How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 140 What is Effective Bribery

Chapter 140 What is Effective Bribery

Murong Jingyan quickly snatched the letter, Zhu Huan'an let out a light snort and shook her head:

"Why are you so afraid that I'll look at it?"

Walking outside the hall, he gently tore off the letter paper, Murong Jingyan glanced at it through the dim light of the thin window, and it was indeed a letter from Yuanzhou Dharma Protector.

In the letter, there is only one time and place.

"It is"

Murong Jingyan's eyes blinked, even though she knew that the Dharma Protector must be in a high position, she didn't expect him to be here.


Yuanzhou is sunny in the early morning, and the night always passes quietly in the morning tide and evening tide.
Early the next morning, the door of the mansion was pushed open.

The ginkgo blossoms on the street are bathed in the spring rain, and the breeze gently blows through the trees in the rain. The vendors have retreated to the eaves, and the shouting is much quieter today.

The streets and alleys were foggy in the rain, and the two walked on the bluestone slabs.

Murong Jingyan was holding a bowl of Baiqiu City's unique rice rolls in her hand, she gently lifted the mask, and ate it.

I didn't wake up Chen Xiangling specifically, just to hurry up and go to the city to do business.

Behind him, Zhu Huan'an held a huge paper umbrella with one hand, looked at Murong Jing's face with relish, shook his head and said:

"Why don't you finish eating under the eaves, do you have to eat it?"

Murong Jingyan swallowed the last mouthful of powder, turned her head and said with a smile: "You don't understand."

"In my hometown, it's the way to eat breakfast while walking!"

Zhu Huanan clicked his tongue:
"After eating, it's time to do things for the old man and the others."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan put down the food box and also held up a small cloud-pattern umbrella, nodded and said: "Let's go according to the original plan."

"Brother, go to the Sanyun Chamber of Commerce and ask the nearby store why Senior Brother Sanyun was arrested and sent to Zhao Prison."

"I'll go to Zhaoyu Temple to see if there is any possibility of accommodation."

Zhu Huan'an nodded, and said before leaving:

"Remember, don't reveal our identities first. It's okay if the Ministry of Punishment is only going to the Sanyun Chamber of Commerce. If it's coming from the Abandoned Sword Villa, you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, we'll meet later."

Zhu Huan'an didn't answer the words, and walked into the rain. Murong Jingyan rolled her eyes and walked in the opposite direction.

"Zhao prison."

Baiqiu City covers thousands of miles, it can be described as vast, but in a certain part of the East City, it is inaccessible, and even the buildings are much lower.

Instead, it is a dungeon that makes monks all over the world change their faces. The whole body is made of cold holy ruins limestone and East China Sea iron chains, which can eliminate Taoism and suppress blood.

Here is the prison of the Ministry of punishment:

Zhaoyu Temple.

Zhaoyu Temple looks like countless temples of heaven connected together, and there are not many guards on the ground, because no one has broken into the place for thousands of years.

The underground prison is crisscross, with nine floors in total. The lower you go, the more mysterious the origins of the prisoners are. dead king.
The most frightening part of Zhao Prison is the killing array in the nine-story dungeon, which was set up by Xingsi's first commander in person, and has been maintained for thousands of years, and its power has not diminished but increased.

The Saint Execution Formation on the first floor alone can isolate saints. It is rumored that if the nine-fold formation is launched at once, even immortals will be defeated here.

Murong Jingyan got out of the car slowly, threw a tael of silver to the driver, and asked:

"Master, if someone is imprisoned in Zhao Prison, can they still be fished out?"

"Hey! How can it be!"

The coachman smiled happily when he got the money, but then said with a serious face: "Miss, but some relatives have been imprisoned?"

"Tell me, once you get in, don't think about finding it again. This place is very evil. If the girl gets in the car and returns, I'll charge you half of the money for going back."

Murong Jingyan waved her hand to signal the coachman to leave, and then walked towards the Temple of Heaven in the distance.

Looking around, the temples of heaven rise one after another, but fortunately, there is still such a great hall among the thousands of gray tiles, so that it is not completely lost.

Murong Jingyan raised her feet and walked towards the main hall, taking out some of the 'bribe' given by Mie Yuan Daoist.

It was a cyan gift box, and when it was opened, there were three fragrant jars inside.

Inside the jar is the Stepping Pill that can only be refined by Zhongzhou Dazong. It is specially prepared for the monks who have passed the three passes of the Heavenly Seal.

The Eighth Elder of the Abandoned Sword Villa is a great master of alchemy, and the gift of Dengtai Dan is not a cut of meat for the Abandoned Sword Villa, but it is worth a lot of money to put it in three cans.

"Could it be possible to save people by bribery?"

Murong Jingyan covered the gift box and walked up the stone steps in a leisurely manner. If these elixir can be used as a stepping stone, then everything will be easy.

As for the other treasures prepared by the master, they must not be taken out all at once. After all, the king of Hades is easy to see, and the little devil is difficult to deal with. The benefits have to be squeezed out bit by bit.

These are all lessons from previous lives.

There were no guards blocking the way outside the hall, and upon entering the main hall, there was a prescription table under the hall, behind the table was a potbellied red-robed official, and in front of the table were scattered people talking about something.

A soldier came forward, looked at Murong Jing's face and asked:

"You also came to see the judge?"

