How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 132 Master, Don't Tell Me, I'm Afraid

Chapter 132 Master, Don't Tell Me, I'm Afraid (Add More)

This question immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Why not show your face?
The elders all looked sideways, even the first elder didn't rub his heart anymore, and looked curiously.

The inner disciples below even started to boo:
"The second elder said well!"

"Which of our seniors and sisters in the Abandoned Sword Villa is not a famous beauty in each state, junior sisters, don't be afraid that we will take a look haha."

"That's right, Junior Sister Murong should quickly take off the mask."

After the atmosphere became more relaxed, the female cultivators off the court also started to play around, urging Murong Jingyan to take off her mask.

Although cultivating immortals can't change the original appearance, people with pure ancestral blood will indeed be a little more handsome than ordinary people, and their skin will become better with the improvement of cultivation base, looking plump and natural, while Chen Sanshi's is a different kind.

Leng Yuan also looked up, with curiosity in her eyes.

It is true that there is resentment in her heart, but just now when Murong Jingyan spoke up for her, it made her feel guilty.

After all, she came out from Yuanzhou with great difficulty, entered a big sect, and met a man she liked, but she didn't want to go back to Yuanzhou again, to that cold mansion
On the elders' platform, Murong Jingyan was also punished. I didn't expect that the second elder with white hair and childlike face would ask such a tricky question.

But when she thought about it, Murong Jingyan frowned slightly when she thought that the attitudes of the two saints in succession had changed drastically after seeing her appearance.

Although my master Master Mieyuan was horrified when he saw his face, but if you ask yourself the face of the moon and flowers, who wouldn't see it like this?
This makes sense!

But those two sages are different, especially Shang Rong, the harp sage, she obviously thinks of something, and the Jiedu envoy Chen Cang is probably the same.

Since one's own face can bring inexplicable kindness in exchange, it will definitely also bring unprovoked malice.

The current Murong Jingyan can't afford it, so she still has to cover it up and not be too ostentatious.

Master Mie Yuan also curled his lips. If it wasn't for his direct disciples returning to the sect at the Doumotai, he didn't want Murong Jingyan to be put on the stage. Although the direct disciples are also divided, most sects are also gods and beasts, which is the limit.

But if the news that she looks more beautiful than the exiled fairy spreads, the incompleteness will attract spies from other sects and even the imperial court.

Immediately, Master Mieyuan coughed:
"Okay, okay, stop arguing, these people have their own characteristics, so why make others difficult."

Hearing this, the five elders who are as honest as Maitreya Buddha said:

"Sect Master, that's not the case."

"Since he is a disciple of my clan, sooner or later he will stand up for my clan. Why bother to hide it, it seems petty."

The third elder looked around and said:

"What you said is true, suzerain, I think that regardless of beauty or ugliness, monks should be frank."

"Especially I see Miss Murong's body is thin and thin, and she looks like a plum blossom in the middle of the winter, so her appearance will not be too bad."

Master Mie Yuan frowned, and looked to the First Elder for help, and only the First Elder knew in advance that Murong Jingyan had the appearance of a fairy and demon.

Unexpectedly, the Great Elder spoke directly:
"Take it off and have a look."

Immediately, Master Mieyuan snorted, raised his sleeves and said, "What's wrong with wearing a mask?"

"What does it mean not to show your true face to others? Look at the Jiuqu Yama, who is older than the old man. He hasn't taken off his mask for more than two thousand years, which has delayed his practice?"

"Let's talk about the evil sage who forgets the Dao, relying on a cow and horse mask, no one in the world knows that he has two identities, but the court just can't catch him."

Turning sideways to Murong Jingyan, Master Mieyuan was still eloquent, as if introducing:
"And it's safe to be mysterious. These old guys won't mention it."

"Let's get closer, the person behind Duotianlou must be a strong person called Dayan. He doesn't show up all year round, even Xingsi can't figure it out."

"So, what's wrong with wearing a mask?"

Many elders looked at each other in blank dismay, and the inner disciples below were also silent, and the atmosphere was quiet.

In the end, it was the Second Elder who reminded me earnestly:
"Brother, what you said just now are all evil cultivators."

Hearing these words, Master Mieyuan was even more furious, he grabbed Murong Jingyan's wrist and took a step forward:
"Are you old and dim?"

"Xiao Jingyan is a fairy, can she be a member of a cult?"

At this moment, Murong Jingyan's forehead was sweating, and she was so guilty that she didn't dare to look at the whip whip next to the Third Elder's hand.

Master, stop talking, I'm so scared.

Da da da,

At this moment, a figure also came up.

Without squinting, Zhu Huan'an cupped his hands to the elders, and said softly:
"Elders, Junior Sister Murong was brought back to the sect by Huan'an herself. She has a miraculous appearance, but it is inconvenient to show it to others. Elders, please forgive me."

Hearing Zhu Huan'an's words, the elders looked at each other in blank dismay, but tacitly did not ask any further questions.

The face is miraculous, but these four words are intriguing, because the purer the blood of the ancestors, the different from ordinary people.

