How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 136 Come in, tell you something

Chapter 136 Come in, tell you something

The night is full of stars, and the Abandoned Sword Villa is quiet and silent.

The mirror lake ashram reflects the moonlight, like a full moon falling into the mortal world.

But the flat full moon had ripples at this moment, and a figure suddenly jumped out of the lake.

It was Murong Jingyan who took a few breaths and hurriedly sat down on the spot.

If you look carefully, you can see that there is a faint fluorescence on its body. Only by relying on the firefly escort beside the death star platform can it isolate the lake that suppresses Taoism and eliminates Qi and blood.

But swimming up from the bottom of the extremely deep lake is also very, very tiring.

Lying down on the ground, the turf that had been burned by the real fire under the Baxia passed through the spring breeze, and now it has sprouted again. It is very soft and comfortable to lie on, but the grass tip makes the neck a little itchy.

"No wonder my hands are numb, so it's already night."

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan turned sideways, propped her cheeks with her bright wrists, casually brushed aside the broken hair on her forehead, and took out the token of Duotianlou.

Sure enough, there was a flashing golden thread on the token, which was the host's summoning signal.

"What are you looking for me all of a sudden?"

Looking around, there were very few people around the mirror lake, especially after being burned by Mie Yuan Daoist, Murong Jingyan simply pressed it between her eyebrows and began to sink her consciousness into the token.

In the misty world inside the card, Murong Jingyan was suspended in it, bowing to the void:

"Jingyan, pay homage to grandfather."

As Murong Jingyan's words fell, the mist in front of him suddenly condensed into a blurry appearance, and Lord Duotian floated over, hehe laughed and said:
"Yan'er, long time no see."

"How are you doing recently?"

Murong Jingyan bowed: "Jingyan practices day and night, and is preparing for the sword-question meeting."


"Speaking of which, the number of places in this Sword Asking Club is scarce, Yan'er, you can make the abandoned sword villa choose you, you really deserve to be the young master of my duotianlou!"

Duo Tianzhu's tone was filled with relief, and he said to himself:

"The number of places in the Sword Asking Club is related to the potential dragon list. The Kyushu League has already obtained a lot of benefits through this conference."

"Fortunately, my building is also taking advantage of Dongfeng, relying on helping the sects and the imperial court to fight for places in secret, and attracting a group of people to use for me."

Murong Jingyan was surprised: "Can it still be like this?"

"Why not?"

Master Duotian chuckled: "There are many people who offer a lot of money to buy the head of the other party's Tianjiao. Do you think this benefit can be reaped?"

"Naturally, can't it?" Murong Jingyan tentatively replied.

"Yan'er is really smart! Although this benefit is rich, it is of no benefit to me, so I don't take any money from me."


"As long as the other party swears the Dao Dao, and after the matter is completed, enter my building and use it for me."

Hearing Duotianzhu's understatement, Murong Jingyan's heart skipped a beat. It seems that Duotianlou is called one of the Demon Cults for no reason, and it can be said that it will use everything to attract people.

Fortunately, it's my own.

And even if Duotianlou does not take action, these open and secret fights will not disappear. It seems that the world is indeed not as peaceful as it seems on the surface. Fortunately, the abandoned sword villa has enough weight, and no one has come to make a decision.

"Grandfather has worked hard and made great achievements, and the plan to win people is just around the corner!"

"However, when Jingyan was in Pennsylvania before, she saw the Ministry of Health and Daoist posting lists everywhere. We are afraid that they will push us hard again by doing things like this?" Murong Jingyan asked.

The mist of Duo Tianzhu dispersed, and the voice fluctuated:
"There is no need to worry too much. Although my sub-rudders in various states have been surrounded by the Department of Defense, they are all live bait given by the old man."

"The reason is to make the Secretary of Defense run so exhausted. In the end, it is doomed to be futile. On the contrary, because of small losses, we let us recruit many strong people."

Hearing Murong Jingyan made him feel relieved. It seems that Duotianlou's guerrillas are fighting like a duck to water. The Secretary of Defense has a big family, but he just hits the cotton with his fists and is led by the nose.

"Grandfather, why did you summon me?" Murong Jingyan asked.

"It's nothing important, it's just that old man Jingyan, did you go somewhere?"


"It should be a special place that can shield the heavens and make it difficult to peek."

Hearing this Murong Jingyan, he suddenly realized that he should be referring to the Death Star Terrace, so he immediately told all the things that happened after he fell into the mirror lake, without hiding his clumsiness.

After all, since my grandfather is aware of this, it is better to tell the truth.

"Oh? So it's Shangrong"

"It's not surprising that she will teach you."

Seeing that Master Duotian's voice was calm, Murong Jingyan couldn't help being even more curious: "Grandfather, why did you say that?"

"Shang Rong has lived in Langya Mountain for a long time, and you were able to enter her dojo by chance. It's not unusual for you to have a heart of loving disciples based on your talent. Who in this world doesn't want to leave their own inheritance?"

Hearing this statement, Murong Jingyan nodded slightly, but intuitively felt that this was not the original statement of Lord Duotian.

"Shang Rong's piano skills are superb. She once made it into the top ten in her sword-questioning meeting, and became famous as a dark horse. This kind of sage talent is what our building urgently needs."

