How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 145 Who the hell are you! ?

Chapter 145 Who the hell are you! ?

In the late courtyard, the wind is late, and the water falls to the flowers.

The faint chill atmosphere slowed down Chen Xiangling's pace, so she naturally felt something.

Murong Jingyan didn't look at Chen Xiangling, but all her energy was locked by her side, ready to strike violently at any time.

How did she know the Six Seals of Warcraft?

Since the first time they met, Duck had never felt the magic seal on her body, how could she recognize it at a glance.
If it's an enemy, how about shooting?
The daughter of Yandu Mansion really wants to kill, I'm afraid there are some means to save her life, most likely she will burn herself, but if she doesn't take action.
"It seems that I guessed it right."

Suddenly, Chen Xiangling spoke, and she walked around to Murong Jingyan, and naturally took Murong Jingyan's hand.

"What's wrong, you want to kill me?"

Murong Jingyan let out a breath, her tone regained her composure, and asked, "Xiang Ling, how much do you know?"

Chen Xiangling chuckled, but did not answer the question.

"Of course I can't tell you how much I know, otherwise you wouldn't even want to use me."

"However, Miss Ben can tell you that the reason why I can recognize the peculiarity of your duck is naturally because I have seen spirit beasts similar to your duck."

Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly brightened.

Seeing a spirit beast similar to a duck may be a mistake, but being able to name the six-seal monster and knowing that the duck can speak human language at a glance, it is absolutely impossible to be a mistake.

She has seen other rune masters?

And that person also told her about the magic seal?

"What is that, Xiang Ling!"

"Where did you see this six-seal monster?"

Chen Xiangling grinned, stepped back half a step and said:
"It's okay, it's not impossible to say"


"I'll help you level up the Flower Picking Sect!" Murong Jingyan said immediately.

If there is anything that has the highest priority in Murong Jingyan's heart, it is undoubtedly the collection of six seals, each seal contains unlimited supernatural powers, and will become more unpredictable as it grows.

The most important thing is that after Chen Xiangling told himself, it undoubtedly meant taking the lead.

After all, he was hunted down by Qu Yong last year because Qu Yong was the first to notice the seal of lust, and if he knew about it first, he could also design and arrange an ambush in advance.

Hearing this, Chen Xiangling laughed, she seemed to know something, but now she became relaxed.

"You said that you can beat the Flower Picking Sect, why do you?"

"I still don't believe it now, hmph!"

Murong Jingyan took a step forward, and gestured towards the hall: "The Flower Picking Sect may have complicated eyes, Miss Chen."


When the two entered the hall, Murong Jingyan closed all the doors and windows, leaving only a weak candle.

Taking off the mask casually, Murong Jingyan's face is even more delicate in the light of the fire, with a fine nose and fine bones, youthful and restrained, still has an unrivaled beauty.

"Miss Chen, if you are willing to tell me who that person is and what happened."

"Not to mention the Flower Picking Sect, even in the sword-questioning meeting, I have the confidence to keep your life safe."

Chen Xiangling raised her eyebrows, although Murong Jingyan's face made her feel good, but she was more curious.

Curious about the 'woman' in front of me.

Once upon a time, she imagined that she could stand outside the high wall, come and go as she wanted, and become a heroine who was loyal to herself.

But when she really left Fengqi Mountain, in a short time, she found that the world was not as smooth as she imagined, and the obstacles encountered on the way were secondary.

The most important thing is that she can't find her way at all.

I don't know what to do with myself.

There are thousands of people in the world, but they seem to be carved out of the same mold. Chen Xiangling doesn't know what is the difference between himself and them when he falls into the world of mortals.

At least they still have to run around for their lives, fight and fight for a book of Taoism, but they have escaped from the rich clothes and fine food, escaped from the Taoist Palace Academy, why are they working so hard?

until she saw someone.

A beautiful 'woman' who made her curious at a glance, but she dared to look at the woman who went to the banquet alone to protect herself from disaster after talking in a few words.

