How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 128 What Are You Saying! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chapter 128 What Are You Saying! ! ! ! ! ! ! (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Try it?"

Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows, and with her arms around her, she seemed to be looking at the mirror lake in front of her, but she was actually looking at the senior sister beside her.

Laughing in my heart.

Although I can't claim to have a photographic memory, I can't easily forget other people's names. When Senior Brother Xiashan gave him the cloak, he mentioned Junior Sister Leng Yuan.

If I remember correctly, it comes from the third state of Dayan: Yuanzhou.

It stands to reason that Senior Sister Leng Yuan has kindly gifted her clothes to her, even though it was kindness to her senior brother rather than herself, she should return the kindness.

But being impartial, it was she who came to pick him up, which made Murong Jingyan unavoidably suspect.

After all, how could there be such a coincidence that the master would send such a person from so many inner disciples who didn't know him well, but had heard of it.

If he is a master, even if he doesn't send senior brother Zhu, it should be Chen Sanshi or the other two senior brothers from the tea nunnery that day.

Therefore, it is possible that she came here spontaneously.

After a little bit of lust seal, the senior sister in front of me couldn't help it, and immediately wanted to design herself.

Although I don't know where Senior Sister Leng Yuan's malice towards her comes from, but since she broke through the heavenly barrier, Murong Jingyan has also unexpectedly obtained an ability.

That is his connection with the little yellow duck.

"Hey, is this lake dangerous?"

"I will say it one last time."

"I don't call him hello."

"Call me by my name!"


"Duck, is this lake dangerous?"


The little yellow duck poked its head out of Murong Jingyan's sleeve, looking at the emerald green lake without waves.

"The water in this lake can eliminate Taoism, and there is an inexplicable force pulling it deep in it. If you accidentally fall into it, even the monks of the six levels of heaven will not be able to fly into the sky. It is indeed very dangerous for you."

"Ha ha."

Murong Jingyan sneered, it seems that Senior Sister Leng Yuan is planning to kill herself, although the seal of lust will amplify the desire in the bottom of the heart, at least she has a little bit of this idea in her heart.

Murong Jingyan really couldn't figure out what she did to offend this senior sister.

Just when Murong Jingyan was about to refuse first and wait and see what happened, the voice of the little yellow duck came out again:

"and many more."

"There seems to be something in this lake."

"Huh? What is it?" Murong Jingyan asked, "A monster that eats people?"

"Do not."

The little yellow duck's voice suddenly became serious, even with a bit of excitement: "It's the power of immortals and demons, it's pure powers of immortals and demons!"

"Under the Nine Heavens, there is such a pure power of immortals and demons?"

"You can't miss this opportunity, you can try it."

Murong Jingyan frowned slightly: "But, isn't this lake extremely dangerous?"

"Don't be afraid, you have the seal of meditation, and your supernatural powers are beyond Taoism. If something goes wrong, you can get out of trouble immediately."

"The power of such immortals and demons is far purer than that of human immortals. Maybe real immortals. Maybe"

"In short, we must take a look."

Seeing the little yellow duck's insistence, Murong Jingyan didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately looked at Leng Yuan beside her with a look of enlightenment:
"Senior sister, should I take off my clothes or not?"

Leng Yuan was taken aback, as if she hadn't thought that Murong Jingyan would really go down without thinking.

This silly woman was really fooled.

Leng Yuan's face was serious, she wanted to teach this junior sister Murong a good lesson, but she didn't really intend to kill her, after all, she should be a new inner disciple, and she was under Zhu Huan'an's care.

If he really died in this 'dojo', he would definitely be held accountable.

Just didn't know what happened.
Seeing Leng Yuan hesitating, Murong Jingyan simply took off her white boots and socks, and stepped on the soft grass with her bare, white feet.

Under the sun, Leng Yuan watched as the junior sister in front of her untied her hair tie and wrapped it around her slender wrist naturally, her waist-length hair immediately poured down.

At this moment, even through the mask, she can still feel that elegant demeanor.

That's not the femininity she's after, but that kind, that very special kind.
Then Murong Jingyan briefly moved her muscles and bones, and patted her waist.

"The clothes are tied too tightly, so don't take them off."

"Senior Sister Leng Yuan, I'll go too!"

"Hey, wait!!!" Leng Yuan's rationality finally defeated desire, but it was too late to stop her.

