How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 133 Don't come here!

Chapter 133 Don't come here!

Gentle moonlight, lonely valley.

The waterfall gently washes the rock spring, and the pine branches are dull and rustling
The water was hazy, Murong Jingyan gently wiped her cheeks, letting the cold mist of the night sky cover her eyes.

"Speaking of which, Senior Sister Leng Yuan will be fined and grounded tomorrow, so I can only find other people to find out."

Today, Murong Jingyan spoke for Leng Yuan, firstly she wanted to use her mouth to find out about Hong Chen, it would be great if he could return Shang Rong's favor.

Secondly, this Leng Yuan was indeed instigated by the seal of lust, and she did not dare to harm herself, and she also went to the master to confess her guilt afterwards, so as not to ruin her future.

Then there is.
"According to Shang Rong, this so-called Thief Cat has amazing supernatural powers. Not only did it steal her things, it may even sneak into the dojo."

"If Leng Yuan is really his daughter, will she come to the Abandoned Sword Villa, as she said, she has another purpose?"

While Murong Jingyan was murmuring, the figure in the mist behind her became more and more clear.

"Junior Sister Murong, you misunderstood."

"Misunderstand what."

"I didn't inherit my father's supernatural powers."



After Leng Yuan spoke, Murong's "Junior Sister" in front of her suddenly turned her head, her long hair and the water surface splashed in bursts, although her face was slightly flustered.

When Leng Yuan came close, she happened to be vaguely listening to Murong Jingyan's last sentence, and she was somewhat dissatisfied in her heart.

But at this moment, she opened her mouth slightly, but the words got stuck in her throat, and she seemed cramped for a while.

Because the person in front of him can no longer be described with icy muscles and jade bones.

The dew-wet cheeks, the picturesque black eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, especially the deer-like expression after being frightened, made her feel affectionate.

There is never a lack of flatterers around Leng Yuan, and she always has her eyes higher than her head, thinking that she will be a world-famous beauty sooner or later, but she has not yet been born.

But after tonight, her heart was broken.

"Murong, Junior Sister?"

she asked unwillingly.

"Leng Yuan!!!?"

Only then did Murong Jingyan see clearly who came, how could it be Leng Yuan! ! ?
I was so engrossed that I didn't notice the movement behind me, the fog was too thick.

Murong Jingyan's eyes narrowed slightly, although the color of the pool water is very dark, but if you look closely, you can see the faint curve of Leng Yuan
This made Murong Jingyan couldn't help but think of her 'weakness', so she immediately took two steps away, only one silhouette of each other could be seen through the misty mist.

Murong Jingyan felt her cheeks flushed, after all, this was the first time she had encountered such a thing in her previous life and this life, this Leng Yuan came here without saying hello
"Junior Sister, don't be afraid, Senior Sister is here to make amends for you."

Leng Yuan on the opposite side had a gentle tone, and she was about to swim over as she wiped the water, Murong Jingyan yelled that something was wrong, hurriedly moved two steps along the edge of the pool, turned around and shouted:

"If you have something to say, don't come here!"

Leng Yuan continued to chase after hearing the words. Looking at Murong Jing's blurred back, she suddenly felt that this junior sister didn't seem so annoying anymore.

"Junior Sister, Senior Sister really apologized to you."

"Let the senior sister take a good look at your appearance."

"No, no, no!" Murong Jingyan continued to swim, if she was caught, would she continue to hang around in the cultivation world?

In Yinlongtan, two figures were swimming around, and Leng Yuan's voice kept ringing:

"Junior Sister, what do you want to ask me?"

"It's not that urgent, Senior Sister, stop chasing her!"

"If you don't run, I won't chase after you!"

"If you don't chase, I won't run away!"

Finally, Murong Jingyan's footsteps slowed down, she was sweating profusely after swimming in this warm pool for a long time, Leng Yuan behind her was also out of breath, and stopped tacitly.

Murong Jingyan only left one head outside, and Leng Yuan did not approach, and after a while, she opened her mouth and said:

"Junior Sister, I will apologize to you for what happened today."

"Thanks to you for exonerating me in front of the third elder, otherwise I'm afraid I will really be expelled down the mountain and return to Yuanzhou."

