How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 129 Disciple 1 enters the water, master runs and breaks his leg

Chapter 129 The Disciple Goes into the Water, the Master Runs and Breaks His Leg (Two in One)

"Are you sure you made a mistake? And"

"Where did it fall??"

Master Mie Yuan leaned forward to look at the boots in her arms, he didn't know whether he couldn't believe his ears, or he was simply deaf, his eyes were both shocked and confused.

Zhu Huan'an was still calm, with his orange hair flying, he took a step forward and asked anxiously:

"Are you talking about the dojo Mirror Lake?"

"How long!"

Leng Yuan didn't dare to hide anything, and hurriedly explained:
"Leng Yuan didn't bring the messenger spirit bird with her just now, thinking that she doesn't need the mountain gate token in the sect, so she just"

"How long has it been since I asked you!" Zhu Huan'an frowned and asked sharply.

"Run from the dojo to here, don't dare to slack off halfway, about half an hour!"

Master Mieyuan and Zhu Huan'an looked at each other, and there was something wrong in their eyes.

The water in the mirror lake is peculiar, and for most of the heavenly monks, it has far exceeded the limit in half an hour.

Immediately, Master Mieyuan got up quickly, and red auspicious clouds rose from the Dou Motai, and the three of them landed on the edge of Jinghu in just a blink of an eye.

Seemingly aware of Zhu Huan'an's serious expression beside him, Master Mie Yuan coughed and reminded:
"Don't panic, I don't know why the old man turned into Leng Yuan to respond."

"Save little Ayan first."

"It's not too late to talk about the rest afterwards."

Zhu Huan'an didn't make a sound, nor did he look at Leng Yuan who bowed his head and dodged his eyes.

Immediately after the words were finished, Master Mieyuan raised his hand, accompanied by an ear-piercing beast roar resounding through the sky, all the cultivators in the entire Abandoned Sword Villa, regardless of the inner or outer doors, looked up at the sky.

Just because the wind and clouds were surging at the mirror lake, a huge magical body straddled the sky and the earth.

The divine beast is shaped like a golden scorpion, with sharp armor all over its body, towering up to the sky, and carrying a long stele on its back.

Violent flames gushed out from those red pupils, and between breaths, the karmic fire seemed to burn everything.

The Great Elder of Abandoned Sword Villa stood on the main peak, with a surprised tone:
"Senior Brother's Domineering Dharma Body?"

"What happened?"

Flames surged beside the mirror lake, and the green lawn turned into scorched earth the moment the dharma body appeared. Fortunately, the mirror lake is located at the junction of the inner and outer gates, and there is no Qionglou palace in a radius of a hundred miles.

Zhu Huan'an and Leng Yuan were covered with a layer of true energy, which could prevent them from being scorched by the scorching flames. The two carefully watched Mie Yuan's movements.

With the arrival of the magical body, Mie Yuan's temperament also changed. The old and disrespectful man was indifferent at the moment, and his white hair turned crimson under the light of the fire, like the devil of hell.

"excuse me."

Master Mieyuan recited silently, but he didn't know who to listen to.

Then, Baxia's dharma body took a step forward, and the giant foot like a mountain entered the water, and there was a huge wave in the mirror lake, and thousands of white smoke came out of the water, like mist.

Daoist Mieyuan waved his sleeves, took Zhu Huan'an into the sky, and followed Baxia towards the bottom of the lake.

In the depths of Mirror Lake, the darkness was dissipated by the intense fire, and those corpses that had been lying hundreds or even thousands of years ago were burned at this moment, leaving only the huge, burning ancient gods and demons.

Ba Xia seemed to have come alive, and landed steadily in the water. As it exhaled from the tip of its nose, countless karmic fires spread in the water, and soon illuminated the entire bottom of the lake.


Between Baxia's brows, Master Mieyuan sat cross-legged with doubts on his face.

In this special place, even he, the holy king, couldn't rely on his divine sense to detect, so he decisively summoned his own dharma, and the karmic fire of Baxia was just like his dharma eye, which could see everything.

"Why not here?"

Zhu Huan'an beside him heard the words, but looked at another place, raised his hand and said:
"what is that?"

Mie Yuan's eyes followed, and at the bottom of the quiet lake, amidst the flames and darkness, a bronze shogunate was quietly buried under the sand, shining with a faint blue light.

Bai Mei frowned slightly, and finally Master Mieyuan waved away the phantom with a huge forehead, grabbed Zhu Huan'an and rushed towards the ancient bronze hall at a high speed.

