How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 134 You are a happy candidate

Chapter 134 You are a happy candidate
The spring breeze is like wine, and the purple willow is drunk.

The whole mountain was covered with a layer of warm red glow, reflecting the thick fog of last night.

It has been two months since I returned to the Abandoned Sword Villa.

Purple Cloud River.

A figure was sitting on the top of Ziyun Pavilion, breathing in the morning Ziqi from the east.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes are shallowly closed, and suddenly a gust of mountain wind blows, the black hair on the temples swaying gently with the clothes, bringing the fragrance of flowers
Murong Jingyan hissed softly, and slowly opened her beautiful eyes.

Overlooking from this distance, we can see the intersection of the river and the sea under the mountain, and the sparkling waves on the boundless lake. Occasionally, there are light boats passing by, and it is not known whether they are going to sea or fishermen who have not returned overnight.

"At this rate, at least within a year, we won't be able to reach the second level of Tianfeng."

Murong Jingyan murmured softly, then took out a handful of spirit grass from her bosom, the spirit grass was crystal clear, she stuffed it into her mouth without any explanation and chewed it lightly.

"Ever since I came back to the villa, my three meals a day are made of grass leaves...soup, how can I bear it!"

Chewing the spirit grass in her mouth, Murong Jingyan raised her head to look at the scenery of the sunrise mountain, supported her upper body with her arms, and fell on her back on the eaves.

Xi Guang reflected on the frowning eyebrows, and Murong Jingyan's eyes were filled with a little melancholy.

On the second day after returning to the villa, Master Mie Yuan only said one thing.

The Qianlong ranking will be opened, and the Kyushu League's sword-questioning will last forever, which will be the only criterion for evaluating the ranking. For this reason, Abandoned Sword Villa agreed to the Kyushu League's invitation and became the last one.

As a result, the two participating places will be given to Zhu Huan'an and himself respectively.

As for what the sword-question session is and what the Qianlong list is, Master Mieyuan didn't elaborate, he only said that the sword-question session is extremely dangerous, and those who can participate are all talented women of a generation, and often less than half of them come out.

And this time, it may be the cruelest session in the history of the Sword-Questing Society, so make full preparations.

In the past two months since returning to the villa, in order to prepare for the sword-question meeting that will be held in less than a year, Murong Jingyan can be said to let go of her ordinary heart. Apart from attending classes in the Yuanshi Hall and occasionally going to receive herbal medicines, she has been diligently cultivating.

Waking up to practice, meditating under the moonlight, eating spiritual herbs and medicines alternately, my mouth is bitter.

With the help of Master Mieyuan, whether it is the mystery of Tianyang's unabandoned skills or the skills of practice, he has made great progress, but only his cultivation is a shortcoming.

Tianfeng refines blood, and the emphasis is on returning to the basics.

In the final analysis, Zhou Tian of Gongfa is like a melting pot of the body, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, supplemented by the continuous washing of his own blood, the thin ancestral blood in the blood will become more pure as time goes by, and the power of ancient immortals and demons will become more obvious .

As long as the ancestral blood is pure enough, the Lingtai will become wider and wider.

The spirit platform of each monk is different. For example, Murong Jingyan is a Zen temple, while some people look like a hut at first, but when the six levels are perfected, they can become a continuous fairy palace, and they can practice more Taoism.

After the heaven seals the six gates, not only can you travel around the world by relying on the wind to control the void, but you can also learn the powerful five emperors secret technique.

The shot is the wrath of the sky thunder, and the earth falls. He can be called a top powerhouse.

It's just that blood refining can't be done too hastily, Murong Jingyan figured it out, even if he took the elixir from the villa and collected the essence of heaven and earth as needed, it would take at least two years to break through the second barrier of heaven and earth, which is obviously not enough.

According to Murong Jingyan's inquiry from Duotian Master, besides himself, the Nine Provinces League's Quest for Swords Club has strict quotas for each faction and even the imperial court.

