How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 131 Why don't you show your face to others?

Chapter 131 Why don't you show your face to others?

The bottom of Mirror Lake.

Death Star Platform.

"Xiao Jingyan, are you alright?"

"Junior Sister! Wake up Junior Sister!!"

Following the call gradually and clearly, Murong Jingyan slowly opened her eyes, those bright eyes revealed a little confusion at the moment.

Just now I seemed to be walking through the dim chaos, with the ethereal fairy voice beside my ears, accompanied by the sound of the waves, when I opened my eyes again, it seemed that only a moment had passed.

It was like a dream.

What came into view was Senior Brother Zhu's anxious gaze, and Master Mie Yuan's bent over and caring investigation.

"I, I'm fine."

After stroking her forehead, Murong Jingyan stood up slowly, and the xylophone behind her made a creaking sound, which attracted the attention of Master Mie Yuan.

However, he was not in a hurry to ask, he laughed and said:

"It's fine as long as it's okay, I'll take you out as a teacher."

Murong Jingyan didn't answer, but raised his head in astonishment, because above the barrier of the bronze shogunate, the originally pitch-black lake water was now illuminated by red light, and only then did he understand why the main hall was shaking just now.

A huge, seemingly invisible red behemoth is stepping on the bronze shogunate, looking up, you can only see its blazing pupils like the red sun.

Zhu Huanan stepped forward, frowned and asked:

"Why did you suddenly jump into this lake?"

Before Murong Jingyan could answer, Master Mieyuan waved his hand: "Let's talk about these things when we go up."

After saying that, Mie Yuan Daoist flew up with Murong Jingyan and Zhu Huan'an in his arms, flew up along Baxia's Dharma Body and rushed out of Jinghu Lake.

"They came out!!!"

The wasteland by the lake was already full of the elders of the Abandoned Sword Villa and the disciples of the inner and outer sects, and when they saw the three of them flying out, they immediately became excited.

Except for one of them whose complexion is not good-looking.

Leng Yuan swallowed her saliva, she saw that Murong Jingyan was still alive, she didn't know whether it was good or bad for her for a while, if she really died, she must be the one to blame.

But alive, I am even more.
Master Mieyuan landed steadily with his two lovers, and the lake behind him was turbulent, which made him transcend the mundane world even more.

"Second Junior Brother, the time has come."

He looked at a stooped, aging elder in front of the crowd, with a calm tone.

"Immediately call the inner disciples to the Demon Fighting Platform."

After saying that, Master Mieyuan raised his hand, and all the inner disciples present followed the red cloud under his feet, soaring up to the main peak, the Demon Fighting Platform.

But the second elder cast a little mana, and the tokens of abandoning swords of all the inner disciples shimmered, and the words "Doumotai" appeared.

After a stick of incense, the Fighting Demon Stage.

This is a black jade-colored rectangular square platform built on the bank of the cliff, which is natural and magnificent. It is said that it was built by the ancestor of the founder with flying stones from outside the sky. It was originally a dojo for sacrificial practices.

It's just that when the Abandoned Sword Villa was the most famous 5000 years ago, it was also a year of catastrophe when demon cultivators were rampant.

At that time, this place was not called Abandoned Sword Villa, but a name that had long been forgotten.

Kenshin will.

Numerous demon heads regarded Jian Xinhui as the upright leader at that time, and went on to challenge the No. [-] in the world at that time: the sword fairy Sui Yuesheng, to prove his magic way, and hope to soar to the sky.

It's a pity that the Sword Immortal at that time had achieved the status of Human Immortal before he was three hundred years old, ranking among the top three in the Qianlong list, beheading 88 demon heads in the Jiazijian of the Fighting Demon Stage, which can be said to be a sword.

Since then, Dou Motai has become a place of pilgrimage in the realm of self-cultivation, and the Taidi Terrace of Dayan Academy Palace has been called the two places of Dayan's enlightenment.