I saw Junior Sister Murong in front of me adopting a standard diving posture, falling into the water after a splash of water.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Leng Yuan, for taking me into the mountain, and please ask Senior Sister to wait on the other side."

"I purr purr purr purr"



Seeing Murong Jingyan sinking while swimming, Leng Yuan on the shore looked dull, and then jumped up anxiously.

She really went down, she really went down! ! !

Although the dojo is located at the junction of the inner and outer gates, it is not the forbidden area of ​​the Abandoned Sword Villa, but it does not mean that it is not a place of death, but because it is too special, for any formation, even a fairy-level formation is a death formation Eye.

Only by bypassing it can a complete protective array be set up, including dozens of hills in the inner gate.

Since ancient times, there have been countless people or accidents or adventures, as long as they fell into it, they would be lost. It is said that only those who are as powerful as the Suzerain can spy on the wonders of the dojo and retreat with their supernatural powers.

This Junior Sister Murong is at best a test of Heaven's Seal, ten deaths and no life.

What to do, what to do, she was still thanking me for taking her into the mountain before she died, what to do, what to do! !
A kind of panic and guilt caused Leng Yuan to lose her sense of proportion. After pacing back and forth, she picked up Murong Jingyan's boots, and quickly ran towards the main peak with Xia Guang.

"Hurry up and notify the suzerain and the elders to save people!"

And under the mirror lake, Murong Jingyan was falling slowly with her face up.

Relax your hands and feet naturally, let the blueness in front of your eyes gradually dissipate, and let your body be completely engulfed by the darkness of the lake.

The monks of the Ninth Layer of Earth Lock can rely on their strong heart and lungs to hold a stick of incense underwater. If the monks of Tianfeng don't use Taoism, they can hold their breath and concentrate for half an hour.

It's just that Murong Jingyan soon realized that something was wrong, and she held her breath, but the water basin and the bottom of the lake were still different, especially when she sank for a while, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

It feels like the water here is heavy.

Murong Jingyan turned around and accelerated to swim towards the bottom of the lake.

"You said that the opportunity in this lake should be at the bottom of the lake?"

"Yes, it's almost there."

"Which direction, I can't see clearly."

Murong Jingyan felt that her fingertips had already touched the reef at the bottom of the lake, and there was only darkness left here, even if she raised her head, she could only see the very faint light on the lake surface.


Swapping head and feet, Murong Jingyan heard a cracking sound from her feet, and wanted to use some magical hands to illuminate the light here, but she really felt that her qi and blood were stagnant, and she couldn't use it.

But Murong Jingyan could still feel that it should be the bones that were crushed.

Tried to go upstream, but it was like carrying thousands of catties of burden on his body, and he couldn't even jump half an inch. In desperation, Murong Jingyan didn't try, and relied on the little yellow duck to guide him.


"No, it should be southeast"

"Turn around, you're almost there."

"No reason!"

The little yellow duck's command made Murong Jingyan even more difficult to breathe, and hurriedly urged:

"Could it help? There's something wrong with the water in this lake. If I walk around, I'll only last for a stick of incense."

The little yellow duck also swam out from Murong Jingyan's arms, if Murong Jingyan hadn't raised her hand to support it, it would have been crushed to the bottom of the lake by the heavy water in an instant.

"I clearly smell that smell, that smell"


"Just around the corner!"

Following the little yellow duck's shout, Murong Jingyan also felt it.

At the bottom of the pitch-black lake, several streams of green light flashed past, like starbursts intertwined repeatedly, and then these rays of light flourished, completely dispelling the darkness in one side.

Murong Jingyan felt a burst of relief in her body, and when she looked up, the lake beside her was stretched by the green light, and the blue waves were rippling, like a dreamland of glazed glass.

The little yellow duck ran forward quickly, Murong Jingyan looked up in its direction, and froze on the spot.

In this dark abyss at the bottom of the lake, there is a huge shogunate made of bronze. Half of this shogunate is sunken in the ground. Two towering bronze doors are engraved with the handwriting of ancient times, half hidden.

And the copper ring is covered with mottled copper rust, like moss attached.

Murong Jingyan stepped forward and stood by the door, which was only half exposed, feeling a little at a loss as to what to do.

"here is"

The little yellow duck raised his head and said decisively: "This is the dojo."