As Baxia's dharma body dissipated, the lake immediately surged back, and the turbulent waves were like the sky falling. Fortunately, the bronze shogunate below was flashing green light, avoiding all the lake water outside.

Zhu Huan'an put his feet on the ground and looked up, only to see the flowing water above his head colliding, like a galaxy bursting out, which looked grotesque, and he couldn't help feeling the strangeness of this place.

I have heard that there is a Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, but I did not expect that the inner lake of Qijian Villa has such a universe.

The two masters and apprentices stopped in front of the bronze shogunate. Master Mieyuan took a few steps forward and inspected the tightly stitched bronze door, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhu Huan'an also stepped forward and asked, "Where is she?"

Master Mieyuan straightened up, hissed, and turned to look at Zhu Huan'an:
"The old man has two news, one good and one bad, which one do you want to hear first?"

Seeing Zhu Huan'an's expressionless face and indifferent eyes, Master Mie Yuan coughed and said:

"Don't worry, there is no body at the bottom of the lake, which means she didn't drown here."

"However, how could she not be at the bottom of the lake?"

Looking back at the bronze shogunate in front of him, Master Mieyuan touched his chin:
"Could it be her"

"Really go in?"

While speaking, Zhu Huan'an raised his hand and patted the bronze door, asking, "Where is this place?"

"Since it's in our Abandoned Sword Villa, the old man will naturally have a way to get in."

Hearing that Master Mieyuan shook his head, he immediately sighed:
"Here, it's called Death Star Terrace."

"It was a thing that fell from the heavens in the ancient time of the Immortals. Although your master and I are unscrupulous, I dare not pretend to be able to penetrate the treasures of the Immortal Family, besides"

His tone was faint and secretive:
"The aura of the inner gate of our Abandoned Sword Villa all comes from its nourishment."

"With its existence, it can block the secrets of the heavens, so that Dayan Xingsi can't calculate our background and life span, and absorb luck, so that there will be peerless powerhouses born in the abandoned sword villa from generation to generation."

"It can be said that it is the foundation of my abandoned sword villa."

After the words fell, Master Mieyuan only heard a loud bang, and when he turned around to look, his eyeballs almost fell out, and he shouted:
"Stop the villains!"

I saw Zhu Huan'an holding a black knife and a candle, forcefully inserting it into the gap of the bronze door, and was stepping on the door to pry it vigorously.

"Why don't you just open the door and save people?"

Daoist Mie Yuan raised his forehead, why is his apprentice so restless, anxious when things happen, he has never learned any of his own advantages and morals.

When the old man dies one day, how can he rest assured that the suzerain position will be passed on to a bastard like you? ?

"It's useless to open it. Cultivators who have passed the age of three hundred and three can no longer enter."

Zhu Huan'an moved a little slower, turned his head to look at Master Mieyuan, what the old boy said suddenly was complete, and he didn't know whether to believe it or not for a while.

"Can't I just go in?"

"No, even if you can open the door, you won't be able to get in."


"Hehe, unless the Death Star Terrace happens to change hands, otherwise, if the old man can't get in, who dares to say that he can break in safely."

"How did the junior sister get in?"

"Ahh this"

Daoist Mie Yuan was questioned, he pinched his white eyebrows and fell into deep thought, his eyes flickering.

In the end, he looked at the Bronze Hall and suddenly remembered something.

"Dongjun, Sanshijiu...?"

"Have it!"

Master Mieyuan supported the old man's waist, raised his head and laughed loudly: "The old man remembered, the master of this dojo is in Dayan!"

"The old man will go find her and let her go!"

"Huan'an, don't leave this Death Star Terrace, just go back as a teacher."

After all, Master Mieyuan soared into the sky, and the heavy water that eliminated the monk's Taoism and suppressed blood energy had no effect on him at all, passing through like a sharp arrow, and rushed out of the lake at high speed.

At this moment, the side of the mirror lake was already surrounded by disciples. Master Mieyuan scanned his eyes and cast his heart channel on the three elders below:

"Third Junior Brother, Senior Brother hasn't been out of the mountain gate for a long time, you are well informed, do you know that a little girl who played the piano came here decades ago?"

"Where is she now?"

After receiving the reply from the third elder, a red cloud rose from the feet of Master Mieyuan, soared into the sky, and instantly turned into a red dot and disappeared at the end of the sky.

The falling light at the tail of the cloud formed a red line, passing over the sky of Zhongzhou. In the sects of various places in Zhongzhou, the great powers who had not closed their doors all sensed it, and looked into the depths of the void with puzzled eyes.