The second time I met, the woman was sitting on a tall horse, opening her mouth to save herself, and I will never forget that look in my life.

She really wanted to know where this guy named Murong Jingyan came from, and why he lived for that energy of freedom.

"Guaranteed me at the sword-questioning meeting?"

Chen Xiangling shook his head.

"I was exaggerating just now. Asking the sword will be intriguing, and all parties will fight."

"No one dares to say anything, and they can really survive."

She looked at Murong Jingyan under the dim light, and quickly looked away.

"As for the identity of that person, I don't know whether I should say it."

"It's like Miss Ben is not sure that you really have the ability to destroy the Flower Picking Sect and survive the sword-questioning meeting."

"If you offend that person because of this, even my father will suffer."

Chen Xiangling showed hesitation, she was about to reveal the secret for a moment, but now she fell into hesitation again, as if she was very afraid of the person she spoke of.

"No, forget it?"

"It's okay if you don't want to help me deal with the Flower Picking Sect. I won't say that name either, so as not to bother you and me."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan put her hands on the table, her face still calm.

"Xiang Ling, this person has a great background?"

"quite big."

"I promise, I have my own means to survive the sword-questioning meeting, and I can eradicate it for you from the flower-picking sect."

"In exchange for that name."

Chen Xiangling was dumb, and sighed quietly: "It's difficult."

"Tell me, what is your method?"

Murong Jingyan straightened her body and said softly:

"However, you have to swear an oath that you must not tell anything about tonight, including the fact that I have the six-sealed monster."

Great oath?
Chen Xiangling's complexion changed, how could she not know how much the Dao Oath would cost, once she disobeyed the gods, it was hard to save, so she must not take it lightly.

She took a deep breath, but nodded in response.

Because she really wanted to know what the Murong girl in front of her would say next, so that she could change her mind.

After Chen Xiangling finished taking the Dao Dao oath, Murong Jingyan nodded slowly, and said:

"I thought that Xiuxian asked, it was just a worldly mortal who put on the fake clothes of a monk. In the final analysis, he couldn't escape bullying the weak and fearing the hard, forming gangs and working for tigers."

"This is because the situation cannot be changed by one person alone."

"To win in chaos, there are only two words, one is wisdom, and the other is people."

Chen Xiangling was slightly taken aback, inadvertently attracted by Murong Jingyan's words.

It is an unwritten rule that cultivators are superior to others, and this is the first time I have heard such a statement.

"If you get the right way, you will get more help, but if you lose the way, you will get little help. If you have no one to help you, you will be like duckweed and have no support. No matter how strong you are, you will not be able to hide your fatigue. What is important is the art of combining vertical and horizontal, and controlling people."

"If it is too strong, it will be attacked by groups, and if it is weak, it will be swallowed and destroyed. If you want to last long, you need to"

"Eat everywhere."

Murong Jingyan smiled and looked at Chen Xiangling: "It just so happens that I'm popular."

Chen Xiangling opened his mouth slightly, blinked and said:
"Do you mean?"

Murong Jingyan stopped talking, but patted a purple gold token in her bosom on the table and pushed it over.

Chen Xiangling took the token and looked at it carefully, raised his eyebrows and said:
"It's the token of the Nine Provinces League, Gan Rong gave it to you?"

"Speaking of it, the Nine Provinces League is the owner of the Sword Asking Club. Although I have a life-and-death friendship with Qian Rong, but at the Sword Asking Club, the imperial court and the cultivation world are at odds, so he probably won't dare to help me."

"You can get his token, which is enough to show the importance he attaches to you. What is the relationship between you two?"

Seeing that Murong Jingyan didn't reply, Chen Xiangling put down the purple gold token, sighed and said:

"Although the Nine Provinces League is now in the limelight, it is too big a step. Not to mention the imperial court, even the famous sects in your cultivation world may not all convince him."

"Even the realm of comprehension is not of one mind, and it's not safe to rely on the Kyushu League alone, Ayan."

Murong Jingyan took out another iron plate from her bosom, and gently pushed it over.