First of all, monks must be younger than [-] years old, and their cultivation level cannot exceed the three levels of Tianfeng. Therefore, monks like Chen Sanshi, who are nearly thirty years old, need to suppress their cultivation level if they want to participate.

And Murong Jingyan will be eighteen in one month, and it will be less than a year to awaken the ancestral blood.

Reaching Tianfeng is already a matter of chance, and the speed is extremely fast, but it is too difficult to go from one level to three levels within a year.

After all, in refining blood, one cannot rely on external force to break through the earth lock, one can only rely on one's background.

"Senior brother Zhu, Shen Fengchen and the others' breakthrough times are almost the same as mine."

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan got up slowly, jumped down from Ziyun Pavilion, her purple clothes fluttered in the air like a fairy, and slowly walked towards the half-bloomed crabapple tree.

Bending down to drip a drop of her own blood into the water bottle, Murong Jingyan picked up the water bottle and began to water it.

"So there must still be a way to quickly improve your strength, otherwise wouldn't you be at the bottom of the Sword Asking Club?"

Seeing the crabapple blooms again, Murong Jingyan nodded in satisfaction, the crabapple tree was almost as tall as herself.

I heard that when I was away, my brother also came to take care of it a few times, and the pruning was indeed very delicate.

Speaking of this
Senior brother wrestled with the elders day and night at the Dou Motai, walking a path completely different from his own, but it had been a long time since he had seen them, and senior brother never came to him again.

Putting down the kettle, the white crabapple petals fluttered, and Murong Jingyan slowly sat down under it.

Raising his hand, Murong Jingyan held a pear blossom qin on his knee.

The eyelids are drooping, the slender eyelashes catch the white flowers, and the sound of the piano can be played leisurely, gracefully in the mountains, like a trickling stream, without a trace.

The sound of the piano is clear and clear, refreshing the heart, like a rain that has not yet fallen, and the wind blowing in advance makes people feel refreshed.

There are deer looking up in the forest, and they seem to be attracted by the purple clothes.

At this moment, the years have forgotten the passage of time, and the fairy sounds are silent.

Only the strings of the qin are plucked in the mountains. If anyone sees this scene, they will stop and savor it carefully, and they will never move a step, for fear that this ancient sound will disappear at any time.

Murong Jingyan's slender fingers flicked, causing the alert little deer to move forward half a step, and she couldn't help but want to get close.

Suddenly there was a sound of silk cracking, like a broken string, countless rainbow lights in the mountains flashed out, and then the fallen leaves rustled down, flying like a torrential rain.

Murong Jingyan hooked the string with her fingertips, stretched out her other hand to catch a fallen leaf.

I saw that the leaf was cut off from the middle, smooth and flat, even with the thinnest and sharpest sword, it would be difficult to chop like this.

"The most ingenious part of the immemorial legacy is that it can be integrated into the power of Taoism."

"Abandoned Sword Mountain Villa's fairy characters and Taoism are not as suitable as my pointing magic hand. The sound of the piano becomes light, which is everywhere, alternating light and dark, and there is nowhere to hide."

"It's just that the prelude is too long, and we still need to practice hard."

Murong Jingyan put away the piano, got up on her knees and walked into the forest, put her hands on the frightened fawn's head and rubbed:

"what happened to you?"

"Scared by me?"

The little deer trembled, and finally just licked Murong Jingyan's hand, then ran away with all four thin and thin hooves, the funny appearance made Murong Jingyan laugh.

Suddenly, a discordant voice came:
"Boy, you really want to participate in the sword-questioning meeting."

Murong Jingyan lowered her head, and sure enough, she saw the little yellow duck slowly descending the stream. This guy likes to slide from upstream to downstream when he has nothing to do. .


Murong Jingyan seized the opportunity and kicked the little yellow duck directly from the creek to the side.

"What are you doing!!" The little yellow duck fell twice, got up furious, raised a wing and said:
"When I see the Demon Lord in the future, I will definitely sue you!!"

