How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 135 I Fulfill One of Your Wishes

Chapter 135 I'm Fulfilling Your One Wish


Yuan Shi Hall shook.

Mie Yuan Daoist slapped the table and raised his finger to the sky:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The two of you went down the mountain together, and something happened to the old man, is he still alive!?"

The second elder also opened his mouth to persuade:
"Huan'an, this trip to Yuanzhou needs to be low-key."

"I heard from the suzerain, that Murong Jingyan is also an incomparable beauty, plus you are also very heroic, the two of you together are too ostentatious."

"Besides, even with the blessing of my Abandoned Sword Villa's protective magic weapon, it is Yuanzhou. Under the eyes of the emperor, the people in Ruozhao Prison are determined to attack my Abandoned Sword Villa against Sanyun, which is dangerous."

Zhu Huan'an raised his eyebrows: "Oh? It's so dangerous."

"Then I'm not going either."

"Don't, don't!" The second elder said quickly.

As the Lingshi Elder of Abandoned Sword Villa, he is responsible for the resources of tens of thousands of disciples in the entire Abandoned Sword Villa. The Scattering Cloud Chamber of Commerce is indeed an indispensable part, and he has been devastated recently.

In the villa, no matter before or now, the disciples from Yuanzhou are basically officials in their families, just like Leng Yuan, who knows that Zhao Prison is dangerous and will definitely feel timid, so there is no suitable candidate, so it is better not to ask.

If it weren't for the volatile nature of the heavens recently, teaching them these saints would not dare to move easily, even though Yuanzhou has always only allowed court saints to come and go, he would have to go and find out the situation himself.

"Huan'an, the old man has two or three disciples who are more clever, and they are not relatives of the emperor, but they haven't been down the mountain much, how about it?"

Zhu Huan'an smiled and shook his head:
"Forget it, the two seniors should think about it first, as for me, I just want to take Junior Sister Murong with me."

"She's smarter than you think. If she's here, not only can I figure out why the Sanyun Chamber of Commerce disappeared, but maybe I can save senior brother Li Sanyun."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Huan'an stopped talking, turned around and left, leaving only Daoist Mie Yuan and the second elder staring blankly.

If Li Sanyun was really imprisoned by Zhao Prison, it would be extremely difficult to rescue him. Considering that he is a meritorious disciple, the real person Mie Yuan may have to personally come forward to ask for him.

But in the current situation, luck has become a situation where dragons and tigers are fighting each other, even Emperor Dayan dare not move, let alone Abandoned Sword Villa.

"According to his wishes?" the second elder asked.

Master Mieyuan stroked his beard: "Oh, it's not right, you must never put all your eggs in one basket."

"No, ask Ayan?"

Second Elder: "Ask her if she would like to go down the mountain with Zhu Huan'an?"

"No, if she's up to the task, wouldn't it be better to let her go alone?"


The Second Elder looked at Master Mieyuan and didn't know what to say for a moment.


At the same time, beside the Mirror Lake Dojo.

With a soft sound, Murong Jingyan had dived into the lake water and swam towards the bottom of the lake.

As it gets closer to the bottom of the lake, the surrounding darkness becomes deeper and deeper. There is no living thing in this water, and it has been so cold and silent for thousands of years.

It's just that with the appearance of Murong Jingyan, there seemed to be little fireflies rising from the gloomy lake bottom, and these fluorescent lights illuminated a place, which was the ancient sunken bronze shogunate.

The fluorescent light isolated the surrounding lake water, Murong Jingyan brushed off the water stains on her long hair, and skillfully slipped in through the narrow gap.

When his body was submerged, the bronze gate immediately closed with a bang, as if it had never been opened.

It was the third time for Murong Jingyan to come here in the past two months. It was as if Taikoo Yiyin had been tailored by herself. If she didn't play it, she wouldn't know it. It was so fast.

Could it be
Even Murong Jingyan suspects that she is the legendary absolute pitch!
Of course, this is also inseparable from Shang Rong's teaching. When Murong Jingyan played the complete Dao song with the pear blossom qin for the first time, she felt the sound of the qin spontaneously, and the rhythm seemed to guide her back to the bronze shogunate.

Sure enough, after going down to the lake that time, I found that the door of the bronze shogunate was opened again.

When Murong Jingyan walked through the dark alleyway, she saw a green dress standing proudly on the qin platform from a distance. She was also wearing a mask, with a graceful figure.

Shang Rong said, "Here you are."

Murong Jingyan nodded, and skillfully took the xylophone off her back and put it on the ground:

"Senior, although I can now integrate some magical hands into the ancient voice, but after all, it's a little bit late, and the prelude is still too long."

Shang Rong remained silent, watching Murong Jingyan demonstrate.

Then she suddenly stretched out her hand and pressed the back of Murong Jingyan's hand, guiding Murong Jingyan to continue playing, and the rhythm became longer and longer.

Feeling the smell of the woman behind her, Murong Jingyan swallowed, this, what kind of welfare is this! ?
Stabilizing his mind, Murong Jingyan was quickly attracted, because although his melody was longer, but the power of the magic hand was hidden, and the moment he let go of the strings, the power of the explosion was also much greater.

Only then did Shang Rong speak: "There is something to give and something to gain, there is a rush and there is a delay, it's for the way of the qin."

"If you are in a hurry, you will have no strength. If you need strength, you will not be in a hurry."

"However, as you become more proficient in the ancient voices, in ten years, 20 years, and 30 years, these disadvantages will become smaller and smaller until there are no flaws. If you fiddle with it at will, you will overthrow mountains and seas, and the power of immortals. "

Murong Jingyan rubbed her hands and nodded slowly.

"Why, did it hurt you?" Shang Rong asked.

Only then did Murong Jingyan come to her senses, and hurriedly coughed lightly:
"Senior was joking, it is really a blessing to be able to receive such guidance."


Murong Jingyan looked back at Shang Rong:
"What you said to senior last time, but what senior wants?"

Shang Rong took two steps, and said with his hands behind his back: "That's right, the golden cat Hong Chen you mentioned is the person I'm looking for."

"However, Yuanzhou is special. It is not appropriate for me to leave Langya Mountain without permission. Even if I go, I can do nothing for him if he hides in Zhao Prison."


She waved her sleeves, and the misty blue mist in the hall suddenly surged.

"Sooner or later, I will get back the lost things and let him pay with his life."

Murong Jingyan asked curiously: "Senior, I'm taking the liberty to ask."

"What did he steal?"

Shang Rong's tone faltered, he squatted down after thinking about it, and whispered something in Murong's ear.


Murong Jingyan blinked, and nodded in a daze, why would someone steal this?

"Is that thing important to seniors?"

Shang Rong hummed: "For this palace, it is a very important thing."

It seemed that he felt that he had talked too much, so Shang Rong waved Murong Jingyan to continue playing the piano.

But seeing Murong Jingyan playing the piano, she suddenly laughed again:

"Murong Jingyan."

"If you have the ability to take it back in the future and dedicate it to this palace"

"I will grant you one wish."

Murong Jingyan hissed secretly and did not dare to respond, this golden cat sounds like an expert at stealing people, it might be difficult to get it back from him.


Is everything okay?
While Murong Jingyan was honing her piano skills, a token in her chest also emitted a warm light.

Looking down without a trace, Murong Jingyan revealed a look of doubt.

News from Duotianlou?
 There is one more chapter, it may be a little later, it looks like after two o'clock, everyone can rest first!

(End of this chapter)

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