The idle clouds and wild cranes in Abandoned Sword Villa can be traced back to the last time that they mobilize teachers and mobilize people as much as they do today.

There is a main platform floating above the Demon Fighting Platform, and there are about a dozen or so elders from the inner sect who have not closed their doors.

Most of them have white beard and hair like Mie Yuan Daoist, only a few of them look middle-aged, because Abandoned Sword Villa is different from other sects in that they pay attention to education without discrimination.

After completing the studies, after swearing that he will not turn against the Zongmen one day, he can go and stay freely, or return to the court to continue to be a prince and general, or go to be free and easy, and come back to help when the Zongmen is in trouble.

History has proved that the several crises experienced by the Abandoned Sword Villa were all resolved by the return of those strong men who left the mountain gate.

On the contrary, sects with too many restrictions often put all their eggs in one basket, and they can only rely on temporary success or failure in the face of catastrophe.

Under the elder's platform, more than [-] inner disciples sat cross-legged, excluding the disciples who were going down the mountain to practice and retreat, almost all of them came to the Demon Fighting Platform.

At this moment, in front of all the disciples, a man with one face raised his head and cupped his fists.

"Master is above, suzerain is above, Sanshi said so."

Behind Master Mie Yuan, Zhu Huan'an and Murong Jingyan stood on the left and right, Mie Yuan passed the second elder beside him to look at the third elder, stroked his beard and asked:

"Third Junior Brother, do you have anything else to ask?"

The third elder nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice:
"Sanshi, you said that Leng Yuan was ordered by her master to replace you?"


"Leng Yuan! Step forward."

Leng Yuan, who had been waiting for a long time, was clever, but still got up bravely and walked forward under the eyes of everyone.

"Leng Yuan. I didn't follow the order of the third elder. I saw that Senior Brother Chen was working too hard, so I did it."

"Enough!" The third elder interrupted Leng Yuan's explanation and slapped the table.

"Chen Sanshi, as a senior brother, he doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. He easily trusts people and ignores the order of the head teacher. He will be deprived of this year's elixir qualifications, and he will be fined for five years and not allowed to go down the mountain. Resign!"

Chen Sanshi sighed secretly, looked at Leng Yuan who dared not look up beside him, and finally just accepted the order honestly, waved his sleeves and walked away from Leng Yuan.

And the third elder continued to act as the judge. He knew that the suzerain was making decisions for his disciples. As the elder of the precepts, he had to knock the mountains and shake the tiger to discipline these court dignitaries.

"Leng Yuan, why are you lying?"

"I am curious about who Senior Brother Chen is waiting for, and I want to find out."

"Heh, in front of us, can you still lie to me?"

The third elder's eyes narrowed slightly, his five fingers shook lightly, and a brown whip appeared in his hand.

With a flick of his lightly, the whip stretched to a length of hundreds of feet, and a stream of fire was shot beside Leng Yuan, and the cold voice of the third elder also spread throughout the inner door:
"Hit the false whip, and when it falls, you can see the truth."

"Is it true that you will be willing to tell the truth if it hits you?"

Leng Yuan's complexion changed slightly, especially when she saw her master, the Sixth Elder, closing her eyes and recuperating, her heart was ashamed.

Tilting her head slightly, the sisters from the same sect behind her also gave her winks, as if they wanted her to be honest, after all, these three elders were notoriously unkind, and they kept their word.

And the other disciples, although most of them practiced with peace of mind and didn't care about worldly affairs, they all started whispering at this moment, wanting to know what happened.

After all, Leng Yuan is not an ordinary person, and many of these disciples are not young, and their blood and family relationship are very close. Many of them come from famous families, some of them are officials in the court, and they are even colleagues of Leng Yuan's father.

Fortunately, there are people who like to gossip everywhere, and soon everyone in the inner sect knew that Leng Yuan had lied to senior brother Sanshi to pick up a new junior sister, and almost killed her in the end.