". Dojo?"

Murong Jingyan was even more puzzled, she didn't expect the little yellow duck to say these two words, it seems that the dojo doesn't call this lake, but this building that looks like a tomb.

"What is the dojo?"

The little yellow duck was a little silent, and finally it turned its head to look: "Go in and have a look and you'll know."

Murong Jingyan let out a breath from the tip of her nose, and instead of rushing to act, she stretched out a hand and slowly stroked the bronze door full of age.

Although this kind of bronze ware is old, it gives people a mysterious feeling, as if entering it is like entering another world.

The moment Murong Jingyan's fingertips touched the bronze door, a piano sounded suddenly, the sound was so strong that Murong Jingyan's heartbeat seemed to have missed, and she hurriedly took half a step back.

As for the Bronze Shogunate, some changes have also taken place.

Some incomprehensible talismans surfaced on it, like plaques.

Murong Jingyan immediately lifted up the little yellow duck. Fortunately, this guy is well-informed and can recognize these ancient and even immortal characters.

"What's written on it?"

The little yellow duck also narrowed his eyes, and slowly read one word at a time:

"Dong Jun, Death Star Terrace."

"Thirty Nine"

Murong Jingyan also followed silently: "Dong Jun, Dead Star Terrace, 39?"

"What the hell?"

After finishing speaking, Murong Jingyan walked in through the vacant bronze door, not daring to touch things casually, while the little yellow duck explained while walking: "Dong Jun, I'm afraid it's that one."



"You better shut up."


The main peak, Dou Mo Tai.

Daoist Mie Yuan was leaning on the cushion, and beside him was Zhu Huan'an, who was sitting cross-legged, with orange hair and blond eyes and a displeased expression.

Spitting out a piece of green grass in front of Zhu Huan'an, Master Mie Yuan smiled and said:
"You, you just can't hold your breath."

"I can't hold back, what can I do?"

"I think your master respected me back then. Whether it was martial arts or romanticism, it was all about being steady. After all, you can't eat heat if you are impatient."

While the two were waiting for Murong Jingyan, suddenly a figure ran from a distance, it was Leng Yuan who was holding a pair of boots and was sweating profusely.

Leng Yuan became even more flustered when she saw the two master and apprentice on the Demon Fighting Stage, and was frightened back when the words came out of her mouth.

Seeing that it was Leng Yuan, Master Mie Yuan asked with a smile:
"Little Lengyuan, what are you doing holding your boots?"

"Well, look at this size, even if it is worn by your brother, it won't fit."

Zhu Huanan glanced at Master Mieyuan, and asked, "Leng Yuan, why are you here?"

Leng Yuan's eyes flickered, and finally she lay down on the ground and said:

"Sect Master, Senior Brother!"

"Something happened!"

Master Mieyuan curled his lips, and looked at Zhu Huan'an jokingly:
"Look, you youngsters love to make a fuss."

"If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, it's your brother who didn't set a good example."

"Tell me, little Lengyuan, how big things can happen in the village."

Leng Yuan raised her head, a few drops of cold sweat left on her forehead, Zhu Huan'an's eyes suddenly changed slightly when she saw this, she shifted her eyes to those boots and then stood up.

"Tell me what happened."

Seeing this, Leng Yuan immediately lay down on the ground again, and shouted:
"New Junior Sister!"

"She, she stumbled and fell into the dojo."

Suddenly, the white clouds above the Dou Motai exploded, the beard and hair of Mie Yuan Daoist stood on end, and half of his eyeballs popped out:
"What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!"

 Ask for a monthly ticket~~~
  By the way:

  "The Son-in-Law of the Bachi Master's Family"

  Achina Dimitrescu, honored by the world as "Mrs. Bachi", is a descendant of aristocrats, with a large house and good land, and thousands of furniture. Unfortunately, she is destined to have no children. Only three daughters are always by her side.The eldest daughter is genuine, lively and lovely, innocent and innocent The second daughter is pity, virtuous and dignified, sensitive and eager to learn The third daughter is Aiai, beautiful and intelligent, with both ability and integrity The three daughters are all neighbors and decent, all have some color, the wife is willing to choose for her A ride on a dragon, a son-in-law...

  PS: Unlimited streaming, only through various game worlds, not involving movies, novels, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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