How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 142 Are you sure?

Chapter 142 Are you sure?
In the City Lord's Mansion, the Liangyi glass table exudes a halo of water waves, reflecting the two people beside the table like gods and men.

City Lord Bai Qiu looked calm and listened quietly.

On the opposite side of the table, Murong Jingyan kept her eyes fixed, and with her thin lips slightly parted, she narrated about Hong Chen.

"The young master's intention is to take back a treasure from that Hong Chen, and use it as a bargaining chip to win over Shang Rong."

After Murong Jingyan's words fell, City Lord Bai Qiu opened his mouth leisurely, his eyes revealing a thoughtful look.

I saw him stroking his smooth jaw, pointing and saying:
"Let's talk about the first thing first, go to Zhaoyu Temple to rescue Li Sanyun"

"Forgive me for not being able to do it for the young master."

Murong Jingyan was astonished, the owner of Baiqiu City is the second-rank official of the imperial court, if it is convenient for Zhaoyu Temple, would Zhaoyu Temple have the guts to refuse?
As if seeing Murong Jingyan's mood, the corner of Bai Qiu City Lord's mouth slightly twitched, and said with a smile:

"I'm afraid the young master will be disappointed. Zhaoyu Temple is directly under the emperor's control. Those imprisoned are all imperial court prisoners. They are hunted and killed by the third division. No one can interfere."

"The reason why the first emperor appointed me as the Lord of Baiqiu City is because I am a loyal and upright official. The Baiqiu City is also regarded as clean and honest, and there are few officials who protect each other."

"Besides, the landlord has an order to make me go as usual, so if I plead for the young master's order, it will inevitably attract suspicion, and it is hard to guarantee that it will not be heard in the ears of the sage, and my plan will be ruined."

After listening to Bai Qiu City Lord's words, Murong Jingyan understood somewhat, but
Be loyal. ?
What the hell are you talking about loyalty when you have taken refuge in Duotianlou?

"In that case."


City Lord Baiqiu interrupted Murong Jingyan's words, and with a light wave of his hand, the starlight gathered on the glazed table, unexpectedly condensed into the embryonic form of Zhaoyu's dungeon, densely packed like an ant's nest.

"The interior of Zhao Prison is complicated. If the young master is determined to rescue this person, he must send someone to enter Zhao Prison first to find out where this person is being held."

"Secondly, one more thing is needed to enter Zhao Prison."

The Zhaoyu Dungeon suddenly dissipated, and then gathered together into a token:

"This is the prison token, and only those who hold this token can visit the prison normally."

Murong Jingyan smiled noncommittally, she had already bribed the fat judge, so there was no need for this so-called prison token.

This Zhao prison looks really complicated. If you don't know in advance which area Li Sanyun is in, it's hard to guarantee that you will be like a headless chicken.

Just when Murong Jingyan wanted to inquire, City Lord Bai Qiu spoke again unhurriedly.

He made the seal with his hands, and the starlight gathered into a figure again. This person had a cold face, a hooked nose and slack eyes, and he looked like a ruthless character.

"Golden cat, Hong Chen."

"As far as I know, although this person is only a semi-saint, he is highly valued by the emperor. He has been ordered to carry out secret orders all year round, and his whereabouts are very mysterious."

Murong Jingyan couldn't help wiping off her sweat, it's worth not doing this task.

City Lord Bai Qiu continued:

"However, he made too many enemies in his early years. According to my secret report, most of Hong Chen is recuperating at the bottom of Zhaoyu Temple now. He has not left the retreat for at least ten years."

"As for what the young master said, he stole Shang Rong's treasure, but there are traces to follow."

Murong Jingyan's ears perked up, and she immediately possessed herself and said, "Dharma Protector, please explain in detail."

City Lord Bai Qiu smiled slightly, closed his eyes and said:
"When Hong Chen returned to the imperial court, when he was sent to Baiqiu City as an errand, he showed his kindness to this official and showed me his secret treasure room."

"It's indeed a dazzling array. In addition to all kinds of magic treasures, calligraphy and paintings, there are also many personal treasures of famous and powerful people, and most of them belong to female cultivators."

"As we all know, this official is not a secular person, so I haven't looked at it much."

"Wait." Murong Jingyan said, and asked:

"Where is the secret room?"

"Deep in Zhaoyu Temple, eight floors underground."


Murong Jingyan swallowed, the eighth floor of Zhaoyu Temple?

"The Dharma Envoy can do something."

"If you want to enter Hong Chen's secret room, you have to try to enter Zhao Prison first. I can give the terrain of Zhao Prison to the young master, as for the others."

City Lord Bai Qiu waved his hand to disperse the starlight in front of him, and slightly nodded at Murong Jingyan:
"The landlord has an order, and forgive me for the time being to clean up and preserve my strength."

A look of disappointment flashed across Murong Jingyan's eyes.

Originally thought that with the help of City Master Baiqiu, the matter would be solved easily, but in the end, he still had to do it himself.

City Lord Bai Qiu stood up on his knees, and slowly walked towards the direction outside the building:

"If the young master has no other important matters to ask, I will have a distinguished guest in a while."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan didn't stay any longer, nodded and got up.

At least he has obtained some information, and with a map of Zhao Prison in his hand, whether he is going to rescue Li Sanyun or go to the hidden treasure room below, he is like a fish in water.

Alas, the skyscrapers rise from the ground, and the glory can only depend on oneself.

Do it then!

"Dharma protector."

City Lord Bai Qiu looked back, he was obviously elegant, but he couldn't hide the coquettishness in his bones.

"Young master, what else is there?"

"Send me downstairs."


With the falling of the stars, the city lord's mansion was empty again, only the white curtain was shaking, lonely and deserted.

City Lord Bai Qiu stepped out and appeared on the high platform. White pear blossoms flew one after another, showing romance under the full moon covering the sky. The moonlight shone on his shoulders like a layer of silver frost.

The smile in his eyes disappeared in an instant as Murong Jingyan left.

Only thinking and indifference remain.

"Pass down the order and tell the people in Zhaoyu Temple that no matter what the reason is in the past few days, they are not allowed to give convenience to others without authorization, and let people visit the prison. Anyone who violates the order."

"I personally ask to beheaded."

It was dark and silent, and after a few breaths, a thin voice responded:
"My lord, why don't you help the young master of Duotianlou?"

City Lord Bai Qiu raised his hand, gently pulled out a bamboo flute from his sleeve, and said without looking back:
"A map of Zhao Prison is enough to make things happen."

"If it doesn't work, it's just a name to come to Duotianlou. I still need to think about how to proceed."

In the darkness, the voice continued to speak, with the intention of asking:

"Then what my lord said just now, he just wants to send away the young master of Duotianlou, or"

Upon hearing the words, City Lord Bai Qiu looked in the direction of the south gate, with doubts in his tone:

"Hehe. There are really distinguished guests here."

"Fulong Division."

"Who is from the Shen family again?"

He put the flute to his lips, and glanced behind him: "Today, you talk a lot."


It was dark and silent, but there seemed to be a shadow piercing the dark sky, and it flew towards the direction of Zhaoyu Temple.

And in the south of Baiqiu City, there was a person walking in the streets and alleys.

"My lord, you really need to control this pair of rouge."

"Unparalleled on Moshang!"

"This is the best product in my Yuanzhou. It will definitely make her smile and love it if I keep it for my female relatives."

The swordsman in red stopped, gently picked up the box of rouge, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Are you sure?"

 Keep going!
(End of this chapter)

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