And this new junior sister is also the master's personal heir! ?
Behind Master Mieyuan, Murong Jingyan looked at the whip in the third elder's hand, which was also clever. If this thing was whipped on someone, he would have been beaten to death before he could open his mouth.

But the end is a good thing, I really want to make one.

Beside him, Zhu Huan'an's voice came faintly: "Why didn't you tell Senior Brother, why did you jump into the lake?"

Murong Jingyan was slightly taken aback, and quickly whispered:

"What are you doing! The third elder is asking questions."

"Besides, I'm living a good life."

".It's my fault."

"Ah?" Murong Jingyan tilted her head and asked suspiciously: "How can I blame you, Senior Brother?"

Zhu Huan'an sighed, looked down at Leng Yuan and said: "There are causes and effects. I think I still underestimated human nature, which made you add to this crisis."

"You know, if you hadn't entered the Death Star Terrace by chance, you would be a corpse now."

"A saint can't be brought back to life, you just... huh?"

Zhu Huan'an turned her head, only to see Murong Jingyan raised her elbow and gently arched herself, the eyes under the mask were clear:

"It's okay, brother, I will definitely not kill the one in front of you."

".hope so."

Then, the two continued to watch the good show.

Seeing the silence of Leng Yuan below, the Third Elder exhausted his patience, clenched the whip in his hand again, and said in a deep voice:

"Leng Yuan, you are the daughter of the golden cat Hong Chen, naturally you have seen the power of this whip."

"If this whip goes on, you won't agree with what you say."

"You can go down the mountain and go back to Yuanzhou."

Hearing this, Leng Yuan panicked. Of course, she dared not say that she was inducing her younger sister to jump into the lake, so she hurriedly prayed:

"The elders are above!"

"Leng Yuan is really jealous and wants to show Junior Sister Murong some flair."

"But Leng Yuan had no evil intentions, nor did she push Junior Sister Murong into the dojo, after all, the dojo is very dangerous."

When everyone was watching Leng Yuan's defense, only Murong Jingyan's face changed as well.

Hong Chen?

With such a familiar name, did Qin Sheng Shangrong call himself Hong Chen's daughter when he mistook him?
What did you say about the cat? ?
Is it the same person?

the thief?
At this moment, the third elder looked coldly, and said with a sneer:
"Who said that pushing must be used, avoid the most serious and take the lightest, and murder my fellow disciples, today I will follow the orthodox rules!"

After saying that, the third elder was about to raise his whip.

"Wait a minute!!"

When a voice came, everyone looked away, and even the third elder frowned slightly.

Murong Jingyan took two steps forward, cupped his hands and said, "The third eldest husband speaks clearly, Jingyan dare not interrupt."

"But since Senior Sister Leng Yuan has admitted that she is dissatisfied with me, I think I should come out and say something."

"When passing by Jingyan Lake, Jingyan saw its strangeness, so she asked Senior Sister Leng Yuan if the lake was special. Senior Sister Leng Yuan only said that I could try it and ignored it. When Jingyan first saw the dojo, she mistakenly thought that there was no danger, so she took the initiative to enter the water."

"It's really a misunderstanding, not Senior Sister Leng Yuan's instigation."

After Murong Jingyan finished speaking, Master Mieyuan and Zhu Huan'an both looked over, they naturally didn't believe this set of rhetoric.

After all, who would go into the water for no reason, especially someone like Murong Jingyan.

But others, especially the disciples below, nodded frequently after hearing this. It is a serious crime to harm the same sect. If Leng Yuan really did this, expulsion from the sect is definitely a certainty.

But if they misunderstood, it made sense, their eyes towards Leng Yuan were slightly softer, and their eyes towards Murong Jingyan were even more approving.

After all, Leng Yuan has said that she really intends to target her, and she can take the initiative to stand up and exonerate her.
The third elder loosened his grip on the whip, looked at Murong Jingyan and said:

"What you said is true?"

"Naturally, the disciple dares to swear by gender."

