Chapter 137

Inside Ziyun Pavilion.

The ancient wooden screen is embroidered with kites flying to the sky, and it looks more and more lifelike under the candlelight. Accompanied by the light rolling of futons, the two sit opposite each other.

"Brother, you won't wait for me for a long time, will you?"

"...Fortunately, it's only three hours."

Murong Jingyan hurriedly held back the yawn that was about to come out when she heard the words, and asked with her head supported.

"But what's the matter?"

On the opposite side of the tea table, Zhu Huan'an's face remained unchanged, but he just took off the black knife and put it aside.

"Can't you visit the same door if you have nothing to do?"

Murong Jingyan smiled smugly, some good people would block the door for several hours to visit.

"Brother, let's be honest, I haven't been looking for me for two months. Naturally, there is something urgent about the sudden visit tonight."

Zhu Huan'an nodded slightly, he put one hand casually on the table, and said bluntly:
"The sect has something to do. I need to go to Yuanzhou. Do you want to come down the mountain with me?"

What, Yuanzhou?

Murong Jingyan was shocked, such a coincidence?

"Why go to Yuanzhou?"

Immediately, Zhu Huan'an recounted what Master Mieyuan had explained. After hearing this, Murong Jingyan suddenly showed a dazed expression, and asked in doubt:
"However, if I go down the mountain with Senior Brother, Master probably won't agree to it."

The corner of Zhu Huan'an's mouth curled into a smile, and he tapped his finger:

"Naturally, Senior Brother Sanyun is here just to inquire about the news, there is no need for you and me to go down the mountain at the same time, the reason why we brought you along is for the Swordsmanship Society."

"Ask the Sword Club?"


Zhu Huan'an looked at the candle, and said unhurriedly: "I broke through the Heavenly Seal before you, and I used the art of war to temper my body day and night and made great progress. At most, I can only break through the second level of the Heavenly Seal before the Sword Quest .”

"As for you"

Zhu Huan'an shook his head: "I'm afraid the two tests will be difficult."

"As for the Sword Quest, it is a trial in the ancient world of gods and demons. It is not a competition between peers, and there is absolutely no fairness at all."

"At that time, there will be a lot of arrogance, and even if you want to stand out in the first level of Tianfeng, it will be difficult to reach the sky. Only the third level of Tianfeng will be eligible to form cliques."

Murong Jingyan immediately understood Zhu Huan'an's meaning: "Brother, you mean that there is a way to raise your cultivation level to the third level of Heaven's Seal before the sword-questioning meeting?"

Zhu Huanan nodded:
"That's right, the Three Levels of Tianfeng can display the image of the ancestral blood and use the power of the ancestral blood, just like the evil saint in Xuancheng, who can suppress several heavenly masters with this ability, which is not the same."

"I know that there is a dangerous place in Yuanzhou that can quickly refine blood, and there is a chance to reach the third pass of Tianfeng."

"Dangerous place?" Murong Jing frowned, if senior brother can tell the dangerous place, it must be very dangerous.

Zhu Huan'an didn't seem to be eager for an answer, but continued to speak:
"I can tell you right now, that place can either break through the three heavenly barriers, or... the foundation is broken, and you may even lose your life."

"If you want to enter the Sword Asking Club with the strongest posture, and you are willing to take risks with me, then come down the mountain with me, if you have concerns."

The sky was about to dawn outside the window in front of him, Zhu Huan'an reached out to pick up the black knife, and slowly got up.

"I'm afraid the old man will ask you right away. If you are worried, just say that you won't go down the mountain, and pretend that I have never been here tonight."

"Whether you come or not, I will go down the mountain to Baiqiu City in three days."

After saying that, Zhu Huan'an turned around and left Ziyun Pavilion, leaving Murong Jingyan alone in front of the screen in a daze.

Heaven seals three levels?

