How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 130 Silent Night

Chapter 130 Silent Night

Inside the Bronze Hall, Murong Jingyan's face changed slightly.

The bronze shogunate sank to the bottom of the lake. I thought it would be easy to enter without any restrictions. At least it meant that even if the owner of this place had an extraordinary background, he would not be able to sense him.

I didn't expect that because I played a piano with multiple hands, I would cause big trouble.


Just as Murong Jingyan was about to activate the Nine Spring Stone, the next moment she felt a strong sense of oppression condensed in the hall. When she looked up, she saw the lights and shadows flickering in the constellation diagram, and the chaotic pattern twisted and rotated unexpectedly.

Then, countless green lights slowly emerged from the constellation diagram, condensed, and finally turned into a human form.

The person who came was a woman with a loose hairpin and a bun. She had a slender and graceful figure with well-proportioned bumps. She was wearing a long blue dress that swayed in the wind and floated above the blue mist, like a goddess descending to earth.

However, she was wearing a mask, unable to see her true face.

This mask is ghostly and fierce, and the pink eye sockets are even more weird, which is incompatible with its fairy-like temperament.

But even through the mask, you can see that his anger is overwhelming.

The coercion of the saints in the Bronze Hall was everywhere, it was not released intentionally but it was not restrained, which made Murong Jingyan, who had already reached heaven, feel trembling lips and teeth, her footsteps were weak, and she even wanted to vomit.

"It's broken, the saint got angry and was arrested."

"If she wasn't a senior from the Abandoned Sword Villa, then she would be here today"

Murong Jingyan secretly complained about the bitterness in her heart, this is no better than Feng Qishan when Shen Fengshen blocked her.

Although I don't know why Jiedushi Chen Cang would let him go so easily, but even if he wanted to be serious, Chen Xiangling was only an accomplice if he wanted to escape from him, and Chen Cang wouldn't really want to kill himself to knock the mountain to shake the tiger.

But this time is different, this female saint is really serious, Murong Jingyan feels that as long as her mind moves, the coercion exerted can shock herself to death here.

Although she was worried and uneasy, Murong Jingyan still bit the bullet and raised her head.

When she saw the mask of this female saint, Murong Jingyan was slightly taken aback, and her eyes showed surprise.

this mask.
A little familiar.

The high-altitude female saint also narrowed her eyes, and she naturally noticed the mask of the 'girl' below.

Swallowing her saliva, Murong Jingyan shifted her gaze to the Guqin at the side.

The words of Yanzhou Jiedushi suddenly rang in Murong Jingyan's ears:

"Shang Rong plays the piano, he is a school of his own, and all the masks were stolen by the gangsters back then, which is his heart disease."

"If you come across her Shiqin Pavilion, don't wear it rashly."

Harps, masks, saints.
Kyushu Qin Sheng, Shang Rong?
Murong Jingyan reached out and was about to take off her mask, but found that she couldn't move. She saw the woman in Tsing Yi above slowly landed on the ground. Her steps were light and slow, and every step was like a swaying green lotus.

It's just that this lotus flower is as piercing as frost at this moment.

Qin Sheng Shang Rong opened his red lips lightly, and asked in a cold tone:
"White robe and red sleeves, Abandoned Sword Villa?"

Murong Jingyan couldn't open her mouth, so she could only nod vigorously.

And Shang Rong has come close, she is slightly taller than Murong Jingyan, and she is looking at Murong Jingyan's eyes at the moment.

"Abandoned Sword Villa."

"Why dare to break into the dojo of this palace, no"

"You are not from the Abandoned Sword Villa."

Hearing these words, Murong Jingyan felt her heart skipped a row. This female saint made herself feel like she was sitting on pins and needles in just two lines, especially the eyes behind the mask were not mixed with any emotion, which made her even more nervous.

Shang Rong also stared into Murong Jingyan's eyes, although she was expressionless, there was a slight movement in her heart.

Such beautiful eyes.

She raised a finger, put it lightly on Murong Jingyan's chin, and said in a low tone:

"Once upon a time, there was a thief who had the audacity to steal things from me."

"Among them, including this mask on your face, it was exactly what I wore day and night at that time."

Shang Rong looked directly into Murong Jingyan's eyes, and lifted his chin slightly. Murong Jingyan's eyes dodged but because he couldn't move, he could only look at each other.

"But one of the things he stole will never be found."

"A very important person in this palace died because of this, and he"

"But it changed suddenly and became a cat in front of the faint king's seat."

Speaking of this, Shang Rong in front of him raised his head and said word by word:

"Go ahead."

"What's the relationship between you and that thief?"

After the words were finished, Murong Jingyan finally felt her body relax and she could finally catch her breath.

Didn't I get this mask from Liu Yi, the head of the Yazhou sub-rudder? He can have this ability with a pass in the sky?

No, Liu Yi said that this mask has passed through many hands, presumably the origin has long been unclear, and he just got it by chance.

"Senior Shang Rong, I don't know what you mean by that."

