that there is a great opportunity at the bottom of this lake, but it has been rare for anyone who is destined to get it."

"Big chance?" Murong Jingyan murmured curiously.

Leng Yuan stopped and explained patiently: "That's right, this lake has a name called"


Her tone was faint, with purity in her eyes:

"Passing through this lake is the inner gate of my abandoned sword villa. I don't know how many disciples have been blocked from it."

"Since ancient times, disciples of our sect have to walk through water to enter the inner sect. I heard that if there is a predestined person, the dojo will bestow it."

"Opportunity to become a fairy."

I have to say that Leng Yuan's words seemed to have a kind of magical power, which touched Murong Jingyan's heart slightly, and asked suspiciously:
"Senior Sister, what do you mean, all the disciples have to swim to the inner sect?"

Leng Yuan glanced at the direction of the main peak. At the moment, the disciples of the inner sect were teaching, and Chen Sanshi was also dismissed by him, even if he realized that he would not be able to come back for a while.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth:

"Junior Sister, people don't often pass by here, why don't you give it a try now?"

 Hurry up! Hurry up!
(End of this chapter)

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