Murong Jingyan realized that the judge in his mouth was the red-robed official's house not far away, and he hurriedly bowed and said:

"It is indeed important to ask to see the judge."

"What's the matter?"

Murong Jingyan spoke in a high-pitched tone, afraid that the red-robed officials in the distance would not hear: "The thing is like this, a friend of mine was arrested and sent to Zhao Prison. He has always been honest and honest. I'm afraid there may be some misunderstanding in it. I heard that the judge is fair. Yan Ming, I thought about it."

"My lord!!!!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden shrill scream, causing Murong Jingyan to look sideways.

It turned out that an old man in front of the stage was lying on the stage, crying bitterly:
"My lord, my grandson was really wronged, how could he write words to deliberately insult the Holy One!?"

"Just ask Dongcheng, who doesn't know that he is the most stupid by nature, he can't read a single big character, and he was wronged to write a thousand-character long essay. Zhaoyu Temple must have a conscience when arresting people!"

The gavel fell, and the fat judge sternly said:
"How decent is it to cry and make noise at an old age!?"

"Illiteracy is not the same as being unable to write. Come here, let me put him in a dungeon and lock him up with his grandson!"

While Murong Jingyan was stunned, the old man was dragged down.

It's okay, it's okay, I'm also a relative of the emperor, so I still have a little face.

"My lord!!!"

Before Murong Jingyan regained his composure, there was another exclamation from the hall, causing him to turn his head to look.

This time it was a middle-aged nobleman who came out, he cupped his hands and said:
"I am the grandson of King Pei of Jianzhou. My wife is a Taoist. I don't know the royal etiquette. Although I have seriously injured the high officials of the court, I feel regretful."

"Can you ask my lord to look at my grandfather's face and show mercy outside the law!"

This time the gavel fell even more fiercely, and the judge raised his finger and pointed at the soldier next to him:

"Come on! Catch him!"

"As a collateral lineage of the royal family, I connive at cultivators to kill the court officials, and I am still here to ask for favors outside the law. I will rush to the dungeon. I will see if King Pei will come to ask for it in person!"

Seeing that the middle-aged man resisted and was finally dragged out with disheveled hair and impotent roar, Murong Jingyan finally swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

King Pei doesn't know how important it is, but at least he is still alive, his status is definitely not enough!

Sure enough, this Yuanzhou does not welcome cultivators. Fortunately, there is a last resort.

That is.
"grown ups!!!"

At this moment, the last woman in the audience stepped forward. She was in good shape, and even though the two in front were dragged out, she could still say confidently with a smile on her face:
"My younger brother didn't know etiquette a few days ago. Although he ran into the messenger, there were no casualties."

"My little girl has some brocades here. They are peerless brocades from the Liu family in Yuanzhou. One piece can shock the market price. Today I want to give you three pieces as a gift. Could you please give my little girl some face?"

This time the gavel was thrown directly to the ground, the fat judge stood up and supported the table and said:

"Delaying the messenger is a capital offense!"

"You want me to be guilty of the same crime? Take your rags and get out, no"

"Bribe the officer? Come, press me into the dungeon, and I will interrogate myself!"

After finishing speaking, the woman was escorted away by the armored soldiers amidst screams, and the hall was finally restored to its short-term cleanliness.

"Hoo hoo. It really kills me."

"Test me with a few rags?"

After finishing speaking, his eyes suddenly glanced at the stunned Murong Jingyan at the side of the main hall.

"What about you, what are you here for?"

Being so sudden, Murong Jingyan came back to her senses, and immediately raised her hand and pointed her fingers in a stammering manner:



Seeing the judge in red staring at the blue gift box in her hand, Murong Jingyan immediately changed her words:

"I am the owner of Yunli County in Yazhou."

"I happened to come to Baiqiu City to visit relatives. I heard that Zhaoyu Temple was working hard and had little time to practice, so I thought of bringing some good elixir to reward everyone."

As Murong Jingyan said that, she opened the gift box and took out the medicine jar, and the surrounding soldiers surrounded her curiously upon seeing this.

"Come on, come on, you're welcome, one can per person, not one per person!"

"I still have to leave one can for the magistrate. It is really hard for you to be disturbed every day."

The soldiers around also saw the extraordinaryness of this stage pill, they were all amazed, they immediately looked at Murong Jingyan with admiration and were full of praise.

"Hey~ In the imperial court, we are all our own people."

The fat judge looked at this scene and finally showed a smile. This is called doing business.

"Come on, present the officer's share."


After Murong Jingyan walked out of the hall, she wiped the cold sweat off her forehead.

After distributing the elixir, the red-clothed judge made an exception and chatted with himself, saying that it was absolutely impossible to ask for mercy, but it was a surprise that he could be lenient when visiting the prison.

It seems that taking bribes and letting people go is not going to work.

Fortunately, I came here by myself. If someone else came, I am afraid that I have already changed into prison uniforms and prepared to provide food and shelter.

"However, I don't have to give my face, but someone else's face must be given."

Murong Jingyan raised her head to look at the sky, after the calculation, the hour should be about the same.

Walking out of Zhaoyu Temple, I didn't expect that the coachman hadn't left yet.

"Girl, you can really come out!"

"Don't talk nonsense, do you want to go?"

"Go, of course, where does the girl want to go?"

"City Lord's Mansion!"

 I'm stupid, what's the name of the first two chapters? Haha
(End of this chapter)

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