How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 143 Who Should I Give It To?

Chapter 143 Who Should I Give It To?
The south of Baiqiu City can be said to be the busiest place in the city.

Strange merchants and scholars from Dayan all gather here, and there is a lot of traffic, day and night.

Whether it is the magic weapon of Taoism in Yanzhou, the exquisite food in Hangzhou, or the precious calligraphy and paintings in Qianzhou, the most famous things in each state can be bought here, and they are all the best!
It can be said that it is a square market where you can buy all the rare treasures in the world.

Zhu Huan'an put the rouge on the tip of his nose and sniffed it lightly, then looked at the proprietress who looked hopeful.

"What do you call this thing?"

"Unparalleled on Moshang!"

The proprietress clapped her hands, took the rouge and put it in the palm of her hand:
"As the saying goes, Yan Ruyu on Moshang is unparalleled in the world, and if you give it to Yan Ruyu, you will be unparalleled in the world, right?"

The orange-haired swordsman in front of me looks like a good-looking talent, and he is a rich man without thinking. It is rare for a big head who comes to my rouge shop to look like this.

"Of course, there are better ones in my small shop, such as this one: Golden Sparrow, which is carved by a famous Jiangnan master, and it is several times more precious than Moshang Wushuang!"

Zhu Huan'an let out a sigh of relief when he heard the words, put his hand on the black knife, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What you said is reasonable, but it's a pity that I gave it to my fellow apprentice, and it's not the love between a man and a woman as you think."

"Just this one, it's just a casual gift, there's no need for something so expensive."

"Yo yo, that young master is really my good senior brother~"

The proprietress giggled, covered her mouth and said:
"For this brother-sister relationship, please ask my shop to break the price for you!"

Zhu Huan'an frowned slightly, took the rouge and continued to look at it: "It's brothers and sisters, not brothers and sisters."

Smiling in satisfaction, Zhu Huan'an nodded and asked:

"How much silver."

"This is the only one, the original price is 20 taels of gold, today's special price is [-] taels of gold."

"Five taels of silver."

The proprietress looked up, with a look of hell, the two stared at each other, and finally the proprietress asked tentatively:

"What did the young man say?"

"I said five taels of silver, bring me another one."

The proprietress snatched the rouge from Zhu Huan'an's hand and shouted:
"If you don't have money, why are you talking nonsense, see what it is!"

"Yuanzhou No. 81 product, ninety-nine and eighty-one days to make a box, even the dignitaries in the city are hard to find a box, 20 taels of gold you pay five taels of silver!?"

"Are you killing my old lady for fun?"

Zhu Huan'an expressionless: "Eight taels of silver."

"Go, go, what's the point of coaxing you if you don't have money, it's a shame that my old lady gave you a better canary sparrow, you're really blind."

"15 taels."

"make a deal!"

Walking on the road, Zhu Huan'an threw the white jade rouge in his hand and couldn't help shaking his head:

"Jiushu battlefield."

"It's still earned for her."


Zhu Huan'an suddenly heard something. From a distance, the noisy market was in chaos. It turned out to be a group of horses and horses rampaging, ignoring the vendors all over the street.

The laws of Baiqiu City have always been strict, but today there is no one to stop them, instead there are city soldiers guarding them, strict all the way.

Zhu Huan'an's eyes narrowed slightly, his pupils turned into golden colors, and he looked at the chariot and horse.

"Suppressing demon robes."

"Is it Fulongji?"

The two leading Fulong Division masters seemed to be aware of the prying eyes, and suddenly looked coldly, Zhu Huan withdrew his gaze knowingly, and retreated into the crowd.

In the square city, the horse-drawn carriage whizzed by, as if entering the land of no one.

The strong wind blew the curtains of the car, and the people on both sides bowed their heads, only Zhu Huan'an looked up, and happened to see the nobleman sitting among them through the gap in the curtains.

To Zhu Huan'an's surprise, the person inside was not an official of the Shen family, but a young man.

Long eyebrows flying fork, hair like a long sea, and stern side face like frost.

When the carriage drove away, the surrounding crowd muttered something, and each of them started to reopen their stalls and continued to return to normal.