"This mask was obtained by fate in Yazhou. I don't know any thieves or cats."

Hearing what Murong Jingyan said, Shang Rong walked past him:

"The Death Star Terrace is the Taoist Temple of the Immortal Sovereign."

"It's not that kind of day if you have to enter the palace."

"And if you ask anyone in this world who can break into the dojo, it's only the supernatural power of that thief."

She walked around Murong Jingyan, walked to the side of the purple qin, and reached out to play the qin:
"How many years, are you still thinking about it?"

"Or, we lost a leg back then and wanted to take revenge on Bengong?"

Seeing that Murong Jingyan was still silent, Shang Rong plucked the strings slightly, and suddenly a beautiful and mysterious sound echoed, causing the green mist in the entire Bronze Hall to stagnate, leaving only the two of them to speak.

"Since you know who I am, you must also know your fate."

"Enter my dojo."

"You have been condemned to death. Tell me honestly why you entered the Abandoned Sword Villa. Where is your father or your grandfather? I can keep your whole body."

Murong Jingyan and the little yellow duck are connected in mind, and he left the Jiuquan Stone outside the dojo early, as long as he activates it, he can leave immediately.

If you act rashly in front of the saint, you may be dead before you get in, so don't act too hastily.

"Senior, this junior really doesn't know what you are talking about."

"As for how to enter the bronze shogunate, it is really helpless and misunderstood."

Then Murong Jingyan told the story in detail, while Shang Rong in front of him just listened silently, unable to see the slightest wave of emotion through the mask.

After Murong Jingyan finished speaking the last word, Qi slightly nodded and raised his palms to the sky:
"The story is good."

"Unfortunately, I don't believe it."

"Give you one last chance, where is he!!!"

This roar directly made Murong Jingyan feel unconfident, until now he still didn't know who his parents were, they couldn't really be his father, could they?
At this point, Murong Jingyan had no choice but to grit her teeth and was about to bite the bullet and launch the Nine Spring Stone. Fortunately, at the very moment, the whole bronze hall shook suddenly, causing the two of them to lose their thoughts.

Then a voice sounded:
"Small merchant!!!"

"The one inside is the old man's closed disciple, can you show me some face!"

Murong Jingyan recognized the voice of Mie Yuan Daoist, and hurriedly shouted: "Did you hear that senior, my master is really Mie Yuan Daoist."

"Swear to God!"

"I'm really here to join the sect, I don't know that cat!"

Hearing the shout from outside, Shang Rong's eyes showed a trace of doubt: "Is it the old bastard?"

"Could it be that he sent you in?"

Murong Jingyan didn't hold back when she heard Lao Wangba, but she obviously felt that Shang Rong's tone changed slightly, and she emphasized again.

"I swear, when the junior came in just now, the bronze gate was really ajar."

"If this statement is false, let the seniors dispose of it."

Shang Rong sneered: "Impossible, it has never been possible for outsiders to enter the dojo."

"Unless you are Dong Jun coming in person."

But after thinking about it, Shang Rong fell into doubt again. Now the Da Yan Qi fluctuates several times, and there is a hidden sign of weak dragon veins. Countless luck feeds back to the world.

No one understands better than her how strict the old man Mie Yuan must be in recruiting closed-door disciples at this time.

Hong Chen's daughter, has this ability?

Shang Rong beckoned for Murong Jingyan to come over, she wanted to confirm again.

"I will never forget Hong Chen's face until his death. If you are his daughter, you must have similarities with him."

Said Shang Rong waved his sleeves.

The next moment, Murong Jingyan's mask was held in his hand.

After a brief silence.

The Bronze Hall, which was frozen and still because of the sound of the piano, suddenly became violently violent!
The cyan mist beat and swept like a wave, crashing back and forth in the corridors of the hall, and the fireflies on the dome fell like stars, really reappearing like a sea of ​​chaos.

The strong wind whipped up their robes and long hair, Murong Jingyan raised her sleeves to cover her eyes, and suddenly heard something strange.

That is

Looking intently, Murong Jingyan actually saw Qin Sheng Shang Rong not far away, under the mask there were clearly two crystal clear silver lines falling and scattered in the wind.

she cried?

A strong wind blew up and covered all of this, when the wind calmed down, Shang Rong just stood there quietly, as if nothing happened, it was just Murong Jingyan's illusion.

"What's your name."

Shang Rong suddenly asked.

Murong Jingyan made a bow, and replied respectfully: "Junior, Murong Jingyan."


"Murong Jingyan." Shang Rong stepped forward slowly, she carefully looked at Murong Jingyan's face, but the sharp light in her eyes turned into softness.

"Are you Mie Yuan's apprentice?"

Murong Jingyan nodded: "Exactly, this junior has absolutely no lies."

Shang Rong looked away, looked at the constellation map, and said in a deep voice:

"No, Abandoned Sword Villa is too dangerous."

"Have you ever thought about finding another backer?"

Murong Jingyan, who had just walked back from the life-and-death test, was a little dazed when she heard the words. Is this digging away at the corner of the Sword Villa?