And in Dayan's three-thousand-mile imperial city, beside the majestic and high-hanging Qian Palace, a tall building that is all white, like a glazed pagoda, is emitting colorful light.

This is one of the three divisions, the star division.

On the Observatory of Stars in the Star Department, several white-robed bachelors are deducing the secrets under it. Someone quickly wrote down something in the bamboo silk and handed it to the book boy.

"Give it to Master Si Ming quickly."


At the same time, inside the Bronze Shogunate.

Barefoot, Murong Jingyan walked through the dark and damp entrance of the main hall, walking slowly and exploring cautiously.

Without it, the ground is full of hidden hidden weapons that have been abandoned.

Bronze arrows scattered in all directions, almost eroded by the years, and some props for spraying poisonous mist, or insects and snakes, were in disrepair and had long been useless.

Murong Jingyan walked on tiptoe, for fear of accidentally cutting it, she would be burped by the ancient germ of tetanus.

"Duck, where is this Death Star Platform?"

Standing on Murong Jingyan's shoulder, the little yellow duck was also looking around, and replied casually:
"This is the dojo."

"Didn't I tell you?"

Murong Jingyan gritted her teeth, today's little yellow duck seems to be particularly fond of charades.

"I mean, what is a dojo?"

The little yellow duck was stretching its neck, looking at the broken and peeling murals on the surrounding walls, and responded:

"This is the former dojo of the immortal king. It contains the immortal energy of chaos, and it was thrown into the lower realm at a great price. It is an irreplaceable supplement for the monks in the human world. It is the immortal fate."

"I heard about it when I was still in Jiuxiao, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I'm afraid it's another conspiracy of Heavenly Court!"

"Think about it. Do you have one?"

The little yellow duck looked up and said:
"Yes, it's called the Hidden Dragon List."

Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows, her eyes were still fixed on the broken rubble under her feet, she hopped around like a square, and casually replied:

"But I don't know what it is yet."

The little yellow duck twitched her lips, said with her hands on her hips, "Dead Star Terrace, if you remember correctly."

"It's the Lord of Longevity, one of Dongjun's dojos. I didn't expect to fall into the human world and break down like this."

After finally passing through the dark corridor densely covered with traps, Murong Jingyan stepped on the wet Qingwatai with both feet, and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Damn, I did it."

"The skin hasn't been scratched at all, isn't Brother Li powerful?"

The little yellow duck clucked and said: "You call me Lord Mozun, and Mozun will say you are great brother."

Giving the little yellow duck a pat on the back of the head, Murong Jingyan strode forward, the road in front of him became wider and wider, and there seemed to be some light emerging at the end.

And Murong Jingyan also suddenly noticed that the blood in her body seemed to react spontaneously.

It was a numb feeling, like the instinct of the body, longing for something in front of it.

But the more so, Murong Jingyan fell into hesitation, because he noticed that his fingertips were trembling, which was obviously unreasonable.

Like an addict, you can't control your behavior.

"It's okay, after the heaven and earth are connected, the immortal can no longer control the secular world, so you can move forward without worry."

With the words of the little yellow duck, Murong Jingyan continued to move forward after she stabilized her mind.

Soon came to the depths of the spacious shogunate.

"here is"

Murong Jingyan stopped, and when she saw the whole picture of this place, she suddenly understood why she felt this way.

I saw fluorescent dots in the hall, which were the power of cyan immortals and demons shining from top to bottom, and the wind rose from the ground in the hall, blowing these colorful starlights everywhere, like misty mist.

this feeling, like
Chaos Sea.

And when Murong Jingyan raised his head, he saw a map of the constellations engraved on the top of the bronze hall.

The stars are twinkling, mysterious and distant.

When Murong Jingyan was staring at it carefully, she also felt a gaze coming from it

After feeling this way, Murong Jingyan quickly looked away, his clothes were already soaked with sweat.

His heart was beating like a drum, his whole body was weak, and he couldn't even stand on his feet.

That is one.

The fear of the ants being noticed by the dragon.

It is a feeling of despair about one's own insignificance, that hopeless sense of powerlessness, which can even destroy the Dao Heart.

Fortunately, Murong Jingyan withdrew her gaze quickly, and was not obsessed with the mystery of the constellation chart, but as Murong Jingyan half-kneeled on the ground, the cyan streamer in the sky also lingered.

In an instant, Murong Jingyan felt her body lighten, as if she had absorbed some inexplicable things.