For example, Zhu Huan'an, with his long orange-red hair and pale golden tiger eyes, is instantly recognizable among thousands of people, not to mention his ancestral blood.
The dragon at the end of the chapter, Zhaozhao Zhongshan, even the top few of today's Qianlong list, I'm afraid they don't have such a terrifying bloodline.

"Since Huan'an said so, the old man will not talk too much."

Daoist Mieyuan flicked his sleeves, and said in a gesture of master and disciple:

"It's almost there."

Zhu Huan'an finally took off the red cedar today, and put on the white robe and red sleeves of the Abandoned Sword Villa, and stood in a row with Mieyuan Daoist, Murong Jingyan like a signal grid.

He turned to Mie Yuan Daoist, and asked:


"Now that you have entered the sect, it's time to end it."

Mie Yuan Daoist nodded, and finally looked at the inner disciples off the field, raised his hand and said:
"The devil's blood in Dou Motai has revived, I will tell you why, because the fate of immortality is about to come again!"

"Disciples and grandchildren, your first century is coming."

"Remember, you are always disciples of Abandoned Sword Villa!"

"The Sea to the Boundless Sky as a Shore"

On the Demon Fighting Stage, all inner disciples held their weapons together and raised them to the sky:
"Climb to the top of the mountain and I am the peak!!"

"Climbing to the top of the mountain, I am the peak!!!"

Murong Jingyan was also affected by this aura, hearing the deafening shouts on the Dou Motai that went straight to the sky, and the appearance of the elders sitting upright, she seemed to understand the background of Abandoned Sword Villa.

It is a kind of cohesion that is relaxed but ubiquitous.

Murong Jingyan put one hand behind her, and stood with Zhu Huan'an on the left and right hands of Mieyuan Daoist, listening to the passionate call.

This is just one of my stops.


As night falls, Yuanshi Hall, the main peak.

Murong Jingyan walked out of the hall, and while descending the stone steps, she stretched out her hand and yawned big.

Since leaving the Doumotai, he has been dragged into the Yuanshi Palace, and the real person Mieyuan will take care of Zhou Tian in "Tianyang Has Not Abandoned Gong" for him.

Sure enough, some of the places that were not smooth have been run smoothly after the teaching of Mieyuan Master, and the poison that Qu Yong wiped off when he fell into the Immortal Pond still remained, and Mieyuan Daoist smoothly resolved it.

"Now that I have become a heavenly seal, there are more Taoism that can be practiced, but the master is not in a hurry to teach me the Taoism, saying that he will talk to me tomorrow."

"Oh, I really like to play tricks."

Saying that, Murong Jingyan took out "Prime Ancient Voices" casually, and looked at the ancient book of Qin Sheng Shang Rong through the moonlight.

When teaching today, he handed over this book of immemorial audio to Master Mie Yuan for his review.

After all, the old man took him very seriously, and it was not a bad thing for Shang Rong to see him, and his piano was seen by a real person, so there was no need to deliberately hide his clumsiness.

After all, a lie needs many lies to make up.

If there are too many, it will be excessive.

Master Mie Yuan didn't seem surprised by Shang Rong Xicai, and Murong Jingyan also got to know more about this qin sage through the mouth of Master Mie Yuan.

There are quite a few female cultivators in the world of comprehension, but there are not many female saints who really talk about it. Qin Sheng Shang Rong is undoubtedly an alternative among them.

In the early years, she was born out of nowhere, no one knew her origin, only knew that she had been attached to the imperial court, but later she was alone with no family and no sect, she set up her own Shiqin Pavilion and lived in Langya Mountain bitterly, her willful nature was better than that of a man.

It's not surprising that a character with such a personality is expected to be passed on by a successor.

"The old man said that the ancient voice is a profound skill, even he can't see the way, why do I think?"

"Is this the piano score?"

Murong Jingyan opened and closed the secret book repeatedly, could it be that she and her master read it differently?
As for the Qin, Master Mie Yuan couldn't help feeling that it was a peerless good Qin, considered as a weapon, it was at least the best heavenly treasure, but it was a pity that it hadn't been nourished by real temperature all year round, and it wasn't perfect enough.

There are only two words engraved on the piano: Rong'er.

Murong Jingyan naturally didn't think it was the name of the piano, probably it was carved by Shang Rong himself when he first debuted.

The road down the mountain was a bit rough, strolling among the pines, accompanied by Zhiyue, Murong Jingyan walked comfortably.

Looking up, the mountains are far away, the sky is high, the night is quiet, and the rivers and mountains are bathed in the clear light of sparse stars and bright moon. Under the moonlight, the figure is like a light deer, stepping on the wind.

It's not because Murong Jingyan is in a happy mood, but because he is going to a place now.

Soon, Murong Jingyan arrived at her destination.

This is a place called Longyin Lake on the edge of the main peak. It is located under the waterfall, and the Ksitigarbha fire vein is filled with mist all year round. The water in the pool is warm and yellow, which has the effect of healing and meditation.

It is the best spiritual pool.

After the disciples of Abandoned Sword Villa traveled down the mountain and returned with scars all over, they would basically find a spiritual pool to soak for a few times, which not only can speed up the recovery, but will not even leave scars, making the body stronger.