Who do you think you are! ?

"The younger generation doesn't quite understand, why don't the seniors just speak up?"

"Following me in the future will keep you from fighting to death."

"Ah" Murong Jingyan felt unbelievable, what happened.

Why does my face look like a gold medal for avoiding death? It's nothing more than cheating and licking dogs. Why did the two saints change their old attitudes after seeing me.

"Senior, I have doubts about Jingyan."

"Why did senior suddenly accept me?"

Shang Rong didn't answer, but just walked to the side of the purple qin, hesitated for a moment and tore off the other half of the black cloth covering it.

"This piano."

"It's called the Silence of the Night."

Shang Rong put his fingers lightly, and turned slightly to look at Murong Jingyan.

"Bawei Juexian, an immortal magic weapon, there are only a few people who can awaken the soul of the piano, and they are all dead."

"you did it."

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath, immortal magic weapon?
That's right, it is naturally a rare treasure that can make the Qin Sheng so respectful, and even collect it.

"Senior, just now this junior just fiddled with it casually, besides, didn't the senior play it too?"

Hearing Murong Jingyan's words, Shang Rong just smiled slightly:
"The supernatural power of this palace lies in the fingertips. Everything can be enjoyed. Not to mention a pair of pianos, even a mountain and rock can play a perfect sound."

"Soldiers everywhere."

"But you are different."

She looked at Murong Jingyan's slender hands:

"You have never mastered a musical instrument, and it is even more impossible for you to have cultivated my mind, but you can make the night silently sing for you, piercing mountains and rocks."

"Although this is a slight quiver, I dare say that you are the only one in the world who can do this."

"Because it's not you who played it, but the soul of the piano is actively responding to you."

With a faint sigh, Shang Rong looked at the constellation map again, and his tone seemed a little lonely:

"I thought it was the night silently resisting the banditry."

"I didn't expect this sound."

"It's a new generation replacing the old."

The bronze hall was trembling slightly, and from time to time the shouts of Mie Yuan Daoist could be heard from outside. Murong Jingyan vaguely guessed something, suppressed her curiosity, raised her hand and said:
"To be honored to be appreciated by Senior Shang Rong is to have a clean face."

"However, the master is above, and among all living beings, the younger generation is established as a direct disciple of the abandoned sword mountain villa, so how can I change the mountain gate at will."

"If I'm so disloyal and unrighteous, I'm sure senior won't feel at ease with me."


Murong Jingyan observed Qin Sheng's reaction, but found that the woman in front of her had calm eyes with some doubts.

"This palace is not asking you to leave the mountain gate immediately."

"Ah?" Murong Jingyan was a little surprised, touched her head and said: "Then what does senior mean?"

Shang Rong stepped forward, she couldn't help but grab Murong Jingyan's palm, and saw a cyan streamer turning around, turning into a secret book and falling into Murong Jingyan's hand.

"This "Prime Ancient Voice", after you go back, study hard and practice hard, so that you can master it as soon as possible."

"Just treat me as a treasurer of talent, if in the future you have cultivated the immemorial voice to great success, and you can really control the silent night, then discuss the matter of master and apprentice."

Halfway through the speech, Shang Rong looked at the trembling bronze temple and shouted forcefully:

"Old bastard!!!"

"Knock my old lady again and I won't let you go!!!!"

Sure enough, the Bronze Hall returned to silence with a stern, Murong Jingyan also had an obedient face and dared not make a sound.

Shang Rong's tone returned to soft, she raised her hand, and the elegant pear blossom qin flew into her hand.

"Although this piano is not a fairy product, it is also a heavenly treasure."

"It just fits the ancient voice, and it is more than enough to be used before it is sanctified. You can take it."

"This, this is too precious."

After a while.

Murong Jingyan tightened the white silk scarf around her shoulders, and looked back at the xylophone behind her: "Senior, is it natural?"

"Not bad, it has a bit of temperament."

Shang Rong smiled with satisfaction, and she returned the mask to Murong Jingyan, then took a deep breath.

"Okay, you should go."

After finishing speaking, before Murong Jingyan could speak, Shang Rong turned his back.

The moment he turned around, Murong Jingyan also turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the constellation chart above his head without a trace.

The inside of the Bronze Hall was quiet and quiet, and the terrifying coercion of the saint was completely subdued when Murong Jingyan's mask fell off. Now she is like a dejected woman who has lost her soul.

She moved and came to the side of Ziqin.

Then slowly took off the mask and put it on the Ziqin, followed by a few tears.

"The Immortal King is dead, and the Dao of Demons shall stand."

"The rabbit is short and dark, so why not today?"

"All of this seems to be coming true, but it's a pity you can't see it."

 I'm in a hurry to go home later, so I'll be working together for a day, and I'll see the situation tomorrow and add more updates!
  Ask for a monthly ticket~
  Book friends who have nothing to do can join the group to play, the group number is in the introduction

(End of this chapter)

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