How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 144 We Didn't Say No

Chapter 144 We Didn't Say No

The night was getting dark, and a ray of dazzling stars passed over Baiqiu City.

The Baiqiu defenders in the East City looked up one after another, unmoved. Although Baiqiu City strictly forbids monks to fly into the sky without authorization, this Xingmang is an exception.

Because this is the supernatural power of the city lord.

The star light slowly fell in front of a secluded mansion, and instantly dissipated into nothingness when it touched the ground. Murong Jingyan straightened her wrinkled clothes, and couldn't help feeling that the feeling of flying was so amazing.

"The coachman seems to be waiting for me to return outside the city lord's mansion, but he didn't give me any money."

With a light cough, Murong Jingyan lifted her foot and walked towards the mansion across the street.

He didn't have time to take care of these trivial matters at the moment, and besides, the money that the coachman collected on the first trip to Zhaoyu Temple was already three times the usual amount, so it would be impolite to pay any more.

"I didn't expect that the Lord Baiqiu couldn't help."

Murong Jingyan walked to the front of the mansion without rushing to open the door and entered, lost in thought, subconsciously began to mutter.

With a slight movement of the shoulder, the little yellow duck also got out.

"From my point of view, it's not that the city lord of Lao Shizi just now can't help, but he doesn't want to help you kid."

Murong Jingyan glanced at the little yellow duck, stretched out her finger and gently flicked its head.

"Since when did you become so smart?"

Pushing open the wooden door and stepping into the small front courtyard, the night breeze blowing the lotus willows in the pond, Murong Jingyan couldn't help closing her eyes, feeling the coolness of the Spring Festival Gala.

"Yeah, he doesn't want to help, and this young master can't force it."

"This person has a high position and authority. I am afraid that even my grandfather should rely on him to send him? My qualifications are not enough."

"Besides, he's not helpless."

Looking around, Murong Jingyan smiled slightly:
"Entering Baiqiu is just my plan and has nothing to do with the building, so he doesn't have to pay attention to me."

"Welcome me into the city, give me a residence, and give me an informant about Hong Chen and a map of Zhaoyu Temple"

"It's considered good intentions, and it's up to me to do it next."

The little yellow duck yawned, smashed his mouth and said, "Just don't cry in bed in the middle of the night, boy."

"And then"


Murong Jingyan raised her hand to interrupt it, narrowed her eyes, and looked in the direction of the main hall ahead, which was her own wing.


"Break ground on Tai Sui's head?"

Murong Jingyan's clothes fluttered, and the red silk on her wrist suddenly swelled, like a red snake under the moonlight, it struck the direction of the main hall like lightning.

Just as Ling Yin Shen Ling rushed into the hall, the paper window of the hall was also smashed open, and a black shadow jumped out and ran towards the wall of the mansion.

His movement technique is quite exquisite, even if the spirit led Shen Ling to follow him, it only slowed down his pace, but failed to entangle him.


Murong Jingyan squatted down with one foot, raised her palm and patted the guqin hanging on her leg.

As the five fingers plucked the strings, there was a clang!
The water in the entire vestibule returned to calm in an instant, and violent ripples suddenly appeared in the next instant, sweeping towards the direction of the man in black with the sound of silk and bamboo.

Immemorial leftover sound, hyphenated zither sound!
The man in black seemed to have a bad premonition, his body was divided into three and fled separately, but the sound of the piano was everywhere, and there was still a scream in the darkness.

Lingyin Shenling disperses a phantom, while Murong Jingyan erects the guqin and takes a step forward.

"Flower picking?"

The zither sound was specially taught by the qin sage Shang Rong before leaving, and the emphasis was on one word: fast!

After all, Murong Jingyan's immemorial legacy has not yet been completed, and she urgently needs a move that can have immediate results. It's a pity that she hasn't mastered it thoroughly, otherwise the power will be even more powerful.

Taking back the red silk, Murong Jingyan quickly walked under the wall, looking at the pool of blood on the ground.

This person has excellent physical skills and the ability to clone himself. Lingyin Shenling chose the wrong target and was escaped by him. However, the sound of broken characters and the sound of the piano also severely injured his legs and feet. I am afraid that he will not be able to appear in a short time.

"The Flower Picking Sect, how could they follow me so quickly?"

Murong Jingyan turned around and looked in the direction of the gate, with some puzzlement in her eyes.


A soft sound attracted Murong Jingyan's attention, and she suddenly turned her head to look at the top of the hall.