"This is."

Chen Xiangling took the iron plate with surprise in his eyes.

"It's actually the token of Abandoned Sword Villa?"

"I have heard that the Abandoned Sword Villa is the oldest sect in Zhongzhou, and even the Kyushu League does not dare to put pressure on it in Zhongzhou. It is quite majestic in the cultivation world, and we make good friends."

"Besides, there seems to be a peerless genius out of his sect, what's his name, what's that?"

"He gave it to you?"

Murong Jingyan didn't reply, but raised her eyebrows at Chen Xiangling.

After thinking about it again and again, Chen Xiangling finally put down the token of Abandoned Sword Villa and shook his head.


"It seems that you are a monk"

"My lady is blunt. Even if you have the help of the Kyushu League and the Abandoned Sword Villa, the cultivation world will not make things difficult for you, but the biggest danger is the imperial court."

Chen Xiangling bent down and persuaded, "Ah Yan, I'll tell you the truth."

"I heard from my father that the Shen family will take the lead in encircling and suppressing you at the sword-questioning meeting, or else."

There was another crisp sound, Murong Jingyan's eyes were pure, and she just slowly pushed out a bright yellow golden cake.

Seeing this, Chen Xiangling sighed, but when she picked up the gold cake, her pupils shrank, and even the gold cake fell on the table.

"Shen, the personal token of the Shen family?"

"You, you, why are you still in contact with the Shen family!?"

Murong Jingyan on the opposite side just brushed her hair, looked away from the window, and still didn't reply, but Chen Xiangling seemed to understand something.

"Could it be."

"It was given to you by Shen Fengchen!?"

She suddenly remembered that she had seen Shen Fengchen from afar in Fengqi Mountain that day, had the two met before the marriage recruitment meeting?
With Shen Feng's temperament, can he let go of a stranger?
At this moment, Chen Xiangling was in a mess. He picked up the gold cake and looked at it carefully, then put it down again, swallowed and said:

"Since Shen Feng takes the lead to protect you."

"Then it is true that there are not many people in the imperial court who dare to attack you, that's right!"

"How can it be so simple, even if you have the support of two factions in the cultivation world, and Shen Fengshen as a guarantee, but after all, you are relying on the identity of others, it doesn't mean that you can be foolproof."

Chen Xiangling wiped off his sweat, calmly patted the table, and looked at Murong Jingyan.

"The situation is treacherous, if someone wants to deal with you, it may not be necessary to come face to face."

"There are not only nobles from the imperial court, but also senior disciples from various sects in the Sword Asking Club. There are also many evil cultivators mixed in every session."

"As long as you are willing to pay the price, these insidious villains are wearing the clothes of the children of various sects. It can be said that they are hard to guard against. Let's take that moment."

A white token was patted on the table, Murong Jingyan opened her arms and stretched comfortably.

This time it was Chen Xiangling who took the initiative to reach out and snatch the exquisite white token.

The chair behind her fell to the ground, and the whole person stood up with a face full of disbelief.

"Snatch, snatch, snatch."


Chen Xiangling's tone was hoarse, but he was stuck in his throat when he wanted to shout out. His gaze swept over the tokens on the table, and finally his gaze towards Murong Jingyan changed.

It was a mixed emotion of shock, doubt, excitement and even worship.


"Who the hell are you!?"

Murong Jingyan reached out to take the token in her hand, hugged all the other tokens back, and finally spoke.

"These are just the tip of the iceberg, and there will be more and more in the future."

"Xiang Ling, do you now believe that I have my own way to help you deal with the Flower Picking Sect and that big man you mentioned?"

"As for who I am"

Stretching out a slender finger to her lips, Murong Jingyan smiled slightly.

Those long and narrow red phoenix eyes shone with purple light, spiritual and charming:
"It's an unspoken secret."

 Mossy, mossy!
  Ask for a monthly ticket~
  Asking for leave tomorrow to send relatives to the airport can be a blast for another day!
(End of this chapter)

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