How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 141 To be, or not to be

Chapter 141 To be, or not to be

Bai Qiu City.

In the middle of the hinterland, the Wang Tower rises high, and the eaves reach up to the sky, which seems to break through the clouds and embrace the moon. It is the most magnificent building in the city.

Juque, formerly known as Zhaixing Pavilion, was built under the supervision of the first chief minister of Xingsi with the posture of an immortal.

Things have changed in the vicissitudes of life, immortals are a thing of the past, and the gatehouse of Zhaixing Pavilion has also been changed.

Now it is Baiqiu City Lord's Mansion.

Murong Jingyan rubbed her neck with her hands, looked up at the blue high sky, and at this moment there was faint starlight.

Baiqiu City is too vast, half a day has passed since I arrived here in a carriage from the east side of Zhaoyu Temple, seeing that it was getting dark, Murong Jingyan walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"You hour has come, it's time."

Sure enough, after Murong Jingyan came to the front of the city lord's mansion, dozens of guards in armor and armor in front of the steps did not respond, only one person turned sideways, Murong Jingyan cupped his hands and said:

"Yunli, please see the city lord."

Speaking of Murong Jingyan showing her jade plaque, the soldier understood, cupped his hands and said:

"Princess, please wait a moment."

I saw him turn around and gently raise his hand.

A handful of blue dust rose from the palm of his hand, then scattered more and more, and floated into the attic behind him.

The moment the dust crystal came into contact with the attic, a gorgeous and deep halo rippled like water, rising from the bottom up to the sky, and the entire city lord's mansion was filled with dense stars.

Then, as if Jiuxiao Chenxing felt it, he fell from the top of the city lord's mansion.

Murong Jingyan couldn't help opening her arms, letting the starlight wrap her around her, and then she rose into the sky, the figures under her feet gradually became smaller, and she seemed to be flying away to the moon.

As the air became thinner, one could have a panoramic view of Baiqiu City from a bird's-eye view. The lights stretched to the horizon, and finally a black silhouette could be seen.

That's where the walls are.

Murong Jingyan lamented that this feeling was wonderful, when she was taken to the Dou Motai by the old man Mie Yuan, she could only hear the whistling wind.

The body is like a flying mallard, seeing all the lakes and mountains, the sun, the moon and the stars, is this the feeling of flying into the sky?

Soon, Murong Jingyan was wrapped by the starlight and came to the highest place of the City Lord's Mansion, and the starlight also exploded suddenly, turning into a sky filled with starlight.

Looking up, I saw a huge round of moon stretching across the top of my head, like a fairy ring behind the Star Picking Tower, full and round.

Murong Jingyan couldn't help but shrugged her shoulders, it really made sense that the heights were extremely cold.

It's the vernal equinox in the city, but the roof of the pavilion is like biting winter, Murong Jingyan walked up the wooden steps, faintly could hear the faint sound of flute from above.

The white curtain shook, and the cold fire was desolate.

The top of the huge Zhaixing Pavilion was actually covered with pear blossoms, and at this moment there was a figure playing the flute under the moonlight.

Its back is thin and thin, but it carries a dusty air, even if it has never been played, Murong Jingyan can still be attracted by it in the pear blossoms at a glance.

The sound of the flute stopped suddenly, and a gentle voice came out leisurely:

"But the young master is here?"

Murong Jingyan immediately took a few steps forward, just as she was about to clasp her fists, she remembered her identity, she just nodded and said:


"Your Excellency is the Lord of Baiqiu City?"

Hearing this, the man put the bamboo flute in his hand into the cloth bag he carefully prepared, and his tone was still so gentle:
"Yes or no."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and looked at Murong Jingyan with a smile on his face.

Murong Jingyan's eyes under the mask were a little surprised, he didn't expect City Lord Baiqiu to be such a handsome man.

Different from the Jiedu envoy Chen Cang, Chen Cang's complexion is past middle age, but he has a pair of stubborn eyes like a boy.