"Is it you?"

Under the moonlight, Chen Xiangling was sitting casually on the eaves, when she saw Murong Jingyan found herself, she grinned, stood up on her knees and said:
"Ayan, Miss Ben has been squatting hard for half a day, just waiting for a chance to catch this thief from the Flower Picking Sect."

"Surprised by you like this"

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiangling jumped off the eaves and landed lightly.

Her face was naturally immature and agile, she casually dangled a pack of poison powder in her hand, and slowly walked forward.

"Tell me, how do you compensate me?"

Murong Jingyan shrugged noncommittally, and said with a smile:
"I didn't leave anything here for him to steal. You should thank me for injuring it. Why do you want me to pay?"

After finishing speaking, Murong Jingyan planned to go back to her room, although the sudden appearance of the Flower Picking Sect was surprising, but in the end, she didn't steal anything. It is said that a gentleman is easy to hide, but a villain is hard to guard against.

It is said that the wooden doors and windows of this hall are broken, so there shouldn't be any compensation.

"and many more!"

Chen Xiangling quickly stopped in front of Murong Jingyan, and said:

"Ayan, you are so powerful, you can even fool my father, let alone the Little Flower Picking Sect."

"Besides, you are willing to help Qianrong. It is definitely more reliable to help each other with me than the Nine Provinces League. Tell me the truth, do you want to borrow him to go to the Sword Asking Club!?"

Murong Jingyan stopped, and looked at Chen Xiangling in surprise.

Although Chen Xiangling misunderstood something, but being able to think of this level shows that her mind is not as simple as it seems.

"I don't need the Nine Provinces League to open the back door when I go down to the Sword Asking Club, but you, Xiang Ling."

"Go to the Sword Club too?"

Chen Xiangling nodded: "That's natural, I want a quota in Yandu Mansion, how dare the Kyushu League not give it?"

"Don't worry, the place of the sword-questioning meeting is quite strange, and my father won't find it."

"Since you have a quota, it will be even better. If you help me deal with the Flower Picking Sect and get back my cloth bag, I have many friends in the Dayan Academy. I will take care of you then."

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath, she really couldn't believe how Chen Xiangling's heart should take care of herself in that cruel competition for rankings.

"That's right, Xiangling."

Chen Xiangling hurried up, and the two touched their ears.

Murong Jingyan put the little yellow duck in her hand and caressed it gently, and said in a serious and gentle way:

"About the flower-picking teaching."

"We talked about it, not saying it won't be done, but we didn't say it."

"It didn't say anything! Let's talk about it, it must be something."

Chen Xiangling listened very seriously, while the little yellow duck raised his head.

"Let's say it can't be done. It's not like that. What we talk about is man-made, right. We can find a way, but we can find a way"

"Well, let's do it later."

"Let's come later, let's take a look. I'll tell you about it when it's over, right?"

Patting Chen Xiangling's shoulder, Murong Jingyan coughed lightly:
"Okay, ah, let's do this first."

After finishing speaking, Murong Jingyan looked at Chen Xiangling's thoughtful frown, and prepared to run away.

When passing by Chen Xiangling, the little yellow duck couldn't help but cover her head, and chuckled, it was really amused by Murong Jingyan.

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Xiangling spoke suddenly, making Murong Jingyan smart.

Why is this little aunt still pestering me? She really doesn't have time to help others.

Chen Xiangling turned around and followed slowly, but this time she didn't look at Murong Jingyan, but instead looked at the little yellow duck in his hand.

Seeing Chen Xiangling's eyes, the little yellow duck's eyes suddenly returned to dull, and it opened its mouth and arched and creaked, and looked like a duck with cerebral palsy.

"Quack! Quack!"

Murong Jingyan also felt something was wrong, and was about to put the little yellow duck away, but Chen Xiangling reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Xiang Ling, what are you doing?"

Seeing Murong Jingyan questioning, Chen Xiangling knelt down slowly and stared at the little yellow duck.

Suddenly, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

"Were you laughing just now?"


"You can talk."

Murong Jingyan's eyes changed, she turned her hand and put the little yellow duck away, squinting and asked: "Xiang Ling, what do you mean by that?"

Seeing this, Chen Xiangling smiled, let go of Murong Jingyan's wrist, and slowly walked around him.

"Ayan, the duck in your hand"

"It's the six-seal monster."

 Looking for a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket, please~
(End of this chapter)

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