Murong Jingyan leaned against the willow tree and asked:
"Why don't you participate? All the talented talents in Dayan are bowing down for this Qianlong list."

"Even Duotianlou is not eligible for the quota. Fortunately, I, Ziweixing, joined me, so I got a quota for nothing. Then Wei Hong's Qingdeng faction may not be able to get the qualification."

"If you have an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard."

The little yellow duck snorted:
"This Qianlong list, I'm afraid it's the means of those guys in Tianting, so what if it's a bit useful?"

"You just need to practice slowly for a hundred years. With your talent, your future is boundless. After collecting the six magic seals, you will be on the Nine Heavens in the future!"

"Besides, with the Demon Lord here, we don't need the gift of heaven at all!"

Hearing what the little yellow duck said, Murong Jingyan frowned, sat down cross-legged and grabbed it.


"I don't even want to wait for 30 years, I will wait for a hundred years!?"

After a hundred years, I'm afraid that the graves of parents will not be there, and my sister will die of old age. A hundred years is too long for Murong Jingyan's mentality.

"Whether it's the old man Mieyuan or my grandfather, they all mentioned that the general situation of the world will change. Now that everyone is fighting for crossing, just me to practice slowly?"

"I'm afraid that before I have a bright future, someone will come to kill me!!"

Seeing that Murong Jing's face became serious, the little yellow duck's aura also lost its momentum, and said falteringly:
"Didn't you just seal the sky?"

"At that time, the masters of the Sword Asking Society will gather. If you suffer from this loss, if you don't keep them all, you will lose your life. The gain outweighs the loss."

Sighing lightly, Murong Jingyan let go of the little yellow duck, and looked at the narrow and winding mountain stream, but never stopped the clear spring.

"Cultivators do not only have the way to ascend to heaven through Taoism."

Murong Jingyan remembered the four words mentioned by Mie Yuan Zhenren: Everyone has his own way.

Some monks spend their entire lives cultivating only one magic weapon. For example, Sui Yuesheng, the sword fairy who brought the Sword Heart Society to its peak 5000 years ago, used the three-foot long sword in his hand to kill all the demons in the world, and looked down on the world.

This is also the way of my brother.

There are also monk formations out of the dust, Dayan 500 years ago, the leader of the Qianlong list, Wang Zhian, created his own Zhuxian formation during the half-holy period, and wiped out three saints.

There are also fortunes that reach the sky, for example, today's king bears the king's destiny to frighten the world, and it is like a celestial palace governing fate, divination and derivation reach the pinnacle, innate invincibility.
Xiaojingyan, you also need to find your own suitable path.

"Cultivation is just one of them, after all, it only needs to be better than others."

Murong Jingyan was talking to herself with a slight smile on her lips.

Because he doesn't feel any envy or yearning for these people in Mie Yuanzhen's mouth. As long as the goal is achieved, it doesn't matter what way it is?
Besides, my own way is also different.

Murong Jingyan doesn't seek to become famous one day, and she doesn't bother to convince everyone, just to fight for a name or number one in the world.

It is said that the heights are unbearably cold, and it is really unnecessary to be a target of public criticism after a lot of hardships, and to worry all day long that Houlang will slap you to death.

What he wants is to get twice the result with half the effort, strategize and achieve what he wants without doing it himself.
The way to control people!


The main peak, Yuanshi Hall.

Daoist Mieyuan was at the main seat, and sitting beside him was the old second elder, and the two were talking about something.

Soon, there were footsteps outside the hall.

The visitor stepped into the main hall, with orange hair and red clothes, the black knife on his waist rattling, and walked straight to the second elder.

Seeing the Second Elder was there, Zhu Huan'an raised his hand to save face and said:
"Master, why are you looking for me?"

Master Mieyuan chuckled:
"Huan'an, I heard that you are going to challenge Chen Sanshi next to the Demon Fighting Stage. It seems that you are making great progress."

"It's been a tough time."

Zhu Huan'an looked cold, and asked again: "What do you want from me?"