Soaking after sharpening your body can also relieve physical fatigue.

Murong Jingyan crouched on the edge of the Yinlong Pool and scooped it lightly, showing a satisfied smile.

"That's right, as the master said, although this Yinlong Lake is an excellent spiritual pool, it's just that there are not many people coming near the main peak."

"And the fog is bigger than I imagined, it's wonderful."

Murong Jingyan twisted her neck and was exhausted from running around for more than half a year. If she had known that there was a hot spring here, she would have come here long ago.

After all, this is the best mouthful.

What could be more pleasant than being able to soak in the open-air warm water and look up at the starry sky at night in Shileng Mountain.

Standing up, Murong Jingyan noticed that although the spirit pool was not big, it was divided into two pools, the left and right pools, and a few huge reefs were randomly piled up in the middle, and they were not sealed to allow the water to flow.

"Could it be that men and women are still divided here, yes."


Murong Jingyan squinted her eyes, staring at the small and large pools, feeling a little confused for a moment.

There seems to be something wrong with which one you enter.

"It doesn't matter, let's start with the younger ones."

"If there are people coming again, the ones who should go are the big ones. Anyway, they just soak for a while and leave."

Humming a ditty, Murong Jingyan came to the side of the small pool, found a hidden stone and after confirming that no one was there, she took off her clothes at lightning speed, and then pressed them with a mask.

Then slowly submerge into the hot spring.


Murong Jingyan squatted down, leaving only her head outside, the feeling of being wrapped in warmth made him murmur uncontrollably.

The little yellow duck was also swimming left and right in front of it, quacking, "Why is the water so yellow?"

Murong Jingyan patted its head and said with a smile:
"What do you know, it's all nutrition."

Then, Murong Jingyan walked towards the depths of the pool, her slender arms slid, and the black hair behind her floated on the surface of the pool, like a beautiful ink painting.

"I didn't expect Wu Mingcang to write a letter so soon."

He was talking to himself, with a smile on his lips.

Before returning to Abandoned Sword Villa, Murong Jingyan had already received the news from the landlord.

Because Jiedu made Chen Cang cancel the marriage recruitment meeting, Yanzhou returned to its former peace, and Gan Rong really asked his adoptive father to write a letter to Duotianlou according to the agreement.

Although the letter didn't strongly point out that he didn't support it, it also praised it strongly.

As for Wei Hong, not only did he go down the mountain without any achievements, he even had a conflict with Shen Fengchen and suffered some injuries.

The Dharma Guardian in the building ruled that when he was competing for the Qianlong list, he should fully assist himself, and the Brahma Holy Land lineage did not express their position or objection to this.

"In this way, it can be regarded as temporarily securing the young master's position."

Murong Jingyan scooped up a handful of water, watched the bony thin light falling from her fingertips, rippling and rippling on the surface of the pool, her eyes revealed a look of thought.

"If you say what Shang Rong likes about me, it's because I touched the silent night and awakened the so-called soul of the piano."

"Then why did Chen Cang let me go?"

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan looked back and could no longer see the little yellow duck, only the vast yellow mist remained.

"Forget it, don't think so much."

"As for Senior Sister Leng Yuan, after hearing what Zhu Huan'an said, I'm afraid that Leng Yuan is really jealous, but..."

"Golden cat, Hong Chen?"

Picking up the water and slapping it on the cheek, Murong Jingyan's eyes were fixed on the broken reflection on the water surface, and her thoughts were slowly concentrating.

"If it's the same person, then Qin Sheng seems to hate this person."

"Since she intends to accept me as a registered student, and she also gave me the piano score and the piano, there will always be one more backer and someone who can be used in the future."

"It's not that you can't borrow flowers to offer Buddha"

Just when Murong Jingyan was deep in thought, she didn't notice a figure approaching slowly not far behind her.

In the hidden dragon pool, Leng Yuan pushed aside the yellow mist in front of her, holding her breath and not daring to make any unnecessary noises.

As the daughter of the God Catcher, she has been good at tracking since she was a child. After leaving the Dou Motai, she waited for Murong Jingyan outside the Yuanshi Hall, and didn't stop until she followed her to Yinlongtan.

"I will be grounded tomorrow, before that"

"Turn hostility into friendship."

"After all, I still want to stay in Abandoned Sword Villa for a few more years, and I don't want to go back and worry about fear."

She thought so, and finally saw that figure.

Under the starlight of Linglang, the mist in Yinlongtan was glowing with a cold light.

The back is looming, the long black hair is blurred in the water, and the exposed body is white and flawless, like a moon girl who is not stained by dust.
Leng Yuan, who has always been self-confident and beautiful, was completely taken aback.

She paused, and couldn't help but become more curious.

Speaking of which, what kind of appearance does Junior Sister Murong have?
 Thanks to the leader of [Ye Hongyu], and the reward from the little boss Mo Shuli a few days ago, I decided to add two more chapters (this chapter is not counted)
  All count as more than 4K words, and it will be completed within this week. Thank you for your follow-up and monthly and recommended tickets!And [Susu's online dating partner] took the lead in tipping!

  Thanksgiving heart, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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