How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 139 Level 138 I Wish You Success

Chapter 139 Level 138 I Wish You Success
The red sun disappeared in the sky, but the sky was not dimmed, and was illuminated by bright lights again.

Baiqiu City was full of voices, like a city that never sleeps, with shouts and melodies intertwined, making it extremely lively.

The inner city boulevard was full of people, and the fire trees and silver flowers on both sides of the street were spread to the end, as if the road leading to the world was boundless, even more than ten riders stepped forward, and the surrounding vendors seemed to be commonplace.

Murong Jingyan was sitting on the back of the horse, she couldn't be attracted by the scenery.

Looking up, there are many tall buildings and huge towers in Baiqiu City, straight into the thin clouds, and the figure of the dancing girl can be seen faintly spinning under the first moonlight, which is a beautiful view on a good day, which attracts people to linger.

"Is this the giant city?"

Murong Jingyan seemed to be seeing the world for the first time, the population in this city alone was hard to count, one can imagine how prosperous the Dayan Dynasty was.

Zhu Huan'an at the back also looked up at the sky with thoughtful eyes.

At this moment, a cavalryman suddenly turned his head in front of him: "Master, there are people blocking the way ahead."

Murong Jingyan followed his words and saw a woman in Tsing Yi on the street ahead who landed in the middle of the road, as if she was fighting something.

Um?That thing seems to be a .

The golden armored knight in front of Murong Jingyan spoke calmly:

"Heh, in Baiqiu City, they are fighting openly and dare to block the way of the official cavalry."

"Rush over!"

Raising her eyebrows, Murong Jingyan couldn't help feeling that Yuanzhou was worthy of being an important place for the imperial court. The cavalry's cultivation was at least heavenly, and the horses under their crotches were all strange beasts wearing Taoist armor.

If the two monks in front of them crushed together, if they dared not avoid them, they would definitely be trampled into flesh.

When the cavalry roared towards them, the woman in Tsing Yi still stood in the middle of the road without dodging, as if she wanted to take something out of her arms, but the dwarf noticed it and quickly retreated to the side of the road.

Murong Jingyan could already foresee the fate of the woman in Tsing Yi, but at this moment, his pupils shrank slightly, and he could see the woman's appearance clearly.


Shouting, Murong Jingyan patted the Golden Armored Knight's shoulder:

"Save this woman!"

The knight in golden armor nodded when he heard the words. As Bai Qiu's defenders, they had strict military orders, and immediately slapped the spear on the horse's belly and pointed it at the dwarf by the roadside.

The rest of the cavalry also followed his movements, and saw that the cavalrymen stretched out their spears at the same time, and more than a dozen golden winds shot out at the same time, which caught the dwarf off guard and could not be avoided.

Scarface and his group who had just chased out from the alley just happened to encounter this scene, and their faces changed drastically. They hurriedly pretended to be okay, and walked back quickly with their shoulders crossed.

The cavalry just stopped a foot in front of the woman in Tsing Yi, with their horseshoes raised high, covering the sky and the sun, but they didn't let the woman in front of them back half a step.

Chen Xiangling felt a little dizzy at the moment, seeing the entangled group of people recede with a smile on their lips, glanced at the group of Baiqiu cavalry in front of them, and was about to turn around and leave.


"Being rescued, don't you even say thank you?"

Suddenly, a cold question came into her ears.

Chen Xiangling, who had just lifted his foot, was a little displeased. He took out the token of Yandu Mansion that he hadn't had time to take out just now, put it in the palm of his hand, turned his head and said:
"Do you know who my aunt is? It's only natural for you to save me?"

Before she finished speaking, her voice gradually lowered.

Behind the golden armored general, half of the mask slowly protruded. It was white and strange, with an inexplicable smile, but the eyes behind the mask were clear, which made her feel very familiar.


She opened her mouth tentatively, but saw Murong Jingyan put a finger to her mouth slowly, signaling her not to say more.

"Look at you girl, you are out of your mind, why don't you come with me."

Chen Xiangling smiled, put away the token, and took two steps forward to pat the horse's neck: "That's how it is."

"That's work."

The cavalry continued to march forward, and soon sent the three of them to a quiet shogunate in the city.

There are green lions sitting in front of the mansion, and there are front halls and backyards, fish ponds and lotus ponds inside. There is a music hall separated by a wall, and the faint sound of silk and bamboo can be heard faintly.

The golden armored knight cupped his fists and bowed:

"Princess, this mansion was taken care of yesterday, and it is still clean. If there is no dissatisfaction, the general will vacate it first."

"My lord has something to say, and I will call the princess to talk about it in a short time."

Murong Jingyan nodded, calmly replied:

"Understood, step back."

After the cavalry retreated and closed the door intimately, Murong Jingyan let out a long breath, this is the treatment a young master deserves!

Not far away, Chen Xiangling took Jiedu Powder and was squatting by the fish pond to relax, while Zhu Huan'an was pacing on the stone corridor above the pond, looking around the elegant mansion.

"Junior Sister, do you have official relatives in Baiqiu City?"

Murong Jingyan followed up, coughed lightly and said what he had thought up on the horse:

"Not relatives."

"It's my father's former close friend. This uncle is an official in Baiqiu City, so it's more convenient."

Zhu Huan'an nodded, looking behind Murong Jingyan: "Then who is she?"

Turning around, Murong Jingyan was taken aback. Chen Xiangling had already run behind her at some point, poking her head to eavesdrop:
"Ayan, you are really safe and sound!?"