Exhaling, Murong Jingyan also responded:
"You're welcome, why are we all from the same sect?"

"It's you, senior sister, what did you hear just now?"

Leng Yuan chuckled, and wanted to go forward but Murong Jingyan took half a step back, fortunately she said on the spot:
"Junior sister, are you curious about my father?"

"It's not surprising. My father, as the former god arrester and adjutant of the Ministry of Punishment, has offended too many people. If any of your elders are dissatisfied with my father, it's not uncommon."

She took off her hairpin, let her black hair fall into the water, and said with a smile:

"However. Sister, I really don't want to be involved in the affairs of the Ministry of Punishment. I have come to Qijian Villa to study and have nothing else to do."

"Don't worry."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan felt relieved, after a moment of hesitation, Murong Jingyan took a step forward.
As the fog gradually thinned, Leng Yuan finally saw that face, and also saw the lustful seal in Murong Jingyan's eyes.

Murong Jingyan's voice is ethereal, with a kind of magical power that is breathtaking:

"What is Master Hong's supernatural power?"

"I didn't inherit my father's ancestral blood perfectly, so... I only know that my father has a pair of star picking hands and a pair of golden cat eyes."

"Where is Lord Hong?"

"Father. He came and went without a trace. Even if he returned to Yuanzhou, he would go to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice in Yuanzhou."


Seeing Leng Yuan's obedient answer, Murong Jingyan was quite satisfied.

Shang Rong once mentioned that after the ancient music has reached the basic level, he can go to the Death Star Terrace under the Mirror Lake to find her. She will teach him the way of piano music.

At that time, giving this information to her will be regarded as a certificate of honor, and I will pay you back.

"Junior Sister."


"Let the senior sister touch it!"

Seeing Leng Yuan poking his hand as he spoke, Murong Jingyan's face changed and he quickly dodged away, and then continued to flee, the hidden dragon pool was rippling with light.

Leng Yuan, who was behind her, was inexplicably more excited at the moment under the influence of the seal of lust:

"Junior sister, are you too shy?"

"Between the sisters of our teacher's sect, it's always like this to play around in the Lingquan."

"Hey! I don't have any muscles on my body, what are you touching?"

Murong Jingyan wanted to speak but stopped, complaining endlessly in her heart.

It is not too late for a gentleman to return to the sun in ten years!On the day when I don't have to hide my gender, I must make this world feel the pain!

"Senior Sister, I should go ashore!"

"Then senior sister will help you get dressed!"


Murong Jingyan was cornered, but fortunately a yellow phantom appeared in the mist in front of her, and Murong Jingyan hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab it.


The little yellow duck was resting with eyes closed, drifting with the tide, when suddenly Murong Jingyan grabbed her and showed a surprised expression.

"Treading Void Soldiers Arrive!"

Following Murong Jingyan's order, the figure immediately disappeared into the pool, and teleported to the shore ten feet away, staggering.

Coming to the stone and putting on her clothes quickly, Murong Jingyan looked at Yinlongtan with lingering fear, and slowly put on the mask.

"Fortunately, my Dao heart is stable."

"This lust seal, it seems that you can't abuse it at will."

"If she really finds out, it will be bad."

Taking advantage of the bright moonlight, Murong Jingyan quickly walked towards her own Ziyun River. Today, by coincidence, she got the inheritance of the Qin Sage, and got the news that the Qin Sage wanted from Leng Yuan to return her favor. It was a perfect day.

After Murong Jingyan left, Hidden Dragon Pond, at the other end of the pond is more spacious.

A tall figure with orange hair was leaning against the rock, his broad arms were draped casually, and his muscles carved like knives were full of explosive power.

Especially the black dragon tattoo behind him, like a soaring dragon leaping into the abyss, with a chilling chill.

Zhu Huan'an slowly opened his eyes, casually scooped up a handful of water and put it on the tip of his nose:


"Why does this water smell like flowers?"

 The work and rest are not good for the past two days, and I have no energy for work during the day. There may be only one shift, so I want to rest early tonight and adjust. Tomorrow is a holiday on Friday and prepare for the day!
  And make up two big chapters on weekends

  Talk about doing it family members

(End of this chapter)

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