Seeing that the suzerain was deflated, the second elder took the initiative to speak, and said with a serious expression:
"Huan'an, I'm looking for you today to ask you to come down the mountain and do me a favor."

Zhu Huanan frowned: "Going down the mountain?"

"What happened?"

The second elder stroked his beard, and a letter floated up in front of him, floating in front of Zhu Huan'an.

"A few months ago, one of the old man's disciples sent an urgent letter, saying that Zhaoyu Temple suddenly started to seal up his business name, and wanted to ask the old man if he could help."

"But then there was no news about him. Right now, the spirit grass in my Abandoned Sword Villa is about to run out, so I need to send a disciple to take a look."

Zhu Huanan opened the letter with doubts in his eyes:

"Brother Sanyun?"


The second elder spoke in a low tone:

"Li Sanyun was my apprentice 300 years ago. Because of his limited talent, he stagnated after being trapped in the five passes of Tianfeng. Therefore, he went down the mountain and returned to Baiqiu City, the main city of Yuanzhou, to inherit his family's Chamber of Commerce."

"For the past 300 years, his Sanyun brand has been providing spiritual herbs for my Qijian Villa. Now nearly half of the spiritual roots and spiritual herbs, even the spiritual trees on your mountain, belong to his firm."

"Now that the Sanyun Company is being investigated, there may be something tricky. You can go and look for the old man."

Zhu Huanan closed the letter, hesitated for a moment and asked:

"Why me?"

Master Mie Yuan coughed lightly and said:
"Yuanzhou, it's different."

"Although there is a royal family in Zhongzhou, because of its vast land and rich resources, there are also many ancient holy places in my cultivation world. Yanzhou is full of sects, and it is clearly separated from the imperial court. Yuanzhou, the third state."

"The land is small, adjacent to the imperial city, and there are many imperial merchants in it, the most prosperous and luxuriant. The cultivation world has disappeared, and it is almost controlled by the imperial court."

"The key is"

Master Mieyuan shook his head:

"I'm waiting for the old man to enter the holy way and enter the heavenly secrets. Whenever we leave the Abandoned Sword Villa, the Xingsi can count our traces. He is very sensitive at this time."

"Going far to Yuanzhou, I'm afraid it will attract tongues."

Zhu Huan'an nodded, he did not expect Master Mie Yuan to be so cautious, it seemed that he was really afraid of the court.

Then the last time I left the sect to save my junior sister, it was true.
Thinking of Zhu Huan'an's demeanor getting better, he asked, "Why didn't you send other senior brothers?"

The second elder looked at Zhu Huan'an below, raised his hand and said:

"More than half of my disciples in the villa come from imperial families, and they tend to shrink back when facing Zhaoyu Temple. After thinking about it, only you, a direct disciple, have a high enough status, can get along well in Yuanzhou, and are not afraid to spy on Zhaoyu Temple. prison temple."

"However, what I value the most is Huan'an, your boldness and carefulness. It can be seen from the fact that you found Ziweixing in Yazhou and brought it back safely."

"This is probably the last trip down the mountain before the sword-questioning meeting, do you accept it?"

The high corridor in the hall is breezy, like an ordinary and hazy morning.

Zhu Huan'an exhaled, and looked at Master Mieyuan:


"But I have a request."

Master Mie Yuan smiled, nodded and said: "What request, just say it."

"Yuanzhou Luyuan, if you say this matter is small, it's just to find out information, if you say it's big, I'm afraid I have to try to save people, I need help."

Master Mieyuan raised his hand to press what the second elder wanted to say, and said:

"Although the people are so conspicuous, as a teacher, I think it's only natural to find a smarter disciple to help you."

"You have a favorite candidate? I should find it for you as a teacher"

Zhu Huan'an interrupted: "There is one."


"Hehe. Who is it?"

Touching his chin, Zhu Huan'an smiled:

"Junior Sister Murong."

 Today's 4D update is on 10/[-], keep going~
(End of this chapter)

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