But the Baiqiu City Lord in front of him has a face like a crown of jade, as if he is in a weak crown, but his eyes can't hide the vicissitudes and fatigue.

"Who I am depends on"

"Young Master"

After all, City Lord Bai Qiu stuffed the bamboo flute into his sleeve, and following his actions, Murong Jingyan appeared in the City Lord's Mansion in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the magnificent sun and moon table in front of her, and the Pixiu lamps on the four walls, the bright lights made Murong Jing's face a little dazzled.

what happened?

"This is a supernatural power: stealing the sky and changing the sun?"

"I didn't expect the ancestral blood of that thing to exist in the world. It's really strange. It should have been immortal before."

Suddenly the little yellow duck's voice sounded from the bottom of his heart, although it was just a few sentences, it made Murong Jingyan feel more powerful about the strength of Bai Qiu's city lord in front of him.

City Lord Baiqiu was sitting next to the Liangyi table at the moment, he patted the table lightly with his hand, and the black pool and white pool on the table also had ripples, like stars and moon intertwined, it was extremely miraculous.

"Young master, please sit down."

Murong Jingyan took the opportunity to sit down, although the Baiqiu City Lord in front of him greeted him with a smile and a soft tone, but Murong Jingyan still felt a bit of pressure.

For a moment, it was rare to seem a little cramped.

After all, Baiqiu City is the third largest city in Dayan, and it is also the same as Zhongzhou. It is the only state that has not been governed by Jiedushi, which shows that Yuanzhou is special.

The prison of the Ministry of Justice is established here, and the prosperity of the business road is enough to control the lifeline of Dayan. The status of Baiqiu City is detached. To have the ability to be the city lord, not only the talent for strategizing, but also the super strength is required to sit in the city.

Therefore, the lord of a city is just like the Jiedu envoy of Yanzhou, and he is a second-rank official of the imperial court.

This kind of people
Why, would you really be willing to be used by Duotianlou?

"The young master seems to have a lot of puzzles."

Seeing that Murong Jingyan hesitated slightly, City Master Bai Qiu spoke again, although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were full of fatigue.

"I don't know yet, why did the young master come to my Baiqiu City?"

Hearing City Lord Baiqiu's inquiry, Murong Jingyan coughed lightly, neither held it up nor acted coquettishly, and said in the tone of a junior:

"Dharma Protector, Jingyan came to Baiqiu City this time, and she asked for two things."

"The first thing is, I am now in the Abandoned Sword Villa, and I have already occupied one of the places in the Sword Asking Club."

"Recently, I received an entrustment to come to Baiqiu City to rescue a former disciple of Abandoned Sword Villa."

Then Murong Jingyan told everything he knew about the Sanyun Chamber of Commerce, and City Lord Baiqiu listened to the whole process without saying a word, and just asked:
"So this Li Sanyun has been imprisoned in Zhao Prison?


Murong Jingyan asked: "I don't know the Dharma Protector, but there is a good plan to help me rescue Li Sanyun."

To Murong Jingyan's surprise, City Lord Bai Qiu just smiled, raised his hand and said:
"Before that, the young master might as well talk about the second thing first."

While Murong Jingyan was chatting freely in the city lord's mansion, a group of people from the south gate of Baiqiu city also entered the city.

As the night fell, Baiqiu City was supposed to be closed, but it was opened tonight as an exception.

It's just because the first two people are wearing purple-red demon-suppressing robes, their beards and hair are white, and their gazes are so unbelievable that one dare not look directly at them, as if they can see mountains of corpses and seas of blood through those cold eyes.

This kind of attire is exactly the powerhouse of Dayan Fulong Division.

But the more reason is because behind the two masters of the Fulong Division, the people and horses are all in blue armor and white capes, with blue feathers on their shoulders, and anyone with eyesight can see their origins.

The Fulong Division clears the way, and the Lanzhou Heavenly Soldiers sit in charge.

Only the Shen family.

 Mossy, mossy!
  Relatives came to the house today, some things were delayed, the second update will be posted later, if it is too late, it will be made up tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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