With a long sigh, he collapsed on the tea table, Murong Jingyan held back his tiredness, and began to weigh the pros and cons.

I'm afraid what Zhu Huan'an said is right. Shen Fengchen also said that if he wants to win him over, then it's definitely not as simple as fighting in the arena. The fantasy world of ancient gods and demons.
"From this point of view, only the cultivators of the Three Heavenly Seals will be the protagonists. If not, it will be easy to be regarded as a soft persimmon."

The light in her eyes flickered, Murong Jingyan sat up straight, and after she figured it out, she stopped hesitating.

If this is the case, this time down the mountain, not only can I go to Baiqiu City, inquire about the golden cat, try to get back the things he stole, so as to attract Qin Sheng Shangrong to enter the building, but also have the opportunity to break through the three barriers of Tianfeng and release my own. A big worry.

Moreover, Baiqiu City has Duotianlou's Dharma Guardian envoys, so there is no need to worry about safety, it is better than staying in the abandoned sword villa to practice silently.

After thinking about it, Murong Jingyan got up and walked out of the attic, the little yellow duck fell off her shoulder without paying attention, and Sa Yazi hurriedly followed:

"It's almost dawn, where are you going?"

"Go see Leng Yuan!"

Yuanshi Hall.


Following the exclamation of Master Mieyuan, the second elder next to him couldn't help showing a look of disgust:
"Sect Master, why are you always surprised?"

Master Mieyuan raised his hand to signal him not to talk too much, and asked facing down:

"Jingyan, why do you want to bring someone along?"

Murong Jingyan below, wearing a white robe with red sleeves, bowed and said:
"Return to Master."

"Jingyan thinks that the trip to Yuanzhou is just to find out about the whereabouts of Senior Brother Sanyun. I think that there are many talents in my Abandoned Sword Villa, and any elder from the outer sect is the strength of Tianfeng Liuguan. There is no need for me to go down the mountain with senior brother to take risks. .”

"Since it was assigned to me, I don't think it's just for information. If Jingyan's guess is correct, Senior Brother Sanyun should have been imprisoned in Zhao Prison."

Seeing the two old men looking at each other, the corners of Murong Jingyan's mouth curled up slightly.

Leng Yuan is Hong Chen's daughter, and she felt inexplicably guilty about herself after some lust, so she asked her a lot about Yuanzhou, especially this Zhaoyu Temple.

Her original words were that it was almost impossible to release those locked in, and even if they did, it would be incomplete.

The second elder strokes his beard:
"That's right, according to the news from the third elder, Sanyun was indeed arrested and sent to Zhao Prison."

Murong Jingyan continued to speak, and asked: "Seniors, you have looked for senior brother before, right?"

"I heard that the prisoners in Zhaoyu Temple will be tied with special spar iron chains, which specialize in Daoism. King Kong is indestructible and will not melt when exposed to fire. Brother's knife is a sharp weapon of immortal soldiers. Only this kind of magic weapon can cut it Chains."

"I think the master went to find the senior brother. It should be imagined to bribe the jailer with the benefits, and then use the knife to break the iron chain to rescue the senior brother Scattered Cloud?"

Master Mieyuan's face changed, and the second elder showed admiration:

"It's no wonder that Huan'an praised you for being unparalleled in intelligence, and you actually guessed pretty well."

"Yes, we originally wanted your senior brother to take the treasure and go to Zhaoyu Temple to exchange favors, and see if we can rescue Li Sanyun."

Murong Jingyan looked up:
"Master, Second Elder, I'm afraid this matter is not that simple."

"Let's not talk about whether the jailer is so easy to bribe, but the reason why Senior Brother Sanyun was arrested is still unknown. If you donate treasure rashly, you may be in danger."

"If you want to save people from Zhao Prison, you need to think long-term."

Those words made Mieyuan real person and the second elder fall into deep thought. The two elders lived in the abandoned sword villa for a long time to practice Taoism, and they have not been to the mortal world for many years, so they were quite touched by what Murong Jingyan said.