"I didn't make things difficult for you. I seemed to see Shen on the night before I escaped, huh?"

Murong Jingyan quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, then turned to look at Zhu Huan'an who was full of confusion:
"Senior brother, go shopping around first, I'll have something to say to her!"

After saying that, Murong Jingyan dragged Chen Xiangling into the house, seeing that Zhu Huan'an didn't follow, she looked at Chen Xiangling again.

"Miss Chen, I have helped you twice, don't take revenge."

"It's a secret that I went to Fengqi Mountain to help you, don't let others know."

Chen Xiangling immediately understood, sat at the table and said with a smile:

"Ayan, I've been wondering why you want to help me recently. After thinking about it, that guy Qian Rong must have asked you to do this."

"But you are definitely not his subordinate, otherwise Gan Rong will definitely call you around."

"You are so mysterious, where did you come from?"

Murong Jingyan took off her mask when she heard the words, Chen Xiangling's voice stopped abruptly, and she even straightened her sitting posture.

And Murong Jingyan turned her head, raised her hand and tapped lightly on the table:

"As you can see, I'm just a little princess."

"It's you, Miss Chen, why are you still being hunted down in Baiqiu City?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiangling suddenly showed a sullen expression: "When you talk about this, you will get angry, Ayan, let me tell you."

In this way, Murong Jingyan listened to the anecdote of the two sticks of incense inexplicably. After Chen Xiangling finished speaking, her tone was indignant:
"Why did I get out of Fengqi Mountain? If I don't reveal my identity, why can't I meet a good person!?"

"I thought it would be better if I entered Baiqiu City. I wanted to make some noise, but in the end I was exhausted on the way to get the Flower Picking Sect for the past few days."

"Let's not even mention it today, I've met black people again, alas"

The corner of Murong Jingyan's mouth twitched slightly, she took a sip of tea and said quietly, "Xiang Ling, it's not that you can't meet good people."

"It's that there are too many people who are worse than you. If you change your mind, you are a little worse."

"Wouldn't there be more good people?"

Chen Xiangling clapped her hands when she heard the words, and pointed at Murong Jingyan: "You are right, that's what I thought."

"From now on, I don't want to be a chivalrous woman, I want to be a female devil, and I also want to be black and white!"

"Ayan, do you think I have the demeanor of a female devil?"

Murong Jingyan choked on a sip of tea, raised her hand to stop Chen Xiangling who wanted to pat her back, and coughed lightly:

"It's... hard to say."

"Every row is like a mountain, I wish you success."

Chen Xiangling was encouraged and smiled, and asked curiously:
"By the way, what are you doing in Baiqiu City?"



Murong Jingyan didn't go into details, she just came to investigate a chamber of commerce case, and Chen Xiangling's eyes lit up when she heard the words:

"My lady is also idle when she is idle, why don't you go together."

"No matter what the Ministry of Punishment says, I have to give my father face, maybe I can help you save this Li Sanyun."

"Since Ayan can command those official cavalry just now, it's no problem to help me deal with the Flower Picking Sect!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Murong Jingyan made a hush gesture and reminded: "It's my brother, don't say anything later."


"Then what I just said?"

Clearing his throat, Murong Jingyan waved his hands: "We are in a hurry, I don't think we have extra time to help you deal with that Flower Picking Sect."

"Besides, today's cavalry is not something I can mobilize."

"Why don't we talk about it next time?"

Chen Xiangling stood up, pouted and said, "Tsk tsk, are you driving me away?"

"Let's stay in this mansion for two days at the head office. If you think about it, Ayan, just tell me."

"I'm much better than you think."

Murong Jingyan was noncommittal, watched Chen Xiangling off and walked out the door.

Rescuing Chen Xiangling was just a matter of little effort, she was the daughter of the Jiedu Envoy, and the favor of the Jiedu Envoy can be called expensive, I didn't expect Chen Xiangling to be so rebellious, but he was such a naive person.

But Murong Jingyan doesn't have the energy to help her deal with some minions, the flower-picking sect?

It sounds like some low-level hooligans.

It's better to do the two important things first, and then go to the dangerous place that the senior brother said to break through, which is the most important thing.

Chen Xiangling pushed open the wooden door, and behind the door was the tall figure of Zhu Huan'an.

She froze for a moment, and after the two of them met their eyes, Chen Xiangling walked aside, Zhu Huan'an subconsciously hissed, and went into the wing staring at her abnormally.

It wasn't until Murong Jingyan clapped his hands next to his ears that Zhu Huan'an came back to his senses.

Following Zhu Huan'an's gaze, Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Why, brother, is it love at first sight?"

"I can't move my eyes."

Zhu Huan'an frowned slightly, and turned to look at Murong Jingyan:
"What are you talking about for so long?"

"Damn, long time no see friend."

"My friend. I think that although this woman's behavior is casual, she has the style of the sect with her gestures and temperament. Her origin must be unusual."

Murong Jingyan nodded, after all, she is the daughter of Yanzhou Jiedushi and the saint of Tianxian Valley. After running away from home in adolescence, she was chased and killed by thieves in Baiqiu City. Who will believe it.


Zhu Huanan opened his mouth, raised his hand and pinched an envelope:

"When you closed the door just now, someone sent you a letter."

 Keep going

  Oh, by the way, didn’t there be a saying yesterday? I see that everyone started talking about it. In fact, the brother felt that he didn’t understand Murong Jingyan well enough. It’s a normal person’s behavior. You don’t need to take it too seriously~
(End of this chapter)

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