Murong Jingyan opened her mouth, stood up again on her knees, and asked:

"Since people from the upper realm cannot control the affairs of the lower realm."

"Why does this Dong Jun you speak of leave the dojo where I stayed in the world?"

Hearing this, the little yellow duck clicked his tongue, and seemed a little disdainful.

"Of course it's training the dogs of Heavenly Court. Could it be that it's training me?"

Murong Jingyan nodded thoughtfully, but immediately cast a disgusted glance at the little yellow duck.

Isn't the Demon Lord's dog a dog?
"Forget it, my strength is low now, no matter how much I know, it's better to improve myself first." Murong Jingyan took a deep breath, pushed aside the blue star fog, and continued to walk in.

Because deeper, he had already seen a Taoist platform.

The platform is not big, filled with hangers.

Murong Jingyan stepped onto the platform, looking left and right, lost in confusion.

Contrary to Yanzhou Jiedushi Chen Cang's view of books, one has only messy documents and books, and the other has everything except books.

Especially the dozens of rows of clothes hangers, from a distance Murong Jingyan thought it was a super long dragon skin, but when he looked closely, it was full of all kinds of long skirts!
After casually fiddled with it, the corners of Murong Jingyan's mouth twitched slightly, and she blinked with doubts about her life.

"What's going on, did I go to the wrong place?"

Looking at the other side, there are even countless boots and shoes stacked neatly, which opened Murong Jingyan's eyes. I didn't expect that there are people in the cultivation world who do this kind of tricks.

There are hundreds of pairs of embroidered shoes alone, so compare the size, hey.

My feet are not big, and I can barely fit them.

The little yellow duck watched Murong Jingyan play happily, and urged: "Look for something good, let's go."

"This place obviously has an owner. When the potential dragon list opens, you will have to fight for a dojo."

"If I remember correctly, there is also a dojo for the Demon Lord."

With a hum, Murong Jingyan casually found a pair of white satin boots and put them on first, after all she was barefoot, and the hard bluestone slabs were too hard to bear.

Moreover, the old Chinese doctor said that you can't catch cold when your feet are cold. This sentence is warm for a lifetime in the past and present.

Shaking her elbow, Murong Jingyan continued to look at the things here, and walked along the platform.


After crossing the Yanzhi Terrace two miles away, Murong Jingyan finally saw something she was interested in.

A piece of old Guqin place.

Unlike the thousands of dresses and tens of thousands of boxes of rouge, there are only three guqins in this place.

The first one, made of pear blossom wood, looks gentle and simple, just like Xiaojiabiyu.

The second one has a body of white jade qin, with sapphire strings, the precious light is full of nobility, like the spring white snow, even a rough person who can't understand the qin at all can see its extraordinary at a glance.

and the third
The body of the purple jade qin, with black cherry blossom strings, is different from the roundness of ordinary guqin. This qin is long and narrow, but it is completely natural. It can be called the Murong Jingyan in the qin world. Overshadowed.

It's just that this piano has no precious light, and it is also covered by a layer of black cloth. I don't know how long it has not seen the sun.

If it wasn't for Murong Jingyan who opened it curiously
"This violin is very pretty."

While speaking, Murong Jingyan couldn't help raising her hand, and fiddled with the purple qin, the bronze hall buzzed suddenly, and a piece of debris fell off the wall.

Even Zhu Huan'an, who was waiting outside the bronze shogunate, noticed something strange and looked back.

In the Bronze Hall, Murong Jingyan, who was covering her ears, felt dizzy and almost vomited out the roast duck she ate yesterday. This piano?
Why is there such a big movement when you play it! ?

Just when Murong Jingyan was about to get up, a stern voice suddenly sounded from the hall:

"Where is the thief, dare to trespass in the dojo of this palace!"

The voice was harsh, with an undeniable tone, it was a woman's voice.


In the sky close to the main altar of Zhongzhou Weidaosi, a stream of red light whizzed past the mountains, and the sky was full of flames behind him.

Daoist Mieyuan suddenly had a thought, stretched out his hand to make a formula, and looked in a direction suddenly.

"It's broken, she left the level first."

He turned around and turned again towards the Abandoned Sword Villa, at a faster speed like a meteor breaking through the sky.

"Oh, I didn't expect the old man to go back and forth even though he was old."

"It's true that the apprentice jumped into the water, and the master ran and broke his leg."

 One day together~!

  PS: Ask for a monthly ticket, family members are cute! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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