But Murong Jingyan is more persuasive:

"Therefore, Jingyan would like to ask her master to help her, save Senior Brother Sanyun, and restore the spiritual herbs of the ten thousand disciples in my villa."

"However, if you want to save people, you will probably have to go to Zhao Prison. Jingyan also needs senior brother's knife. After all, the jailer will turn a blind eye at most, and he will not be kind enough to help senior brother Sanyun unlock it."

Master Mieyuan sighed, and finally exchanged glances with the second elder before waving his sleeves and said:
"Forget it, I wanted to let Huan'an experience some experience, but I didn't expect that your singing together would make the old man a little bit hard to get off."

"Since this is the case, you brothers and sisters should go down the mountain together. If you can rescue Li Sanyun, it will be regarded as a first contribution to the sect."

Speaking of this, Master Mieyuan raised his hand, and an object glowing orange-red slowly rose up, flying towards Murong Jingyan.

"This is the True Essence Scale Armor, one of the Master's natal magic weapons."

"If you are attacked, if you mobilize your qi and blood, you will be invulnerable to all methods within a square inch, and you will be invulnerable to swords and guns. Even if you are bombarded with all your strength by a half-sage, you can persist for more than half a day until your teacher arrives."


Master Mieyuan shook his head:

"Don't really get to this point. You should do your best this time down the mountain, and you still need to take care of your own safety."

Murong Jingyan looked at the bastard in her hand, she was overjoyed immediately, she cupped her hands and said:
"Thank you, Master."

"I will do my best to rescue Senior Brother Li Sanyun."

The second elder smiled with satisfaction:
"As for the gift, the old man will give it to Huan'an. If it can be resolved with this, you don't need to handle it. Don't try to be brave."

Murong Jingyan nodded, bowed again and exited Yuanshi Hall.

Outside the Yuanshi Hall, the wind was bright and the air was clear, as he walked down the stone steps slowly, Murong Jingyan's white robe slowly moved like waves, with a tortoise shell thrown in his hand.

The little yellow duck's voice sounded from the bottom of his heart:
"Hey, do you really want to meddle in your own business and save an unimportant person?"

Murong Jingyan's brows stretched, and she said with a sigh:

"Saving people from Zhao Prison? It's not as simple as it is said."

"The reason why I want to enter Zhaoyu Temple is to see if there is a chance to get close to the golden cat, get back the things he stole, and pull Shangrong into Duotianlou, that's what I want."

"Li Sanyun? Save him if you can."

According to what Leng Yuan said, her father really lived in the depths of Zhaoyu Temple all year round, he was very cautious and cold, and he got a very important piece of news.

That is, Hong Chen has a habit of collecting treasures and likes to display them, and Leng Yuan often hears him mention the word secret room.

Watching the egrets flying together in the sky, Murong Jingyan stopped and stood with her hands behind her back.

"If there is a secret room, it must be at the bottom of Zhaoyu Temple."


At the same time, Yuanzhou.

Bai Qiu City.

Somewhere in an inconspicuous dark alley.

The green clothes fluttered, and a beautiful figure wearing a bamboo hat walked into a dilapidated inn. The light inside was dim, and her tone was cold:

"Have you found all the people I'm looking for?"

The innkeeper is a nine-foot-tall man with a scarred face. He walked out from behind the dusty counter, holding a delicate abacus in his huge palm, and said with a sinister smile:
"Miss Long, what you're looking for is an expert who can deal with the Flower Picking Sect, but it's a troublesome matter."

"But if you find me, you can rest assured."

The woman in Tsing Yi nodded, her eyes were full of light:
"These damned bugs"

"They even dare to steal from my aunt and grandma, I will make them die!"

Scarface narrowed his eyes, hehe echoed:

"Got it!"

 There is one more chapter, it should be published before the turn of the clock
  Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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