On the other hand, Zhu Huan'an had one hand on the black knife, his eyes followed the carriage's back, and he just stood in the crowd.


In the carriage, there was a cold voice suddenly.

The two Fulong masters tightened the reins, and the dragon-scaled black horse under the crotch suddenly slowed down. One of them turned around and asked inside the carriage:
"Sixth Young Master, what are your orders?"

The gold silk curtain was pulled open, and a figure stepped out slowly.

The person who came was dressed in blue clothes and was tall and tall. Although his face was sharp, it still gave people a sense of indescribable dignity.

Shen Feng looked around the surrounding market, and let out a breath:

"Although it was a surprise visit."

"You should also prepare some gifts."

As soon as the voice fell, someone got off the horse and went to the shops on both sides to search for Liangzhen.

A Fulong Division master took a step forward and said with worry:
"Sixth Young Master, this Baiqiu City Lord has always been at odds with the master, why did he specially pass by here to prepare a courtesy visit?"

Shen Fengchen didn't look sideways, but walked leisurely to the side of the road, and started to pick and choose.

"Then don't let him know."

The two elders of Fulong Division looked at each other, followed Shen Fengchen silently.

As the sixth son became more and more calm, the relationship with the master became delicate.

Fulong Division's neiqing can be domineering outside, except for the main city of Kyushu, the other city lords must be respectful, and even the Jiedu envoys must be ordered to cooperate.

Even so, they dare not forget a premise.

All of this is because of Prime Minister Zuo, and because of the Shen family.

"What is this?"

Shen Fengchen was unbiased, just came to the rouge shop, and picked up a delicate pineapple wood niche.

The proprietress of the shop was hiding behind the door, not daring to show her head. When the nobleman in front of her spoke, she came out tremblingly.

"This is the rouge made by Wei Keyan, a great master in the south of the Yangtze River. It is called the Golden Silk Sparrow."

"There is only one left in the world."

"...Golden Sparrow."

Shen Fengchen recited it silently, with a look of sadness in his eyes.

"Golden silk is like a prisoner, how can a sparrow fly?"

"However, its fragrance is mild and bitter, which is really my favorite. It should be everyone's work."

Putting down the rouge, Shen Fengchen raised his eyebrows and asked:

"What price?"

The proprietress looked at the chilling cavalry behind the young man, especially the pair of white-haired old men who smelled of blood, and quickly waved her hands.

"How can it be."

"Young Master, it's a blessing for the slave family, just take it away, just take it away."

An old Fulongsi sneered, and was about to reach out to take away the rouge, but was pressed down.

Shen Fengchen frowned, and spoke again:
"I don't bother to do bullying, you just need to talk."

"What is the market price, please give me."

The proprietress swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the old man of Fulong Division also said coldly:

"Deaf or dumb, say."

"Five... 50 taels of gold."

Hearing the words, Shen Fengchen picked up the golden sparrow worth fifty gold, nodded slightly to his confidant beside him, then turned and left.

After taking off this valuable rouge, Shen Fengchen's heart was calm and he walked back to the carriage.

To him, fifty gold is just a number.

It is also the value that this rouge should have, otherwise, he would not be interested.

"Everything that is good should have its own value, if it is expensive, it is good, if it is bad, it is cheap."


"Who should I give this rouge to?"

A blue armored soldier stepped forward, clasped his fists and said, "Sixth Young Master, the preparations for the ceremony have been completed."

Nodding his head, Shen Fengchen wanted to get in the car and leave.


Suddenly, he felt something in his heart, stopped, and turned to look at the way he came.

Among the crowd, there was one person who cast his gaze.

This person has orange hair and a shawl, a red cardigan, broad shoulders and a broad body, and he is playing with a white rouge in his hand.

The black knife at his waist was as sharp and domineering as his golden eyes.

Shen Fengchen's long eyebrows subconsciously frowned, his clothes were windless, and he narrowed his eyes.

In the end, he retracted his gaze, lifted his rouge slightly, and boarded the car.

"Let's go."

 People are outside, the computer is out of battery, I finished the second half of the chapter with a small mobile phone, let's make up for it tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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