The third elder was stunned, apparently it was the first time he heard such an oath, but luckily the sixth elder also spoke at the right time:
"This kid Leng Yuan is a bit mean, but he doesn't have the guts to hurt others. What he wants to say is true."

Seeing Master Mieyuan nodding his head slightly, the third elder put down his whip and looked at Leng Yuan who seemed to have been pardoned on the platform below.

"All right."

"Although someone offended you, you acted on behalf of Chen Sanshi and almost caused a catastrophe. You will lose your elixir qualifications for two years, and you will be banned from the main peak for one year starting tomorrow."

"Go back."

Leng Yuan made a bow, and she looked at Murong Jingyan who stood up, showing a grateful expression.

After all, after she got the Lust Seal, she uttered all the evil thoughts in her heart. From her point of view, if she hadn't been bewitched by herself, Murong Jingyan would never have jumped off.

After receiving the penalty and exiting the arena, Master Mie Yuan slowly stood up. He slowly lifted an object and said loudly:
"The disciples of my clan are gathered here today, so they must all know what is going on."

"For thousands of years, I abandoned the sword villa. Since the fall of the sword fairy 5000 years ago, and the re-establishment of the mountain gate, there has been no competition for the leader of the decent sect. However, even if there is no competition with the world, the number of inner sect disciples recorded in the book has now reached 99. number."

"The patriarch once left a motto that after a great prosperity, there will be a great decline, and a new life will come after the end of a century."

"Today, our sect will usher in the [-]th inner disciple, and this is also the last time this old man accepts disciples."

He turned to look at Murong Jingyan, nodded and said:
"Come up."

Murong Jingyan had never seen such a scene before, she slowly stepped forward to the side of Mie Yuan Daoist, and cupped her hands to the inner disciples below:

"Brothers and sisters."

"Murong Jingyan, I am honored to join the sect and become fellow disciples. It is really a blessing for Jingyan. Please take care of me!"

The more than [-] inner disciples of the Heaven Sealing Realm below heard the words, no matter men or women, cultivation level, they all clasped their fists to look at the sky in return and said:

"Junior Sister Murong!!!"

The voices of these monks were thick and unified, like flowing clouds, making people's heart beat faster, and the aura that arose made Murong Jingyan immediately feel a sense of belonging.

But it would be more appropriate for this junior sister to be a junior.

Seeing this, Master Mieyuan stroked his beard in satisfaction and said with a smile:

"Jingyan, Dou Motai has witnessed the glory of my Abandoned Sword Villa. You are destined to go further in this generation. In the future, you must correct the way and let my Abandoned Sword Villa regain its glory."

Murong Jingyan coughed lightly, bowed and said, "I would like to follow Master's instruction."

At this time the third elder suddenly asked a question, he turned his head to look at Murong Jingyan and said:


"Dare to ask what is the origin of Jingyan, and what kind of miraculous appearance it has."

Before Master Mieyuan could speak, the Great Elder next to the main seat rubbed his heart and answered instead:
"You don't know?"

"This is based on the old man's blood essence. Ziwei Xing is a genius who came into the world. If the talent is too weak, the old man will not be the first to accept it."

Sensing the dissatisfied tone of the Great Elder, Master Mieyuan chuckled instead, and patted Murong Jingyan on the shoulder:


"Jingyan was born in Yazhou, and she is the daughter of that boy Qianquan. Strictly speaking, she is also a serious girl, and she can be regarded as the princess of Dayan."

"As for the talent, you will know soon."

With the status of the princess, the other elders didn't say anything. After all, Qianquan and the others had heard a little bit about it. Thirty years ago, they represented the Dayan Academy and won the 30th place in the sword-seeking meeting, but they quickly faded away. But everyone.

After all, to be able to walk out of the Sword-Questioning Club alive is already considered remarkable.

At this moment, the second elder who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke. He looked at Murong Jingyan's mask and asked suspiciously:

"The Devil Fighting Platform returns to the sect."

"Why don't you show your face?"

 There will be another update later, let’s rest first and don’t stay up late
(End of this chapter)

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