"Yan'er, since you are favored by her, are you sure you can pull her into the building?"

Murong Jingyan was taken aback for a moment, this idea was really bold.

But he suddenly remembered what Shang Rong said just now, if he retrieved that thing for her, he would be able to fulfill one of his wishes, and he didn't know if this wish would work.

"Grandfather, it is possible, but there is only one person to deal with."

Thinking of this Murong Jingyan, he also told the story of the future to Lord Duotian.

"You mean, the golden cat Hong Chen?"

Lord Duotian fell into deep thought: "As far as I know, this Hong Chen is an adjutant of the Ministry of Punishment. Although his cultivation level is at most half-holy, he is cautious by nature. He stays in the deepest part of Zhaoyu Temple all year round."

"It's really not easy to get something back from him."

"However, it's not impossible."

Murong Jingyan was overjoyed immediately.

One is to be able to pull Qin Sheng Shang Rong into the Duotian Building, and it is far from being as simple as having an extra confidant in the building, and the other is to find such things for Shang Rong and return this favor.

Duo Tianzhu's voice is faint:

"Yuanzhou is the third continent of Dayan. It can be called the side of the dog emperor's couch. It is full of the court's eyeliner. It is inconvenient for me to seize the sky, but I have the greatest help."

"Huh? Grandpa might as well explain it in detail."

The mist of Duotian Lord approached, and his tone was filled with an inexplicable smile: "The Zhaoyu Temple where Hong Chen is located is located in the main city of Yuanzhou, Baiqiu."

"It just so happens that the strongest Dharma protector in my tower is in Baiqiu City."

"And, he is also very curious about you."

Surprised and delighted, Murong Jingyan hurriedly bowed and said, "Could it be that grandfather means that Yuanzhou Dharma Guardian will help me deal with Hong Chen?"

Master Duotian immediately shook his head when he heard the words:

"No, Hong Chen is the official of the imperial court. If you attack him and Zhaoyu Temple rashly, it will only mess up the layout of my building, and you can only win with wisdom."

"Fortunately, you only want one thing, and the guardian of Yuanzhou will definitely make it easier for you in secret. You can rest assured about this."

"It's just that if you really want to accomplish this, you need to go to Baiqiu City in person."

go in person
Murong Jingyan was a little hesitant, after all, he had only been back to the villa for less than two months, if he went to Baiqiu City again, it might take a long time, and the sword-question meeting was coming soon, I'm afraid Mie Yuan Daoist would not nod.

Moreover, there is no suitable reason to go down the mountain.

"Forget it, there is no rush on this matter, you can wait until the sword-questioning meeting is over before thinking about it slowly."

Master Duo Tian saw Murong Jingyan's worries, and said with a smile: "Since you are just beginning to plan and you have to escort Mie Yuan, old man, I can rest assured."

Seeing that Master Duotian was about to dissipate and leave, Murong Jingyan hurriedly asked the question she wanted to ask the most:

"When will I be able to start contacting the affairs of the building?"

Master Duotian's mist paused, and responded:

"Don't worry, what you have to do now is to seize the opportunity to practice in a low-key way, and you can rest easy only when you are on the Qianlong list."

"At that time, even if you don't want to, the old man will make you gradually take over Duotianlou."

After all, the phantom of Master Duotian disappeared completely, and Murong Jingyan didn't have time to ask the last question.

That is, what is your identity, grandfather.


When they returned to Ziyunchuan, an hour had passed.

In the dead of night, Murong Jingyan saw a silent figure standing in front of Ziyun Pavilion from a distance.


When he got closer, it turned out that Zhu Huan'an was standing with his hands behind his back, playing with the crabapple flowers in front of the pavilion. When he saw Murong Jingyan coming, he nodded slightly and asked:
"Did you go to Mirror Lake?"

"Cough" Murong Jingyan coughed lightly, and walked forward.

"Senior brother knows everything!"

Zhu Huan'an lowered her head, looking at Murong Jing's fresh purple dress, which was even more sticky under the moonlight.
Quickly looking away, Zhu Huan'an looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The red dress was like blood ink under the moonlight, and with the long and narrow black knife at the waist, it added a bit of wildness.

"It seems that your qin sound is also the first glimpse of the door. Have you merged that magic hand with the ancient sound?"

Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, although Zhu Huan'an also knew that she had obtained the secret book of Shang Rong, but she didn't expect that she could easily guess her newly developed Taoism just by looking at the fallen leaves on the ground.

"How is it, is it great?"

Murong Jingyan patted the xylophone behind her as she spoke, and narrowed her eyes:

"Would you like me to play a song for senior brother and perform it?"

Zhu Huan'an chuckled, glanced at Murong Jingyan's fingers and said:

"Your fingertips can hardly be bent, presumably you have practiced all day, you should rest."

Before Murong Jingyan could open his mouth, Zhu Huan'an turned around and walked towards Ziyun Pavilion, waved back and said:

"Come in and tell you something."

 9200 words/1W words, I will make up the difference tomorrow, good night, my family!
  Thank you for the rewards of [Susu's online dating partner], as well as everyone's monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, thank you!
  Love you Moe!
  Ps The next Yuanzhou plot has been conceived for a long time, it will be very interesting

(End of this chapter)

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